
Physiological Response Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"The amazing part is that our brain is also imposing those back down onto our bodies, so the way in which our body reacts and is modulated in response to mental states is also very real."
"Physiological sighs, that double inhale followed by an extended exhale, done just one or three times seems to be nature's way of taking that sympathetic stress response and balancing it with a more parasympathetic relaxing response."
"It's designed to get us the hell out of harm's way and back to homeostasis."
"Eating something sour can trigger saliva production...which activates our parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for relaxation."
"A 'frisson' is more than the tingling in your spine; while that chill is happening, the electrical conductance of your skin increases because of small changes in your sweat glands."
"If you get gurgling, that normally means that the parasympathetic nervous system is engaged. What it means is the receiver's gone out of fight-or-flight, the body's gone to digestion, rest, and repair."
"Your body immediately reacts physiologically; heart starts beating faster, blood's redirected to different organs in your body, your mouth gets dry, your knees get weak, the butterfly in the stomach, your palms get sweaty."
"Why do we love being scared? Is it the way our hearts pound in our chests, the mixture of curiosity and revulsion?"
"I don't know, that's what I said, but my heartbeat was actually getting faster and faster."
"Fear makes a human body start protecting arteries."
"It's the same chemical response, whether you're scared in a horror movie, about to be the victim of a crime, or on a roller coaster at Disney World."
"When you skip a meal, you kind of get this biting feeling."
"It's the music matches the movement of the heart."
"Tiredness is an emotion, and that may sound kind of weird, but remember that emotions are not just psychological things; they're physiologic things too."
"We're all a little different in how we respond to nasal breathing."
"Your testosterone actually spikes when you hold a power pose."
"The hairs on the back of your neck completely stand up, it's like that fight or flight response."
"The pump is what you feel when you work out and the muscle fills with blood faster than it gets rid of the blood."
"Now, in the presence of heart failure, in order to counteract the effect of falling cardiac output and thus reduced perfusion to vital organs, the body will try to compensate via two tightly regulated mechanisms."
"Fear is a physical state in your body that is exactly the same as excitement."
"Out of all the species out there humans are the only ones who can blush it comes from a rush of adrenaline when you see your face turn red know that your stomach is turning red too how weird is that."
"We got three stressors physical chemical and emotional the trip is the body responds the exact same way to all three."
"The adrenaline... The adrenaline! The flushing of my face!"
"The ginseng group lasted the longest, ultimately had the best pain tolerance, and even had a lower heart rate than all the other groups."
"There's actually endorphins in our body that are actually released the same ones that were released if we're working out!"
"Fear gets activated in your body, making your heart race, making it hard to breathe, making you sweat, making you shake."
"I was suddenly and inexplicably in full fight or flight mode."
"One of the biggest things I didn't expect was the dopamine and the adrenaline that lasted for days."
"It triggered my body to have like a chemical reaction, you know?"
"One of the interesting things that is possible by changing the mitochondrial DNA copy number, you can have a tremendous physiological response in a very short period of time."
"Anxiety is part of the fight or flight response, so we would expect somebody experiencing anxiety to be experiencing symptoms of HPA axis activation."
"Adrenaline is high, oxytocin is pumping."
"So once the gaslighting and minimization began on top of the betrayal, that's when I started to feel physiologically sick. My stomach felt nauseous, my throat tightened up, the tears started to come."
"I've been looking into how the food industry helps partners up, and tonight, I've seen how our bodies are pre-programmed to react to sugar, fat, and salt, making a lot of junk food irresistible."
"Yawning, even forced, may help with focus and attention."
"Adrenaline does incredible things."
"And so, you know, if you think about it from a mechanistic standpoint, like, what any entertainment experience is physiologically is it's basically taking the brain and the nervous system on a roller coaster ride."
"That level of anxiety really does reflect the fight and flight response."
"You should be feeling a lot calm now, your heart rate should be down."
"What does that rapid drop in blood sugar do? Makes you hungry."
"Testosterone increased by 25%, cortisol decreased by 10%, and risk tolerance increased with 86% of participants choosing to partake in a game of chance."
"Adrenaline dumped into Derek's veins."
"Your body is going to respond. You can't control all the physiological responses."
"The so-called Pinocchio effect is that the nose tends to become engorged with psychological stress."
"Most medications that are given for blood pressure tend to reduce the systolic and the diastolic as well but they may not actually reduce the pulse pressure."
"Anxiety is the name that we give to how we experience all of those physical changes."
"Your stomach lining blushes when you're embarrassed."
"His heart suddenly started pounding frantically."
"Now when a human is feeling the love, a few things should happen. First of all, their heart rate should go up."
"Neil Armstrong's spiking heart rate."
"When you say something uplifting to another person, your vagal tone goes up."
"The drive to breathe doesn't come from our oxygen levels dropping, it comes from our carbon dioxide levels building up."
"Changing thoughts has a direct impact on the physiological response, the urges, and behaviors people experience."
"The sympathetic nervous system is fight or flight, and parasympathetic nervous system is rest and digest."
"Turkeys can blush when excited, angry, or sick."
"Epinephrine can rescue me today, tomorrow, next year, next decade, etc. My body will never get used to it."
"We are one dance party, experiencing physiological arousal, a gratitude practice extending ourselves to everything."
"Your body's automatic reaction to fear is the same as your body's automatic reaction to excitement."
"Adrenaline is responsible for the fight or flight response."
"Pupils dilate... gets more light into the eyes and more likely to be able to detect whatever it is that just gave you a shock."
"My heart began beating like crazy, and my breathing intensified."
"High arousal is something like anxiety, anger, like your body is kind of buzzing with energy."
"That's the way that our body tries to compensate for high blood pressure."
"Physiologic responses go beyond the production of vitamin D when the skin is stimulated with UVA radiation."
"When a person experiences a perceived stressor... there is a psychological response and a physiological response."
"Physiological fevers don't cause harm. Your body is not interested in hurting you in that way."
"Smile, as the muscles of facial expression change, we actually produce endorphins and dopamine in our body that makes us happy."
"Both hot and cold... are nudging some of the same pathways in the same direction."
"The distinction there is that trauma is not the adverse religious experience; it is the physiological response that our nervous system had to the adverse religious experience."
"Trauma exists in the physiological response to the events that we're experiencing."
"It's normal for your heart to be beating; it's normal for you to have some chemical energy in your body."
"When you're lying, your pupils dilate and your heartbeat quickens."