
Educational Critique Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"This is not patriotism; this is forcing an idea, an ideology, and unethical behavior on people, on children."
"Let's go back in time a little to where this fictitious propaganda was cultivated and implemented into our mindsets as a fact of one-sided historic information."
"Understanding happiness is a feature of doing philosophy proper philosophy philosophy is not just empty theorizing the way they do in universities an important part of philosophy is figuring out how happiness works."
"Modern Western Society has such a low level of financial literacy... even people building in the space have low levels of financial literacy."
"The truth is the civil rights movement was longer, messier, more radical, and crucially was thwarted in more of its aims than many of us were taught in school."
"They’d learn a lot more exploring history than just reading from a modern textbook."
"If any of you out there think that what you're taught in your history books is actual history, you're not understanding the way that history is written."
"Zoom education sucks. Okay? I know my kids have been doing it, and basically, it is homeschooling."
"The true history of the ancient Egyptians is many thousands of years older than what we were taught."
"The natural physics of density and buoyancy was understood and agreed upon for centuries before they changed our textbooks."
"Jack turban studied in our country's most prestigious academic institutions for nearly 15 years and yet knows less about biology than my three-year-old daughter."
"That lack of understanding of pop music is criminal if you're teaching theory or studying it."
"The ignorance that dominates the educational system today, the lack of history, the lack of perspective, it could kill us as a civilization."
"Instead of checking the textbooks to see if our Bible is correct, we need to check the Bible to see if our textbooks are correct."
"I don't want another lesson... I've graduated."
"I'm amplifying it and illustrating the problem by communicating that humans are capable of so much when it comes to entertainment and it is atrocious that we haven't applied this to education."
"Educated black people go to white institutions, learn white theories, and then apply them to demonize black people."
"You want to be mad at boomers? Be mad they kept screeching 'go to college' cuz they were wrong."
"Critical race theory is designed and has effectively achieved not to explain the history of racial injustice, not to reveal the truth about racial attitudes..."
"College is not as good as people think, it's watered down."
"Critical race theory gives us the tools to examine our history in an open and honest way and to fix the parts of our educational system that aren't doing that."
"There is an actual plot to make our kids dumb and unlearned in reading, writing, and arithmetic."
"There's no animals except us and the only difference between us and other animals is we have experts telling kids to sit in desks all day in sunless rooms not moving when they're made to move."
"The curriculum that the Duggars use is incredibly disturbing."
"The entire film... is a diatribe against school shootings and the media coverage of school shootings."
"If people had known the truth about this 56 years ago, we wouldn't be like in kindergarten still."
"Going to Princeton doesn't make you smart. It doesn't mean you learned anything. It just meant you followed the rules."
"The classroom only measures a very small range of successfulness and just because you're struggling in a classroom environment does not mean that you're going to struggle forever."
"There's a filtering system that starts in kindergarten and goes all the way through. It selects for obedience and subordination."
"This is the education industrial complex, where the ones that benefit the most are the universities, politicians, and bankers."
"Any school that is using Applied Scholastics is either a Scientology school or they are being duped."
"It's time to starve the post-modernists at their source and educate students to avoid their courses."
"I'm taking the red pill. I'm questioning the official narrative, thinking of alternative ways to envision society and education."
"Learn how to cut hair. Haircuts can be expensive, but you know whose haircut I don't spend money on? My kids."
"This anti-historical trash is being taught in schools as though it were history over the disputations of academic historians."
"An abject failure in all respects and has no place in American schools."
"It's funny how our schools and colleges have always taught us what to study, when to study, where to study, but not how to study."
"Victoria recognized that her traditionally female education had ill-prepared her for the demands of government affairs."
"Otherwise in that, your children will leave from home dumb, dumb. Yes, they will homeschool dumb home. That's right."
"Since you do not go out and look for your history, you take which is given to you and you think what is given to you is what you're supposed to get. The enemy will never, alright? You know what? I enjoyed that so much, let's play one more clip."
"Our responsibility as students to question our education."
"Barely literate America needs better schools."
"It's deeply embedded curiosity and unfortunately that's not taught in school."
"The for-profit college industry is not a way to do that."
"90% of traders lose. Most people who teach are just snake oil salesmen."
"The history of our world is nothing like you've been taught."
"Teaching kids that they are victimizers or the victimized is a form of emotional and intellectual child abuse."
"We hate what they say, but we believe in their freedom to say it."
"Experience teaches you a lot more than just a degree."
"If your teacher has weak pedagogy, then that teacher may need to find another profession."
"Exploits the poor, reducing or weakening health programs, regimenting Mass education for an insecure Workforce."
"I mean nobody knows history the way you do... schools didn't teach us this history."
"The reality is, not only are psychedelics not bad, but they are actually 180 degrees opposite."
"The school system in Kentucky is really bad. It's horrendous."
"School will never teach you the most important subjects: mental health, how to build mental strength, how to develop emotional strength and resilience, how to become self-sufficient, and build an income for yourself."
"Don't let the school make a fool of you, because the teachers may be fools too."
"The narrative that we're taught in schools that people in ancient days thousands of years ago were primitive... It's going to blow y'all away, I'm telling you."
"The narrative that we're taught in schools... It's going to blow y'all away, I'm telling you."
"The Earth being a globe? Absolutely nuts. Those ideas are pumped into everybody when they have PE brain as children."
"The education system sucks let's just be real."
"It's okay that you find these new things scary. You've been told your whole life that we're disgusting creatures that want to indoctrinate your kids."
"Remember my grandmother saying to me, 'I don't care what they tell you in school, Cleopatra was black.'"
"The education system of white America that it has set up for its slaves prepares them to march dead straight into prison."
"This divide between STEM and humanities is such an artificial and ideological disciplinary divide."
"It's vile, it's disgusting, and you must get your children out of public schools." - Dave Rubin
"Grades are substitutes for real evaluation, they shortchange both teachers and students."
"I bring up for my class all the time... All the ones that are popular that have been heard of are outside of the amdr." - "So I'm really not sure what purpose the amdr serves."
"The education system has produced... students with a very low quality of Education."
"Real power will always come from self-education, not a college education."
"An impassioned call for a return to reading poetry... chuck out the ways we've been taught to think about poetry in school."
"One of the main skills that an academic education teaches people is the ability to talk about subjects they know barely anything about while sounding like an expert."
"I think the whole labeling of people is just the mass generalization and dumb ass education of humanity and society."
"I cannot stress enough the extent to which everything you learned in school was taught to you incorrectly as a joke."
"School teaches us to be an employee, not how to become wealthy."
"Why is it that education in the United States today is in so deplorable a state?"
"Tradition will never graduate you from where you are to where you need to be."
"No free thinking in schools, it's all programming."
"We want to make all kids equal by making them equally stupid."
"I don't favor paper and pencil tests for assessing the intelligences."
"Ain't gonna be given to you. School system ain't gonna give it to you. The job ain't gonna give it to you."
"The LIE of college... you are better off doing something on your own."
"This is not history. That's not the history of our country. That's not a discussion about racism or even racism in America. That is racism. It's racism being taught to our children."
"Privately run for-profit colleges like DeVry University are outright scams that are taking advantage of high unemployment in the U.S. today along with the government's willingness to give out easy student loans."
"In more traditional types of language teaching, there is a separation."
"The SAT is the worst system of predicting college academic and occupational success that we have except for all of the others." - paraphrase of Winston Churchill
"Critical race theory is an insidious and corrosive idea being taught to our children."
"This whole model that is our schools is new, and I don't necessarily think that it's working for everybody."
"If a single teacher can't teach all the subjects, then how do they expect a single student to learn all the subjects?"
"I failed to see how a trainer popping up out of the water on the rostrum or on the back of an orca tells you anything educational or anything in terms of conservation about these animals."
"But nobody teaches that at school, they teach you nonsense about all sorts of stuff."
"School is a place to learn, but it has nothing to do with life."
"This was the stuff that you read and consumed, not the garbage that you're reading in high school and college."