
Personal Understanding Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Understanding ourselves requires a level of examination that is healthy."
"Understanding yourself is the beginning of wisdom."
"It's more important to know the person who has the disease than the disease the disease itself."
"We need to do a better job of understanding where we are as people before we make these decisions."
"I definitely understand why people advocate for it."
"It's all about understanding yourself and then understanding how you fit in society."
"Already thinking we together I can understand that I can understand how everybody's going to come at it you know like yo but you can't be mad you can't worry about what people going to say."
"You don't have to heroically heal from everything, you just need to accept it and understand yourself."
"Thought experiments are ridiculous, but they help you understand yourself."
"You really don't understand until you have it."
"It's very important to have a co-founder that understands your personal life and your turmoils."
"You need to know your skin. You need to understand it and then you can pick products without having to necessarily just base it on other people's recommendations."
"I feel like I've filled in the gaps of what made me so confused in the early part of the pandemic."
"You aren't even sure what you want if you don't know yourself."
"A person who doesn't understand his past won't have a future."
"I definitely understand why it appeals to lots of people."
"Give yourself time to reflect, give yourself time to understand, and to maybe start formulating a plan."
"Language evolves this is a concept that I personally understand."
"In my head right now, I understand why anyone would do what they do."
"It's more than believing you're right; it's a daily realizing. You know, there's a difference in saying something is true and then realizing it's true."
"Your subconscious is trying to send you a message."
"They want to make sure that they know and understand the real you to your depths."
"I think once you listen to what I'm saying, then you'll see that I am more than what I look like."
"Therapy is about getting to the why of it all."
"I understand his flaws but I also understand his strengths."
"Your family and friends won't understand where you're being led spiritually, and that's okay."
"I'm done with you because of what I understand about blackness and about everything."
"Understanding your desires and how your body functions can be a huge confidence boost."
"No one really knows what's going on in a relationship outside of the two people in it."
"You are having a human experience. It's coded into your brain, into the very cells of your body."
"True understanding comes from within... you have to seek and then you'll find."
"There's just certain things that will not make sense to me."
"Whenever we think of a creative sort of way an imaginative way that uses our imagination and thinking extractly about ourselves and our lives we can come to a deeper understanding of ourselves."
"How can you hate me if you don't even know me?"
"How can someone be so heartless, I just don't understand."
"They know you as an individual, how you process information, how you perceive the world, and where you want to go."
"I want to feel like I'm me, whatever that means."
"Having a very strong sense of who you are, what you're feeling, and what you want can lessen your anxiety overall."
"At 56, you don't know, okay? I mean, I understand some people don't fully know sometimes..."
"Don't wait or expect for another person to understand or figure something out, I feel like that's cruel sometimes if they can't do that if they lack the intuition."
"Understanding purpose, understanding happiness."
"I do my best to figure out what's going on here and related to things that I feel like are truth in plain sight like Star Wars."
"It's not my job to tell you what I am. It's your job to see me and decide."
"Explore the heart and soul, the depth of the person that you are asking about."
"Nobody knows my situation better than Denise."
"Everything you need to know and understand is coming to you."
"How did you know where I never mind you kind of know everything."
"And ultimately, it doesn't really matter. If you want to know somebody and understand them, you can only treat them empathetically. That's what matters, right?"
"I feel like I get it, it's low but I get it."
"They recognize the past but urge to focus on the present for a deeper understanding."
"If you think you might be on the spectrum it's a worthy question to get an adequate answer to."
"Somebody spoke the truth as they best understood it."
"It's all about finding your own answers and your own understanding, it just helps to hear different viewpoints."
"It's about deciding what you want out of life and understanding and accepting that you can't have it all."
"If you have to ask what you are, you are not in a relationship with him."
"If you work hard enough on yourself, you will always be able to understand or learn more about your own pain and how to handle it."
"Establishing your own baseline to understand yourself better is crucial."
"If the message makes you upset, angry, frankly just pissed off, okay, I understand."
"You will always one day understand why things didn't work out with somebody."
"People got me, I didn't have to tell long stories of what I do."
"Every INFJ description is like, 'oh the most insightful person, the most empathetic person ever.' Well, they're also fucking human."
"I know it's weird. And it's something that a lot of sighted people won't understand but my other blind peeps will definitely get me on this."
"Forgiveness is when I know the real you is love."
"Everyone has a right to freedom, everyone has a right to understand how to find freedom."
"Shall we speak to ourselves in a way that we understand ourselves?"
"When you know about him and you see what he's done in the world, a lot of things start to make sense that didn't make sense before."
"Your life is kind of like the Internet, it's vast, it could be infinite, and when you understand your two-word or three-word brand, it's like now you have Google."
"Every single story idea I have, every single painting I make, every single one of them makes me feel so much more understood."
"I knew exactly what she meant by getting rid of things I don't use, don't need, or don't love."
"Allah knows you better than you know yourself."
"I guess they should do that but I get it, I totally understand it. At a personal level, I totally get why Mike Pence doesn't want to back this guy who went after him when he was serving with him."
"For Elon as a parent, I totally get it, man."
"Until you understand the definition of love, you don't really love yourself."
"What does this teach us? Who we are. I thought it was 100 for a second there. Maybe we all do."
"I've always had something for anti-heroes. I feel like I understand it, just the need to achieve what you want without caring much about how you get there."
"But you truly understand me, you complete me."
"The best thing to do is just to become as close as you can to your own structures and get to know your own language first."
"You're becoming clear, you may have some questions, things you want to know, trying to clear up some mysteries."
"Get excited for things to get better, for the storm to finally break, for you to understand a lot of things about yourself, to understand this other person, have some cathartic sense of healing and sense of closure."
"Find people who realistically know you but have real hope for your future."
"The quicker you understand it, the quicker you can have the better of your life in 2024."
"I'm sorry, 'cause I know what that feels like."
"In Emily's case though I feel like I really started to get a sense of who she was."
"I don't want to hear is some journalist telling me what it means."
"Intimacy requires that you see all of my intersections."
"In the end, all I really know is that the answers don't come easy."
"We all need to know that nobody knows how to love us better than we know how to love ourselves."
"Remember, the position is in propria persona, who you are is your heritage."
"The understanding was that this was an open marriage that the dear spouse asked for. Am I wrong here?"
"Hopefully you know whatever your publishing house is has given you an editor that has some basic understanding of who you are."
"I had a hunch this would happen because I'm getting to know her."
"Move closer to what you envy to understand the reality better."
"One tiny grain of truth that you've worked out for yourself is worth a library of truths other people have told you."
"I don't really understand it, it just seems like such a dramatic thing to do."
"Let it bother you until you know why it bothers you."
"So, what are some ways we can begin to understand ourselves?"
"I usually wait to see until big situations happen, and then I kind of get a handle on what people truly are like."
"Writing out your thoughts and feelings is a great way for you yourself to understand what is going on."
"Sometimes the world is just something you can't understand, but you can understand the suffering of this lady."
"To really know the man, you need to read more of his books and novels, and I think you will really get to learn a lot more about him."
"The purpose of notes a lot of time is to try and formulate what you're learning into your own words."
"We spend a lot of time self-reflecting, and that's really needed to understand who we are, our motives, our emotions, our behaviors."
"It's like you know me better than I know myself."
"I understand myself a little bit more than I did before."
"They can feel understood for who they actually are."
"You can take your understanding with you forever."
"Everybody makes sense to themselves, and it's your job to figure out what their sense is."
"I've seen what alcohol can do, so like, I understand."
"I speak to myself because myself understands me more."
"At the end of the day, I love my mom 100%. I understand my mother; I grew up with her."
"It allows me to see things that make sense to my brain."
"Continue on in that way, you will understand the direction for which your life was meant to unfold."
"Understanding the basics of Mars can help paint a picture for yourself."