
Evidence-based Reasoning Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"I want things that are justified by evidence because that is where the rational world is."
"I think we ought to follow the evidence where it leads, wherever that is."
"The proper role of the universities... was that we were going to teach... so that people... would look at Exempla and then they would come to a general overriding conclusion that took the evidence rather than say I have an idea and I'm going to cherry-pick the evidence."
"It's not faith. The idea that dogs come from wolves... this is demonstrable not only through DNA but actually through records."
"The way scientific thinking works is to rip an argument apart until you hit its empirical basis that cannot be taken away because it just sticks to the evidence."
"Isn't this just a God of the gaps argument? We're actually giving you positive evidence for why this seems to be a spaceless, timeless, non-material, incredibly powerful, especially wise mind."
"Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If the evidence is saying something you don't like, then tough. The evidence is the evidence."
"In science, we only say that something can exist beyond reasonable doubt. For example, a very old earth is consistent beyond reasonable doubt, as is agreed upon by literally all geologists, the people who study the earth for a living."
"I'm always willing to take on new evidence and change my beliefs if there's reason to do so."
"That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."
"The absence of evidence where we would expect there to be evidence for a claim is evidence against the claim."
"There is no religious to be we got proven facts they got faith we win every single time."
"That which can be claimed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." - Hitchens razor
"People who actually do like science aren't just going to take your word. You have to show whether you're right."
"Why stop asking questions? And the reason we propose answers is either supported by the evidence or because we're uncomfortable with not having an answer."
"All we're asking is for evidence essentially right?"
"When you trust your gut over evidence, this is the harm of religion."
"All of this rests on the shoulders of that God. If that God has left us with insufficient evidence, that's not a good being."
"It's appropriate to have some degree of skepticism or looking for evidence."
"It's not a belief system... It's willingness to ask questions and allow your expectations to conform to the evidence of reality."
"I think it's about having the evidence for your others and most importantly for yourself right."
"The pursuit of truth must be guided by evidence-based reasoning, logical deductions, and the relentless pursuit of facts to shed light on this intriguing phenomenon."
"Philosophically, we want to use the scientific method... rational objective hypotheses cast against empirical evidence."
"I am NOT a conservative. I am a philosopher which means the only things I want to conserve are reason and evidence."
"If someone says something without evidence, it can be dismissed without evidence."
"Science bases itself on evidence as well as reason."
"The absence of evidence is indeed evidence of absence."
"Facts and evidence must be evaluated by reason... it's consistent with what will lead us to truth."
"All the evidence from every source aligns, whereas believing in creationism requires continuously making up excuses."
"It's best when we adjust our beliefs in accordance with the evidence because if we make wild leaps, we run into massive problems when it comes to social cohesion and ethical reasoning."
"Part of History, part of science is being open-minded to healthy debate and evidence seeking as we work to find the truth together. That's part of civilization."
"The strongest cases are built on multiple forms of evidence."
"You're here to determine if there even was a conspiracy. Cases again can be solved with evidence, they can be solved with lack of evidence."
"You have to demand evidence, you have to demand reason, and if they pull this emotional manipulation moral high-ground nonsense you can't grant that to them."
"The truth of a claim isn't impacted in any way by the number of people who believe it or how strongly they believe it. It's rooted in actual evidence."
"Just because you can't prove it's not true doesn't mean that you can't find evidence that it is true."
"It's not what you think or what you know, it's what you can prove."
"You know, when we're presented with new evidence, we change our opinions."
"Evidence is unifying; opinions and theories divide."
"You need extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims."
"Changing your mind based on new evidence is how science is supposed to work."
"I genuinely do not give a [__] and do not want to waste my audience's time with your speculation of what science might one day prove about God."
"Reality or the evidence must come first before the interpretation."
"Conspiracies harm the actual quest for truth because you have to make sure the evidence guides you."
"Philosophy fills the gaps by actually building sound arguments from evidence."
"The reality of something being true through evidence should not be influenced even though we're emotional beings."
"You need to ask yourself two questions: what's the evidence for and what's the evidence against."
"Computing is about reasons for things and evidence and facts."
"You're taking this one person's word against all of that evidence, even if he's right, does that make any sense?"
"If it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck, it's a duck."
"If you disagree with the evidence in favor of a more sensational idea with no real supporting evidence well it's not really bringing you any closer to the truth."
"Not being able to explain something does not prove that it didn't happen especially when all the evidence points to it having happened."
"What we need is evidence—evidence that should warrant accepting the thing that you accept."
"What makes me accept that evolution is real? Evidence. If you ask me why I do or don't believe in anything, I would say evidence."
"We don't believe something just on the basis of one argument or one reason but a cumulative amount of reason."
"Focus on the facts and the evidence, not on the rumors and the false innuendo."
"If you're a historian and you've got 30 pieces of evidence and 2/3 of them say one thing and not the other, you have to think pretty hard about arguing the other."
"If we ever encountered evidence of what is commonly referred to as a supernatural entity... that would not be scientific evidence of the supernatural."
"...you are literally going for the explanation that you don't have evidence for its possibility over the explanation for which you do have evidence of possibility."
"It's important to verify that your position is built on solid evidence before even considering arguing about that subject."