
Performance Pressure Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"I always talk about wanting the ball when you've got 70 80,000 when you're losing at home. That's bravery."
"Everyone's looking at me, millions of people at home watching, I'm not gonna let the fans down."
"Way worse than huge festivals... it's just you, on everyone's video, on a very very special day."
"It's all eyes on Ollie. Time to deliver. No excuses."
"Every player on that team has to weather the expectation. The expectation is to win, absolute."
"So you're scared as hell the whole time you're scared you're you're you're like damn I gotta do everything possible for this [ __ ] but not to be as bad because it's going to be millions of people watching around the world"
"There's no more second chances, you've got to go and deliver."
"One little mistake can be very costly at this level."
"If you're not an elite singer, that place would destroy you."
"It's all the more embarrassing that we are having any losses when you remember that every run only goes to moms hard to begin with."
"You don't have to always be topping yourself, but come back with something."
"Cubic, you live for that moment, the game depends on you."
"Not only is the best team of all time going to literally potentially ruin their own fucking era and legacy by not winning all the tournaments they would have attended"
"I'm so tired of losing. I've been losing the last two years."
"I feel like the pressure is a pretty good thing."
"This is why streamers play better off stream because they don't have the added pressure of them overthinking other people criticizing their gameplay."
"The fear of disappointing your audience convinces you to make sacrifices most people shouldn't."
"Over the next few weeks, there's nowhere to hide and that actually makes me very happy."
"Composition sucks ass... you're gonna have to hard carry."
"The constraints of playing for review can affect one's ability to think clearly and critically about the media they're experiencing."
"Which quarterback has the most pressure on it: the greatest quarterback ever Patrick Mahomes or Mr. Irrelevant?"
"Everybody loves the backup until he has to play."
"At this level, the amount of goals they've scored in those high-pressure situations, you just feel mentally that may actually affect."
"i quite liked the pressure and it really felt like you're doing something important you know it's on tv and if you screw up it's there for the world to see and that sort of thing."
"The pressure was high, I had to get it right."
"Oh, hello, don't strain baby! Whoa, we're on a supercritical time!"
"You gotta be twice as good. You can't make any mistakes because when one of you messes up, he blames your entire group."
"Fantastic ability on the ball but when he gets pressed he struggles."
"You have to deliver, you have to go out there and dance like your life depends on it."
"Some players like Reggie that just I mean he embraced that and he thrived on that... the league is a little more influenced by that and making sure that was the standard the double standard."
"Anything that doesn't work, it's almost a product of caring too much."
"Expectations have now risen, so there is a lot more pressure."
"Can we give it up for Cheese for sure for the run, there's a lot of nerves, a lot of pressure, but really good job."
"The larger my audience got, the more pressure I felt and responsibility to start putting out better videos."
"The time has come for you to not only lip sync for your legacy, but to lip sync for your life! Good luck, and don't (bleep) it up."
"No one cares how many semi-finals you've got to, no one cares how many finals you got to. If you don't win it, it never happened."
"This could be a big game for Aubameyang. Chelsea at home, fans back in the stadium. Captain, answer these critics."
"Keep utilizing that middle, put so much pressure on the block."
"During your season, all eyes are on you, and whatever you're being guided to is divinely guided, so don't be afraid."
"I think there definitely is a lot of pressure being able to play at that high of a level. I try to put all that out of the way and just play my game."
"Every world record broken today will be prized with $10,000. The pressure's on, let's see what he can do!"
"It's a knockout competition so they have to be on their game."
"Playing in front of a crowd like this adds pressure no matter which side of it you're on."
"The pressure is very different, there's so much at stake."
"I'm going to be kicked off the team if I don't do my solo perfect. But I'm not gonna go home when I'm dancing for my grandma. It's not gonna happen."
"I'm a little nervous going up against Daviana because Abby's put a lot of pressure on me to go on stage and win and to be wonderful and fabulous."
"You drop off for 10 seconds... you're out of a title race at this level."
"You [ __ ] look nervous. I'm nervous as hell. This is gonna be [ __ ] bad. All right, here we go, gentlemen."
"This showcase is probably the biggest case of make-it or break-it that I've ever seen."
"We don't make her be on camera and perform if she doesn't want to, never force her kids to like perform or be on camera if they don't feel like they want to."
"When the results start not going your way, you get punished."
"Setting a score goal can more often break you because you feel the pressure every shot. You know that to get your high score, you might need a 50 in every end, and when you shoot a 48 or 49, you start getting a little anxious."
"We cannot make the game bigger only because in a decisive moment we have to do anything anyway the best we can do."
"I think it's hard to be like 'yeah, we're doing great' and 'we're gonna live up to the hype.'"
"One small slip-up could cost you the entire run."
"For this team to not make the finals would be a historic choke job."
"Every time these fans come in this Stadium there's an expectation of us to win."
"It was tough, every night I had to bring it."
"Now people actually expect quality. It's just so damn terrible when you have to give it to them."
"At this point in the competition, JoJo cannot make mistakes."
"Your obligation to yourself to be the best to achieve the highest level has to be greater the pressure you put on yourself has to exceed anybody else's pressure that puts on you."
"Nothing but choking, choking, and more choking. And it may cost you a playoff spot."
"Trying to go from really, really good to perfect burns people out like crazy all the time."
"You're only as good as your last video and the number of views, and that's a toxic mindset."
"When I play with subs, I feel this pressure to be the super version of me."
"Ben Simmons went from the consensus number one pick to a player who's unplayable in the final minutes of a playoff game."
"It's entirely pressure, entirely player, working off of instinct."
"Fail to impress us and you will be packing your bags. Good luck."
"Performing a huge game like this means everything to them, let's see if Jackie and the rest of Invictus Gaming can end this game here."
"You feel pressure, you feel nervous, so I'm kind of just going to enjoy the moment."
"Shooting someone is an active precision, it's no big secret the precision is much more difficult when your mind and hand muscles have to overcompensate for constant shaking."
"It's hard to clutch, that's probably one of the clutchest players in the game."
"If Manchester United are not in Europe next season then they're going to be in real really big problems."
"Now it's up to me to go out there and do my job and not let all these people down."
"Anyone will feel that pressure, man, no matter how much you get paid weekly."
"They were like nah we got this like there was no bad blood there was no raging there was no freaking out there was no nothing like they were fully ready to go and they're like all right let's [__] do it."
"This could be the last tournament where he's at the peak of his powers and he's got something to prove."
"The only League where you could be one of the top performers and still get canned."
"There was a lot of pressure to get it right."
"You want to be seen as great without with effortlessly. Yeah, great so you want to be like, 'Oh, you want to see my audition?' and someone sees it and you want to feel like everyone's like 'That's amazing.'"
"Ramsdale showed to me in this game with all the rumors around the brand new goalkeeper the uncomfort makes him even better."
"The motivation of not letting everyone down is the biggest thing."
"If you fear losing it all, you do things like second-guess the coach, play too many minutes, or try too hard."
"Great players usually take that urgency and they play even better." - Ryan Iverson
"I said if he loses to Norwich, yeah? I don't think he can sleep right."
"You feel guilty, like the audience has a sense of ownership."
"Most opponents will break down and start missing that down the line if you consistently put pressure on them by being in the right position."
"I felt like this is the time when everybody didn't come to the game, like, 'Yo, you do not want to be embarrassed. You have to perform your absolute best.'"
"You have no idea of the pressure of coming in here playing with this type of presence hanging over you every day."
"Any tiny little screw up will be the difference between completely terrible and coherent poop joke."
"I used to be afraid to lose, but now I'm afraid to win because I have 10 seconds in which to prove the reason for my existence."
"I wasn't particularly nervous. I just knew I had really big shoes to fill."
"Acceptance is giving up your resistance to what is."
"When we do something right, nobody remembers. When we do something wrong, nobody forgets."
"So when I walked into that environment... you have to win."
"The fans only care if you're performing right. It's true, you know that's it, it's top eight man like if you can't make top eight in nine games it is what it is you probably don't deserve to play anymore I agree."
"He's got to take this to stay alive, and he's not going to."
"It's like we're great until all eyes are on us and everyone's like right what are Arsenal made of and then we can't handle it."
"Ice in the veins, the one versus one goes in favor of verus Pro."
"We must finish top four, we have to salvage it."
"You cannot afford to lose matches like this."
"I always feel a lot of pressure to hopefully give people what they want."
"Even though it was in LA, it wasn't the same scale or pressure."
"We have to end this video on a win, I just don't, I know I like it, like if I don't end in a win then it's like, like when you guys finish the video it's nice when there's a win at the end you know."
"That is the thrill and the agony of a competitive scene today."
"Every single shot counts. Do you hesitate to give him the ball, knowing that in all likelihood he'll get fouled and have to go to the free-throw line?"
"Every game is a final, there isn't no let-offs, there isn't no mistakes, we have got to win and we have got to put 100% on the line."
"Victoria needs a nine point eight but she has two tries."
"You can have a captain who players look up to as an example."
"This is your biggest show ever you fucking grin and bear that."
"Stay calm, don't fuck this up, you literally have played so perfectly, Vinny."
"So probably just driven the lap of your life and their engineer comes on the radio says just give me another three and a half ten easier said than done."
"Everybody's gonna have their eyes on him come Saturday, he has a lot to prove from that main event."
"As bad as that anxiety can get, sometimes that's what makes a guy perform at his absolute best."
"Pressure is not a bad thing for me. I played under pressure, I've lived under pressure since I left school."
"Sometimes with all the time in the world you can fluff your lines but he composes himself and slips it past the keeper."
"It was just about trying to live up to the Legacy."
"It's six to six, next round wins the entire thing. I need three kills, I have 19 downs though."
"I need Justin Fields to be the guy on this team. I need him to step up or he can freaking step out of Chicago."
"I couldn't feel good about performing well, I couldn't take credit or feel good about the way my body looked because I thought I was cheating."
"You have to play in wildcard weekend, but if you lose, everything you did this year was worth a single damn."
"That pressure is still there for you to deliver."
"We can't just keep asking LeBron to put on the cape and save the day."
"One mission, one opportunity. Don't [__] it up."
"If you constantly get first place at tournaments and then you get third you're like, 'I'm a failure.' But rationally speaking, that's not true."
"Whoever's design is judged to be the weakest will be wrenched and eliminated from the game."
"The pressure to perform taught me some of the greatest lessons of my life."
"If you're not on it this season, you will lose points."
"Burnout is essentially a state of chronic stress that happens when we overexert ourselves in our professional lives in an effort to excel and actually succeed."
"Expectations are getting higher and higher for companies that matter the most."
"...could there be too much pressure too much talk about him going in and he doesn't perform maybe but right now uh I think he's going to damn sure be a factor..."
"I feel like you still push to do all the different types of things that people want to see."
"If you remove the pressure, you go faster. Yes, you do, you do, you do."
"...enjoy that moment when you've got... more pressure on you. Just take that moment and because when you succeed in those moments it is so gratifying..."
"They're battling each other, that's making it that much harder"
"You damn well better make sure that you knock it out of the park because we've seen what happens with franchises that fall on their face."
"The expectations are as high as ever."
"If you're good at what you do they're gonna be putting the pressure on you."
"In those huge moments, when your brain's trying to tell you, you just gotta go back to what you've worked on thousands and thousands and thousands of times."
"Having two dances this week and being at the bottom of the leaderboard is putting pressure on both of us."
"Even if it was Chappelle, every night has to go up with his reputation on the line."
"It's cutthroat bowling, it better be your best."
"An award show shouldn't force an artist to perform a single that is running its course."
"He's sounding charged up and he's rapping like he has to save his life to be able to execute on that song."
"It is physical combat ridden with the sounds of urgency, hope, and determination to impress."
"I never felt nervous in the moment, I just felt very calm and focused."
"The pressure is on, but we have to see how that will work out."
"As soon as you hang up the phone, you feel that pressure, the pressure to be flawless, because any mistake could cost your teammates, more importantly, your country."
"It's an incredible amount of pressure and people kind of rise to the occasion or they don't."
"He was like an Olympic athlete who was sheltered all of his life to perform at optimum for our entertainment."
"We often see great fighters swallowed by the enormity of a big fight and fail to capitalize."
"Pressure busts pipes, but like, you can hide when you're on a basketball team, you can hide when you're on a football team. No pressure, no diamonds."
"You're only as good as your last role, some would say."
"The Met Gala is really intense, that's like almost like performing in the Grammys for me."
"He's got 5 million people watching him tonight."
"Whoever gets locked in quicker at the offensive side is going to create a lot of stress."
"Just imagine the pressure of singing to millions when you've still not finished last week's homework; now that is stress."
"It's hard to be the world champion."
"Here's the adrenaline just flying right now, game one Olympic trials, and you just threw it too hard."
"Nobody wants to have a stinker on the biggest day in football."
"All-time great players, they all have these moments where everybody's looking at them funny."
"When you try to do something different and trying to show off in front of a camera or a crowd, that's when bad things can happen."
"I feel like I'm gonna have to play really solid today to beat these guys."