
Finality Quotes

There are 3359 quotes

"Do not count on any more resurrections. These moments are all that remain."
"You're getting this offer; it's not going to get better."
"This is the final test. If I fail this now, everything will have been for nothing."
"I'm too op. Here it is. This is the final time we have to go to the clock."
"You never know when it's going to be the last time."
"But never have the Sorcerers of the Darklands accompanied the invaders. There's a first time for everything, and a last time as well."
"We just didn't realize it was going to be the last time."
"War isn't a sport that rewards second place. War is the sort of thing where there are winners and there are parking lots."
"If we lose freedom here, there's no place to escape to; this is the last stand on earth."
"This is the last hour of the last chapter of the grand finale."
"The world ends not with a bang but with a whimper."
"I try and treat every performance like it's the last. If this is the last day I perform, it's got to be done this way."
"Truth and unconditional love will have the final word."
"There will be a final judgment at which justice will be done. The terrorists will not get away with it."
"Death is so final, whereas life... life is full of possibilities."
"The wave of sleep that starts to wash over him feels different this time though. It’s heavier, more peaceful… and more permanent."
"Like reality, it is unrepeatable, irretrievable, and illogical. One might even say ineffable. Death is final, death is complete."
"Listen to me, I never want to see you again. I'm never coming back."
"One day you will eat your last meal. You will smell your last flower. You will hug your friend for the last time. That's why you must do everything you love with passion."
"Awakened serves as the real ending to the series."
"It's game over. That was alright. It was good at the end."
"We'll bring All For One down once and for all."
"Nothing quite says drop the mic like the queen having the last laugh."
"He's dead, he's dead. Oh, it is dead, explodes."
"The end of totality, that is the end, that's the end, it's gone, goodbye total solar eclipse for North America for years."
"Later brother, it was nice knowing you but you are dead."
"Do you have confidence today about how that final investigation in heaven will decide your case?"
"And so Steven turns into a sand sculpture, his last word being 'Mark'."
"We are finally entering the last chapter of the Dragonborn story."
"There is no Second Chance. You've had 17 years and you blew it."
"Unlike my take on another particular time loop movie, I guess. It has to be done. It's too late for you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry-"
"What an incredible way to finish off this already mind-blowing advent calendar."
"The last person alive is innocent. That's what it is."
"It’s done. It’s over. The election is over. I am the president. You are not toppling me. I am the law."
"Hopefully this is going to be the last video you need to watch on this topic."
"Life's not fair. Joe Rogers has officially now left the building."
"Y'all gotta run her up, stop here. We're done like that. You're looking for your boo in the chat."
"God will have the last word and it will be good."
"You leave everything of this earth behind and you get out."
"This feels like the end of the story, the inevitable conclusion we always should have known was coming."
"Overall, I think that's a wrap. Enough questions anyways."
"Johnny and Courtney 4Never, Johnny and Courtney no more, Johnny and Courtney 4Never, 4Never, dying's what exes are for." - Funeral crowd
"It's time to leave it behind, just don't go there anymore."
"That last line gave me chills. He spoke as if we were old friends. Same goodbye forever. That was it before I could say anything he'd hung up and left me alone with the droning of the dial tone."
"This is a betrayal. It's the end. It's over. This is the death of a situation."
"I've quit cold turkey. This is the way the world ends."
"There's something incredibly special and unique about being allowed to embrace the fucking animal that's inside all of us. And now it's over."
"I wonder if this is the last time I will see him."
"We're making our last special delivery, enjoy the final rewards and discounts!"
"If he says you're forgiven, you are forgiven and that's the end of it."
"It ain't over until Biden is in the Oval Office."
"Welcome to the end of the video. That's right, we're done. Not looking back, not even a little bit."
"On the bright side, at least we know we'll never get any more of the Shyamalan Avatar."
"Silence fills the empty grave now that I have gone."
"His career is officially over... pretty much."
"Oh and the last of our friends has made contact."
"This series is over because you are what you are."
"Anything talking about anything else after this would just be anticlimactic."
"His freedom is being taken and that is the end of that."
"This is the game. There are no more chances. Game 5 winner goes to New Jersey."
"This kind of feels like Revelations, it feels like a closing chapter for the channel."
"There's no second saving grace, there's no redo here."
"There are only two kinds of people in the end."
"The beauty is not in the final destination. That's actually the saddest part of the journey is the end."
"To know that there was kind of like an end date to that and then to suddenly be on that last day it was an incredibly kind of emotional and overwhelming experience."
"One thing about me when I'm done, I'm done. Like, it's really no going back."
"This guy's wrestling this match like it's the last time."
"That's all she wrote, that's all you have to do."
"Finished means finished. It's a completed work."
"I'm coming to kill you. You're on your last words."
"I never feel comfortable until I cross the line really."
"We now have confirmation they are not recasting. T'Challa is dead."
"It's the end, everything after this is a new story."
"This is prison, let do some there or let give some people position, this is done, anybody election everything li this is D brother, this is I'm tell years back for more but the deal is done."
"He completed his arc and went out like a true hero."
"When I make a decision, that decision is final."
"Every great story has a mystery, every story has an end, and Gravity Falls is no exception."
"I think number 5 is gonna just gonna go on go out with a bang like this is the last DLC character in this particular fighters pass we've been building up to this."
"An unwavering heart or absolute power? I choose death."
"Look closely child see my face and see the inevitable Ash of annihilation for I am the end... I am Oblivion my time is now."
"The resting place is beautiful and wonderful."
"Congrats, we have finally arrived at the last step."
"It was always going to be about us in the end."
"Here we go. This is the story of a man named Stanley. All right, one last run."
"This is the fight right here. Whoever wins, all that goes away."
"It's time to stop Sister Ye once and for all, for Rod."
"He knew he was not coming back bro, he knew he was done, but he still went out there like the man."
"It's nice to have an excuse just to come and celebrate it one last time."
"There's only one thing you can do with your hand, and it's pull the trigger."
"I will be the last and final king of Asgard."
"For every team that falls now, their hopes and dreams of making it to finals are over."
"It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for."
"This never should have happened, it should never happen again period full stop."
"He ain't coming back. They're gonna kill him."
"It's a wrap... there is nothing more you can say... he loves Hitler."
"There's no way to return to the starting point. That's it, move on. There is no next chapter, book closed, star sequel."
"Well, everyone, that's it. We've completed the final step."
"It's been a fun experience, you know what? I'm not, I'm gonna get to eat this last fish ever."
"To bring an end to the song of ice and fire."
"Your days were numbered. Now your end is here. Do not fear the end, pray for it, for it is inevitable."
"It will be difficult to report to him when you are dead, won't it?"
"Basically, it's done. Yeah, there might be a slim chance for it to not go through or like be altered from this point forward, but really like this was kind of the final nail in the coffin."
"If you don't shut your mouth, then I'll shut it for you permanently."
"The special status is over... reconstructing what we had before is impossible."
"That's about as definitive an ending as you could possibly get."
"Sadly, Ray Rivera would never leave Baltimore, Maryland..."
"I'm so glad you got to speak to her one last time."
"At least I went out with a bang, not a whimper."
"Man, he done went to the Waffle House in the sky."
"When you die, you die forever. That's the whole point of Minecraft."
"This is the dawn of the final day. 24 hours remain."
"God is coming for the world or till I go to the grave."
"Please stop wasting time and energy and resources on this. It's done."
"I'm never playing Among Us again, this was my last experience."
"At the end of the day, we're all going to stand in front of God."
"I have one desire and the silence of the night, let me die at the edge of the sea." - Eminescu's poem
"Death is going to be thrown into the Lake of Fire right into that Lake of Fire so death is going to be no more."
"You can wear all your new [ __ ], your gifts going out with a bang."
"This has been scrapped man and I'll see you next time. Bye!"
"Luke just before he disappears looking at the twin sons."
"He ends it all by saying he will never marry again."
"Solid 10 out of 10. So that means we don't even need to iterate on it."
"Public Source, public code... that's it, we're done for."
"In the MCU, death is death. You're not coming back when you really die."
"This will be the last ever Reddit video that I post on this channel."
"There's no going back... because I went through this process."
"Sarah gets in a truck, showing she's going as far away as possible and will most likely never return."
"Despite his ultimate soul power, he eventually does die during the fire in FNAF 6."
"The only way he could die was through burning."
"Enough is enough. We've had it. This is it. We're not talking anymore. We are not begging anymore."
"I just really like it. That's probably the last Krusty Krab that I will ever be making."
"It's going extreme... there's gonna be a final showdown between the forces of good and the forces of evil."
"I'm done with you because of what I understand about blackness and about everything."
"Her final comeuppance in the Fire Caves is both understated and perfect."
"Once the switch is flipped, the switch is flipped."
"They kiss like it's the last breath of air they'll have on this planet Earth."
"Let it burn, it's a final decision, no going back."
"Trans people are valid and that's the end of the conversation."
"Uncharted 4 is the last crusade for Nate in more ways than one here it is refined smoother faster sharper but not to a level I'm sure many had hoped."
"You never have to walk through these doors again."
"For the final, which is, I mean, it's obvious at this point - the falling guillotine."
"Once abuse, the relationship is over. Don't ever forget that."
"There's no one stronger than the Scarlet Witch so you're not going to be able to stop her so you you can't have an ending where somebody stops her."
"Is the end coming? Yes. But is it going to be a firm end? No."
"It's time to call it out...just say enough and we're done with this."
"The power of walking away for good and not staying as friends is very powerful."
"Let's stop the talking then and finish this once and for all. I don't have forever, but if I did, then I'd be kicking you around forever. I hope you know what's about to happen."
"The whole thing is going to disappear with a roar."
"Remember, even if you play again, nothing can be unwound." - Jay from the Cub Scouts
"You can't kill something that's dead, it's dead."
"Time to cover it with dirt and forget it ever happened."
"The climate will have the final word on that." - Richard Lindzen
"We all get canceled, whether it be online or by death itself. The ultimate cancellation."
"We have made it, it is now time for the final Award of the night."
"The train has left the station in that regard now officially and formally and not coming back."
"This is the end, and you have entered eternal punishment."
"This was going to be the last piece of legislation for this administration more than likely."
"We're done when we do the full stop that will be the solar flash or the comet whatever it's gonna be and then that's gonna also go into the Golden Age."
"There's no judge, there's no jury, there's just an execution, and that's it."
"Last song of the night, 'The Angel and the Gambler.'"
"'Scotino's lawyers appealed again and the verdict on the final appeal: rejected.'"
"This could be it. The mystery solved completely."
"We're at the point now of no return, we have finally reached it."
"This final event, or one last ride, one less hurrah, is a bittersweet moment for myself."
"As a posthumous release for Curtis, Closer has since been shrouded in an air of finality."
"I think ending this world in the land of Ivy rose is about as fitting an end as I could ask for."
"This may be the final event of the fourth turning."
"If prayers are not being answered, it's not God's problem."
"Decisions and outlook have a degree of finality to them."
"This is goodbye forever, the opposite of 'to infinity and beyond.'"
"Islam presents itself as the final religion sent by the same God who established Judaism and Christianity."
"It's game over boys, it's absolutely game over."
"Five-way battle into the final event is very exciting."
"This will be the last stop, ladies and gentlemen."
"What's done is done, we're not going to go back."
"I don't want to hear any words you have left in your body."
"You'll leave us alone forever, go back to that mountain and bury yourself in a mine."
"He left the brewery and he never came back and I think that says plenty about him."
"Avengers: Robert Downey Jr. is not coming back anymore. You can't stop Spider-Man. Still just remember your favorite character is real death."
"The first to be fought on our their crusade against the robots ends here."
"I don't know how long this would have gone on, but that would have been the end."
"For all you people been in the UFO world for so many years, so many decades, maybe this may be the final run."
"The return of Christ is the end of the age. That's it. When he comes, it's over."
"What a strange gift to be given at the end of life, the opportunity to send one more message, the ability to help after everything is over."
"The one reborn is sent back to the void from which it came."
"Yeah, all you're getting is four. That's it."
"This really is the end, I wish I could have one last taste, one sip, one step of an ice-cold Noble Pursuit."
"I did give you guys a yellow fire to finish things off."
"She was determined that this would end here and now."
"The Emperor would unleash his full power and obliterated Horus so completely that not even his soul survived."
"I think that chapter's closed, that conversation is closed." - Mike Wright
"There is no hope for anyone descending to this place."
"Life in prison without the possibility of parole."
"I erased them, I turned off the machine, I set you free."
"Decisions are like swords, cutting off all other options until only one remains."
"This is the final power tier list. Pause the video right now if you want, kiss the video if you want, kiss me if you want, but this is the tier list."
"And unlike in 2016 where we all knew that Bernie Sanders had one more good presidential run in him this time it's over for Sanders permanently."
"I have only a short time to live, only one death to die, and I will die fighting for this cause. There will be no peace in this land till slavery is done."
"It's almost like if you've got two guys that are throwing knockout shots, if one of them lands on the chin, it's over."
"As we had promised, this will be my last trip as an adventurer."