
Mass Effect Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"I miss the days of peak gaming when Mass Effect was firing on all cylinders and when Rocksteady could do no wrong when it came to Batman."
"Garrus is the best character in the Mass Effect trilogy."
"The hospital scene with FemShep and Thane is, you know, extra heartbreaking."
"Tali's romance is really interesting too because, obviously, she's on her pilgrimage in Mass Effect 1, just kind of like leaving home for the first time."
"Mass Effect 1 perfectly interweaved its current plot and overarching plot in a way that was not only able to expand the world of the mass effect universe but also get us excited as to what would come next."
"The Indoctrination Theory persists over a decade later."
"The launch of Mass Effect Legendary Edition reignited the passion of fans around the world."
"Mass Effect 1 might just be my favorite game ever made."
"Mass Effect 3 actually has a decent gunplay and has a number of different powers."
"The composer who did all the Mass Effect games that we know and love is back for more."
"Mass Effect remains an unsurpassed masterpiece in its genre and one of the best science fiction properties across any medium."
"This is a lot of options and I love the differences between them. Going above and beyond and making sure we get the best of both worlds requires Shepard to do things outside the trial, and unique requirements should provide unique results."
"Layer of the Shadow Broker is easily the best DLC in this game."
"One thing Mass Effect 2 does really well is urgency."
"The suicide mission, the highlight of the Mass Effect series and one of the greatest final missions to an RPG of all time."
"Mass Effect 2 took everything the first game did well and rolled with it." - 2010
"Suffering is required for growth, even in ourselves."
"Normandy, the beacon is secure... it's amazing actual working prothean technology, unbelievable."
"It feels like Mass Effect even with the technology change."
"Mass Effect 2 in my opinion is still one of the best role-playing games of all time."
"Mass Effect was still first and foremost an RPG."
"Ultimately, 'Krogan Sushi' is really only strange for how pedestrian it seems in the grand scheme of the Mass Effect universe."
"Get a sneak peek at the next chapter of the Mass Effect universe."
"It's quite a big deal in the world of video games because Mass Effect is not only a huge franchise but the big thing is the characters."
"The Mass Effect trilogy is my favorite video game series of all time and it's not even close."
"Javik is the last surviving Prothean in existence."
"The Mass Effect series emphasized the impact of players choices and with that the gray nature of morality."
"Samara: we always want most what we cannot have and this is definitely true of Samara."
"Garrus Vakarian: one of the few people to help you on your quest."
"I am the very model of a scientist Salarian. I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian."
"Mass Effect Legendary Edition has been announced... it definitely does look improved with the actual lighting engine."
"Every gamer should at least try playing Mass Effect 2 at least once."
"Novaria... everything that Mass Effect should be, everything that makes it so amazing."
"Another theory posits that McCartney's passing would have created mass hysteria among their fans."
"Mass Effect had a recent facelift in the form of the Legendary Edition."
"The story is the most important part to me in Mass Effect, a lot of people love the RPG elements and everything to it, but really the story is where Mass Effect shines."
"The so-called attraction of gravitation is, according to our present knowledge, a state of space which is caused by masses and which acts upon masses."
"That's how powerful they are, the most powerful race in the entire Mass Effect galaxy."
"It's not about destroying this Reaper, it's about curing the Genophage."
"All things considered, I quite enjoy the intro to Mass Effect 3."
"How Mass Effect manages to make so many different alien species and make them so unique and detailed, they're as unique as all the different countries on Earth."
"Mass distorts space, greater concentrations of mass distort space more greatly," Evening Glimmer knew this simple fact.
"Mass Effect 1's story in one word is dynamic."
"You're a peacemaker, Shepard, a rare thing these days."
"It encapsulates everything that is good about Mass Effect."
"I love Mass Effect, it's no secret."