
Critical Perspective Quotes

There are 500 quotes

"Patriotism is loving your country, but I have really seen over the years how devout patriotism is very similar to nationalism."
"Capitalism is the best economic system I can think of, but that doesn't mean it's a religion and everything about it is good."
"When the gaming industry screws up, it screws up hard."
"Compulsory education, and I find it to be quite an oxymoron since children are naturally eager to learn. Why do you have to bring in compulsion when the natural tendency of children overwhelmingly is the love of learning new things?"
"People say great art is inspired by suffering and hardship, and this movie made a lot of people suffer."
"What this is really about is tearing everything down."
"July 4th was an aspirational holiday about American freedom and Frederick Douglass criticized July 4th in really strong language...because he said that you're not living up to your own founding creed."
"Owning a thing just because it's some historically significant special object doesn't mean anything when it clearly means so little to you that you were willing to buy a tiny speck of it that the company allegedly smashed on purpose."
"No matter how you slice it bad things are happening and it requires complete remaking of the system"
"I would make them understand that we cannot eat coal, we cannot drink oil, and we cannot breathe so-called natural gas."
"I can only critique the final product. The storytelling of Titans is broken."
"Who gives a [ __ ] what celebrities got to say at a time like this bruh?"
"A business model that is designed to force you to buy more is unethical at best, which in my mind is just another word for something that should be illegal, but just isn't yet."
"The overuse of calling things sexist or calling something a part of rape culture, or labeling it as such, you know, if you overuse the patriarchy misogyny card, it becomes meaningless."
"Technology can be a good thing but it also has its negative sides."
"Zionism is not the greatest source of safety for the Jewish people but rather it's the greatest threat to the Jewish people and our safety across the world."
"China does bad things too. It's okay to point them out."
"Whatever shortcomings Hogwarts Legacy might have... are completely overshadowed by everything that it does right."
"NFTs are nothing but a fad, a scam, a con job. And people see through that."
"If you weren't already convinced that NFTs stand to prove incredibly detrimental for the future of video games, then listen to the developers themselves."
"The most vitriol we receive is in the name of Jesus; they wish us bodily harm in the name of Jesus. Obviously that's not Christian."
"Immigrants having to assimilate to be valuable, is just so fucked up to me."
"It's no wonder why women can't retain a man long-term or just hop from dude to dude. It's simply disgusting in reality. The logic is simple."
"They're claiming oh we're just reporting the news when they have a very clear angle."
"The worst capitalist brainwash is being proud of your own exploitation."
"We're all being invited to inhabit the emergent shoots of the dystopia."
"We got to stop resting on symbols because the thing is we think okay we're not getting nothing so just a symbol of us getting something that's good enough."
"If you want a brutally bat-shit insane and sometimes suffocating slasher flick, Rob Zombie's Halloween takes the tasteful sweetness of the spooky season and molds it into a sour and bitter monster movie."
"Obesity is harmful and will kill you, and there's nothing to be celebrated."
"To pretend not to see color is pretty convenient if you don't actually want to stamp out racism in the first place."
"If you're going to crush the entire world's economy, that's actually going to kill a lot of people."
"That would have given a lot of people pause with respect to this jury."
"Every country should be criticized, including Israel."
"If you ever think you have a stupid and abusive business idea, a way to leech more money off people, let this be reminder that honestly you could do worse."
"Most of these content creators are kind of dog [ __ ] at business."
"I will never be part of that, and this is where we circle back to Steven universe."
"Let's draw attention to real black issues, let's stop pretending it's the police and this 'don't shoot' movement."
"There's nothing good about it at all. It's nothing anyone should wish for."
"It's concerning to me that your first instinct is to defend the rapist and not the victim."
"Being a 'girl boss' shifted from being a girl who is the boss to whining and moaning about how your boyfriend sent you texts you didn't like four years ago."
"Volunteerism is not philanthropy; it is a business."
"If you're a k-pop stan, you should probably be additionally more critical of the way that this industry destroys the artists."
"I like to approach the subject of Christianity with both the cautious curiosity and the feral intensity of a stray cat."
"This is like 15 of the world's biggest lies wrapped up in one ball."
"Kris Kardashian is a pimp madam extraordinaire."
"It's beyond foolish and indicative of a serious delusion amongst the elite."
"Think about what a psychopath you have to be to go on Twitter and voice your outrage because of a comedian saying something."
"90 or 80 percent of stuff is just okay you know I totally feel that way and you know that there's there's another ten percent that's total [ __ ] and there's another ten percent that's like amazing I think most without is like really good yeah."
"Religion has never ever ever seemed to me to be any different from other mythology."
"This is the most significant event of our lifetimes not in my opinion because of the virus but because of the reaction the absolute insanity that is taking place around it."
"Publishers might not understand it, but many of them have become the villain in the story of modern gaming."
"Telling a woman that she shouldn't need to defend herself because we'll just tell men not to rape is like saying, 'Oh, well, there's no point in locking your doors because people shouldn't be robbing you.'"
"Many religions have legal codes that offer ethical and moral guidelines for practitioners of the faith, many religions are fucking stupid."
"It's really hard for me to imagine reform of this system as opposed to a rebuild."
"I threw the flag very early on in the pandemic and said, 'This is insanity. What are you talking about?'"
"It is being done deliberately to change society."
"Finding negatives in Bloodborne is kind of like pointing out the faults in your best friend."
"History's not gonna be kind to Donald Trump."
"When I look at state brutality, I look at that like it what it is. They don't make it no better if they swap the racer that God has whooping up that don't make it no better, we will play replace it with the woke police."
"Sometimes in our obsession with technology being the key we forget that it can also be the problem."
"You mean to tell me that this isn't literal indoctrination and whitewashing of history?"
"Stop treating this thing as though if you do some sort of paganistic sacrifice to the lockdown gods then magically everything will be healed."
"For all the problems that they see with the oppression of brown people, they're pretty quick to get rid of a woman of color."
"I personally am not so sure they know what they're doing."
"Those two clips back to back, in my opinion, is all you need to know about the integrity of Anthony Fauci."
"It's all overtly political, and this country is being ripped to shreds."
"When you consciously go out of your way to hate single mothers, that's really a mental illness on full display."
"I genuinely believe that it's going to lead to just a repeat of what happened before and I'm really excited to dunk on just concert on really stupid conservative YouTubers."
"You don't have to go to bat for major AAA multi-billion dollar corporations because if you do please understand you're going to bat for thieves for abusers for predators."
"If DeShaun Watson doesn't get his together on the field cuz off the field is just a lost cause."
"If you only learned your US history from the 1619 project, you would hate this country."
"This is deliberate destruction of pop culture."
"Peterson's concern about the implications of AI is palpable, reflecting the monumental challenges posed by this technology for the future of humanity."
"Marvel's midnight Sans is a great example of the fact you can still really enjoy a game if large parts of it suck."
"A very new type of TNA... some saw the beginning of the end."
"Racists view things through the lens of race to oppress and subjugate minorities."
"Anyone who's saying that this game is top three Halo is blinded by loyalty."
"Everybody ain't Jesus, and that ain't the way."
"It all kind of starts to paint honestly like an uncomfortable picture."
"This is victim talk, right from beginning to end."
"The purpose of a job is to provide something to society this man cannot provide to us as the people."
"I mean are we are we joking do we not understand that we are right now on the precipice are they complete and total meltdown of American democracy it is one scary Prospect."
"Why is it so hard to see that these events that are presented as heroic endeavors actually have a very negative impact on ordinary people?"
"The term self-made sure feels hollow when you consider that it's been on the backs of exploited workers."
"It really makes me angry that people can be controlled like that. It's almost like living in a dream or a nightmare."
"The entire thing was a fraud and a scam from the start."
"It's the emperor's new clothes from 2009, such a marvelous game, but only an idiot would realize that beauty of the gaping holes in it."
"I started teaching myself about six years ago... I put in a lot of work for it... I went to a school for a little while... they're the Nazis of the art world."
"Since Madoka Magica's success, a lot of series being produced have been more or less a jaunty exercise in misery and suffering for their female characters."
"No one wants that to happen, you're not a real fan if you want that to happen just to prove a point."
"This is one of my main theories of why we don't see as many good games now."
"I don't care what my meta ethical worldview is... you think that it's wrong to force a dog into a gas chamber, you think it's okay to force a pig into a gas chamber."
"We should always be critical from the left of the government and of big Pharma and of the establishment media."
"I think on paper it's hard to argue with that. Fury, he's arguably, you know, and maybe it's hard to argue that he's not, but he has beaten one guy in two and a half or three years."
"I couldn't make this up, but it seemed like raids happened on the daily."
"Literally helping people is reactionary when you want a revolution."
"Ultimately do I feel confident that while our system of justice is not perfect and is has lots of problems it's one of the best out there I do feel that way."
"White people aren't always racially biased, but you can never be a hundred percent sure you're acting like perks crazy for bringing it up. That's what's crazy, this is America Jack."
"I feel like it's fair to push them on some of these things that have led to some pretty disgusting things in our last few years."
"The news is biased because people who have money own the news."
"Do you want Bezos and Musk and all of them to be 100% in control of policy over us? No, I think that's completely insane."
"The idea that it's just him who's done it all and that we can excuse away all of his behavior, come on, this is absolutely ridiculous."
"Inexplicably rife with subtle political and socio-economic commentary."
"Love really is not like the movies... it would be a psychological Thriller horror movie directed by Ari Aster."
"We can refuse this scam, whether we call it sustainable capitalism or productive socialism."
"It's the binary thinking about sides like 'there's either systemic sexism, racism, or there's none,' and the people that say there's none, are you out of your mind?"
"The eat lancet report is a well-orchestrated rallying cry to adopt a dangerously deficient planetary diet under the guise of compassion and responsibility and health."
"This movie does have so many good moments that I do think ultimately it'll be easy for most people to overlook."
"We don't have to escape our Womanhood, we don't have to buy into the lies of feminism."
"Columbus? Yes, mistakes were made, but there were more positives than negatives. And he wasn't a bad guy. He was a terrible guy. Oh god."
"All of you got pictures supposed to be Jesus, yeah, Mary, Joseph, paintings supposed to be of this religious trash, angels all around your house. That's not Jesus, that's not Mary, that's not John, that's not Martha."
"Her priorities seemed pretty messed up to me. I mean, even if she didn't give a [ __ ] about Rebecca's death, I'm really not sure she's fully thinking through the implications of this."
"Elon Musk thinks that the largest, most advanced particle accelerator is demonic and evil technology."
"It's really looking like Elden Ring's not gonna have any competition for game of the year, which sucks because I had one of the most negative reviews of it."
"It's too easy to get caught into the distractions of the world."
"People enjoy something that's good even if it's absolute [ __ ] Drake whoa all right Mason."
"You are not their customer you are their product."
"You're just not gonna get the truth about the important stuff and that in your life or that's going on in the world from the TV news or the New York Times or The Washington Post."
"I'm not blaming the victim, but it would be hard to ask you to blame a victim."
"At some point you're going to have the courage, at some point you're going to have the confidence, and it's total [__] garbage, frankly."
"People spiritually bypass because they don't want to be in pain... spirituality becomes an opiate for the masses." - JP Sears
"It paints a dark picture, and here's the thing: I don't think this is something that's... limited to comic book movies or the Snyder verse or no. I think this is something that is very much part of almost every fandom."
"Why do we think that it is enjoyable or okay to laugh at the humiliation or the pain or the violence inflicted against black women?"
"I used to look up to these YouTubers but it turns out that they're all racist pedophiles."
"It's the web 2 that gave us these business models that have led to the exploitation of children and everyone else."
"It's not perfect by any means but it's definitely enjoyable"
"Revenge is bad, murderous bad, selfish desires are selfish, that is all incredibly obvious."
"Reality has a way of getting in the way of people's dreams to centrally plan a society." - Austin Peterson
"Racism is baked into how we do things in ways that we may not realize and may not even intend."
"We will continue to destroy reverence for all historical figures with human flaws until people are morally perfect or our country lies in ruins." - Mayor Bitterly
"I also had a blast watching it for mostly all the wrong reasons."
"Does this mean that every sleeping pill will break your body down early? Yes, I mean absolutely, it's just sick."
"Either there was an agenda by some people who don't understand economics to hit Russia hard by cutting off its raw material exports... or the Western powers rushed into this decision in a fit of emotion without thinking it through."
"You can't just say oil bad, nuclear bad, it's all bad."
"That would be such an arsenal thing to do, be the first english club to qualify for the third european. I don't want it, I do not want them to want that."
"It's not the will of God for you to live your life in a state of female slave conditioning."
"It's absolutely to say it's unprovoked is insanity."
"The #MeToo movement is destined to fail because they refuse to examine their underlying assumptions."
"I think the stuff that he says regarding women is like a hundred percent wrong."
"That's what it means to be alive and... the church... will destroy those things."
"This Trump rally was a celebration of a domestic terrorist attack against the United States."
"It's insane how some men will disrespect women all the live long day yet they still expect us to worship the ground they walk on."
"The mechanistic mechanical worldview is the worst possible worldview for living sustainably on the earth, a more holistic worldview of which morphic resonance in part seems to me not only true but essential for our survival."
"Sony wants your money just as bad as Microsoft does."
"It astonishes me that this kind of nihilistic thinking has taken so much hold over the imagination of our leaders."
"Let's get off the hype train for just a few minutes and take a step back to look at Hogwarts Legacy from a more critical point of view."
"The most dangerous thing about Fox News is the effect it has on the rest of the media."
"This is beyond cynical, I'm sorry, this is sick."
"Things are going to leave us better off as a nation and anybody who says otherwise is, uh, is a liar frankly, yeah."
"What's happening here is very helpful, is it, uh, it's, it'll, it ought to properly frighten us and, uh, get us to wake up."
"We're gonna look back on this era... and say I can't believe the sport was being run this way."
"This movie that they have branded as so important... is going to lose money and not just some money, it's going to lose a lot of money for Disney."
"It's such in my opinion a double-edged sword."
"Parenting is mostly gaslighting if we're being honest."
"And I think this country can do much better than that."
"This isn't the best Cod by any means; however, out of the last decade, it's the one that screws up the least."
"I've always said that like the most racist people aren't the ones who say the n-word... a true warrior of racism."
"Genuine concern for a cause requires acknowledging not only its positives but just as much its negatives."
"A big celebration of a bloody and barbaric conquest."
"Recognize that the government has had a role in playing a part in these problems."
"I see something that could kill everything we talk about on the show. Crypto, the future, the hope, the American dream."
"To call what someone is doing in these situations a side hustle is just sugar-coating a shitty situation."
"He's an investment, it's literally... they fuckin are."
"There's just an overwhelming sense among a huge chunk of the population that the American Dream and the ideals that this country claims to stand for are just [ __ ] at this point."
"But when the black man tries to do it, no, shut the hell up. Just worry about your identity and this white supremacist cult known as Christianity, KKK Christianity."
"The evidence is there... we let contracts run down because we're a bloody business."
"We start the show every day at 9 a.m. Eastern time, covering the stories that you won't see covered in the mainstream media, because they are bought and sold by billionaires and we are not."
"Anyone that wants to say that what we are living in right now is normal is missing a huge piece of the story here."
"I think it's very worrisome to me because I feel like this conversation of race, of course, it's important to be against racism, of course I'm against racism, but this is not what it's about anymore."
"Every utopian movement has produced hell on earth."
"Just because you were born in America it doesn't mean you built America. Just because you were born here doesn't mean you built here."
"Barack Obama was a continuation of George Bush, not a departure."
"Judicial Watch, frankly, is the most important book because we document the coup and we document how it was stopped."
"If we cannot fix that, I don't think we can fix anything."
"America is still the best country in the world, despite our flaws."
"The Red Pill seems to be more about downplaying and dismissing women's issues."
"I've never seen anything like what I've witnessed in the past 18 months that has eroded my trust in institutions in politics in science in media."
"Some people find it impossible to discount a sinister human element from being behind these disappearances."
"Not to sound like an edgelord, but Christianity is fundamentally a doomsday cult."
"So if you're hot, you can drop garbage, you can sh*t in a mic, and it will still do well."
"Until he wins something, he's not gonna get bigged up." - Robbie
"I kind of wanted to highlight the sheer absurdity of many of these stories."
"This is action, it's racist, it's dead point-blank racism."
"You waste significantly more than two hours of your own life on dumb [__]."
"This book is nothing more than a man-made book."
"We shouldn't put our heroes on a pedestal and ignore their flaws."
"The US Civil War was unsustainable... it was settled by the bullet because y'all were playing with the ballot."
"Injustice is a white supremacy of both fact."
"I've also been pretty critical of them in these videos as well because you often criticize the things you love the most."
"I genuinely believe that we're literally watching a blood sacrifice firsthand."
"To say that it's one of the great inventions of humankind does not mean that you think it's all good all the time."
"We do that kind of [ __ ] as if anybody gives a [ __ ]."
"It was evident that this was about control and not about epidemiology."
"It's Womanism that is like that is a death march for black folk."
"All this tinkering with the race and the obsession with representation... all of that is a gimmick."
"I like that he's just brave as hell in all of these movies... If there's one thing you can criticize Harry for, it's that he's kind of a dick sometimes."
"I think pretty much everyone I've met here sees it as like the weaponization of human rights."
"It's almost guaranteed that Simpsons: Hit and Run Is Not As Good As You Remember."
"The biggest problem in the black community now is the fact the black community is being burnt down by people like Black Lives Matter."
"That is the cost of war, that is the cost of invasion, that is why this is a morally abhorrent completely unacceptable act."