
Autopilot Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"The wicked cost of experience is that it leads you to be on autopilot."
"The cost of experience across the lifespan is that it leads you to be on autopilot and you become less attentive to new learning events."
"We move in autopilot... but if you move in a way like you're comprehensive, you know exactly what's happening."
"You have to watch for going into autopilot... in this moment, I feel safe."
"You're on autopilot right now, but there's really good news."
"Think of beta 10 as enabling a significantly higher local maximum than beta 9."
"I'd like to find this autopilot mode where it's like, boom, we're here now. Let's just enjoy this journey."
"Or is your autopilot determining your day-to-day? And chances are you are conditioned, you are repeating those same patterns even if you intend to do differently."
"Getting present is like taking your car off of autopilot."
"Autopilot prevents around 40 crashes per day."
"So that's kind of where everything starts going on autopilot and everything just starts clicking."
"Autopilot has been one of the best aspects of owning a Tesla."
"We're making rapid progress on autopilot technology."
"Flight 3597 is cruising at 27,000 feet above Germany as the autopilot flies the plane."
"Probably the best part is the autopilot. Like right now, you can see..."
"I'm so glad that we managed to show off quite a few little issues and also show off some positive things about autopilot as well."
"The more that people use this, the better that autopilot will become."
"The feature that actually moves the needle the most on the Tesla is autopilot."
"The autopilot is on again, thanks CaptainSparklez! You mean Matthew McConaughey."
"This is one of the awesome things about Tesla as well: the cameras for autopilot. There are eight total exterior cameras around the car."
"This is amazing because we really don't want autopilot to fail and when it fails we want to capture it and keep it to that bar."
"The autopilot makes it so much nicer, it's night and day."
"Autopilot is a set of features, safety features, and driving features that help make driving a lot more comfortable, a lot easier."
"Autopilot comes free with every Tesla purchase today and will keep you centered in your lane while slowing down and speeding up based on traffic around you and in front of you."
"Now when it's in autopilot mode, it will steer the tiller and keep us on our correct heading."
"It'd be like being on autopilot for your entire life."
"I had to like let my brain kind of go into autopilot where like my emotions were like hovering above me but my brain was like doing the words."
I wrote the book for me, right? Like, I was like, "I'm just as on autopilot as the next person."
"The autopilot feature just changes the game for anybody."
"Even simple changes require us to engage our brain more, to think more, to get out of autopilot."
"Enhanced autopilot is an upgrade to basic autopilot that much we know."
"I remember feeling very exhausted but numb, like I was on autopilot."
"I feel like I'm just on autopilot right now."
"Think about a dream that you had that you felt was so real you didn't recognize it as a dream, and you were just in it. That's what autopilot is."
"The real a320 has about 30 different autopilot modes."
"One thing you're overlooking is the autopilot. It's highly sophisticated. With a little bit of teaching, I could have you flying the plane off the autopilot."
"It turns out that when I installed the autopilot, I initially configured it for Slow Turning Sails, instead of a normal setup, which caused the computer to continually over-correct each time we drifted off course."
"I really want the autopilot to be available as a reliable helper at the end of a long flight."
"The Garmin GFC 500 and GFC 600 also check all the boxes and they do come with servos."
"The GFC 600 is our top of the line retrofit autopilot."
"...it is basically running a version of autopilot as well there is nothing in here I would recommend you change it this moment in time however this is stuff that you can start to look at in the future..."
"Are you using the autopilot? Are you flying the airplane?"
"The Model X... especially when you turn on the autopilot feature, there's just something really cool about gliding along in a silent high riding spaceship on wheels."
"Tesla's autopilot system, along with Ford's BlueCruise, are under increased US Federal investigations into their operational safety."
"The autopilot on Tesla's unbelievable."
"There's an energy that we all have, that's our base point energy, of how we're thinking, feeling, and acting, that's on autopilot."
"Sometimes you have to put yourself on autopilot, put yourself on cruise control and just let what you naturally know take over."
"Increased connectivity between the autopilot and the fear response leads to a reduced ability to turn off the stress response."
"...the most amazing autopilot I've ever been around, it's just typical Garmin, it does exactly what it's asked of it every time without exception."
"Once you hit six figures, you're on autopilot mode."
"Time goes by quickly not because you're enjoying it, but because you're on autopilot."
"One big difference here is that the autopilot shows my target altitude."
"The reason I think is twofold...the biggest reason why we have habits is that they put us on autopilot and they free up cognitive resources for other things."
"Autopilot is an absolute game changer in LA traffic. Once you've experienced driving with autopilot in traffic, you don't want any other car."
"Autopilot takes away so much fatigue and stress and makes driving that much easier. It essentially just takes away so much of the tedious and strenuous parts of driving."
"I love autopilot as a driver assistant system."
Lots of people nowadays, they say, "What are the pilots doing in the flight deck?" "The autopilot is doing everything."
"If you can reliably take your hands off the yoke to do other stuff, then instrument flying has suddenly transformed into a non-event."
"Benavidez described it as going into autopilot."
"We lost all video at 1.7 miles, so what the drone should do now is go into return to home and fly on back."
"We've gotta take our lives back, we've gotta fire our autopilot because we can be programmed to do things without even thinking about it."
"Understanding and reading this up here is really, really important for really getting a good understanding of where the autopilot is taking you or what your autopilot or flight director is going to command you to do next."
"The auto steer definitely makes a difference."
"Autopilot is just designed to assist you; it will stay within the lanes that it's meant to, it will slow down or speed up based on the car in front of you."
"If you're on say a two or three-lane highway, flick your indicator, it'll disengage autopilot, then you can steer to change lanes."
"Tesla is renowned for its autopilot."
"The beauty about routine is the fact that you develop a habit at this point and you autopilot it."
"Autopilot is the best thing on the planet."
"We often live on autopilot, dictated by routines and expectations set by others, but not by ourselves."
"Tesla's Autopilot is about nine times safer than the United States average vehicle."
"Well Simple is beneficial for anyone who wants to invest their money and watch it grow on autopilot."
"When you loop a groove over and over again, you build that kind of autopilot playing where you're able to listen better and be more aware of what you're doing."
"Every Tesla comes standard with Autopilot for free."
"Yes Tesla you no need to drive yourself, It’s autopilot."
"The ride was pretty comfortable, I thought, right? So autopilot did pretty good, I thought."
"So that pretty much wraps up the GFC 600 autopilot review."
"The autopilot function does take a little bit of the stress away from driving on longer distance trips."
"Most of the time, we're all on autopilot."
"The autopilot has been doing phenomenal."
"Tesla Semi is expected to come equipped with a brand's enhanced autopilot feature as standard."
"When you're on autopilot, you're just playing programs that you picked up like habits."
"What we're testing is can people follow ATC instructions and program the aircraft to land itself just like real life."
"Much of our lives we're on autopilot, and that's for the best."
"This is your very own autopilot ship where you will eat and sleep for the duration of your contract."
"This is an end-to-end system that we've shipped, and since a few months has been running on OpenPilot."
"Have you ever had that experience where you feel like you see everything going on but your body is just like autopilot?"
"The FMC uses the internal and external data to calculate the optimum flight profile and sends commands to the auto flight systems."
"There's no better way to suck the joy out of everything than to just be living on autopilot."
"The more autopilot you make your investing, the better it works for you over time."
"I really get the feeling that autopilot is starting to plan a little bit further ahead than before."
"Autopilot goes a little bit safer, makes sure that they're all completely stopped before it proceeds, and very well done, very safely handled."
"The Tesla semi is expected to come equipped with the Brand's enhanced autopilot feature as standard."
"Most people, like myself, call this autopilot."
"My brain was back into routine, I showered, I shaved, the radio forecasted some amazing weather, I gave Emily her breakfast and I loaded her into the car."
"This is just a dramatically better version of autopilot."
"It's always good to have that stockinette project where you can just go on autopilot and not have to think about it."
"Tesla's autopilot planning system is doing 2500 different path planning searches every one and a half milliseconds."
"Flow is the opposite, it's where you are not thinking at all, it's where you actually let all that deep practice turn into autopilot."
"...we're not the only game in town but... delighted to see the progress in our particular corner of the free autopilot world."
"I remember the first time using autopilot on the Tesla, driving on the highway... it was just so impressive."
"Really quick, autopilot worked very well all the way here."