
Cold Weather Quotes

There are 210 quotes

"Heated grips...when you're out on the road and it's cold outside, there's really nothing worse than having cold hands."
"Killing a giant, skyscraper-sized monster? No problem, been there, done that. But when it comes to keeping my body warm in sub-zero temperatures, that's where I struggle."
"It's so cold out here, come on Flynn, please be okay, we have to get out of here."
"Scarves are such an essential accessory for when the temperatures drop."
"I'm not sure if you knew this but I am from Florida, it's about 30° outside, this is cold to me."
"It's nice to have a cup of warm hot coffee on these sub-zero March days."
"Steering-wheel heating: almost a must in cold climates."
"When the polar vortex encroaches in your area be prepared for the Arctic chill."
"It's the trend lines that are important, and trend lines are clearly showing we're heading into a cold."
"Get off your couch and get out even though it's cold. Enjoy yourself in the wilderness."
"Is there any place you would rather be than a Trump rally on about a 10-degree evening? 10 degrees!"
"It's a little cold already so I'm gonna have to eat fast."
"Spicy fragrances are like a warm hug in cold weather."
"I'm bunching up my legs, I'm curling into a little ball because it's cold in here."
"The world's going to freeze, freeze, not global warming."
"Summer, you got your mail delivery people working in minus 20."
"Electric cars can truly reduce the annoyance of living with a vehicle."
"I'm freezing my folds off, but if I let that stop me, it'll take forever to master these awesome ice powers."
"Baby, it's cold out, so it's gonna be your first time going in the cold, mama."
"When it's cold outside, I don't want to take the time to pick out a cute outfit because I'm freezing."
"Warming up your car before driving in cold weather can damage the engine."
"Warming up gas-powered vehicles before driving in cold weather can cause damage to the engine."
"Letting your car idle in cold temperatures can shorten the life of your engine by stripping away oil from the engine's pistons and cylinders."
"Don't let the cold keep you from doing the things you love this winter."
"We do still get plenty of cold weather here. We'll get down into the teens and the 20s."
"G*d damn. Sh*t. You know what they say about black people? We hate cold sh*t like this."
"When we're talking cold weather, we're talking mittens. With the mitten, you can convert your hand into one mass. You can reduce that surface area even further."
"If you operate in cold temperatures with your phone, turning phone charging on will help your phone tremendously last a lot longer in cold temperatures."
"Don't fall asleep if it's below freezing; that little bit of warmth you're feeling is actually you dying."
"If you're cold, this would be the time to grab some hoodies right now, yep."
"You can still go out even when it's just above freezing and have a nice comfortable day on the water."
"It definitely feels like you've accomplished something when you've slept in minus 4 or 5 degrees."
"Your eyelashes will turn white with frost."
"Every minute that went by was one minute closer to the frozen night."
"That's the only time you trust a crackhead, when it's cold outside."
"I had thermal trousers underneath my thermal trousers, thermal socks underneath other thermal socks."
"All the savory components were very satisfactory, and there were so many hot drinks in this. It would be very welcome in a cold weather environment."
"In this detail, I am using hot water. I always use hot water when it's cold out, even if it's not snowing. It's nice for me because it keeps my hands slightly warmer, especially when I have the wash towels out."
"I'm just thinking about it and I'm cold."
"I don't want to hear well it's too cold to go outside."
"When puppies are cold, they turn into a pupsicle. Now that makes sense to me."
"I would like to introduce you to Nanuk of the North right here. I am freezing, I'm going back to my igloo, my hands are cold, everything's iced up, it's pretty darn cold out today."
"When it gets really really cold and your part of the country is not necessarily set up for it then retreating to your trailer as your Escape is very important."
"It's quite cold out today, but I'm going to eat this first 'cause this is the main event, right?"
"You can never destroy, but sometimes you come down in the morning, sit by the fire because it's so cold outside."
"For most of you it's going to be a little bit colder, so you're going to want to check out Castlon's long sleeve tees."
"That today was one of probably one of the coldest days I've ever fished in."
"If we didn't do anything at all, they'd open up even more, especially when we get cold weather."
"We lasted about one and a half hours in the water before it got too cold for us."
"So today, you join me on a very cold, chill day in the south of England, and it's January. It's my first time out fishing this year for pike."
"Cold weather challenges? Adapt and conquer."
"Damn bro, it's cold up here. I need to get my mittens."
"You start off cold, right? When you know you're going to be stopped for a while, that's when you adjust your thermals."
"It's only cold if you move slowly."
"I am freezing my ass off right now."
"You guys, I'm cold, so I'm close, I'm so close, I mean, relatively speaking."
"I'm so cold but right now I'm going to be doing some editing on my computer and going through some emails, all that fun stuff."
"Good morning from Vegas and Minnie. It is -47. I hope you're in flannel, I hope you're in bed."
"Got to keep these tatas warm okay I ain't trying to freeze my booty off tonight."
"The temperature was dropping more and more below zero each night, and I was starting to worry about the kid's safety."
"This is definitely a really good jacket for really harsh and cold winter."
"Y'all are strong people in the north to be able to survive that cold weather."
"Overcoming obstacles: 'Even if it's freezing, we're still having fun!'"
"This is a great whistle, great whistle, and it won't freeze up."
"She's been phenomenal in the cold, it's been really, really good."
"There's nothing better than having warm toes; you can stand barefoot in your van when it's 30° outside, and your feet are warm."
"Good morning, everybody! It is freezing outside right now, but I came out here with some good natural lighting."
"It is freezing here in New York City, but I'm without a coat so I can feel my bride's pain."
"The wind chilled us to the bone, but we had something good to look forward to."
"It's a perfect cold weather feast, and I really hope you treat yourself to it sometime soon."
"I'm larping like a Viking, but I hate being cold."
"The activities look way more fun in the cold one."
"Good morning, it is freezing absolutely freezing."
"Cold climate air source heat pumps provide outstanding heating performance even in the extreme cold."
"When it gets cold, they hoard into these areas, and it can be a really good time to spend a few hours and get lots of bites and lots of action."
"This is a really great piece of kit, and if you do suffer from getting cold when the temperatures go sub-zero, then this is going to be of great use to you."
"A very cold day, but a warm heart."
"Welcome back to a very cold day in Connecticut, but that is not going to stop us because we have an awesome winter day ahead of us."
"I love eating soups and noodles when it's cold out."
"They say you burn more calories when you walk in the cold."
"I feel like as long as you're warm then you know it can't be that bad, it's just like a little bit brisk and I like that."
"It's a hell of a lot colder here, but I'm feeling all right because I have this incredible phone."
"It's beautiful, it is 30 degrees cold, we got hot chocolate."
"When it starts getting cold, I just want to bake things."
"It's really rewarding about getting a bite when it's absolutely freezing."
"I like my hot cocoa hot and my weather cold."
"I love how I'm eating a freaking freezing acai bowl when it's like 35 degrees outside."
"It's so cold this afternoon, she saw a mounted policeman blowing on top of his horse before he sat down."
"It's so cold outside that the ghost that haunted the house froze to death."
"This is a quick enough knit that you can have it finished so that you can wear it while it's still cold in the Northern Hemisphere."
"The starter requires more electrical power to push through the thick fluids, while at the same time the battery naturally produces less power because of the cold."
"It's starting to get cold, which is brilliant, I love it."
"And anyone knows Great Pyrenees, they love cold weather, and she just went crazy loving it."
"I'm having tea because it's chilly outside."
"It's freezing, so this is how I'm eating breakfast this morning."
"These things are not designed to fly in anything under zero degrees, and it's right now minus eleven degrees Celsius, so that is really cold."
"It's completely changed van life for me when it comes to cold weather camping."
"It's absolutely freezing now, but we love it because it's snowing."
"The heated grips, they really come in handy when it gets cold."
"If you're going to take the tram, definitely bundle up."
"A little chill never bothered me."
"Tonight in Italy, there are thousands dying of cold... Lives can be saved; it's up to you."
"It's actually pretty chilly. Linky came with us because he kept pointing at his car seat inside the RV."
"These heaters can keep up with almost any cold weather that you can throw at them."
"Having this in cold weather is a game changer for us."
"There's something about being freezing cold, not being able to feel your toes or your fingers, and then coming in for a cup of tea."
"I'm blooming freezing, I'm very very cold, but I'm enjoying this."
"You can go a long time without food, but you can't survive in minus sub temperatures without fire."
"It was a pretty cold but indeed a fun day out."
"Iona is one of the very few cruise ships that's designed for cold weather."
"It's absolutely freezing, but we're gonna do it anyway."
"Almost every single present I got for this birthday is something thermal because it's going to be very very cold on my next cruise and I cannot wait."
"It's actually freezing in Texas y'all, I have two shirts on."
"It's going to be amazing to see how the athletes are going to adapt and overcome with these freezing temperatures."
"Ah, winter, the season that we've packed full of holidays to distract us from the fact that it's really goddamn cold out."
"I've really expanded my knit collection since moving to London because it's basically all I wear because it's cold all the time."
"The cold is a grind, but there's something about grinding it out and surviving out here in tough conditions that just makes it so much more rewarding."
"Tomato soup on a cold day, there's nothing better."
"The Freezer Bowl, one of the most iconic games in the history of the NFL."
"It's getting cold, also I'm just gonna have a cup of hot water, hot water, kill it man."
"We just put on more layers in the winter."
"Once temperatures start getting colder, a lot of goat breeds and species will actually get that real fluffy look to them."
"So was it worth enduring the freezing temperatures to sail through the Rhine Gorge? Absolutely, yes."
"Canadians are just better at dealing with snow and cold."
"At night it gets really cold, especially at high elevation, so we need these extra layers."
"I'm all a bit cold and ah, just I'm so happy at this season."
"When it is freezing cold outside, you have to do something."
"The most important factor to consider when flying your drone in freezing temperatures is the reduced flight time and rapidly depleting battery."
"It's just perfect for cold days and it's just a fun recipe."
"I prefer the cold because you can always layer up."
"I'm dressing very comfy today because when it's cold, you just want to be comfortable and warm."
"Good morning, today is a blistering cold day, so I am really feeling like a nice hot beverage."
"Minus 30 is what we'll be trying to cope with."
"Something people wear to bed when they're really cold... pajamas."
"It may be absolutely freezing here today in Melbourne, but we're gonna go check out some incredibly hot corals."
"It's a massive improvement as far as real world efficiency is concerned, driving in cold temperatures for electric vehicles."
"If you want to make the most of fewer crowds and tap into unexplored coastline, heading to some of the colder fringes of the world is what you've got to do."
"I'm really excited to have this feature to make us happy when it's cold."
"Iceland is, I guess, one of the best cold water destinations on Earth."
"If there's any team that can brave the cold and like fight against them, it is the Steelers."
"It's all mental, bro. It's all mental. It is not that cold."
"Bring warm clothes, the boats get pretty cold especially when you're moving fast and you get close to the glacier."
"I'm really cold today, it's absolutely freezing."
"I thought we were brave coming out with the cold weather, but there's some people going to go for a swim in the lake, absolutely freezing."
"Who cares if it's cold because you can catch fish like this, that's awesome."
"It's colder than hell, but we're going to have a lot of fun."
"I love this DNA so much that whenever it's cold outside, I try to wear it as much as I can."
"The best three months out of the year are the last three when the cold weather sets in."
"Minus four freezing here, but it makes things so beautiful."
"No, I am not crying. It’s the cold night air condensing on my cheek."
"So I'm glad you guys came out on this cold day, hope you had your muffs on, it is chilly, so life's good at the compound."
"The best time ever, we're gonna go and find somewhere now to have a nice hot cup of tea because we're freezing."
"I'm just enjoying working outside when it's cold like this."
"Autumn had brought an abrupt chill to the air; we lived in Alaska."
"This is typically how I like to sleep in the colder weather."
"On a cold night in St. Louis, it's the Washington Nationals, the winners of the wild-card game against the St. Louis Cardinals."
"As menswear enthusiasts, we all love a little bit of cold weather, right?"
"I remember that night, our plane landed in Sheremetyevo Airport, it was cold, minus 16 degrees."
"I love cold weather because you get to have fun with ice and stuff that you usually wouldn't be able to."
"Get ready with your robe on, get up, it's freezing."
"Baby, It's Cold Outside and Let It Snow."
"It's so cold today; the car said it was four degrees. Very Christmassy, it feels Christmassy."
"I'm going to Canada, so I need all the coats that I can get because it's freaking cold in Canada."
"The cold air makes you feel alive for sure."
"I'm going to take a nice hot shower, it is so cold outside."
"Designed to take on almost any cold weather activity."
"I'm so excited just to get some air and stick somewhere really cold."
"We finally had some cold, they have the best ice fishing operation I've ever seen up here in the Northwoods."
"I like that it's long sleeve because you know it's getting cold outside."
"It gives you the opportunity to enjoy the hobby even in extremely cold weather."
"I feel like as soon as October came, it's been freezing, and I am living for every single moment of it."
"Nothing gets between Stephanie and her wine on a cold day."
"No matter how cold it is, I get an iced New Orleans with oat milk."
"1816 was the year without a summer when temperatures all across the northern hemisphere remained frigid year-round even through July and August."
"This whole experience in Greenland taught the scientists and engineers a lot of other things about the cold weather equipment they were using."
"I just truly thrive in the cold weather, summer is not for me."
"You guys have a wonderful day, I'm gonna try and stay warm, it's nice and frosty out here in Canada."
"We'll do our best here; it's great that you all could come out and join us on another cold evening."
"It is the first snow of the year, so that means it will just get colder from here."
"I live in New York City, we have cold weather for about 7 or 8 months of the year, and all of that you definitely need to have scarves in your wardrobe."
"They're great for high output activities and cold weather such as skiing, snowboarding, backpacking, maybe even trail running in the cold."
"It's Cold! There is ample frost on these railroad ties."
"Thank God, now I'm gonna blast the heat because I'm freezing."
"On this cold day, we are on our merry way."
"It got cold at night, and that was awesome."
"When you're cold, you stay a lot warmer huddling like this than standing."
"It's kind of fun to be cold sometimes; it's fun to try to stay warm in the cold."
"November is a colder month, so I hope you guys are staying healthy from the cold."
"Perfect for walks, perfect for being outside when it's chilly, it's biting, this is what you need in your life."
"In conclusion, the Tesla semi is expected to perform well in cold weather conditions with the impact of cabin heating being just a small portion of the overall energy required to move a payload of up to 80,000 lb."
"You can still catch fish when it's really, really cold."
"Carrots are extremely sweet when they mature in the cold weather."
"Parsley loves cooler weather and it is extremely cold hearty."
"The million mile battery only loses about 10% of its energy in cold weather compared to 50% for conventional Electric vehicle batteries."
"We're gonna bundle the heck up for that because it's gonna be cold."
"It's a balmy minus 35 degrees Celsius here today, but that's not gonna stop me from having some fun."
"The secret to staying warm in such a cold environment is layering."