
Interconnectivity Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"The universe is not only a lot bigger than we thought a hundred years ago, but it's also not isolated."
"These are some of the most serialized and interconnected seasons we've ever done."
"It's like forgetting the fact that we are interconnected and like we do need other people, and it's good for you as well to have responsibility."
"No man is an island entire of itself; each is a piece of the continent, every man's death diminishes me."
"We're not just separate selves floating in an external reality, but our relationships are part of ourselves."
"Zero point fields exist within these vacuums. In this field, all things resonate with one another exchanging information, imperceptibly."
"While many writers believe that all you need is a well-written hero that is the only person that matters, Hunter x Hunter doesn’t live from any individual character, but rather from an intricately crafted WEB of characters that interact with each other."
"The roots of the trees under the ground reach out to connect with the roots of other trees. In this way, every tree in this entire forest is directly or indirectly connected and giving support to every other tree."
"We are controlled at the genetic level by these subtle messages from other species."
"Everything is relational, and nothing is just a thing on its own."
"All the major problems of the world today are global problems."
"In attempting to answer these questions, scientists would come up with a strange set of laws that would link together everything from engines to humans to stars."
"One important part of the ocean is every part of it can flow into the other bits. It's one big ecosystem."
"The world is interconnected so when something happens on the other side of the world it can very easily have an impact on your daily life."
"This is what Marvel Studios has needed - not just fan service, not just Easter eggs, interconnectivity, winks to the broader Marvel Universe, good filmmaking."
"Nearly land on... Doctor Strange." - A playful reference to another iconic Marvel character, showcasing the interconnectedness of the universe.
"A major proof that everything in the world is interconnected: sugar shortages are likely to erupt as a result of the global energy crisis."
"The major systems of oppression are interlocking."
"Interconnect fabrics pave the way for Alder Lake's versatility."
"The landscape visibly changes as you travel and everything is interconnected in a way that feels like a living dynamic world, even in the ancient N64 games."
"You affect one person's life, they're connected."
"Notion has the whole project task management system and it has the interconnectivity of all these different databases in the self-referencing resurfacing capability of having one database bring the notes and ideas together in context."
"Ninety percent of the trees on Earth are interconnected by mycelium filaments."
"We are living in a web of life, where our actions affect others."
"The whole world is interconnected so if we see a contraction in GDP in one country it will have a knock-on impact to every other country in the world."
"Economies are individual islands, but the truth is, they are interconnected."
"Everything's connected, alright? So you can't just ignore these things."
"There really isn't anything that's isolated; every cell in your body is communicating."
"From the point of love within the heart of the Creator, let love stream forth into the hearts of all living beings."
"Everything is interconnected, so the big news today obviously the Dow is falling."
"The other thing we learned is there's a ways that the worlds are connected to each other."
"Yo, everything is energy. You do something here, it could attract something over there."
"We are all unique spokes or pathways into that hub."
"The Earth's magnetic field is a huge thing because... everything is interconnected in this universe."
"This is the most important issue of our time because it connects every other issue."
"We're moving from nation-states or moving from siloed economies into economies that are deeply interconnected and intrinsically transnational."
"Progress in one modality ricochets across others."
"This is a world where a major crisis halfway across the planet could well endanger the lives of Americans here at home."
"In the new physics, it's a world filled with relationship and we must remember ourselves in the role we play in constituting reality."
"It's not getting worse, we're just learning more about it... we live in a world where we're more interconnected... we're less bigoted in 2019 than we were in 1999."
"The idea that a program's output could become the input to another program, which is the idea of pipes."
"Interconnectivity of the universe was no longer a major factor."
"The spider web of capabilities is amazing."
"The universe is a vast web of interconnectivity, and our actions can have far-reaching effects beyond our immediate perception."
"...it was good in the beginning... ultimately it was not necessary except to introduce you obviously to the reality beyond our senses and the interconnectivity of everything that we are part of it."
"Order whatever one you finish you get a code to enter in the other game and you see how they connect. It's a brilliant idea that was only done this one time for Zelda."
"Let this upcoming pink moon be a reminder of the beautiful interconnectivity between us and the natural world."
"One of the biggest and easiest ways to engage with the Cosmere is just spotting World Hoppers in different Series."
"Everything kind of supports each other. It's like a puzzle piece."
"We are a system of infinite cybernetic loops operating in reaction to each other loop in our environment, a flesh machine."
"The stories are the proof that what we do and the choices we make affect each other's lives and the course of human history."
"Interconnectivity allows us to observe broad societal trends and ripple effects playing out in something like real time."
"The human body is amazing how everything works together and just it's so perfect."
"Every part of a system is capable of affecting its behavior."
"The High Priestess is a mediator between different worlds."
"The collision serves as a stark reminder of the complex and interconnected nature of global supply chains and transportation networks."
"Compassion is simply responding to interconnectivity."
"So often in life, there's actually a connection in all of this."
"Relating to each other is all we do and it's just a question of creating a world in our minds where we are not being guided away from our knowledge of interconnectivity."
"We need to get back to just awe and curiosity about the interconnectivity of what's happening in our body."
"On Amazon, everything is related, and that's why we like to look at a holistic view of how everything is working together."
"All the different elements and learning methods all support each other to make your understanding of music stronger as a whole."
"Everything in speaker design, one thing affects the other. That's why I love it so much."
"Human rights, political, civil, economic, social, and cultural, are the key to solving many of the world's interlinked problems."
"When we look at the economy, we can't look at it by itself; we've got to connect it to other aspects such as the way society and culture works."
"A butterfly flapping its wings in Africa causes a hurricane somewhere else the other side of the world."
"Computers will continue to become more interconnected; they will continue to become smaller, faster, cheaper, and software will become more powerful."
"It's kind of cool how our lives are connected in a way."
"I always love it when Lego makes their themes interconnected with each other."
"Their blood can turn things to stone, can seal places, can open them, can create doors between worlds."
"So those have relationships; they are parametric to each other, so if one changes, everything else will update."
"Managing for the whole means managing for the connections between things."
"Finding connections between different subjects, different areas of mathematics is so important."
"These fungal networks are a vital link within a forest."
"The world is global, and things that happen in other countries affect you at home."
"Everything we manage is complex; it's a web of social, cultural, environmental, economic complexity."
"Ice babies can be connected and form gigantic ice caps."
"One thing that happens on one side of the world can affect people all over; it's a chain reaction."
"The gravitational pull of the Great Attractor and its role in the motion of galaxies highlight the interconnectedness of cosmic structures."
"Everything in the cosmos is affected by everything else."
"The brain is not an independent variable; it's part of a system."
"There's a whole world going on and they're all talking to each other."
"As soon as we put eco in front of something, we're automatically making it radical because we're thinking now in terms of interrelationships."
"The virus may have made its way into highly interconnected sexual networks."
"That's the main point of having a relational database: you have relationships between multiple tables."
"There's some kind of profound interconnectivity that is linking things together in ways that we just don't have a grasp of yet."
"I'm very optimistic about the future of this encounter between these traditions and where this might lead for expanded ways of appreciating the interconnectivity of all beings."
"The recent water shortage gripping the Panama Canal has shone a light on the intricate web of connections within our planet's systems."
"This brings up a whole new possibility of having all these devices interconnected through the cloud and accessible from anywhere in the world."
"The world has one interconnected ocean, a vast blue expanse critical to life on Earth."
"Crosstalk in the brain is the rule, not the exception."
"If a butterfly flaps its wings in Texas, you might have a hurricane somewhere else in the world."
"It's fascinating though how just one little thing can throw off the whole system."
"Systematicity leads to stability due to the tight connections between different fields."
"Another important kind of scale is the scale of the interconnection between programs."
"An ecosystem is like a spider web; each organism represents a tiny segment of that web."
"The purpose of these APIs is they allow different applications to talk to one another and exchange data."
"When you create links to pages inside your Notion workspace, you also create what are called backlinks."
"...our galaxy sits in this giant ecosystem of other galaxies."
"The properties of polymers... become better and better if the chain gets longer because it's much more interconnected."
"Everything you do affects everything else."
"This is what we're talking about with a relational database... these different tables are then related to each other."
"The world is too small for us to simply be able to build a wall and prevent it from affecting our own societies."
"Changes in one part of that system therefore affect everything else."
"Wouldn't it be nice to know the sessions that are related to that particular topic? We describe that as a little link in here."
"Our physical world is going to become incredibly interconnected in very powerful and profound ways."
"Everything in the game is interconnected; that's the game's strongest feature."
"We're really truly a global economy now."
"Deep in our belly is where we find that interconnectivity with all life."
"It's a good thing to know about the different systems and how they intercommunicate."
"Something that happens in one part of the system can influence another part, which in turn might influence the first part again."
"You can connect all these different nodes and properties together and have fun with them without writing a line of code."
"Every single cell is somehow communicating with the other cells around it."
"This is the world that we live in; we're globally interconnected, but in particular, we have a phenomenon called climate change."