
Video Game History Quotes

There are 190 quotes

"One of the things that makes remake so highly anticipated is that Final Fantasy 7 is one of the most beloved games in all of Final Fantasy."
"Halo is quite possibly one of the most influential video game series in the history of the medium."
"The fact it took so long to get to that point is pretty insane, and it's why Absolute Virtue has to stand as pretty much the hardest boss in video game history."
"Mortal Kombat's combo system was the first time for me to ever be like, holy [ __ ], if I'm very skillful then I can actually dominate."
"In Japan, the series is known as Mother. I did some googling, and apparently Itoi named that after a John Lennon song of the same name, Mother, being a huge Beatles fan."
"The year was 1990, Game Freak was finally going to get to make their beloved video game concept after playing the freelance development game for almost a decade."
"Throughout the late 1970s and early 80s, video games were booming thanks to the novelty of a new technological form of entertainment."
"Medal of Honor is primarily responsible for the rise in popularity of World War II shooters throughout the early to mid-2000s."
"Nintendo revitalized the video game industry and once that started, it was like a snowball effect; there was just no stopping it."
"The PS1 version ended up getting released on August 5th, 1999, in the United States with Owen's characters still intact. However, a dedication to Owen was added to the very start of the game."
"Manuals created a shift in Pro Skater that the franchise would never look back on, going from a game about skateboarding to a custom combo creator in the skateboarding aesthetic."
"When Final Fantasy Tactics launched in June of 1997, it received numerous plaudits from critics and fans alike."
"Chubby is not well known at all - in part, because Chubby and the game he starred in were actually designed to be forgotten."
"Metal Gear Solid 2 took stealth action gameplay to realistic new heights."
"This game's journey through the last eight years is simply a story of extreme hype to huge disappointment."
"Mega Man is still one of the most popular video game characters in the world."
"This was the first Mortal Kombat game to officially kill off Liu Kang."
"So this incredibly rare and important piece of Sonic the Hedgehog in video game history doesn't become lost in time forever."
"Final Fantasy 8 was the first game in the series where Sakaguchi was not in creative control."
"For nearly as long as video games have existed, the racing game has stood as a monument to state-of-the-art technology."
"An interesting note with this reference is that a Virtual Boy game was once in development called G-Zero."
"Nintendo from about 86 until about 89 completely dominates the United States home video game market."
"Nintendo's first big hit, Donkey Kong... Nintendo's first key decisions in the U.S. was marketing the NES as a toy not a video game."
"While Kirby was always intended to be pink, on the American box art for Kirby's Dreamland, the first game in the series, he was actually white."
"Donkey Kong was the first game in the platforming video game genre."
"Pixels haven't always been the only way. In the early days of the arcade, there were two principal paradigms for rendering an image on the screen."
"Goldeneye is the reason why we have incredible games like Perfect Dark and the Time Splitters franchise."
"Later titles like Blood, Shadow Warrior, and Redneck Rampage are generally well remembered."
"It ultimately returned in Super Mario Odyssey."
"Before Call of Duty, before Battlefield, before even Medal of Honor... there was Delta Force."
"Helping to propel the NES to must-have status in the West"
"This is the game which created the arena side-scrolling beat-em-up genre. Without Renegade, we wouldn't have titles like Final Fight, Streets of Rage, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, River City Ransom..."
"When you think about the graveyard of platformer mascots that were around in the late 90s or the mid-2000s, unless you were made by Nintendo or your name is Clank, odds are you didn’t make it out."
"The origins of Epic Mickey take us all the way back to the early 2000s."
"What if we went to the old 3D Realms archives and we found this secret game they worked on in the mid-90s?"
"Link wears green clothes because the original Link in the timeline, the link from Skyward Sword, received green clothes when he graduated from Knight Academy."
"The birth of Gary's Mod: a love affair with Half-Life 2's physics engine."
"Pong was instrumental in the success of not only early arcade machines but also the first home consoles; it laid the foundation the gaming industry was built on."
"If Super Mario Bros reinvented 2D games, then Super Mario 64 is the benchmark for 3D ones, firing the imaginations of gamers and game developers alike and giving us a whole new dimension to play in."
"1998 and 1999 what a year for first-person shooters."
"On 9/9/1999, Sega released the dreamcast, which was powerful, innovative, and launched with great games."
"He's been there since Tekken 1, I have a soft spot for Jack."
"People who are about sharing the history roms and ROM sites will never be fully eliminated but pushing them deeper into the shadows has far-reaching ramifications."
"A lot of games from the early days are just like poof gone."
"The fact is that roms and emulation actually do help companies in a concrete way."
"He has the right policies so I'm I'm on Team Bernie 100%."
"Street Fighter 2 was the biggest thing in the world as it essentially birthed the modern fighting game."
"Doom is pretty much the granddaddy of first-person shooters."
"Kung-Fu Master is often credited as the game that created the beat-em-up genre."
"Oh how times change. It feels like ages ago that Activision used to be one of the most prolific video game publishers."
"Doom is crucial to the history of video games, and nothing ever aims to dilute its focus. Kill demons, find secrets, solve puzzles, unlock doors. It never compromises on that vision."
"Final Fantasy 4 is when the series began to show its more cinematic side, a tribute that would no doubt influenced later installments in the series."
"LucasArts didn't just make some money grabbers, they set the standard for these types of games."
"Combat Evolved was by no means the first FPS game, but it was the first that brought intuitive controls to the console market."
"Founded in 1999 by former rare developers who served as creative forces on goldeneye 007 and perfect dark, developer free radical design built what many consider among the most inventive first-person shooters of the 2000s."
"If anything else, the N64 version did well in laying the foundation of the series."
"Chrono Trigger is amazing, it is undoubtedly one of the finest games ever created."
"Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2: one of the greatest sequels of all time."
"Princess Peach has been in more video games than any other female character in history."
"Diddy Kong Racing sold nearly 5 million copies and stands as one of the top 10 best-selling games for the N64."
"Another noteworthy N64 title is Jet Force Gemini, which was developed by Rare and released in 1999."
"Donkey Kong is seen as one of the first, if not the first, in a line of games with clear stories underlining the gameplay."
"This is what you want. I know this is what we've all wanted since the release of Morrowind so many decades ago."
"The game felt like the largest and most epic video game that had ever been produced, permanently changing the face of gaming as a result."
"The PC Engine, the Japanese counterpart, was actually a better seller than the Mega Drive."
"Resident Evil 4 on release was way ahead of its time and revolutionized the gaming industry."
"Overall, when you see the Crash Bandicoot 4 announcement trailer... I can totally understand now why they decided to split the timeline after Crash 3."
"Grand Theft Auto 3 is a piece of history and the first example of how to do the genre right."
"Sonic Forces was developed by Sonic Team, composed of the same members who developed Sonic Generations."
"Sonic Forces was actually in development before Sonic Mania, though Mania was released earlier."
"We hope you all can enjoy this reanimated piece of Nintendo history."
"Luigi owes his entire individuality to Luigi's Mansion this was the first game that said hey it's more than just a player too he's a character he's his own person and peers his own game."
"This location holds a great throwback to Doom, a game many consider to be the father of modern-day first-person shooters."
"They provided a broad range of video games with memorable characters."
"DC Comics superheroes have a long lineage in the medium of video games."
"Megaman X: one of the best Megaman games of all time."
"What kind of a jerk would I be if I didn't hope that you would consider being a part of it?"
"What you can't do is deny how important fallout 3 is in Fallout history."
"Undeniably one of the most important video game characters ever created, Sonic the Hedgehog would eventually significantly cut into Nintendo's market share, even outselling them in the region for a time."
"Whether called the green meanie, the Arctic Warfare, the l96, the Magnum sniper rifle, or any other moniker, there is one name that will forever be part of the rifle's video game Legacy: the awp."
"The most surprising new character in Smash Bros. history."
"Raid races are the pinnacle of Destiny content and this is actually the longest players have had to wait for a NEW raid in Destiny ever."
"GoldenEye was intended as a launch title for the N64 in conjunction with the film's November 1995 release."
"Chrono Break: the cancelled sequel that never was."
"Out of all the big licensed IPs that have been video gamed over the last few decades, there are few that have been treated better than the James Bond franchise."
"Double Dragon set the standard for beat'em up."
"It's every video game nerd's dream accidentally finding a buried trove of unsold video game cartridges consoles and computers."
"Sonic one saves Sega, Sonic 2 made everyone buy a Genesis."
"Resident Evil 4 changed the course of video game design."
"Nothing says wasted potential more than Sonic the Hedgehog's short-lived, almost non-existent career on the Saturn."
"New Super Mario Bros 2 was even the first Nintendo game to release simultaneously in digital and physical formats."
"Wrath of the Lich King paved the way for where WoW is currently in Legion at least."
"Join me in Joe Musashi as we look into the complete history of video games' greatest assassin."
"The Runescape franchise would span over 21 years of run time and eclipse over a billion dollars in revenue, leaving an everlasting legacy."
"Simon Belmont's trusty whip is one of the most revolutionary advancements ever in the Castlevania series."
"Closed beta for wildstar came out the summer of 2013 two years after the game was shown and announced for the first time this is where my journey with the game begins"
"Sonic is set to return in the game Sonic Generations, a game that embraces his remarkable 20-year history."
"This high-flying spikey speedster was the first video game character to ever appear in this parade sonic has starred in over 70 video games since his debut on the Sega Genesis 21 hog-wild years ago."
"Super Mario Kart was so popular that it was chosen to be made playable over X-Band, the 1994 16-bit multiplayer network for the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo."
"A link to the past brought a whole bunch of stuff that we'd never seen before in a zelda game."
"It honestly feels like a true proper follow-up to games like Turtles in Time, the Manhattan Project."
"Personally, this is probably one of the most iconic Maddens of all time, man."
"Pac-Man was kind of like the original collectathon game in a sense."
"From the release of Olympic Decathlon in 1980 to the release of Mario Party in 1998, there were nine party games. In the same amount of time after 1998, there were 92."
"Molina shared her debut with the likes of Katana and Jade in Mortal Kombat 2, released all the way back in 1993."
"Super Mario Brothers almost single-handedly brought the videogame industry back to life after the giant crash in 1983."
"The Batman Arkham games will most certainly be remembered in video game history with evolving gameplay, sprawling maps, and three-dimensional storytelling and writing."
"Modern Call of Duty isn't terrible but it's a far cry from the franchise's heyday in the mid to late 2000s."
"Aquatic Ambience is one of the most revered songs in video game history."
"Donkey Kong Country 2 has the greatest soundtrack in video game history."
"Long before our dreams were cast, Sonic's original creators made what was at once a loving tribute to all that had come before, a bittersweet glimpse of what might have been, and a captivating peek at where the blue blur was heading."
"Horror games have been around for decades now with Resident Evil being the game that brought it to the mainstream."
"Treyarch was really ahead of their time with Black Ops 1."
"Pokemon red and blue were released for the Nintendo Gameboy in 1996."
"I've already talked about Sora a lot so I'm not gonna hold on this too much but I have played Kingdom Hearts since like the first game came out which if you don't know was a long time ago."
"It's hard to find a conversation about the PS2's best RPGs without Covenant being mentioned."
"Exploring the Wii's library is a journey through gaming history."
"Kirby's 25th anniversary: a fantastic celebration of a timeless character."
"The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past was quite frankly a landmark game for its era."
"Tarak does represent a time in the industry and especially for first-person shooters where a lot of titles just really started to be kind of dumbed down."
"Dr. Mario was originally considered a palette swap of Mario but eventually became a separate fighter."
"It was called Street Fighter and it really was the granddaddy of all beat em up."
"Super Mario 64 truly is a landmark in gaming."
"Vice City continues to live on in no small part due to the steady stream of ports and remasters released by Rockstar over these two decades."
"Aerith has become one of the most famous video game characters of all time."
"I think without Tom Kalinske, Sega would have just been a blip on the radar. The most important lasting legacy is video games becoming more of a mainstream form of entertainment and skewing older."
"I started playing Sims 1 when I was probably fourth or fifth grade, so it was like 2003."
"Square Soft took cool risks and by god did they."
"These early CODs are what started everything, got it going, so you gotta give it some love."
"Sega built on the controls found in final fight by adding reversals and double team maneuvers into the game."
"Say what you want about the quality of the games nowadays but they were quite innovative for the time period in these early 3D consoles."
"Sega shifted away from cartridges to the compact My Card format in July 1985, two years after the console's debut. This has been presented as an aesthetic choice."
"Nice try, Wookies. No one can take away my adolescent memories of Lara's low poly Toblerone teats on the PlayStation one."
"Without a doubt one of the most recognizable shapes in all of video game history: 111 tiny little pixels make up his most iconic shape." - Iconic pixels create lasting impressions.
"Reinhardt was actually gonna be the fourth hero."
"Street Fighter was the first real fighting game series...and single-handedly kick-started a golden era of fighting games."
"Peace Walker tells a satisfying origin story for Big Boss as he finally overcomes the events of the Snake Eater mission."
"It helped coin the video game genre title first-person shooter."
"Wasteland brought the post-apocalypse to video games and inspired a genre."
"Super Mario Bros. marks the beginning of modern gaming."
"Walking has been in video games since Pac-Man took his first steps."
"Resident Evil 4 isn't one of the best Resident Evil games it's one of the greatest games of all time."
"Half-Life 2 is one of the most important video games of all time, let alone in the shooter genre."
"Rival Schools, the story of Capcom's innovative fighter."
"Ocarina's sheer innovation cannot be overstated."
"A poignant reminder of the JRPG's humble roots and an enduring meditation on the terrible beauty of life itself."
"Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix marks the first time that Kingdom Hearts Final Mix was made available outside of Japan."
"It's been nearly 20 years since the very first Shenmue was released for Sega Dreamcast."
"Mario Tennis saved Daisy from obscurity since I don't think she was supposed to appear after Super Mario Land."
"The legacy of Resident Evil 2 is unquestionable."
"Final Fantasy 7 didn't just smash sales expectations, it became the first Final Fantasy and the first RPG that many players ever experienced."
"This period of time represents an era when Castlevania had not yet been completely defined by Konami itself."
"The second game is perhaps better remembered these days, especially when you consider how influential it was in the RTS genre."
"Atari walked so Nintendo could run... Atari walked so PlayStation could run... Atari walked so Xbox could run."
"Atari had actually announced an add-on for the Jaguar before it was ever even released."
"Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout had some amazing graphics at the time, being the first full 3D Dragon Ball game."
"This is it guys. This is where Pokemon started."
"NCAA game breaker marked the first time the series was developed for Sony's PlayStation console."
"For the longest time was like the gaming King CPU."
"Welcome everyone, to the complete history show, where we look at some of your favourite video game franchises from yesteryear!"
"The original Nintendo controller is one of the most iconic video game controllers of all time."
"The crossover Capcom vs SNK burst onto the scene at the end of 2000 as well in what many gamers had been wanting for years."
"From the original Super Mario Brothers game to the latest installment, a variety of Super Mario games can be played on Nintendo Switch... We hope you'll take this opportunity to play each and every one of them."
"There's nothing all that spicy about it... but I wanted to take a moment and show you something cute about the MSX's history."
"The opening cut scene of Final Fantasy VII is probably one of the best intros ever."
"The Genesis was a major success, kicking off the 16-bit gaming generation with a bang."
"Metroid and Castlevania both came out in 1986."
"Halo 3 was the most successful entertainment property of all time."