
Market Principles Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"The twin forces of supply and demand... Demand is how much someone wants something. Supply is how much of it there is to have."
"How do you expand access to something and get the price down? A market works in everything."
"We want credit to be allocated efficiently. We don't want government coming in and saying, 'Don't worry about lending money because if it's a bad debt we'll pay you off.' Credit needs to be allocated based on free-market principles."
"All they care about is choice, production, and exchange."
"You have fixed supply, increasing demand. You don't have to go to MIT to know what's going to happen."
"Understand, if the circulating supply is lower, then guess what? The end number, the price, will be higher."
"Your value is ultimately decided on an open market."
"Bitcoin is kind of the truest free market asset that we have."
"Every price is determined by supply and demand on real-time exchanges."
"At the end of the day, these are private companies in a free market economy. And that's, you know, that [ __ ]'s just bad for business."
"Price and value are two very, very vastly different things."
"Fundamentals are upstream of price, price is downstream of fundamentals."
"You don't bid on something that's not for sale." - Unknown
"There's only one color in capitalism: green, a universal currency."
"If the product is good, people will buy it. If they think it can make money, they'll buy it."
"The cure for high prices is high prices, but that takes a long time to play out."
"Supply and demand, one thing that is fundamentally right."
"Every other product that has ever been provided in the history of man has become more affordable in a free market, and health care should not be an exception to that rule."
"The greater the demand, the greater the supply."
"In any Market, whether it's fruits, vegetables, or financial assets, prices are determined by supply and demand."
"I want all digital assets to succeed if they can in a free market on a level playing field."
"If you're a believer in markets, then they work best when everybody has access to them."
"This goes deeper than making money, guys. This goes into ethics, morality, and a free market."
"Free markets and individual rights are so important."
"The longer the base, the higher the chase, the bigger the breakout."
"The fundamentals drive the price, the price doesn't drive the fundamentals."
"Everything in this world is based upon supply and demand."
"Price is a liar. The value of the asset is determined by the fundamentals."
"Islam gives to the world a completely free and fair market."
"In the U.S. we lead by principles, so in the U.S. we let the markets figure it out and then the regulators articulate principles around the behavior they want to see."
"It goes back to the fundamentals of economics... increasing demand and decreasing supply."
"The fact that the intellectual property system, patents, has been corrupted by the modern pharmaceutical system to extend those monopolies actually goes against the principles of free market."
"Prices are a product of supply and demand."
"Let the market do its job, your job is to do proper risk management."
"Open markets and free markets lead to low prices, good quality products and high wages."
"Ultimately, stocks always are moving towards their intrinsic value."
"If you went to economics 101 class, supply and demand, if supply goes down and demand goes up at the same time, then the price has to go up to accommodate everyone."
"Here's a little economics lesson: supply and demand. You put the supply out there, and the demand will follow."
"The paradox in economics is that to have a low price, you must allow a high price."
"Despite all the changes, the general principles which are essentially dependent on humans and their psychological tendencies to get overly exuberant and to get overly depressed... remain."
"The market doesn't care what you think or how you feel, which is why you have to have rules."
"We've generally decided that competition and the free market is a good thing and that monopolies are not good."
"Whenever supply is more than demand, prices will go down; whenever demand is higher than supply, prices will go up."
"We've got like in this sort of economic ideals the price of something is just a reflection of its supply and it's demand."
"Supply and demand is the simplest theory that explains the price action of anything in crypto."
"The rich get richer... because to the market, turning fifty thousand into a hundred thousand is the exact same thing as turning a million into two million."
"I learned simultaneously that the cure for low prices were low prices."
"Individuals who are free to pursue their self-interest will produce goods and services that others want at prices others are willing to pay."
"Whenever an economist hears the word 'shortage,' he or she should immediately start saying, 'What do you mean shortage? There is no shortage in the free market.'"
"For every sell, there has to be a buy in the market."
"As the price of a commodity goes up, the geographic extent of its ore gets bigger."
"Market freedoms are at the absolute core of freedom."
"The principle of supply and demand: if supply is large and demand is low, value is going to decrease."
"Every market in the world works on the supply and demand dynamics."
"The law of demand states that as price goes up, the quantity demanded falls, and vice versa."
"Supply and demand, it's an investment."
"The supply and demand formula is a fair one. If people don't need it, it shouldn't exist."
"The law of demand states that there is an inverse relationship between the price of a good and the quantity consumers demand of that good, ceteris paribus."
"Resistance becomes support, support becomes resistance."
"Economics 101 tells us that the price of any asset in a free market is determined by supply and demand."
"Many people say this is what the market is, but the market is nothing but what people are willing to pay for things."