
Supernatural Beliefs Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"The supernatural is real, as taught by the Bible."
"The cults believe that these things are real and that they really do have an effect."
"Magnus Einerson's collection of Icelandic Canadian folk tales reveals a strong belief in ghosts, second sight, the power of dreams, and the supernatural."
"Spirits are not something to be feared as they used to be normal humans like us."
"God is supernatural. There is an unseen realm."
"Mary Heaster maintained throughout the rest of her life that she had been visited by her daughter's ghost."
"The real point of religion is ethics, how to live together. This bit about a supernatural god, that's just to make it more exciting."
"There are just too many credible intelligent people who have had encounters with angels and demons, to dismiss it."
"I believe that these characters are going to delude the whole world with the thought that we have extraterrestrials coming down from heaven."
"Throughout history supernatural creatures were thought to have run rampant in almost every part of the world."
"This place is haunted at the same time bro... well that's how you know these people are messed up."
"They understand that once the Sun does its thing, that will authorize these very advanced extraterrestrial type beings to show up on earth and clean house."
"Mathematics and logic are actually arguments against the supernatural."
"On Halloween, there is an extremely high level unlike any other night of kidnappings, people going missing, murders occur, sacrifices happen."
"Gillis's confession had a seismic impact. It was the first recorded incident of a Scottish witch admitting to working for the devil."
"Sometimes people have experiences so strong that you can be a completely rational, scientific person and you're like, yeah, I believe in ghosts."
"Using ignorance to justify belief in various supernatural things is foolish."
"The Woman of Lem became known as the Goddess of Death after those who owned the statue either died or experienced unimaginable suffering almost immediately after acquiring it."
"It's fun to believe conspiracy theories. It's fun to believe in supernatural things. It makes life more interesting, whether it's true or not."
"Nearly one in five Americans believe in ghosts and have also claimed to see one."
"People believe in goblins now because they've seen goblins on camera apparently."
"We've been given tools, supernatural tools, and for some reason we're not using the tools we've been given."
"These creatures are not only real but live among us on a regular basis." - George Dory
"There are certain facts about demons that we cannot deny."
"The demons and the devils and the witches ain't even hiding anymore."
"I do believe that there's something beyond the mundane."
"Names can be things of great power... telling it to them yourself is akin to asking a vampire into your home."
"Hundreds of comments suggested that the chant had summoned some kind of forest spirit."
"I am totally convinced that there are very legitimate and real otherworldly forces spirit forces demonic forces there of that there is no doubt in my mind about."
"The majority of people who do not have faith still believe in at least one aspect of the supernatural."
"The most Supernatural thing ever is what Jesus did for us."
"Let us not be ignorant of the supernatural realm."
"It's important to understand that the way people in Asian countries, especially Japan, view the supernatural isn't the same as Americans or Europeans view them."
"The belief in ghosts has historical and cultural roots."
"I think one can place estimates of probability on these things and I think the probability of any supernatural creator existing is very very low."
"Louisville Kentucky's Waverly Hills sanatorium is believed to be one of the most haunted places."
"Ultimately whatever you believe about ghosts...I think the most powerful thing about ghost stories is the stories part."
"I hope Andre's spirit haunts and taunts him for the rest of his days."
"At least 18 percent of people believe in ghosts, but I think most of us have had an experience that we can't quite understand."
"I feel like ghosts are just like people, right? Because they're literally people."
"Children ghosts creep me out, they're the worst kinds of ghosts. Kids are creepy."
"I think that there's haunted people, not haunted places."
"These things are real, and sometimes people need help."
"The urban legend of Annie Palmer is that she was a witch."
"To be demonized in the strict sense of that term is to be inhabited by a demon with varying degrees of influence or control."
"If you believe in ghosts or not, the house is absolutely stunning."
"Many TikTok viewers believe that she might have actually been possessed by a ghost or demon."
"Generations of ancient Egyptians came to respect and fear this otherworldly creature, really believing that it had supernatural powers."
"Ghosts are just a part of our world, they're part of our sensory perception when they pop through." - Dan Aykroyd
"Satanic powers are real, they shield their existence with rituals, but God reveals the faces of the perpetrators."
"Anything not natural opens the door to dark entities."
"I know this might sound religious or whatever, but come across enough of these scenes and you start to really believe evil does exist."
"Improper usage of Ouija boards is often associated with dire consequences." - Colin Wilson
"I'm a Christian, so to simply put it, I do believe in supernatural occurrences."
"If there is any truth in the supernatural law which has dominated all nations and all religion since the dawn of time, surely there is a basis of truth underlying this tremendous mass of legend and theory."
"I'm not afraid of demons, I'm not afraid of E.T."
"The idea that we need supernatural prompting for morality is barbaric."
"Whatever is cursed will wither, whatever is blessed will be multiplied."
"The moment Carnarvon died, all the lights went out in Cairo and simultaneously back in England Carnarvon's pet terrier howled and dropped dead."
"This is intense already. There are some people that do say that there is evil here and there's some people that say that there is no evil here, which is totally fine. They're rumors, dude, it's still going."
"Many scientific discoveries are owed to those who dared to think outside the box."
"Believers claim that reflections are an easy way for spirits and higher beings to access our reality."
"How on earth could you reach a conclusion that anything you've ever experienced is supernatural in origin?"
"The Babylonian Talmud is comparatively full of references to demons and magic."
"I don't think it's knowable if a god exists and the existence of the supernatural is definitionally unverifiable."
"Yes, I'm very very convinced that there is a presence down there and that we need to know about it."
"Our minds are very powerful things... Mirrors are portals and they can lock you in your mind."
"This desire to find patterns in randomness or pareidolia as it's called is probably the biggest contributor to supernatural belief."
"When the dark energy falls to earth it's going to give you what you want."
"Psychic abilities are real, and you have these abilities."
"As with the living, spirits can attach themselves to us."
"Many believe that animals can see things that humans can't."
"I don't believe in ghosts, but I know what I saw. It was real."
"Residents are living in fear amid indications that invisible creatures suspected to be goblins have been terrorizing them."
"It's time that we step into that supernatural faith."
"I now believe it. There's a supernatural component to the UFO phenomena."
"Aliens can only be one of two things: a demonic force or an angelic force. And for those who don't know the Bible, it speaks about chariots coming from the sky like a whirlwind."
"They always say that the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest on Halloween, and now I actually believe it."
"A religion is a social system that postulates supernatural agents whose approval is to be sought."
"Maybe they are some type of spirit or something of that nature." - Stacey
"At first, everyone laughs at the thought, but Derrick remains firm, insisting that they might’ve summoned it through the rituals."
"Just look at this man's eyes, that is full-on demonic possession."
"The idea that dogs and pets can sense those things have always scared me."
"Epilepsy used to be and sometimes still is blamed on demonic possession."
"I honestly think this person is some kind of hybrid."
"I have talked to atheists who believe in fairies, who believed in ghosts."
"Understand and fulfill your supernatural destiny."
"He has witnessed the ten-foot Giants and referred to themselves as the Nephilim said that they were preparing for an intergalactic war with God and they believed that they were going to win."
"Science doesn't completely replace all those questions, but it says that there's no need for a supernatural attempt to answer them."
"There's going to be a supernatural wealth transfer."
"They all feel that this house has a portal to hell in it."
"If you had that kind of thing back in the day, right, where they're like, 'Oh, people are possessed by the devil,' and be up there, if you were back then, you'd be like, 'You guys want to see somebody possessed by a demon?'"
"I believed I was haunted by a little ghost girl... but the thing I do remember still creeps me out to this day."
"Many people who saw this video were convinced it was Supernatural in origin."
"I won't discount supernatural occurrences if I can't find a logical explanation for them."
"Every single night that bed was swinging, a 175 pound bed swinging on its chains in the dark of the boathouse until my last day at the camp."
"Christianity that isn't supernatural is superficial you cannot separate the supernatural from this holy magnificent God that we had."
"Ghosts are often thought to have unfinished business in the mortal plane."
"Ozzy Osbourne: 'I thought I truly was possessed by the devil.'"
"Disbelief in verifiable supernatural entities cranks up religion's capacity to do harm to an alarmingly high level."
"If someone demands that we all act on a supernatural claim, I find it totally inconsequential whether that claim was made up by Greg Locke shouting things over the pulpit yesterday or Christians writing things in the Bible 2000 years ago."
"These entities are not visitors from other planets... but are actually demons seducing the world."
"There really is a power in this world that can cope with ghosts."
"Aliens and fallen angels, are they real? Are they really out there, or are they right here in our midst? Find out from expert researchers in the latest shocking webinar from Paul Begley Prophecy Ministries."
"We're supposed to be the most supernaturally oriented people."
"A dead body bereft of a soul could attract demons that had it within their power to possess the body and then make use of it."
"If we don't stop, those little ghosts are going to come out in the middle of the night."
"We just gotta move along with the plan. Absolutely, Mark. Do you believe these evil people are from the line of Nephilim? They're of a bloodline. There's something. I mean, they're lizards or lizards. I don't know what to tell you."
"Some people believe that when the moon is full, strange and crazy things happen."
"Lavator's 'De Spectrus': Widely read and hugely influential on European-wide ghost beliefs."
"He said, 'Before I was born, I was a pilot... that's how I died.'"
"Could this apparition have been, as many have suggested, the spiritual remnants of Hannah Thomas, still suffering the loss of her husband John?"
"I believe Jamie Foxx was attacked by demonic entities."
"Religion relates to the supernatural order, the supreme authority."
"Not all hauntings are attached to a property, land, or object."
"Witchcraft is a person talking to demons making deals with demons and asking demons to do something for them through a contract."
"Supposedly the original Builders believed they were constructing the castle around the gateway to Hell." - Josh
"All of these stories and experiences have led many to believe that the Bel Air house is some kind of magnet for Paranormal Activity."
"Their judgment is warped, it's full of witchcraft."
"There's something very demonic that constantly is trying to get people to come out towards the water so that potentially she can drown them as well."
"If I want to travel, if I want to time travel, I'm gonna do something on a full moon, eclipse because now I could time travel six months automatically into time."
"Angels and demons were here to stay."
"Some believe that the town's violent past, which includes numerous killings and deaths, has left behind a lingering spiritual energy that continues to haunt the town today."
"The crew of the Bannockburn willingly endures a similar fate, routinely returning from the Great Beyond to sail the frigid waters of Lake Superior."
"Even in the middle of the 20th century, people believed in apparitions and miracles."
"In their theology, any attempt to work supernatural causation or supernatural causes outside of direct providential control was simply by definition satanic."
"Not everyone who dies becomes a ghost."
"All natural laws fell away and the barrier between the worlds dissolved."
"There are such things as ghosts; people everywhere have always known that."
"The concept of earthbound evil describes the situation in which a person or thing's spirit is restricted within limited areas after they have died."
"Ghosts are real and so are aliens."