
Work Philosophy Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"There's nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all."
"Lesson number one was don't work for money. Do not work for money."
"The enlightened person sees no work in work and work in no work."
"It's a mind-bender because you're working at this level where you're like everything I'm doing is worth this amount."
"Work smarter not harder is humanity’s slogan."
"Work smart, not hard. Same principle applies even on a different planet."
"Productivity is so much deeper than people realize. It's not just a few tips and hacks and tricks; it's creativity, intuition, and doing your life's work."
"Work is not something you do, it is something that you've discovered you're supposed to become."
"Follow your passion didn't work, so we got to just sort of re-engineer work to be what we need out of it."
"Do what you love every day and you will never work a day in your life."
"It's natural to think that working harder yields better results but sometimes that's not the case. I personally like doing less work. I am lazy as [ __ ]."
"I want to be a cog in the machine, not just like everyone else."
"Work is something we should be wanting to engage in... Those are real needs human beings have that capitalism completely rejects in the name of profit."
"I don't even call it working hard, but I'll just call it working smart."
"If you're joyful, you will swim up and down 25 times... how can you call it hard work if you're doing something that you don't love to do?"
"Never work a day in your life if you, um, love what you do?"
"Skill in any performance consists not in painfully and consciously thinking out each action as it is performed but in relaxing and letting the job do itself through you."
"This is the new 'work smarter, not harder.' This is it."
"If you enjoy what you're doing, that's not working."
"Ninety percent of life is showing up, being consistent, being there at the time you're supposed to be, whether you feel like it or not."
"It's not about grinding up a bunch; it's about providing improved capability."
"Work won't just be 'another day, another dollar'."
"Time spent chasing performance gains is usually time poorly spent."
"Productivity is not about doing more work. It's about creating more impacts with less work."
"You get better at working when you work less."
"Sometimes like we said before, doing more work equals less work."
"What's the point of doing it if you don't get to play around?"
"It's all about working smarter not harder... You got to speak things into existence."
"Take what you do seriously. Don't take yourself seriously."
"It's all a matter of working smarter than harder."
"Deep work changes your thinking, your identity, and what you thought was possible."
"Your brains will change if you learn never to work for money, you'll be a rich man."
"There's no such thing as work that doesn't work but work is a two-sided coin you flip the coin it lands on heads congratulation it works for you you flip the coin it lands on Tails congratulations it's working on you"
"The philosophy of build first and ask questions later truly shines through."
"I tend to be a little bit more process-oriented than results-oriented."
"We don't look at it as a 'work-life', we look at it as our 'life's work'."
"I don't work for anybody. Jesse doesn't work for anybody."
"Productivity is just getting from A to B as efficiently as possible. That's all it is."
"Instead of going for the money, the numbers, the effects, go for what is in flow, what is easy, what is fun."
"Booms and bursts are natural to humans and thus the way we should work: deep work, deep rest, get the feedback loop, repeat."
"The Millennials adopting a work as a means to an end philosophy and then we add the third element the Catalyst to this particular metaphorical biochemical mixture and that is pandemic disruptions."
"No one should have to work to live, let's live to work."
"Gilbert believed that his line of work should be fun yet informative."
"Work is not a place; it's what you do."
"The reason that I play poker is not because I want to amass a crazy fortune; it's because I just want to be able to continue the lifestyle that I have now, even when I stop working."
"Life is projects, it is not a job."
"Work is indeed the highest form of existence, the highest expression of the divine glory in the Father and in His Son."
"How we work matters as much as what we work on."
"Work is meant to be more than just a job."
"You work because you want to, not because you have to."