
Neanderthals Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Neanderthals' healthcare had advanced to the point that it significantly affected their survival."
"Healthcare was also a major aspect of the lives of aging Neanderthals."
"Other Neanderthal remains indicate that Neanderthals cared for each other until their last days."
"Neanderthals definitely might have used language."
"Neanderthals dabbled in chemistry; ancient glue reveals."
"The genome of the Neanderthal... defines this point here, what changes have happened in the human genome since we diverged from Neanderthal."
"This evidence demonstrates that Neanderthals recognized the healing properties of certain plants and used them as a form of medicine."
"The practice of burying their dead reveals yet another aspect of Neanderthal culture that challenges the stereotype of them as primitive and unsophisticated."
"Our cousins, Neanderthals, were extremely similar to us, not some brutes that didn't know what they were doing; they were extremely intelligent."
"Neanderthals actually had bigger brains than us and they knew how to use fire and made some pretty sick cave paintings."
"There's evidence that they certainly were not stupid there's more and more evidence coming out now that the neanderthals were were doing cave art."
"I personally liked my own theory that there were Neanderthals inside."
"The Neanderthals: likely our closest human relative... smarter and stronger."
"I mean just look at the IDs of some of these fossil remains. Chagyrskaya 60. Chagyrskaya 63. There's a lot of Neanderthals here."
"Artifacts like this show that the Neanderthals were as skilled and complex as early humans were."
"Evidence obtained from this cave shows that there was a clean break between Neanderthal and modern humans."
"Neanderthals were far from primitive, they were actually by those standards pretty complex."
"Even though we've already discovered so much about them which helped us understand that they weren't really primitive at all they were really complex."
"We have evidence that Neanderthals... had unbelievably deep and powerful ceremonies."
"The bones of 12 Neanderthal families have been found in a cave in Spain."
"Recently in the depths of brunikel cave in Southwest France, scientists discovered a series of rock formations that altered what we know about Neanderthals."
"Neanderthals may have been mourning people, says new study."
"These burials and what we find in them are the earliest indication we have that our cousins, the Neanderthals, may have believed in an afterlife."
"New discoveries are building up an incredible picture of who Neanderthals were... including what they ate."
"Analysis of Neanderthal teeth has revealed the consumption of a variety of seeds and nuts... grains and greens."
"Neanderthals were really quite clever, and capable of designing a technology that was going to serve them well."
"Scientists are starting to think that Neanderthals were just as cognitively powerful as Homo sapiens. They may have been just as smart, just as creative, and just as human as we are now."
"Intriguingly, one Neanderthal from El Sidron in Spain was found to have the bark of poplar wood in the plaque in their teeth."
"It's so interesting that what is perhaps evidence of horrific violence amongst the Neanderthals is also the best evidence of their humanity, their kindness, loving each other, caring for each other."
"Dr. Pääbo's research team wowed his fellow scientists and the public by mapping the molecular foundation of what it means to be a Neanderthal."
"The archaeology of Neanderthals goes back a long way. The first human fossil ever known to science was Neanderthal."
"We have about 98% of our ancestry coming from Africa from those people that left Africa 50,000 years ago, but we also have 2% that come from the Neanderthals."
"Linking archaic introduced DNA to phenotypic traits allows us to begin to unravel the genetic architecture of these traits and maybe tells us something about differences between the Neanderthals and modern humans."
"Neanderthals cared for their injured and buried their dead."
"Neanderthals did not create fire on demand; they were users of natural fire on the landscape."
"...the only possible explanation for this was interbreeding of Neanderthals into the ancestors of non Africans but not as much or at all into the ancestors of sub-Saharan Africans."
"So, we're looking at here two skulls that are about the same age. Maybe this one a little younger, and this one after the Neanderthals. There was a lot of disagreement about what role Neanderthals might have had in our origins."
"...clear evidence of symbolic thought and expression which are traits that historians once thought Neanderthals to be incapable of."
"...Neanderthals lived an amazing 130,000 years ago."
"Some people estimate the original Neanderthal contribution into the modern humans in Western Asia could have been as high as 10, but it very rapidly was selected down to levels of two to three percent."
"If the structures are indeed the work of Neanderthals and not cave bears, their purpose is still a mystery. No one knows what the Neanderthals might have been doing in that cave or how long they used it."
"Changes in climate greatly reduced the Neanderthal population during cold periods, suggesting that climate change played a major role in their decline."
"The reality is it was probably all these changes and disadvantages combined that drove Neanderthals to Extinction."
"Shanidar 1, nicknamed Nandy, lived in a cave in the Zagros Mountains in Iraq, surviving a long and painful life despite multiple injuries."
"All non-Africans today trace a small proportion of their genetic ancestry to the Neanderthals."
"I learned the reason why we view Neanderthals as hunched over and degenerate is that the first skeleton to be found was arthritic."
"The modern human brain is actually smaller than Neanderthal brains, but reorganized; they're different in quality as well as quantity."
"Researchers believe Neanderthals had lived inside the cave over 40,000 years ago; they wandered out in the daytime to collect snails, then retreated into the safety and cozy darkness of the secret cavern, like the womb of the Earth."
"A few recent interesting developments are the discovery of a piece of three-ply twine that Neanderthals produced and an interesting piece of art."
"Neanderthals have similar patterns of injuries to rodeo bull riders."
"This particular gene didn't come from humans; this gene is from Neanderthals."
"Neanderthals and modern humans coexisted, not just warring with each other but also interbreeding."
"Neanderthals were the first to migrate to Europe, occupying all areas between Europe and Asia."
"Neanderthals far from being this really backward, slow, dim-witted group were actually doing extremely capable things."
"Neanderthals didn't go extinct in a way; they still live within us."
"Neanderthals, our closest hominid cousin, were actually more sophisticated than what we give them credit for."
"Homo neanderthalensis was in fact as human as you and I."
"It's more than likely that your DNA contains that of the Neanderthals."
"The Neanderthals were all in all perfectly adapted to their environments."
"Some groups of Neanderthals are known to have produced art and music."
"Neanderthals would have been extremely expressive beings and used a wide range of sounds and expressions to denote emotion."
"Neanderthals were coordinated enough to hunt the humongous mammoths and woolly rhinoceros of the step."
"Everything that we kind of knew about the Neanderthals is kind of wrong, and they are so much more complex, intelligent, and just pretty much cooler than we ever really gave them credit for."
"The fact that the Neanderthals buried their dead suggests that they regarded the body as an image of the deceased."
"This quality of preserving the human body and giving it certain deference seems to go all the way back to the Neanderthals."
"We now know that genetically they are linked to us, that we interbred with the Neanderthals."
"Neanderthals had a spine bent inward, forcing their chest to puff out; it also made them tilt a little bit backwards, resulting in a perfect posture."
"These footprints are the oldest record of Neanderthal presence on the Iberian Peninsula."
"Neanderthals were our closest cousins who shared a common ancestor with us going back about 500,000 years ago."
"Neanderthals are so similar to us that if they were alive today, they could probably just blend into a crowded New York City."
"Neanderthals... buried their dead, they had culture."
"Neanderthals... appear in the fossil record around 400,000 years ago or so."
"Maybe we have to rethink our view on Neanderthals a little bit."
"Neanderthals buried their dead, they worked with tools, they wore makeup, they controlled fire."
"Neanderthals... evolved in Western Eurasia and Europe to Central Asia around four hundred thousand years ago and lived there until approximately 40,000 years ago when they become extinct."
"The Neanderthals pretty much died out after limited mixing with Homo sapiens, and now our lineage would take over."
"Neanderthals were advancing as a society."
"The Neanderthals put flowers on the graves."
"Neanderthals did not go extinct even though their distinctive morphology did disappear."
"Humans and Neanderthals are close; we are very close relatives to one another."
"Neanderthals had their heyday, that was a great time for Neanderthals."
"The evidence from paleontology, archaeology, and genetics all dramatically confirmed that the Neanderthal people were in every respect fully human."
"As a Neanderthal, I've done a bit of research on this, they were just intelligent as you homo sapiens."
"Neanderthals were very intelligent beings despite their media depiction."
"About 5% of our genome was inherited from Neanderthals and for people alive today in East Asia and Australasia, another 5% was inherited from interbreeding with the Denisovans."
"Neanderthals were capable of an incredible amount of cultural innovation and technology."
"Neanderthals... lived a very rough and tumble lifestyle, but we have enough Neanderthal remains now to know that their morphology is the result of species diagnostic characteristics that were selected for over time."