
Narrative Technique Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"Pullman allowed for ALL OF IT to be revealed via context throughout the story."
"Lampshading, despite being a comedic trope, is a powerful tool, and it needs to be used sparingly or it risks undercutting the sincere parts of the story."
"It's something rooted in the past because the story of the mystery flesh pit is all told from the perspective of articles and memorabilia."
"This trope is very widespread, and it's an interesting little nugget, because it's storytelling by way of implication."
"The official term for these time jumps is an 'ellipsis', and they technically break continuity, but they make up for it by improving the pacing."
"George R.R. Martin is a master of the multiple-POV narrative."
"One thing I really enjoyed about this questline was that I had to sort of show, don't tell, style of writing."
"What really made Dark Phoenix shine for me is how it utilizes one specific storytelling element that is perhaps the most crucial part of any narrative product: its ability to utilize conflict."
"Attention to details like these allow writers to write more freely where they don't have to write an explanation for every single thing that's happening."
"In Dead Space, the chapter titles spell out 'NICOLE IS DEAD.'"
"When you tell a story, it's essential that you build up a level of investment the audience has in the character's mission, making us want them to succeed."
"Oda's obsession with parallels and inversion holds the secret to the final saga of One Piece."
"Sophia Coppola was shaking us out of experiencing the past as past and forcing the story back into the present."
"Eroticism is used to build the characters and tell the story."
"It's amazing how a writer can so deliberately take advantage of your own lack of imagination to completely throw you for a loop."
"Flux finally uses monsters to achieve a similar shared universe effect."
"Each of the three chocolate villains somehow both hear what's going on in the street and just happen to be in their office so they can all simultaneously come to the window for their big introductions."
"They set up the dance in cap 1. They said, 'Oh, just not knowing who he is.'"
"They're playing with the unreliable narrator trope where the reality of the tale reflects the bias of the narrator."
"As soon as she drops the envelope though, you're like, 'Oh, there's going to be a switcheroo.'"
"It's kept ambiguous as possible and only referenced, which is a great thing."
"People being kind to one another is an underrated narrative technique."
"Han Solo's death in the force awakens really impressed me."
"It is a risky, double-edged sword of a formula and it requires very adept writing and presentation so that it doesn’t become stale, but if pulled off well, good god does it work."
"The constant is lost at its head scratching heartbreaking best pushing the boundaries of its narrative technique without losing sight of the troubled characters at its Center..."
"...but it does begin with perhaps the single most intense and attention-grabbing use of the in-medius-rest narrative technique..."
"Even in the innocuous scenes, there's still a layer of tension throughout the entire movie."
"Everything from the colors to the weapons even the way the artist decided to narrate the lore behind the design in the splash art... executed it so well."
"Action wasn't enough. It's how does the character feel about the action, and then action becomes character."
"Specificity does a lot more work than a vague detail."
"But even more compelling than the gigantic sharkagator is the film's ambiguous ending."
"Carrington's epilogue sidesteps this entirely by focusing on the concrete details of his own personal arc."
"The unique quality of this arc is how all of these assassins are brought into the story."
"It really is a beautiful approach to storytelling."
"The village sequence does an amazing job at setting the stage for the rest of Resident Evil 4."
"The plot of the movie is nothing more than a device it's a vehicle and its main purpose is to enable the exploration of the real core of the story."
"Your rhyme scheme itself, like a film score, creates a commentary."
"This manga is an absolute master class in effective and efficient fantasy storytelling."
"He understands the language, the format, he's creating, it's ridiculous."
"The audience's question is no longer how is this going to end, it's how did we get here."
"There's a reason why classics stay classics and standards stay standards."
"One of my favorite narrative techniques is the things we write out but don't actually say."
"For this one movie, it is absolutely worth it to slow down for a second."
"Resurrection can be a really interesting thing to explore if it's not used as a crutch, if it's not used as just, 'I didn't actually want to kill that character.'"
"The cut scene does a really decent job at foreshadowing what's about to come later in the game."
"The Last of Us shows you every detail, every squeal, every murmur, every groan as the life leaves her body. You have to listen to and watch."
"A story doesn't need to make sense, it only needs to be about emotion."
"For them to make that decision to remove the humanity and to just make her that one note terminator style villain, this force of nature, it ultimately just serves the narrative so well."
"The Aviator is not the story of Howard Hughes, it is a story about Howard Hughes and that's why it works."
"Every single character is built up in the same way, the same way that we could start to understand them on such an emotional level."
"A beautifully organic way of raising the tension."
"Characters that's a cool trick everything everyone does in this film at the script level reinforces their character to the audience."
"Bringing us closer to real emotion that we can see makes us more invested in the story and makes us feel closer to what's happening."
"The fights felt more like a chess match rather than just a straight up brawl."
"Magical realism inspires this magic that's tied to emotion, it's not arbitrary."
"Half-Life delicately plants seeds in the player's mind that always later germinate into playable experiences."
"The shared visions between Rey and Kylo Ren... ensure that Rey and Ren have an evolving relationship."
"This is what showing not telling looks like."
"That's how you unfold a story after all you don't tell the reader everything in the first paragraph."
"Some of the best stories are full of moments, not shots."
"Dino Thunder knew how to use the past to facilitate the present not through gimmicks or forced cameos but through great storytelling, a great sense of humor, and an exceptional understanding of itself."
"Kitty Foyle uses flashbacks to explore the relationship between a white collar woman and the very rich man she loves."
"You go one step further than 'show, don't tell.' You go 'acts don't show.'"
"I always assumed that he never felt the need to include an intimidating Bond villain-like antagonist because he was far too good a writer to need one."
"There was a wholesomeness to the violence in our final match of the evening."
"The Russos utilized a trifecta of character relationships."
"Everybody loves azula because they did such a great job developing how hateful of a person she was."
"The way it balances sadness and lively moments feels just right."
"At. A. Time. And that... is why Undertale… is a perfect game."
"Now that is foreshadowing if ever I've seen it."
"Adding contradictions makes your world feel more grounded and believable."
"The way that Kawabata explores color in 'Snow Country' is amazing."
"It's not thrown at you out of the blue. It's built up slowly and carefully."
"This show is a master class in setup and payoff. You can thank me later, dude."
"Good stories are confident; they're not reflexively patching imagined holes in themselves."
"That's true. Creepy or not, almost all of the narrative is done through visuals, and I'd really give an animation credit for that."
"Not every film needs a concrete answer to every question it poses."
"Cutscenes are the easy way out, but it takes true talent to let the playing mechanics themselves involve the player in the emotion or message."
"The jerk protagonist story was done really well in this case."
"The emotional scenes are allowed to be serious without comedy getting in the way."
"We're gonna have this twisted Groundhog Day effect from season one into season two."
"I like this opening a lot... a really good show instead of tell type of story."
"The third act and true JK fashion is an exercise of tell don't show."
"That Ron White Tater Salad story, it's like it starts here but then the payoff is back in time."
"This scene is timed very well because we have building character development and arcs."
"You don't need to contrive a drastic surprise out of nowhere just to shock your audience."
"The film doesn't rush to reveal its hand, instead subtly building tension and mystery through its well-paced, non-linear narrative."
"It's one thing to say there's a big tall creature standing right here."
"I don't mean to leave you guys on a cliffhanger but it's literally how the story ends."
"Character arcs should center around the lie that the character believes."
"Higurashi lures us in with its deceptive veneer of agency."
"Catch your characters at their worst and darkest moment."
"The way that Rico's first encounter with the split jaw is presented is another example of the series' striking visual presentation."
"Edith's narration is crucial, because everything we experience is translated through her perception of events."
"Starting a campaign off as an in medias res completely cuts out all of the terrible awkwardness of character introductions."
"Pitting a self-professed and self-righteous straight-edged savior against a devil-may-care candle burner was a stroke of genius."
"It's a kind of filmmaker's language for a strong bow is being drawn."
"This first introduction to Seph's character is a master class in how to make a villain seem imposing, frightening, and dangerous right from the very start."
"I liked the way the secret identity here made a lot of sense. I liked the way it was unveiled."
"I think a cliffhanger with him staying alive would actually be kind of cool."
"Sure, it seemed like Trapp killed Pat. But maybe that was because I was withholding a key piece of evidence for dramatic effect. Maybe Mike Trapp didn't do it."
"Trim the perfection by noting that her hair is actually frayed, it's messy, and now it has personality. It has history, it's interesting."
"There's a whole detail with his background here. It felt like he built a character and played it."
"The thing about Na Hong-jin - and you’ll know this if you’ve seen his other films - is that he always asks one question when constructing a scene: who has the information?"
"Atmosphere is what lingers; it is the repeated inserts of Goksung’s peaceful landscape, a sign of an awfully neglectful outside world, and an excessively objective force of nature."
"I love the unreliable narration in this, narration is one of my favorite aspects, like good cool interesting narration is one of the things that will really get me hooked on a book."
"Considering the eerie imagery we have of him and his statues, it makes sense for the writers to utilize him."
"One of the main strengths with the writing, other than the wordplay and kind of the conversations and all of that, was the description."
"Dixon's foreshadowing: leading us to the game's enormous reveal."
"The only concrete thing we have about any of these characters is the surname printed on their shirts."
"We're not going to narrate the movie or simply point out every piece of dialogue that's in a different Avengers movie."
"Arthur's mental state slipping is also demonstrated by the way that he writes in the film."
"It's a clever way to turn the gap into a narrative tool."
"Metro Exodus’ character development happens entirely in the junk you hold in your hands, which is kinda how it should be."
"It's almost terrifying how obvious it is." - Time travel as a narrative tool.
"I love the way he's chosen a cadence for different characters."
"Subtext is the difference between what a character says and what a character means."
"The whole sequence is a great example of strong, thoughtful visual storytelling."
"I really love the way Quinton Tarantino plays around with the timeline."
"It's rare that a show can do such a literal deconstruction like this and I find it really enjoyable to sink my teeth into."
"Subverting expectations kept us off-balance."
"As someone creating characters, you have to be able to control that likable versus unlikable dial however you see fit."
"A monster they can't escape, fight, or reason with. It was a masterclass in atmospheric horror and brooding tension."
"They're self-inserts with the not-so-subtle difference being a surrogate is just a character who is like you—an insert is just you."
"Obviously, they're clever and they're obviously they're doing it really brilliantly. Obviously, this is literary artwork."
"When Japanese stories take time to savor the moment, they are doing so with the full awareness and appreciation of the impermanence of that moment."
"What I really like about this reveal is that it not only recontextualizes a lot of the earlier scenes involving her character but it opens up the avenue to explore her character on an emotional level."
"Only the classic idiot sidekick archetype is actually the smartest person in the room."
"His bigoted hatred of Orthodox may come off as overly exaggerated at times, due to us sharing a perspective with other characters."
"These speeches give these characters an opportunity to externalize their complicated inner worlds."
"Their strength was as a storytelling device that added flavor to the world and a lot of mystery and depth to its main villain."
"Action, humor, suspense - and hidden instructions to get rich beyond our wildest dreams."
"Would that be better? Set the god of death... They made a pact. You could set this Russell Crowe narration over shots from the first third of Noah, and I probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference."
"Tarantino uses music and visual cues in both subtle and brash ways to give the scenes strong emotional beats without slowing down any of the action."
"This is subverting expectations done extremely well."
"Your choice of narrator not only impacts what they notice and think, but also the structure of their internal dialogue—their syntax, diction, and dialect."
"It's one of those perfect examples of when two people having two different conversations yet it's justified in this scene."
"The writing is impressive on how well it captured the character."
"The way the characters here are elevated with very limited time is with a motivation to make them feel like people and a signature Quirk to distinguish them."
"The essence of any good story is the ability to subvert the expectations of the audience. It doesn't matter how competently it's told if it follows a predictable path, and a predictable path is exactly what Far Cry 4 treads."
"World building must be specific; the more specific your world, the more you're building a particular thing."
"What you show on screen is a lot more important than what you tell me happened off screen."
"The way they use Jack as a catalyst for this was flawless which is a huge reason why he's my favorite side character."
"The insult is just layered again and again, all done subtly by being shown. It's very real execution."
"Technically in the movie outside of the epilogue we do not see our villain ever. That's pretty incredible."
"You don't need a blinking neon sign above them being like, 'Oh by the way, here's my crotch.'"
"Not the little foreshadowing that's happening."
"It's a great writer's trick to keep a plot spinning and keep the audience confused."
"Sure, they all start out as cliches, but Suu Minazuki’s godlike writing uses that as a base to build off of, and every single one of them develops over time."
"It's a fantastic reveal that skillfully gets one over on the audience providing a false sense of hope and security before cruelly ripping it away."
"Up until his murder, you could make the argument that he's actually the protagonist of the movie until the film pulls the old Alfred Hitchcock Psycho bait and switch."
"To me, this is a world of difference over the mc28."
"Using abstract storytelling to make a point is not evil."
"Now think about the fact that if those girls were trying to cross that bridge and oops let me go back here a little bit."
"The fact that they like he breaks the fourth wall so much doesn't take me out of the fact that I'm watching a movie it makes it more enjoyable."
"He weighs you down with the feelings caught under the expanse of his setting."
"The scene in which Kevin from Mesa Verde is disappointed in Kim and contemplates firing her and she actually reverses the entire dynamic by turning the blame on Kevin was pure excellence."
"Interrupt it with these fourth wall moments."
"Demon Slayers really getting good at their cliffhangers, aren't they?"
"The best storytelling always asks an interesting question."
"Story really helps with pacing and structure."
"Skypiea... represents Oda's brilliant foreshadowing."
"And of course there's the Fantastic foreshadowing as well."
"This is foreshadowing, ladies and gentlemen."
"It was just a really cool use of a storytelling mechanic."
"Half-life 1 & 2 both follow the principle of show, don't tell. There are many things in Half-life 1 & 2 that you won't notice until maybe your 8th or 10th playthrough because the game doesn't shove it in your face."
"One of the big differentiators between Family Guy and American Dad: no flashbacks in the latter."
"The film opens with a star wars style scrawl beginning with the words 'In the beginning.'"
"This whole First Act is a master class in 'show don't tell' when it comes to the mission they're on."
"Frank Herbert is guilty of writing from multiple points of view within a single scene."
"I really appreciated the show through and through for their tactical use of Ginger's journaling for a means of conveying further context to the story that's being told."
"I really love the way that exposition is done in this film."
"Flashbacks were killer in these movies."
"Breaking the fourth wall, are we? Interesting."
"Starting that moment off from the sniper's perspective was genius. Really added to the punch with the starting silence."
"Is this story only working because of Denny's approach to it?"
"The Grinch he can mostly no not even mostly just flat out he freely moves between like the fourth wall."
"The Slow Burn Trope... I do love a slow burn."
"It's practically impossible to write about concentration camps directly, so you need to find ways of convincing the reader that this is something that is on your mind."
"Not many people write in second person, so it makes your story immediately stand out, capturing the reader's attention."
"Here are my general tips for writing in second person: use it in a short story or novella."
"Second person as a type of distant narration has a powerful emotional impact."
"Robin Hobb's ability to introduce a character naturally and then also lead into their motivations without being super expositiony about it is amazing."
"The whole unreliable narrator idea."
"Foreshadowing is the kind of thing that you only know after when you look back on it and say, 'Ah, so that's what foreshadowing was.'"
"The way they unfold the story is fantastic."
"Cuber is special because he's the only character in the show that talks directly to us, breaking the 4th wall."
"See what a difference it makes when the character is close to the reader or far away."
"I didn't realize it was foreshadowing the first time I read it."
"The more specific a character's personality is, the more believable they are as a person."
"I like that they didn't overexplain the situation and that this orientation puts us on a similar footing as Blackthorne as he's introduced to the major players. It's part of the charm."
"I love these narrations. They use them so few and far between but they work perfectly."
"It's doing enough, you gotta build a moment of surprise and shock."
"One form circular narratives take is called in medias res."
"The character arcs are incredible, the flashbacks are so, so compelling."
"Under the shadow doesn't rely on jump scares to hit hard with its horror."
"As a storytelling device, it was brilliant."
"The organization is basically chronological, but there's some intermissions, some flashbacks."
"Storytelling, her looking up, told us we got this big reveal."
"Pacing is one of the most important things for films to really nail."