
Ecological Awareness Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Learn to think in terms of systems. Develop awareness for the ecological interconnectedness of things."
"With food, I really wish more people would think of feeding an aquarium, not feeding fish."
"The extinction of animal species must be one of the saddest things on the planet, especially if it comes from humanity. Significant ecological challenges have recently led to more animals being endangered by habitat loss."
"We don't need to live in a world where pesticides are used indiscriminately."
"We must accept that infinite growth on a finite planet is suicide."
"You can't feed the population with perac Ure with small scale farming which is of course untrue you can actually vastly improve the productivity of the land around you."
"In a world in which we know more than ever about the ecological damage that humans can do, can religious appeals to morality promote sustainable action?"
"Protecting the environment is probably the single biggest issue that is facing our generation."
"Ecological conversion can restore ecological equilibrium."
"Prepare that feast of delight for yourself while also caring for the ecology of fungi."
"We've got to start to understand that we are part of Gaia... everything affects everything else."
"There's already an ecological apocalypse happening or it's imminent."
"It's going to take a long time. We can't redress 70 years of destruction in four years."
"I don't want to just be preaching to the choir."
"Everything is connected in this web of life, so what I do here has a lot of consequences."
"We are sterilizing the planet on an installment plan. It doesn't mean the end of the world."
"By stopping human activity, we took the cyanide out of the air."
"Tigers have been an endangered species for a long time now. Recently, remote camera traps have captured three young Indo-Chinese tigers roaming around free in the forest."
"The interdependence between human health and planetary health has never been more clear."
"Understanding the uniqueness of places like the Galapagos Islands."
"It's not coming, it's here... we are in the sixth great mass extinction now."
"Thanks for helping to keep the earth a cleaner place to live."
"We only have this one home, and it's an amazing place."
"Plants help convert carbon dioxide to oxygen, just like trees."
"I think if we could just take a moment to recognize insects have motivations that are not even remotely foreign to our own."
"Our well-being is intimately tied with the land itself, not just exploiting its resources for survival."
"Start being friends with the earth. Respect the earth, and good will come to you."
"Did you know without oxygen you wouldn't survive in this world? And did you know that all of the trees produce oxygen?"
"We have to save this planet which we are living in."
"Electric vehicles actually do so much to help the environment, and I care about the environment, I know you do."
"I think primarily because the very same audience that is interested in the internet and monetary experimentation are very sensitive to ecological issues."
"Life is life, whether it's yours, mine, the little fishies, the dog that's laying by my feet, a cat somewhere, a bird in a tree. Life is life."
"Guys, if you ever see bees, please make sure you don't kill them."
"The more animals we eat the more plants are getting harvested so I understand like if we're procuring corn and soy and feeding it to the animals because those still have to be procured and that huge like mass process."
"We're neck deep in the sixth known mass extinction."
"Why classify bison as exotic... the only native bovine to this continent?"
"Humans are sustained by the trees, by the bushes, by the grass, it's still there, you see life was never separate from Gaia ever."
"The folk tales have you had the talk about the beavers and the bees well the bee hives are incredibly useful to them increasing the rate of growth of the crops in the surrounding area."
"This new book is a powerful call to action for environmental repair."
"Collapse is not like the collapse of a building. We're talking about the collapse of ecosystems, collapse of species."
"Everyone else is aware that we are a family of life, that there's a total Symphony going on and we're all players."
"Every space where we can have native plants is a valuable space." - Jack Pizo
"This is the beginning of pollution and harm to our environment."
"I guess honey's partly involved in the process of making flowers. Kind of sad, but anyway."
"The clock is ticking, the sand in the hourglass running out."
"In all of the scenarios I am glad to say that such worlds are likely to be much more ecologically sound and much less bleak."
"...we do live in this ecosystem...we live in a much larger, more dynamic reality than we can sense...we definitely can't ignore it and I think we're to ignore it at our own peril and our own limitation."
"When nature talks, we should listen."
"One of the reasons I feel it's so important to train people in flow, people come to the Flow Research Collective because they want more productivity, better performance, and that's great but what I get in the bargain is increased empathy and expanded ecological awareness."
"Sputnik transformed the planet into a spaceship Earth with a programmed problem. Ecology became the name of the game."
"If we're not engaged with the seasons and the cycles of life, then are we ever going to become ecologically aware enough to live a different story?"
"We cannot solve the problems of our civilization without ecological awareness."
"We're in a bee epidemic, man, they're going away, we need them."
"We do need the bees, we found that out recently."
"Why do you want to plant? Oh, to save the environment."
"Providing context about where you operate... is getting its needs met without crossing ecological or social thresholds."
"We're all gonna rise or sink as a human race, as part of a greater biological organism that is life on Earth."
"Tell them you're sequestering carbon, that's what you're about."
"Think of yourself as an environorganism."
"We're very environmentally aware here; we're very conscious of species."
"Plants are not things. Plants are living, the soil organisms are living."
"We are beings of the earth; we are earthlings."
"...we need to build a radical ecological awareness into the very foundations of science."
"This world is very much about the connection between the human and nature."
"It's not very helpful at all to merely name the symptoms of the ecological crises that the world faces; rather, we need to go more deeply into the human causes of the concerns that we face today."
"I think we have to care about the environment."
"Rachel Carson writes Silent Spring... about the harmful effects of pesticides on the environment."
"Ecological intelligence is recapturing abilities that were always part of the human capacity."