
Literary Criticism Quotes

There are 202 quotes

"The fragility of their heroism draws attention to the fact that the very concept of 'good guy' is an inherent fiction."
"Shakespeare was an excellent critic of his era."
"Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal. Bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different."
"Sometimes there's professional writing that reads like fan fiction and it's not always a bad thing."
"Curiously for a text which has gone on to become one of the most instantly recognisable works of the last half a millennium, the Prophecies were not initially well received."
"A Mary Sue isn't just a character, it's ultimately a product of bad writing."
"There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book; books are well written or badly written, and that is all."
"Demon Slayer's author treats demons poorly, with only two on cover volumes."
"I enjoyed the first 50% of this books I feel like for the most part it was within the same style of the first three books I read I think what I'm struggling with this."
"Hickman continues to build on the arrogance of doom."
"If you know anything about Stephen King's books, something that he is constantly being criticized for is that he has a great build-up and a great story but it says endings that usually suck."
"This, for the record, is the worst adaptation of Phantom. It's the worst one."
"But yeah, that's the thing, outside of those criticisms though Paolini has definitely improved as an author."
"There's a lot more to these characters in Outsiders than what I'm about to discuss."
"Sure, sure. Yeah, by the way, the book is being covered as a wonderful piece of literature. That's how they're covering it. Hunter Biden bears his soul, bears his soul. That's the story."
"Atricious, atricious is what I would call that book."
"The vague disappointment was from the wasted potential of a plot point that has had a whole lot of build up."
"Wow, wow, wow, from alienating her entire fan base to inspiring hundreds of authors to come together to condemn her words, J.K. Rowling is truly the biggest villain the fantasy genre has to offer two years in a row."
"Why does it have to be a monster? Why can't it just be a book? What dickhead troll of an author decided to write this book and then enchant it to deliberately f*** with anyone that read it?"
"Twilight is not good, it's a love story about betrayal and treachery."
"April May is such a delightfully awful main character. I loved her and I loved to hate her."
"An exquisite example of literature's saddest white people."
"It's a win-win so let's dive in with one of the most depressing books I've ever read."
"And the writing is just stunningly beautiful."
"The end of the fucking world is a perfect example of how to do adaptations right."
"I'm really tired of people acting like it doesn't have any good writing qualities whatsoever."
"This chapter was refreshing after the repetitive last chapter."
"That's really what's at the heart of the book and what's really pissed off your critics Louise when truer words were never spoken."
"J.R.R. Tolkien did think of individual people as first and foremost identified by their race and ethnicity."
"These movies disrespected the original books. Blatant disregard for the characters, the plot, the rules of the universe."
"I think regardless of whether you enjoy the book or you don't, objectively speaking, all the characters here were written so much better than how they were portrayed originally."
"If Wolf Eye focused on a smaller number of factions and delved deeper into their stories, you could have arrived in a more convincing and immersive world."
"The tone of the story feels grounded and deliberate far from its exciting adventurous contemporaries."
"This is a book that people love to hate because Harry is dealing with PTSD."
"Westeros... Probably the best of the eight here."
"It is a truth universally acknowledged that any tall man in a romance novel must be in want of a tiny petite colorful clothes-wearing girl as are the rules for romance novels."
"In the end, Missourina Falls proves to be a very tightly woven and logical story that has a sensible answer for nearly everything."
"I improved it, I took a book that is supposed to be perfect and with the addition of two words I made it better."
"Feel free to disagree with Tolstoy because everybody does a little bit."
"The conflict in this book felt very realistic given the things that we know about all of our respective characters and side characters."
"Even though she had some issues with the book, she thought that it was a very in-depth history of the Runaways."
"Lord of the Rings can be for everyone, not just those who've read the Silmarillion, own the books, or played 100 of the video games. However, The Rings of Power is not for everyone."
"For me, it makes the deaths that occurred during the war and the victory at the Battle of Hogwarts feel a little pointless."
"The heterosexual romances of The Lord of the Rings will leave one feeling as dry as sandpaper."
"The atmosphere, the message, the world building, the writing style. I can't even give it a book review because there's simply nothing to critique."
"One argument for objective literary merit is the aspect of timelessness and whether one can relate to the characters in a book regardless of what time and place they happen to be living in."
"Abigail Shrier's book 'Irreversible Damage' actually has won an award for the world's worst book to ever be written."
"The failure of poor films is often precisely an exaggeration and intrusion of unwarranted matter." - J.R.R. Tolkien
"Bookworm's story poses some really refreshing questions about the isekai genre."
"Magic itself is a trope, but there are so many sub-tropes revolving around magical systems or magical creatures, and sometimes they're the worst."
"Nothing about Sauron comes across like an anti-villain. Wanting to set things in order without any concern for how it affects people isn't a good thing."
"But I at least wanted to take this opportunity to throw my shield up in defense of this book because I think there's so much that it did right."
"A negative irony corrodes the ideologies of his time, criticizing the realistic pretensions both of romantic sentimentality and naturalist determinism."
"Congratulations Chesterton, you played yourself."
"The worst part of the Order of the Phoenix is, well, the Order of the Phoenix."
"Horror still needs all the things that make stories great."
"As bad as writing is nowadays, it is sad to see one of the greatest of all time, a goat for Doctor Who, pass." - YouTuber
"If Lolita isn't a bad horrible no good disgusting book... what's it trying to say?"
"We have culturally failed Lolita over and over again for the same reasons Dolores Hayes was failed."
"The quality of the storytelling in the world is getting better by far."
"If an ambiguous ending is nothing but annoying and unnecessary, leaving me with only tedious and mundane questions, I don't want it."
"You cannot finish a story like Game of Thrones. What made him brilliant was the way he took the necessary inspiration from the lord of the rings to write the opposite story to the lord of the rings."
"Being well-written and being overpowered Done Right are two completely different things."
"The main problem that I had with them was that the supernatural conflict was somewhat interesting yet it always got shoved aside in favor of teenage angst."
"There's a line between 'this is the way it is' and 'the world is how it is because the author wanted to get away with stuff.'"
"To have the end buried in the beginning is the utmost accomplishment of drama."
"What if we actually can't know if an author's being authentic?"
"Alan Moore has written some of the most critically acclaimed works of the industry, probably most recognizably Watchmen aka Citizen Kane for superhero comics."
"I knew that it had to be good and you know what you bitches were right because this book Evelyn Hugo is just very nuanced and real and just has set a high caliber of how characters should be written."
"Critics have influenced is you have to care what a critic says if you want to sell your books."
"Good writers, good people can write bad prose."
"Neil Gaiman at least in this book is just so expert at like creating heart strings you didn't know you have and then absolutely just ripping them to shreds but it's fine."
"Le Guin wasn't afraid to write a flawed character and she has a real talent for character growth as well."
"Standards are a good thing; art can be judged objectively. There is such a thing as good writing, as distinct from such a thing as objectively bad writing."
"It's endemic of the way that Game of Thrones is written that there is no Victor loss here."
"I actually really liked this book. I gave it three stars."
"I don't think Harry Potter is ruined by Jo Rowling simply because I don't think Jo Rowling's powerful enough to ruin Harry Potter."
"I've talked about this before every time I review children's books on this channel but when I'm reviewing a children's book I come at it from the perspective of one as a children's author myself."
"The canons of narrative in any medium cannot be wholly different, and the failure of poor films is often precisely an exaggeration and the intrusion of unwarranted matter." — J.R.R. Tolkien
"Characters should be allowed to be problematic. That's part of what makes them interesting."
"If a book can trigger such extreme responses on either side of the spectrum, then that's the sign of good writing."
"A relentless revolutionary assault on the conventions of bourgeois drama."
"The characters remarkably well drawn and supported and written with great spirit as well as vigor."
"One of the worst books in general I've read."
"The old Kai's dialogue is misinterpreted and should always be analyzed alongside the rest of the Dragon Ball manga material."
"Every great male author I admire inevitably turns out to be awful to women."
"The underlying Concepts and political ideology within 1984 of anti-authoritarianism is Splendid."
"Unlike some of those he inspired whose characters were defined by their shtick and their self-righteousness, Scott's heroes were always flawed."
"An example of great writing even if you personally do not like what Category became or how that influenced the story."
"It doesn't actually matter what the story is or like how good the quality of the book is."
"I actually finished it a few days ago but I have not talked about it yet I ended up giving this four stars."
"A trope becomes a cliche when it's overused."
"If it's completely 100 false, it is a magnificent piece of science fiction, one of the greatest science fiction books."
"America began with the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts in 1620."
"It's rare that when I finish a book I can only see the things that are wrong with it."
"Everything he's touched without exception is, in my opinion, worth the read."
"It's a shame that gutter trash like Twilight or Divergent will eventually have people hailing them as classics."
"I enjoyed it, but it had some distinct parts, like Lizzie being very analytical."
"The construction of these circumstances revolving around 'Dry' were really well done and much more developed than I expected it to be."
"Pierce Brown has really perfected his ability to just continually ramp up the stakes, and Dark Age did feel like the weightiest of Red Rising yet."
"People find that upsetting even though the books have been around for like 30 years. It's not right because you shouldn't tell people that aren't disabled that magic can heal them."
"I believe that Kubo consistently writes her very well despite being stubborn, set in her ways, and strict when it comes to her duties."
"Even with the praise that it had been given I thought they were being too generous and they probably are but it's not by much."
"There's no perfect book... but I will always say there's no such thing as a perfect book."
"Diddy's letter was well written; there was nothing wrong with it."
"It's amazing how a writer could so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination."
"Ayn Rand works perfectly well in a novel. I don't think it works in that same way with real life."
"Auburn's daughters deserved better characterization."
"Now the most successful writers make the biggest complainers."
"Melville was the greatest of the American fiction writers, and at his peak, he produced this novel, the greatest American novel."
"Nobody could read her work and think that this is racist work. This is just about humanity and how to make humanity feel better and do better and prosper more."
"If you've seen a certain ending, you can honestly tell what the storyline is about."
"No, I don't rule anything out. I'm not... I'm not... there's no philosophy there, just try to, like, books people like. A brilliant metaphor! I mean, well, thank you. I am known for them. You are actually really good at those."
"Chekhov's gun principle: if you show something, it has to pay off at some point."
"His books do not call to me. To this very moment, I cannot understand why his books are so celebrated."
"I don't hate Cassandra Clare's books specifically although I do. But it's more that my frustration came from the whole young adult genre and they're just the books that took the hit for it because they're a good example."
"I think Poe was seen as this incredibly entertaining and dark brooding but also very original talent by this very elite almost untouchable group of literary personages."
"If we're going to stand 10 toes down in the reality that we think that works written by women that are directly for people who are marginalized gendered that it doesn't get seen as literary and we're fighting against that."
"We should evaluate writing on its own merits, determining whether it is good or bad regardless of what we think of the show's message."
"Is there anything more controversial than disputing something written in the most successful and beloved book in the world?"
"Most protagonists are chosen ones to a certain degree, but how they get to this point and how they react can save them from being Mary Sues."
"Hamlet: Poem Unlimited found that in writing Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human, he had so much more to say about Hamlet."
"P consciously follows the J and E text."
"Mickles is perhaps the most challenging author of this period for us to read because he just calls the entire project of political idealism into question."
"Pale Fire is seen by many as a masterpiece."
"Some of the writing that people consider good has no content."
"Crane is full of mixed metaphors; you're not supposed to mix your metaphors and he does, all the time."
"For everybody on their high horse about this is like the greatest crowning achievement in literary history, it's real good, it's real fun, but even Alan Moore is like, 'Get off your [ __ ] high horses!'"
"It's a very obvious scene because John two is way less sophisticated to writer than John one."
"Literary scholars looked at the book. Do they... and how do they evaluate it? They value, it's not any good."
"The best of traditional literary criticism however anti-theoretical it may be is that it does in its own way savor that dimension of criticism."
"...literary criticism is all that can be directly taught."
"Anne’s work, more than any other scholar, led to the resurrection and subsequent resurgence of important studies of neglected women writers."
"Don't assume just because you look back there you see that I'm a huge Stevie King honk that I cannot have a critical eye while reading a stories."
"The egotistical sublime of Wordsworth and the negative capability of Shakespeare."
"Wordsworth was called by Kid a semi-atheist and yet it's he above all who gives us intimations of immortality."
"...makes it a sort of odd book, I think if he were to disavow any of his books, it would probably be that one."
"There's a difference between something being a masterpiece and just a really well executed piece of genre fiction."
"It's just interesting that like Stormlight is not real and Brandon is trying to have a fully fleshed out world but even though these books are enormous it is still not fleshed out enough and like it can never really be."
"Those who uphold the distinction prefer to call the inferior class popular, common, commercial, cheap, trashy, or the like, and the superior class literary, classical, serious, or artistic."
"Most people who are writing on John I feel don't know how to read well, this is more literary, it's not history."
"Grandpa Joe from Willie Wonker and the Chocolate Factory was the bad guy if he could dance around the house with joy because of free chocolate."
"He's probably the only person who ever gave Hemingway such tough love advice and survived to tell the tale."
"Losers and winners doesn't actually refer to my favorite and least favorite characters but actually characters I believe Kubo treated well in the Thousand-Year Blood War arc and those that weren't treated so well."
"I think somewhere in here we have to make a transition and at least play with the idea that the Derrida interpretation, the postmodernist interpretation of this essay has some appeal or makes some sense."
"This is the greatest novel written after World War II. I think Joyce's Ulysses and Finnegan's Wake are the two greatest novels of the first half of the 20th century. This is the greatest novel of the second half."
"A beautiful book cover isn't going to cut it if the story is crap. I've read so many books in the past few years that have had beautiful stunning covers that have just been like so amazing and then you get into the book and it's just like a mess, a straight-up mess."
"It's funny though because it fixes the popular criticism of the writing in the original Twilight book, that Bella is unnecessarily verbose, that she doesn't talk like a real human being."
"The rock of Shakespeare's reputation stands Foursquare against the winds of time but the waves of criticism beat perpetually about its base."
"I've got to say that the more that I've read from Quang, the more some missing elements have stood out to me."
"When we undertake a Marxist Literary Criticism approach to a piece of culture, then, we're fundamentally viewing a piece of culture as a piece of evidence about the society that produced it."
"Booktubers should read just as many books that they enjoy as they hate."
"I really try not to say that books are bad. I try to point out some of the positives."
"I love Shallan, I know a lot of people have said that they felt like she's gotten more annoying ever since the first book."
"The wonderfully awful Mrs. Elton, who is a fabulously hideous character."
"A good literary critic is not concerned with what a poem says but what it is as an individual entity."
"The contribution of new criticism that still lives on decades after its demise."
"One of the fundamental preoccupations of feminist theorists was the discriminatory representation of women in literature produced by men."
"A wildly intrusive narrator, a complicated twisting of relationships among the central characters, a savage sense of the failings of the world in which they all live."
"The strong connection between psychoanalysis and literary theory has continued well beyond Freud."
"We will try to see how the different waves of feminism have impacted literary theory."
"The longer I shopped at Whole Foods, the more I thought that this is a place where the skills of a literary critic might come in handy."
"Fantasy author George R. Martin expressed dissatisfaction with how the writers handled the ending of TV series."
"One doesn't set criticism of Dante to those who've never read a word of the Commedia."
"...new criticism is the literary product of this fragile human being who has been shorn of all certainties of the world that he knew of by the destructive torrents and explosions of the First World War."
"...the real basis of literary criticism is the literary text itself, constituted simply of the medium of language, of words on the page."
"Books of criticism are born offering themselves to be read in the same manner as the strictly literary work."
"This is vampire fiction before it got hijacked by the YA crowd."
"We need to talk about what critics are saying is one of the earliest forms of modern feminism."
"In your labyrinth there are three lines too many," he said at last. "I know of a Greek labyrinth which is a single straight line."
"If you look at the field of literary theory comprehensively as a whole, you will perceive four different centers around which the various theoretical schools revolve: the author, the text, the reader, and the context."
"Much of the 20th century literature criticism emerges as a direct opposition to the author-centric theories of the earlier period."
"Does author intention matter? It does, but also does modern interpretation matter? Yes, it does."
"Using the word 'stolen' as a means to describe the widely conventional literary activity of transcription, development, and adaptations of earlier traditions prejudices his audience to make a qualitative judgment about the phenomenon of what scholars call intertextuality."
"How on earth do you manage to write coherently for 20 minutes about one poem, show what genius you are, and then for 20 minutes about another and somehow compare them?"
"When texts are actually explicitly commenting on another one, they're opening this dialogue between them."
"This period certainly laid a marked foundation on the growth of the literary criticism of drama."
"Reviews are not for authors... they're for the readers."
"The book as a whole is about representation and taking old classics that people of color were missing from due to white writers not including them."
"There was a consistent marginalization of women writers in literary canon."
"The Lord of the Rings is influential but not that good compared to other books."