
Biblical Stories Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"Jesus crafting a scourge and chasing the money lenders out of the temple shows his incredible devotion to his father and his love for his father."
"You don't need to believe in Noah and Jonah to be a Christian. I do because Jesus believed they were real."
"Look, you can say about many of the biblical stories is that they're incredibly memorable and that means that, in some sense, they're adapted to the memory structures of our brains."
"The truth is often stranger than fiction, and in the case of Genesis, it's also a whole lot more fascinating."
"And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job when he prayed for his friends."
"The Midwives feared God and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them but saved the men children alive."
"In the days leading up to the flood, Noah stood as a beacon of righteousness, tirelessly warning his contemporaries of the impending catastrophe."
"In the Bible, the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke tell the story of Jesus's Temptation in the Wilderness."
"Exodus, for thousands of years, the biblical epic has captured the human imagination. But did it really happen?"
"It's not your job to feed the 5,000; it's only to provide the loaves and fish."
"The book of Esther is very interesting because the moment Vashti is banished, then the story takes another switch."
"He clung to the Lord faithfully following him, kept his Commandments, and ventured on an earnest prayer. God was pleased to hear and grant the prayer."
"The stories about Jesus told important truths."
"If the world is covered by water during Noah's flood, where is the tide?"
"Genesis 6 1-4 is a story about both human and divine Rebellion against the boundaries that God has established and the destruction that results from not staying where you belong."
"The angel of the Lord gave aid and encouragement to Hagar, Sarai's Egyptian slave girl, twice in her distress in the wilderness."
"How did Jesus fight the assaults of the devil? He said unto him, 'Get thee hence, Satan, for it is written.'"
"Jacob looked up and there was Esau coming with his 400 men. But Esau ran to meet Jacob and embraced him. He threw his arms around his neck and kissed him, and they wept."
"According to Hebrew myth, Lilith and not Eve was the first wife of the biblical Adam."
"Pilate sympathies toward the not Jewish side of the argument."
"The prodigal son was promoted over the faithful son because the prodigal son discovered the father's mercy."
"This is a big deal, the whole earth was corrupt, it caused the god of creation to literally wipe out everything and everyone with the exception of Noah and his family."
"When Jesus wanted money, did He go and get five jobs? He went to the ocean, picked up a fish, pulled the money out."
"Even Jesus' family members, including his brothers, did not believe in him at first."
"The Lord was with Joseph... even in the prison."
"He becomes someone who will save the whole nation of Egypt."
"Reading Genesis 3 as the story of an intervention in the process of human evolution and as an upgrade to human intelligence reframes the whole scene."
"God doesn't give many of us a second chance like that but he gave Jonah a second chance."
"Jesus is talking about the accuser's sin in that moment you who are without sin be the one to throw the first stone."
"A good example would be how some UFO believers interpret the Chariot Vision in the Book of Ezekiel as a spacecraft."
"I'm really looking forward to talking about Exodus and the mosaic stories."
"No one else in the bible rose as high as Solomon and few fell as hard and as low."
"It wasn't about the food itself, literally they could have had the exact same food the king was offering."
"The flood is always coming. You want to be the person who built an ark, and that's what the story of Noah is about."
"Bringing the Holy Ark back to Jerusalem: David's ultimate goal."
"Abraham and Sarah show us watch me that God is able to empower you to give birth to a thing in a season where other people think you miss your window."
"Everything in the Bible that happened involving the children of Israel had something to do with kings and armies and government."
"What we read in Genesis seems to be a far simpler account when we compare it to what we see in Gilgamesh or the Atrahasis."
"Faith without works is dead; Job didn't give up, no matter what."
"Elijah called down fire from the sky and burned them all up."
"By saving his family, Joseph ended up saving the entire lineage of God's people... see how chain reactions work?"
"Evidence shows that Muhammad's biography follows similar stories from the Bible."
"Queen Vashti becomes a woman of strength and courage."
"The word of God stays the same, and it's one of the most popular, well-known stories of all time."
"The story of Ruth and Naomi is a beautiful example of a strong loving relationship."
"In Genesis, the flood is brought about with sadness. It is not something God wanted, but because he cares for justice, it must be done."
"God's question to Job flips the accusation back on him: 'Where were you when I created all things?'"
"Matthew was a tax collector... it was not convenience but conviction that made him want to follow Jesus."
"The Quran is aware of the stories, it's retelling them and correcting them."
"But if the similarities don't point to duplication, then what are they pointing to? Then why are the stories so similar? Why not just do a miracle, but a feeding miracle that's so similar to the 5,000 one?"
"When they began to sing, the Lord set ambushes against the enemy."
"God's plan for Joseph was to get him to Egypt so that he could fulfill his destiny."
"What's the point? The point is Joshua and Caleb are the only ones that are able to go into the promised land."
"Peter, the impulsive, active fisherman, coming to the defense of his very dearest friend."
"When God said to Adam, 'You're alone,' it was not found for Adam."
"When you read the Old Testament, realize these stories aren't just there because God thinks it's a good story. The entire purpose is to foreshadow and prophesy Jesus, his return, his people, the kingdom—everything in Christ is in the Old Testament."
"It was applying those basic tools to some of the anomalies in the stories we tell from out of the Bible that signaled to me there was another layer of story in our familiar texts."
"If he took Pharaoh 10 plagues to close up his house, God had to hit Pharaoh with 10 plagues before he bent his knee."
"Jesus calls Judas 'friend' even amidst betrayal, showing not hatred but sadness and perhaps a deep understanding of human weakness."
"Because in the story that we're about to talk about your right in both cases Jairus who was the synagogue ruler and the woman who is cleansed and healed from her pleading both came to Jesus in humility."
"I started listening to videos to Iran which he brings history of the Bible and where the stories come from."
"Raised by Pharaoh's daughter in Pharaoh's court."
"Was the serpent in the Garden of Eden really a talking snake or is that image actually a profound metaphor?"
"The story of Puss in Boots gives us a great example of how the end of something can become a new beginning."
"In the story of Noah and the Ark, the world is coming down, but Noah builds an ark to survive the end and start anew."
"You think no impossible, beloved? Daniel chapter 3, there was Shadrach, say it with me, Meshach and Abednego..."
"This boat would do the job." - Confidence in the functionality of Noah's Ark
"Noah is releasing the dove which represents peace."
"Noah's Ark is surprisingly and shockingly not just possible but overwhelmingly possible." - Affirming the feasibility of Noah's Ark
"The new stuff found at the Durupinar site makes the hunt for Noah's Ark even more interesting."
"Rehashing biblical stories to make God look like a bad guy is just deliberately getting the wrong impression from reality."
"God had to be selective to find what you would call righteous animals just like Noah and his family were considered righteous because their DNA wasn't corrupted."
"Is it merely a Bible parable, or is there some truth behind the story of the famed Tower?"
"God's son feeds his followers according to Matthew 14:17 with the two fishes, the two fishes of the zodiac which the constellation of Pisces."
"Hebrews 11:7 says that Noah built an ark when he hadn't seen anything."
"Jesus looked up and he saw all the wealthy people putting their gifts into the offering and he also saw this woman put in all that she had all that she had to live on."
"Jesus loved a prostitute enough to defend her in public, but not to kill her."
"So here's just sheaves bowing to another sheath, whereas the second one, they're actually bowing to Joseph himself."
"There is an overall point to the story of the flood in Genesis: following their creation, humanity was charged to multiply and spread out through the earth."
"It's hard to imagine Noah doing all the things that God commanded them do if she was not there supporting him."
"The Bible is full of stories about people who have seen into the other world."
"So much of Genesis is kind of children's stories that if you really think about them, they really don't make a lot of sense."
"By compiling the stories of their past, the exodus from slavery to freedom, Moses and the Ten Commandments, Abraham's journey to the promised land, they create what we know today as the first five books of the Bible."
"Understanding the whole concept of sacrifices, let us watch together the Samaritans."
"God's Word is so beautiful. It's so full. Every story is full of revelation. Every story is for you."
"Is there anything in that story that reminds you of the death of John the Baptist?"
"The story of the prodigal son is the story of the errant."
"The encounter with giants is famously recorded in the book of Numbers."
"Faith is hearing the promise of God and then believing that the answer is yes."
"I've also come to realize that some of the stories in the Bible, and I mean the really really crazy ones, are actually true."
"From Rome to the Holy Land, Simka tracks down the truth behind historical myths, beliefs, and some of the greatest biblical stories ever told."
"The story of Ruth and Naomi reminds us about God's rescue plan. Just like Boaz had to pay a price to redeem Naomi's land, many years later someone would be born in Ruth's family who would pay the price to redeem the whole world from sin."
"Women play quite a massive important role in the stories of the bible."
"Chapter 2 of Daniel has to be one of the most dramatic presentations, incidents in literature."
"In Genesis 4 we encounter one of the earliest and most profound examples of jealousy and murder."
"Judas' betrayal of Jesus is recounted in the gospels."
"Christmas stories that we have in our gospels began at Herod's Temple."
"Unlike most stories that you find in the Bible which are given once or maybe twice the resurrection story is given five times plus a few little fragments of things here and there."
"For Judah, it's a tale of tragedy first with the demise of his sons, followed by a spicy scandal with his daughter-in-law. David, on the other hand, flips the script."
"Things that when we actually read about them in the Bible look very different than the stories we've been told."
"The story of David and Goliath is like where Homer's Iliad breaks in on the Bible."
"Even if you look at the story of Ruth and Boaz in the Bible... Ruth put herself in a position to be seen."
"The Bible is a record of the stories of God's dealings with men."
"The story of the riddle is as integral to the legend of Samson as the tale of the torch-tailed foxes... posing several questions due to its inconsistency with the biblical world."
"The patriarchal stories, these family stories are so beloved, I would guess that they are among the stories most familiar to all of you and most folks that you know in most of the Hebrew Bible."
"Jonathan's loyalty to David was unwavering, even in the face of his father's anger."
"It amazes me how many times in the Bible the animals obeyed before humans did."
"It's one of the best known stories in the Bible."
"Solomon asking for wisdom... is the favorite Bible story of so many people."
"Elijah comes on the scene and he comes on the scene hard, he raises the son of a widow from the dead."
"Every Bible story... the foundation in which that story is built on are the laws of God."
"Because if you don't know the story of the Bible, it's very difficult to continue to embrace the stories in the Bible."
"We've been meeting night after night looking at some of the most important and fascinating stories in the Bible."
"Every single story in the Bible, whichever Bible you read, is all about really trying to teach you how to be good, not bad."
"If you've read it you know what I mean here this in Daniel we have some of the most wonderful stories anywhere in Scripture."
"Before Adam and Eve, there was Adam and Lilith."
"The story of David and Goliath is one of the most iconic scenes in the Bible."
"Goliath was six cubits and a span; he would therefore measure out to a monstrous nine foot nine inches."
"The story marks the beginning of David's rise to power and highlights just how unfit King Saul is to rule."
"This take on David and Goliath is still the definitive visual version of this story for me."
"The biblical tales about Patriarchs and the events like the Exodus and the conquest fit the mold of the Greek TCS or foundation stories."
"The biblical story of Abraham and Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah has been believed by religions and cultures for thousands of years."
"When I was a child, one of my favorite Bible stories was David and Goliath."
"The tower of Babel's always been very interesting to me."
"God worked miracles to get through to Jonah and to reach the lost Ninevites."
"We learn about Jesus from reading the story of Joseph."
"Other stories speak of how the Israelites would carry the Ark into battle with them and that it was the magic of the Ark that enabled them with powers to destroy their enemies."
"We handpick our stories in the Bible, and there's some really great stories in the Bible that you can learn a lot from."
"There's something timeless about these stories in the Bible and the truths that are laid within them."
"Even in the Bible, there's stories about people lying to save their lives, and they're not punished for it."
"We are coming to one of the most famous miracles that Jesus ever performed: the feeding of the 5,000."
"God’s Word is filled with stories of His greatest servants battling to overcome sin."
"Yahuwah can use stories of pharaohs to illustrate His own son."