
Game Balance Quotes

There are 474 quotes

"Restoration Shamans are fair; they have very clear strengths and weaknesses."
"I'm excited to see what it does to the meta with these being relevant in the power game again."
"Buff don't nerf. Balance is exactly what we didn't have for a lot of Year 5."
"I kind of think blazes are OP, but maybe that's just me."
"Maxi's effect doesn't seem that overpowered, but it's actually so ridiculously good that the card is banned."
"Before the age of hyper balance, where everything must be 100% even with each other, there are items that only certain professions could use and they'd give you a monstrous edge in both PvE and PvP."
"The year 2016 saw one of Hearthstone's most interesting and controversial balance changes. Blizzard decided to remove an emote, specifically the 'sorry' emote, which was deemed too powerful for mortal hands and deleted from the game entirely."
"It's kind of the perfect balance and for that reason above all else, it still stands as my very favorite game in the entire franchise."
"We discovered the most broken builds you could ever think of."
"Even now towards the end of season two we're seeing that some people are starting to be a little upset of like hey you know these same builds are just killing everything."
"The more diverse and the better truly balanced the game can be."
"Sharpshooter has 200 base toughness in a game where everybody else has a hundred."
"Recognize the importance of balance in a game. A deck that dominates too easily or is too weak can lead to dissatisfaction for everyone involved."
"I've played a lot of games that are competitive and Brawl Stars is balanced, they do a great job."
"Gen 3 starters won as the most balanced trio."
"Hollow Knight rarely feels unfair; it's challenging but not impossible."
"You want to balance for harmony in people's playstyles."
"Every single character in this game is viable. The lowest tier is A+ - it's not low at all."
"This game captures a lot of that search for balance that doesn't make the game's flaws go away, but it does make the game have a unique and potent value."
"It feels like a really nice balance between the actual weapons that you have and the actual enemies and how much they're going to take."
"The armor penetration indicator is bad for the game."
"Helicopters like the uh-1b, Alouette twos, and mi4 are all being reduced below 9.0, getting rid of that previously imposed barrier."
"We don't balance the game around the pro players."
"The system aims to ensure a balanced experience for players of all skill levels."
"I am legitimately stunned by how balanced this entire experience feels."
"The vehicles themselves are fun, a little buggy and overpowered but fun nonetheless."
"Healing Word is very good and obviously has a lot of uses that are tactically advantageous, but is it broken? We don't think so."
"It's broken, it's so broken but I like it so much fun."
"Joker's tether upbeat is broken, it goes really far, drags you down, and you get a full combo off it."
"That's a big nerf and I think appropriately so because this is the best super in the game."
"I think the goal should be to have a healthy balance between the competitive aspect but also, you know, just fun."
"If everything's the same and perfect balance is achieved, I think it just ends up being a bit boring."
"Gary says stuff like 'Hey, don't do this because it will break game balance.'"
"I totally understand why teleport should be nerfed."
"Power play is nothing but completely overpowered."
"Anna's sleep dart feels kind of okay to play with and play against."
"Erisa doesn't just instantly kill you so that's actually kind of nice."
"Until the game Power creeps enough to where he's straight up unusable, I don't think I'll ever stop using him."
"Literally modding in certain Pokemon would add checks and balances to the global server to prevent you from like bringing like a level 100 Pichu with absolute blasted stats to wipe the entire competitive floor with."
"So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, it turns out Age of Wonders 4 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits whatsoever."
"Skill-based matchmaking has been toned down quite a bit in weekend 2."
"The Nexus is the best example that Crytek haven't forgotten how to balance the players' power."
"Will this actually balance the game though you guys that is the question."
"Just because something is OP doesn't mean there's no answer."
"In Destiny 2's pursuit of a more balanced PvP experience... the mighty outliers that made the loot game truly great... it has hurt the game immensely."
"It's all about creating an experience where nobody gets too far ahead or too far behind."
"Dimension Fusion, however, is an S tier. This card is just absolutely absurd."
"Grass Looks Greener, A tier. There should be no card in the game that allows you to mill a third of your deck."
"Zed's pretty close right now. These little buffs we think get him really right in the range of what a good assassin in League can look like."
"This game is perfectly balanced, has no exploits whatsoever and is working exactly as the developers intended."
"The point of creating an item that every champion can buy, but that works better on some champions than others."
"I think there's so many small little things we can do to so many champions that could just make them all feel a lot better and like really wouldn't impact their win rates too much."
"Perfectly balanced as all things should be, welcome to the first ever tier zero format in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh."
"If your build reaches a certain point where the content isn't really content it's just something you have to wander through while your world is destroying everything, that kind of means you're only having half as much fun."
"Game development is done through two ways Nerfs and Buffs. The game is not underpowered if everyone is overpowered."
"Nerfing the character is bad for Tekken, it frustrates the good players."
"Even the worst characters in Genshin Impact are still very viable today."
"FNAF 3 strikes the best balance yet between tension and control… what needs to be done to survive is generally clear."
"This guy is absolutely insane. If you're actually allowed to use this on the field, this would definitely be so overpowered."
"This is a really cool gift tank it's balanced it's so much better than all of those old tier 3 garbage huge respect to you for giving something that is actually really fun."
"If you had eight cards to buff in the next balance update what would you buff and how?"
"Some Slayer Buffs, Slayer actually underperforming on all axes."
"With the floodgate so strong, it was eventually banned in the TCG."
"I think it's not a broken Pokemon, it just makes a player style good, but it makes all play styles good."
"I'm honestly glad that we're getting some of these balances and these changes to the troops that we have now."
"Pathfinder is finely balanced as he should be."
"I would prefer they gave the same love to weak cards as they did to strong cards."
"Spells are in a better spot than melee in general."
"The combat left some stuff to be desired, but the level design fully makes up for it."
"The enemy of a good game system is having to have it kind of linked to this sort of system where we're trying not to break the balance of the game."
"I think the meta position for danjo is in a very good spot."
"In Fallout 4, there are so many perks where there are four or five tiers that you have to take just to be able to fight on a solid footing with enemies at later levels."
"The future of scum: plan to test out all features, adjust or remove if overpowered."
"I don't understand why people don't think this character is broken. This character is insane. They have the best neutral in the entire game. They have an insane punish game."
"Joker is insane... literally the only negative of this character is sometimes he gets edge guarded sometimes."
"I really hope that jumping gets nerfed into the ground here in Black Ops 4 because for some reason all of our characters are Olympic level high jumpers."
"Do you want to know why Zygar's broken? Because there is no clear answer to it."
"It's an MMO, and they have to be balanced. Just because it looks cool doesn't mean it's the best class."
"It's like this has been not balanced at all, Billy should have done long last time, everybody gets faked out by that."
"What's the point of the game being balanced if there's no diversity in the vehicles anyway?"
"You want stuff that has a serious drawback and a serious bonus that way there's actual impact to your decision in using it."
"That's good Stone mantle got nerfed a little bit which is understandable that was kind of op."
"Sandy's new gadget is just game broken guys."
"I know people tend to think the game gets pretty stale without balance changes pretty frequently."
"I would make it a reduction in cost, a rework, so it costs three and it would last much shorter."
"Ball lining increased PV damaged by 30 percent and reduced the Ping scalar on both primary and secondary detonations."
"Darth Traya's Zetas are just so brokenly overpowered."
"Hopeless matches should never take place in my opinion. A match where one team stood zero chance of winning, that's a match that should never have happened to begin with."
"The game feels way more balanced now than it used to."
"If you want to play a more balanced game, play matched play. If you want to focus on fun and narrative, maybe play crusade."
"We're making 10k gold per turn yeah things are going completely wrong here in the eyes of game balance but you know this is perfectly fine in my opinion."
"It's not gonna be a case of 'oh you get the best players and that's just it done and dusted.'"
"Amaterasu coming up next on the buff train, Heavenly Reflection getting a revert in the positive direction."
"Being able to target graveyards, I think that way too much broken stuff happens in the graveyard and being able to spend a single mana to answer that is really good."
"They play with interesting new mechanics while still maintaining that superb balance."
"I've played a lot with the card in goat format and while it is strong and obviously you play it, the reason it was banned is because it creates unfun game states."
"Balancing for the majority of players is crucial."
"I think Blizzard is just too worried about people feeling too strong inside Torgast and then feeling too weak once they leave the place."
"There should be an incentive to try again with a different approach. Game balance is an art but there's room to do this correctly."
"It was close to a perfect balance of a shooter and MMO."
"What's the point in getting my golden sword of Phoenix slaying plus 12 if the game suddenly adapts to that and says, 'Alright, we're not going to give you any Phoenixes'?"
"Now it's like an even playing field for everybody. The enemies deal more damage and you also deal more damage."
"Maru makes it, Maru has been the singular source of terran not getting buffs for so long he's been ruining it him."
"Literally just pretend Loki's not in the game until the change goes through."
"Heimdall is **** insane. He does way too much damage he's way too safe."
"Banning it today would have massive repercussions."
"For every soul ring that's cast on turn one, there's a soul ring cast on turn four that gets somebody back into the game."
"If homogeneity is the only reason that we think soul ring should be banned, I don't think it's a good enough reason."
"A better way than banning cards would be to... create some sort of a rule that makes fast Mana worse."
"The items in this game are actually pretty balanced, in my opinion."
"These elite classes were insanely powerful and often required teamwork to take them down."
"Over actually that ultimately philosophy what he's saying is like make changes faster make the game less dog [] give us more [] to do balance the game a little bit more and uh you know just do it right just do it."
"Resources are still plentiful so very hard difficulty doesn’t transform Forbidden West into a survival sim."
"PVP sandbox is in a pretty damn good state of balance."
"I feel protective of the balance, the loot drops, the economy, the combat systems—all that kind of stuff."
"The game is balanced quite well to consistently keep the player on their toes."
"Supers bring equilibrium between weaker and stronger players."
"You're gonna see a thousand Crow soon here once this update drops with this, because this is broken."
"Can we ban Skull of Gul'dan just for my mental well-being?"
"This gadget is broken it's busted it's redonkulous."
"It's always finding the balance for the players."
"Might just be so strong that it deserves a tier all of its own."
"If Hearthstone had like a million different cards and they were all great, this card would be like the best card in the game because there's no downside."
"This card is virtually unplayable in standard."
"The changes that have been well intentioned haven't really hit the mark and it's left the game in like a super strange state."
"The difficulty level of this game is fair but not too easy."
"Nami is League of Legends' most fair champion."
"Tenth edition does seem to be in a lot better state than it was previously."
"Necrons: Looking fairly fearsome for the cost now."
"If they accomplish their goal of reducing damage spikes in combat, it would slow down the pace of the game and make it more enjoyable."
"She was useless how did it get so bad for her well back in 2011 Evelyn received one of the biggest Nerfs in game history."
"As well our goal there is to address frustration survivors feel when they're dealing with this effect while still maintaining its usefulness for killers."
"This is going to have a long awaited killer update for them looking at a power rework that aims to address frustrations on both sides of the game."
"We want to be able to react quickly to balance."
"You won't have to wait all the way till 7 - and we're gonna nerf some of the meta gods real good."
"The great thing about the balance of Overwatch right now is that honestly just about everything is viable."
"It's gonna feel worse until you get IE, crits gonna suck."
"Cloud strike: players within the radius will still take damage." - Balancing an effective weapon while reducing collateral damage.
"This champion is like actually thanos i don't know what they did with their buffs but like she's the best champion in the game now bro."
"I think they probably will buff it eventually."
"Now, we can actually make it through, I'm pretty happy with the rebalance, hopefully you guys are as well."
"There is no reason this should be banned: Coalition Victory."
"I think Kendrick with this record, with his songs, with his talent and abilities, breathes new life into these ideas in a way that I think no other artists in music or outside of music over the past 10 years has."
"The power fantasy wasn’t there and wouldn’t return until the Whisper of the Worm exotic quest shook the game back to life."
"Breakneck was such an underrated weapon that in today’s game a lot of players would actually like to have it!"
"Revoker was the most annoying to play against for me since it just rewarded missing and led to snipers being a menace in the crucible."
"I think the best thing Wizards could be doing for the format is trying to balance the colors so they're all viable."
"Completed items are mostly the same cost and goal efficient."
"Every item for every champion should provide a primary stat for its primary class."
"An ancient black shadow dragon that can basically turn invisible in the darkness and has assassin levels sounds broken as hell."
"These buffs are just nice reward, I like that they're buffing Blitz."
"How do you balance having a DM PC that feels like a rounded character and not just an extra robot weapon per round with keeping with, keeping your authority out of the parties decision-making process."
"That's a problem everyone. Look at Azerite, look at essences, look at corruptions."
"Tuning in general should be much more on point."
"The challenge scaling of Hell Divers is pretty much spot on."
"Carl went from being completely underwhelming to being arguably the strongest brawler in the game."
"I don't think the game's balance was ever meant to be played this way."
"That ability is kind of busted because, like, it's really hard to miss actually. Yeah, you're right."
"The balance is brilliant and every death here more or less feels like my fault."
"The game really felt like the equipment sandbox was balanced with legendary in mind."
"I also think the game should be balanced from the top down."
"This deck is gonna be nuts... This is at least one small sample of just how crazy and broken Druid is gonna be."
"We've kind of put our foot down and said there's going to be no way for a player to spend money to gain an advantage."
"Buffing some of the super ultra rare uniques to match some of the other existing powerful ultra rare uniques."
"Balance is not worth achieving if it sacrifices creativity, diversity, and uniqueness from the gameplay."
"Chess sometimes hangs on the thinnest of knife edges."
"It's a real mix bag for something that's not on the high end right now it seems to be an attempt at internal balance change when they also need a buff."
"Overall, we're not in a terrible spot balance-wise right now."
"Critical hits are one of the single best tools at keeping incredibly defensive Pokémon from simply running away with the metagame."
"It's really good. This may be the best counterspell they've printed in quite some time."
"Congratulations, you're making this game really unfun for the other team."
"It's just for five minutes this is a very good planeswalker I don't think it's broken."
"Erisa base health increased from 250 to 275. Base armor increased from 250 to 275."
"Power level goes back but satisfaction is here."
"Overall, very positive changes. Great job balancing."
"We've seen the hog drop off the map completely ever since the mega knight came out."
"The Devotion wins and it is the best weapon even after the nerfs."
"New champions are always potentially going to shake up the meta."
"Movement for the team is one of the hardest archetypes to balance."
"You're Reinventing yourself here, you are completely Reinventing yourself, and then you're coming back out in the world being like here's who I am now, Incorporated 2023, September. Like, yeah, you're Reinventing yourself."
"Personally, I think this gun is very weak in core game modes."
"Personally, I feel like this thing did need nerfing, not because I hated how strong it was, but because of the fact that I was upset for all the other amazing weapons in this game that weren't being used."
"I think this card is still incredible, but I don't find it as obnoxious at the table because it doesn't hit creature spells. And I think it's a lot easier to get an agreement out of the table to just cast creatures." - Seth
"Ultimately, Elden Ring puts the onus on the player to, essentially, balance the game themselves."
"When heroes are balanced closely enough, individual player performance and teamwork have significantly more impact."
"I mean that was the problem traditionally with champions like Renekton and Olaf."
"It's kind of like the game right now is in the state where which champion can abuse the OP items the most."
"Core balanced Road issues are fixed making them a pretty fantastic spec."
"Twisting blades also has one of the best passives in the game."
"The game is on a knife edge like that. It forces you to make these very important decisions all the time."
"Balance changes for lower and mid-level players."
"Late-game balance with regards to perception is crucial."
"Late-game health in an RTS is about balancing mobility versus late-game tech."
"Having mid-patch balance changes means that there are things that they think are too powerful or too weak that need to be adjusted immediately for the sake of the game staying fun for everyone."
"This build is totally fine in terms of damage. You are just basically able to negate the one-shot."
"Prevent power-up abuse by ensuring Mario can't cheese levels."
"Sentinels are definitely going to take a hit. They're way too rewarding."
"Finally, Grit saw a massive change to how its effect operated."
"Zilean is considered by many to be the most balanced champion of all time, considering he hasn't received a buff or nerf in over five years—a record never held by any other champion before or since."
"That's absurd! A five and a six-six flyer that draws six when it comes into play. That's like Griselbrand territory! Alright, so, veto's in, Big Teferi onward, Ego's in, Assassin's Trophy in, Spyglass in..."