
Sensory Description Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"It's like frosty and cold, but no ice in it."
"This was a crowded, noisy, smelly, vibrant, dynamic environment."
"This a incredible fragrant powerful combination the olive oil makes it so rich the garlic and the lemon oh it's so fresh and so flavorful I love it."
"It almost feels like chicken, you know once you get P crunch"
"Wow, this is creamy like this is a really creamy lipstick."
"Literally, the smell was like rotten sewage."
"Imagine this: you're sitting quietly at home, the gentle hum of the evening wrapping around you like a familiar blanket. Suddenly, the air vibrates with an otherworldly sound and eerie booming echo that seems to descend from the heavens themselves."
"It feels like friggin butter and it just melts into your skin so beautifully."
"It's just rich and cozy and a little bit smoky."
"It smells fantastic down here, quite musty, smells like victory."
"These rainbow drops are amazing, tangy bubblegum!"
"I thought it was gonna be a lot worse. People said it feels like someone is tickling your brain."
"He's dripping wet like a dolphin right now, I can feel it."
"Smells so freakin' good, you can practically taste it through the screen."
"Oh my God, it is so moist, it is so juicy, it is just falling apart."
"His skin was so soft, I have never touched silk as soft as the skin of the messenger of Allah."
"Wow, that melts in your mouth so fatty, so tender, super delicious."
"I'm in love. I'm in love. I am in love. This tastes like a bran muffin crossed with a molasses cake crossed with salted caramel divinity."
"Can I just say that the textures are on point? Shatteringly crisp on the outside, tender and doughy and kind of chewy on the inside. Mushtastic on the filling."
"It's very sharp, intense. This is as well. This one has a little bit more balance about it."
"It's like if you were to squeeze a green grape and the texture is like that."
"It's like a little bit of a peppery smell. It's just crazy."
"It wasn't just that there were no lights turned on, there were no outside lights either, just pitch black."
"It almost felt cathartic like you're just sitting in this brief lull in the sound after a very full musical texture."
"Look at that amazing, crispy, buttery, delicious fried bread and eggs!"
"Experience what velvety butter feels like on your face."
"I always try to be transparent with you guys and give my best advice possible."
"It's really really difficult to explain but one kind of a chord that definitely sticks out might sound weird but I kind of get a Play-Doh smell."
"Wow, it's so tender. That's really it literally just breaks up into your mouth and the flavor is so good."
"This is actually really tasty, it's very chewy, it's stringy, it's cheesy, it's got that great flavor."
"Listen to that steering. It's just incredibly precise, unbelievably so."
"Right now, the nose is not there, no this nose is not there right, but the palate, oh man, that is tasty."
"It's really cold it's a bit sour I understand what you guys are saying now come on."
"Heath Ledger took it to the next level. You can almost smell Ledger."
"Let me know if your mouth is watering from this because mine totally is."
"This is quintessential summer for me. It has an icy lemonade feeling when you spray it on."
"Velvety, that it's really so delicious and like every bite the flavor kind of intensifies throughout the dish."
"It's so beautiful that's the only way I can really describe this perfume is that it's beautiful and almost like intoxicating."
"It really does feel like it's coloring my lips instead of painting a layer on top of them."
"It tastes like opulence. It is tender, sweet, decadent. Can a scallop be decadent?"
"It really feels like you're drinking a glass of sweet water when eating one of these things."
"It's just leathery, it's like the animalic, it's woody, it's dark, it's bold and it's great."
"The fat melts in your mouth, and I added some of their salsa, which is really bright and acidic, that I love on my tacos." - Sydney Kramer
"Nothing smells like this... it's so unique and beautiful."
"Forest carbonated and tastes refreshing; Spring and Summer are hanging out in my mouth."
"These were really good, they weren't as harsh... definitely some kind of fruity notes which I really like."
"It's uncomfortable, it leaves a strange taste in your mouth."
"Everything so far has been amazing look at the way the ribs just fall apart look I can't even hold it look I'm going to just remove the bone the bone just comes off let's give it a try it just melts."
"The temperature's elevated since seeing that and hearing them screams."
"It's super dark chocolate but then it also has mint, it is divine."
"It's like being hugged by the silky arms of Mother Nature herself."
"This smells exactly like if you took fresh balsam and you dumped it in cinnamon and then that's that's what the candy would be cinnamon pinecone perfect mini it is the perfect mix of cinnamon and a Christmas tree."
"It smells like you put the steak through a dirty sock."
"Devil's fingers: it literally looks like the devil's fingers and it smells exactly how I imagine he would smell."
"It's like honey, it's literally honey, it's the same consistency as honey."
"It literally smells like a spa because the eucalyptus is such like a fresh and clean scent."
"You can practically smell the doo doo." - "If you watch the match, you can practically smell the doo doo."
"This to me is like if someone took an oil and turned it into a cream."
"It tastes like somebody is blowing minty breath into your mouth while you're trying to eat."
"I backed up until I hear the wet sound of whipping tentacles behind me."
"This is the greatest puree I've ever had, it's literally like eating air."
"It's very woody, earthy, and floral."
"Smooth, warm, ambery in a way, a little bit more round."
"It's sweet, it's delectable, it's irresistible, it's sexy."
"I think it's a nice surface to touch, it's really nice and tactile."
"It's dewy, kind of earthy, after the rain, slightly sweet."
"It's fruity, it's a little bit sweet, but it's just elegance, pure class."
"It tastes like the Playboy Mansion smells."
"It does melt in your mouth like butter."
"That's fine that is delicious so you get that hard snappy crunch of the dark chocolate on the outside a little bit bitter lots of minty flavor but not overpower the minty."
"It's like a pound cake... it's buttery sweet with a lemon... really nice lemon flavor."
"The nose is like Magnolia and custard. It's like magnolia flowers and the richest egg custard that you've ever smelled."
"If you like sweet and spicy flavors with some creaminess in it, definitely get that firecracker chicken."
"Everybody on the dance floor is like, 'I can feel a rush, I can feel a rush.'"
"It literally smells like you're in a hotel spa. It is absolutely stunning."
"The point is actually a physical experience of cool light, not that kind of light, buoyancy, coolness, airiness."
"The accumulated hiss of the falling grains makes the room roar like the sea."
"Chicken is crunchy, crispy, juicy, the sauce that they put on it is really good too."
"It's very rich, it's deep, definitely it has like some texture like velvet."
"It straight up tastes like a giant pistachio in your mouth."
"When I took my first bite, I literally feel transported to somewhere else."
"When you bite into it, it's just delicious."
"The glow cream base feels absolutely divine; it feels so silky and smooth and lustrous."
"It's sweeter, it's heavier, it's creamier."
"She could smell it in the wind, see it in the bad-tempered clouds already blocking the sun," the narrator described.
"I heard someone once describe it as like fresh spring, if spring had a flavor."
"This is like silky smooth with the butter."
"It's a salty vanilla, absolutely stunning."
"That just looks delicious, so metallic and just absolutely gorgeous."
"It's so sweet and rich, and soft and crispy; it's just perfection."
"The naan at this place is so soft and buttery, and the vindaloo is definitely really hot but it's also so rich and tangy and a little sweet too, just like bursting with flavor."
"It tastes like sweet campfire smoke mixed with like a caramelized sugar."
"Wow, this is thick, absolutely thick with honey."
"This is just a beautifully rich, come on man, sherry cask, cherry cordial, and caramel."
"I was totally surrounded and engulfed by this black thing, it was the blackest black I've ever experienced."
"It's an explosion of flavor for sure."
"It's a beautiful, creamy, smooth, slightly powdery, with some sort of woodiness to it, but not too much."
"It's just that tropical oasis in the middle of the Amazon, that really sort of humidity, palm leafy, hibiscus niceness."
"It's smooth like butter, it's smooth like whipped cream."
"Fresh morning dew, wild poppies, sugared rhubarb, and juicy pear."
"You get hit with this sweetness first, and then that smokiness creeps up on you."
"It's like an explosion of flavor in my mouth."
"In a very simple way, the writer was able to appeal to all five senses without being too lengthy."
"A supernatural sweet flavor that went all down in my throat, down in my body, and a peace came to me."
"It feels like some mossy floor of a forgotten forest."
"I have never had a textural or taste sensation like it."
"It literally tastes like I'm drinking melted ice cream."
"The scent is creamy salted caramel mixed with notes of Tonka and vanilla."
"It will make your stomach bitter, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey."
"It's just really nice, kind of hard to describe, not tacky, not sticky, just leaves your skin the way I think it feels after you've had a good facial."
"The smell of wine is described as its bouquet."
"It's hard to explain what milk smells like, but it is like a sweet spicy vanilla milkshake."
"It's dewy, it feels like a rose petal after the rain."
"This legitimately smells like something that you could smell in the air if you were to walk outside and go into the woods or into a garden."
"It's like a warm citrusy spicy fall scent."