
Minority Rights Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"We're trying to give voice to the people that can't be heard, who are normally minorities or poor."
"Rights exist to protect the minority against the majority."
"Government of the people and by the people sets a single standard for all who would hold power: you must maintain your power through consent, not coercion; you must respect the rights of minorities, and participate with a spirit of tolerance and compromise."
"We are the only body that has a protection for the minority voice."
"The majority cannot revoke the rights of the minority, or they weren't rights at all."
"The political leaders and public officers must be accountable to their people; they must conduct elections that will reflect the wishes of the people, while the respect of the right of minority is protected."
"In both West and East, there's a real issue about what is the system which best protects minorities and the very poorest in society."
"If you believe in concepts like absolute freedom of speech and freedom of expression, so long as there is no harm done in society, and there are Muslims living amongst you, the moment you start saying let's have different rules for those minorities than you should have for the majority, is the moment you have become neo-fascistic."
"No matter how hard they make it for minorities to vote, I think you're going to see them willing to stand in line."
"Why do we expect to be given anything? We should be taking what we need, not just queer people, but women, and people of color, and disabled people, and everyone being crushed by the weight of the overpowered minority of rich white cisgender men that dictates what rights we're allowed to have."
"I want a president who represents all the needs of Americans, minorities included."
"Free speech is about protecting voices that require protection, namely minority voices."
"A good democracy has protection for minority values... So we should all believe in democracy. If you don't, you don't really have a right to this conversation."
"I don't know anyone who falls into that category, and most people who are advocating for free speech are doing so precisely because they are aware that in countries where free speech protections are meager, minorities tend to suffer the most."
"Erdogan is doing just that while capitalizing off of National Security threats by oppressing the Kurdish minority."
"Men are actually the minority, and if that's true, there shouldn't be programs benefiting women. There should, in fact, be programs benefiting men."
"We're standing up for persecuted Christians and religious minorities all around the world like nobody has ever done."
"Democracy isn't necessarily about majority rule... it's consistent with a minority of people getting what they voted for."
"Do not be afraid of saying what you believe is right no matter how unpopular it may be, especially when it comes to defending the rights of others."
"What's at stake really is not just the protection of minority opinions; it's really the public good of a citizenry who know how to restrain themselves when they hear things they don't like."
"I am thrilled that his name for John Lewis but I'm even more thrilled that it is going to impact the rights of our minority populations for decades to come."
"The reason we have a republic is to protect the minority from the whims of an angry and vicious majority."
"The right's goals are violence upon minority groups they hate."
"Freedom of speech is so important. It's supposed to protect the minority opinion."
"There's a huge unrepresented silent minority majority who needs their who need to know it's okay to be."
"Mob rule has been historically very bad for minorities in this country very bad for minorities in this country that's the reason due process is such an important thing."
"I am incredibly heartened by the support that I have seen."
"Fight the oppression, not the minority status."
"You cannot have any kind of government where the majority rule and the minority loses and suffers."
"If you don't respect individual rights, you cannot be said to respect minority rights."
"Protecting the majority of voters in this country is more important than protecting a group of minority republicans."
"Equal rights for minorities... the ultimate champion of freedom."
"Liberalism is very good if you're an ethnic minority, if you're a capitalist."
"The rights the majority do not trample the rights of the minority. That's why we have a constitutional republic."
"A constitutional republic protects minorities. It has been what has helped grant more protections to marginalized groups than anything else."
"Until such time that we receive the sign to march towards our freedom, to call a parade wherever that parade might be, but I know for sure that God will give the sword in our hands to take back what belongs to us as a minority group."
"When minorities are just saying could our lives just be okay and yeah I have to deal with this relentless crap all the time."
"If a minority from Xinjiang talks to the Western media about their plight, it doesn't automatically discredit them."
"People care about women and minorities, you know. People don't want to oppress women and minorities."
"The function of a constitution is to protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority."
"I wonder if it's possible in a democratic country to construct a political system that protects the rights of minorities."
"There simply is this, Candace, there is no desire to compete for Black votes. They want to be able to make it hard for Black people and young people to vote, Latino people as well."
"These offended minorities in all these situations, they just need to learn how to troll back."
"The smallest minority on earth is the individual."
"Cultural war for me is generally understood as backlash against the struggles of women and minorities for their rights acceptance security dignity."
"Why should the majority have to change because of a tiny minority? These are all the same tunes that were played about gay people for a very long time."
"Are you kidding me? You can't do this. You can't say there are too many of one minority group and change the rules to punish them."
"The Supreme Court is expected to be the bulwark against majoritarian tyranny."
"It's not the Supreme Court's job to worry about polls because they are expected to uphold minority rights and minority views against majority will."
"In many countries, there are some minorities that are more productive than other minorities. If you're going to have a free democratic nation, you can look for demagogues to come up and make those arguments." - Thomas Sowell
"My thoughts and feelings are with the minority people in China."
"Mob rule... majority ruling at the expense of the minority."
"This is what's happening to the Hawaii Muslims now."
"The hope was that you'd be so afraid of our freedom, trans people, you wouldn't mind sacrificing your own."
"Ah, the Compromise of 1850. A great reminder that nothing protects the rights of minorities like the tyranny of the majority."
"We don't legislate on minority rights based on public opinion we do so based on what is moral and correct."
"There needs to be a level of empathy for especially like certain minority groups because of the constant oppression."
"Let's say, for instance, gay marriage, right? So what if the majority of people voted against it? There has to be a safeguard to protect the minority."
"As a minority myself, my rights don't exist in a vacuum. They're only protected because the rights of everyone are protected."
"A nation's dedication to religious freedom is measured by how it treats its most hated minorities."
"Because of our grasp of what Gradowski say -- said. When you don't have these democratic institutions to protect people. To protect the minorities in the population, particularly. You run the risk of seeing what happened in a case like the Holocaust."
"If you have a system of law making like that, you have some assurance that minority rights will always be respected."
"Democracy is more than majority rule; it must be a partnership where minority rights are protected."
"Our freedoms can be curtailed if they interfere with the freedoms of others. But protecting minority voices is vital for democracy."
"The Trump situation... I just think it's such a slap in the face to the minority community."
"He was a champion of all minority talks."
"The end of censorship and the recognition of the possibility of minority rights which did not exist."
"Of all minorities, it is generally admitted that Jehovah's Witnesses have fought the hardest to rear up safeguards against the encroachments of mobs, gangsters, and prejudiced haters."
"The progress we've made towards the realization of full and equal rights for our minority groups has been tremendous."
"If we wish to finish the railroad, it is certainly better to suit the greatest possible number, always with the understanding that the minority has all possible opportunity to advocate its ideas."
"For goodness sake, please don't condemn a whole group based on the vocal absurd minority."
"The importance of protecting minorities."
"I'm happy that the minority didn't get to impose their will on the majority."
"Inclusion and protection of minorities, or the protection of people's rights who are not white, is not oppression of white people."
"The freedom of speech, especially for minority views, is a core premise of our Democratic Republic."
"Israel has 1.8 million Arab Muslim citizens who are protected."
"Black and brown people always have to carve their own path to justice."
"There can be no assumption that today's majority is right and the Amish and others like them are wrong."
"It shocked me, it astounded me, and it made me angry to hear some of the injustice that happens to, specifically, minorities in our criminal justice system."
"That small square of victims is worth fighting for, even if out of 100 people there's only five who are victims, those five people are worth fighting for because they still matter."
"How quickly hatred, racism, and dehumanization can be institutionalized and weaponized by authoritarian regimes against minority groups."
"The rights of the minority should never be voted on by the direct democracy by the majority."
"The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of civil rights and expanded rights to minorities."
"In the United States of America, we try to protect the minority against the tyranny of the majority."
"Inclusivity is the solution to the societal barriers of belonging and advancement for minority groups."
"Aranese is greatly benefited from Catalunya's laws regarding minority languages."
"I had a duty to speak up for the oppressed minority which I'm a number."
"The beauty of the Constitution was that it preserves the rights of the minority and most importantly the rights of the individual."
"We'll advance human dignity by standing up for the rights of minorities, because no one's equality should ever be denied."
"The right to free speech, which really lets you manifest your most deeply held beliefs, your conscience, your religion, actually it's most important for the people in the minority."
"Rule of the super majority is the appropriate solution for protecting minority rights."
"The consistent thread in my speakership was that I stood up for the rights of minorities to be heard."
"The litmus test of a democracy is how it treats its minorities and how it treats its weakest sections of its society."
"We embrace all diverse points of view, all ethnic minorities."
"It's one of the responsibilities of the majority to protect the rights of the minority."
"The point of the separation is to keep the minority from being oppressed or pressured."
"Even if Naomi was OPA, she's just trying to fight for the freedom of the minorities."