
Lineage Quotes

There are 788 quotes

"The older you get, the more you realize like that that's your lineage, it's your blood, it's so nice to feel connected to that."
"I don't think it's reasonable to take any kind of a moral high ground and say that by bringing a child into this world, you're forcing them to suffer through this, that, or the other. The whole point of human lineage is supposed to be that we're making things better for the next generation, not that we're just thrusting the next generation into this world to see what will happen."
"The Divine Right to rule has been passed down through millennia, a seed line that winds its way to the modern monarchs, royal families, prime ministers, popes, and presidents."
"While the offspring of a god is called demigod or half-blood, the child, grandchild of a demigod, is called a legacy."
"In a fantasy world where magic runs in the blood, one's lineage can be a blessing or a curse."
"You can only be born a king... Kings can make Queens but a queen can never make a king."
"She's surprised to admit it, but she can accept that she is finally free of the terrible burden her bloodline had bestowed onto her."
"Healers birth healers, Divine beings birth Divine beings."
"Unlike the spirit of the hero, Zelda is more of a descendant than a reincarnation."
"The Newman are said to have come from outside the lands between and are, in fact, of the same stock as Queen Marika herself."
"Our Prophet's lineage was from the best of all lineages. From the children of his father Adam, Allah chose who?"
"Adam was my 84th great-grandfather... Queen Elizabeth would be my forty second cousin... Jesus would be my hundred and thirty ninth cousin."
"The Holy Grail is actually the bloodline that dates back to Jesus and Mary Magdalene."
"The most basic human drive is to pass on your genes is to have grandchildren and great grandchildren."
"Luke demonstrated that even the most tainted bloodline can still have good in it."
"Peace, love, and remember, be water my friend."
"It shows how the Qing dynasty can be traced all the way to the present."
"Gil Galad the golden massively elevates the importance of the House of Finarfin."
"Marry strategically to strengthen your bloodline, ensuring a powerful next generation."
"The Chosen One is the direct grandchild of the famous hero simply known as The Vault dweller."
"She's actually quite powerful as the daughter of Magneto."
"Dividing the Royal line into two dynasties, the descendants of Anarion and his son Meneldil led the people of Gondor."
"Little Baby comes from the long lineage of people that helped each other."
"Legacy is rising and lineage Rises if your legacy is lost and poverty and theft you're finished, you just finished."
"He was thirty years and six months old, the last of the Julio-Claudian line that stretched back to Augustus."
"A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing."
"The D. isn’t an honorary title or anything, we’ve seen it is passed down in biological relationships, so from the very start, Luffy was already born… as someone special."
"As we’ve been told, the Void Century is the story of the conflict between a certain immense kingdom, composed by the people of the D. clan, versus an alliance of 20 human kings."
"Only those who can prove their direct lineage to an enslaved ancestor should be entitled to some type of reparations payments."
"Well, you have the Rhaegar and Lyanna connection, you have the same bloodline that Dany is from."
"I like how Madara was piecing together little by little that there's a lot more of a connection between him and Sasuke than just blood."
"And so we meet Damian Wayne, son of the Batman."
"We happen to come from one certain lineage, and isn't that..."
"The mightiest thing a dwarf can do is to be worthy of the name of his father."
"We are sons of Durin, and Durin's folk do not flee from a fight."
"Otto doesn't want Viserys dead; he wants the King alive and well to produce many High Tower grandkids."
"The blatant resemblance between them isn't a coincidence but rather it's the result of these three Titans descending from the same Titan hybrid."
"Individual characters would be influenced by their parents and in turn would influence their children."
"We are Mother Nature, we are the mitochondrial mother, we can trace our lineages thousands of years through our mother's line, way before men started recording their history on paper."
"Jon will learn the truth about his parents – that he’s not Ned’s bastard, he’s the son of Lyanna Stark and Prince Rhaegar Targaryen."
"Jon is arguably the rightful King of Westeros."
"His father was the Pharaoh or king of Egypt, Amenhotep III."
"The Elfstone, Elessar of the line of Valandil, Isildur's son, Elendil's son of Númenor."
"Jane could be a great-great-granddaughter of Belle."
"The gods of Asgard descended from Vili, Ve, and Odin."
"How does a scoundrel, orphan, son of a harlot."
"Thus when we see the Maya people of today, we can be assured that we are looking at the descendants of the people who built those magnificent temples observatories, religious and political structures and Technologies."
"Babar is a descendant of Genghis Khan and Timur."
"Thorphin is meant for bigger things; he's the son of Thors."
"I think his tigers were his lineage."
"It's becoming clear now that the ability might have belonged to the royal bloodline."
"Every bloodline has an assignment on us."
"Just because Jinbei is a whale shark fishman does not mean that both of his parents had to be whale sharks."
"With all of these royal family connections, Mary was one of the most noble women in Europe with legitimate claims to multiple thrones."
"Methuselah's Legacy extended Beyond just his impressive years, his lineage carried forward to Noah, his grandson, changing the course of human history."
"The Kelts spread out far and wide, even I have some Celtic ancestry."
"Despite George's enthusiastic sexual enterprise, he had only produced one legitimate child."
"God doesn't have any grandchildren."
"One of those natural children came from Princess Dana the defiant."
"The Lannisters claim our descent from the Andal invaders and through the female bloodline Lann the Clever."
"She ended up producing a seed, a royal seed, and she's in the lineage of the Messiah."
"The giant-killing king who was in the lineage of the Messiah is in her bloodline."
"Prince Eamon Targaryen said it was his brother Aegon who had told him they were Strongs."
"Prince Damon had at last a living son of his own blood."
"Blenham is also the birthplace of another famous Churchill who likewise served his country well: Winston Churchill."
"Agrippina’s dad was a popular general who was in line for the imperial throne."
"Who is this mysterious figure? It's quite obvious given the fact that he says it very closely resembles Cersei, this seems to be his mother Joanna Lannister."
"He is the Seed of Abraham, by which all the families of the earth will be blessed."
"Jesus was believed to be descended from David... and whether he really was is impossible to say."
"In fact belonging and lineage for Rey is the consistent backbone of all three films."
"Justice is waiting for many of you whose quality of life was diminished by the injustice to your parents or grandparents."
"A boy is wondrous and creative as his many many grandparents."
"The family's rise to power within the nobility began with the stalwart Sir Richard groer the first baronet."
"The grova family, tracing their lineage back to the Norman Conquest, exemplifies the enduring Legacy of old money in a modern age."
"I think a lot of the western mystics who kind of arose outside of a long lineage of practice had something of a problem with that."
"Ramis II was alive in a time before his grandfather had been appointed."
"Princess Alice was a great granddaughter of Queen Victoria and the mother of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and therefore Queen Elizabeth II's mother-in-law."
"I'm the king of freaking Atlantis yeah that's a good question oh he's talking to the fish oh kids got powers I'm not surprised considering who his parents are"
"One of the beautiful gems that we take from this is that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is going to marry in a descendant of Ibrahim and through Ibrahim a descendant also of harun so she is descending through the line of prophets."
"Jesus Christ's bloodline may just live on to this very day if Mary Magdalene really was his wife like so many believe."
"Thank you for the miracle that you are. You're so loved. You are so so loved by the cosmos. It's taken so much for you to be who you are an unfathomable amount thousands of thousands of ancestors for you to be who you are."
"This is the late Duke Paulus Atreides, father of Leto."
"What else could you expect from the son of the top two Hunters of the entire world?"
"He was pretty overpowered but only because he was the son of the chosen one."
"From a strictly agnatic point of view, Charles, William, George, Louis, Harry, Archie, etc., are all members of the house of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh."
"Now, again, you know, the unknown here is his motives, right? That's the um, yes, you know, he finds himself in contact with uh, his younger brother now, right, who has the Founding Titan and he happens to be uh, the Beast Titan of, you know, royal lineage, uh?"
"...but at its core, the lineage that we followed, that we emulated and that we worshipped as young SEALs was the Vietnam SEALs."
"I believe at a certain point it will be the children of the Cardinals, the children of the Pope, the children of the bloodline who are going to make this right."
"The ancestors of the House of Hador were in constant conflict with the men who'd remained under the shadow of Morgoth."
"The lineage of the Megalodon spans over a hundred million years."
"While there had been two kings between these rulers, Romendacil was effectively the ruler during nearly the entire reigns of his father and uncle before him after winning great renown in battle."
"Margaret Beaufort, mother of the king of England."
"Your ancestors did that, and you will very much pick up on it easy because it's coming through the lineage."
"This was more about the internal turmoil with the bloodline than anything else."
"Connie's family lineage potentially connected to the diamond Authority specifically pink diamond."
"There's absolute eternal inheritance, but we're transmitting this mixture, so-called heteroplasmy, through the maternal lineage."
"Archer Wraith, son of Richard Wraith, aka the owner of Wraith Group of Companies."
"I found out that I am a direct descendant of Lady Godiva."
"They may not be entirely aware, but their ancestors stood on this very stage, and now the legacy continues—the Son family and the Piccolo lineage linked forevermore."
"The very first house built on this site, however, was built by an ancestor of mine."
"These are the people that God is incorporating into this Messianic line."
"This was a dragon worthy of a queen and Rhaenyra certainly had the blood to be one."
"His bloodline would continue throughout the ages, spawning a line of illustrious and bizarre heroes."
"The men of Ariador are largely related to the Numenoreans, being of Marakian and Baorian descent."
"So many of his big promises to people were to give them children and to give them generations of children. I mean it's huge like people wanted Kings Kings would like go and have multiple a million wives just to have kids."
"It's not going to be my love life honey my uterus my lineage."
"There's a reason why he's called Father because through him generations have found access to Thrones."
"You don't have Mario without Donkey Kong and you don't have Sonic without Mario."
"We are just part of a long lineage of people coping with broken systems."
"The whole thing was, the grandsons of ham took that endowment which is to make everyone who is worthy a son or daughter of God to make everyone who is spiritually worthy to become a firstborn unto God because they are the ordinances of the firstborn."
"You are the same placental mammal that your great-grandmother was."
"That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed"
"I was so grateful to have had that experience because it informs so much of like the depth that you can you know and you can see from their lineage."
"Talent has nothing to do with lineage."
"No mere Lords these, but Old Kings in the north. Their faces were Stern and strong, and some of them had done terrible things, but they were Starks."
"Indeed, the Asters, a lineage directly descended from America's very first multimillionaire, were the epitome of American high society."
"God kept his promise through a specific bloodline, the Hebrew people, the Jewish people."
"It is said that the Medici lineage can be traced back to the time of Charlemagne himself."
"I think that it's not just that there was magically these Starks suddenly all got this power."
"The Uchiha and Senju trace their roots back to the Otsutsuki clan."
"Those who have the greatest claim to Abraham may peace be upon him are those who follow him in his submission."
"The Nephilim were thought to be very large humans or very large humanlike semi-divine beings whose lineage survives in this people called the Sons of Anak."
"It's different for my baby. You know, my baby's auntie is Erykah Badu, great-grandfather is George Clinton, great-uncle is Lenny Kravitz, huh? Uncle Dallas Austin."
"But our faith doesn't come out of paganism, it's the fulfillment of Judaism."
"Now imagine talking not to your grandparents but your 25 greats grandparents."
"So when we look at the lineage of the six yoga's, I mean they were brought by Naropa then Marpa who was a complete late he was a you know the great martyr the translator."
"We are lawful heirs, according to the flesh. Blessed are ye if ye continue, a light unto the gentiles, and through this priesthood, a savior unto my family, Israel."
"This is a basic scripture for the first claw, not even read by the children of the Baskerville Clan."
"I am a Jedi, as my father was before me."
"What it means to you to share this beautiful role, share in this lineage?"
"The bloodline is strong, and it's like him fighting with the old Scorpion legacy."
"The gods have been gone for a long time, but their blood runs through my veins," Caius grinned, explaining his lineage.
"...these were his children from a previous marriage of Saint Joseph."
He's also described as the protector of patriarchs, patriarchal figures, "a God of the father of the clan," it says in the text.
"I am a pict, a son of those warriors who drove your brutish ancestors before them like chaff before the storm."
"Now these are the generations of Isaac."
"Your father's last name is how you legally identify your father's bloodline."
"You would have dynasties of shipwrights where it was a family business."
"The best way of becoming a shipwright was to be born into a family of shipwrights."
"If Adam is the image and the likeness of God, and Adam gave birth to a son, shouldn't that son be the image and the likeness of God?"
"The Tonan isn't just a dwelling, it's a center of family lineage. It tells the story of your Clan's lineage."
"Mama always said we was kin to General Forrest's family some ways."
"It's the story of the people who are closest to Jesus, the people who shared his bloodline. In this film, I will decode the Bible and other ancient texts to reveal for the first time the real story of Jesus's family."
"Each of his daughters was as bright and beautiful as the dawn, but the king's heart yearned for his son to continue his lineage."
"Forest Gump is the great great grandson of Nathan Forest."
"Your lineage means nothing when it comes to a relationship with God."
"We all come here child. I was faithful to Jaya and her blood carries the same salt as the sea."
"He's taken this woman, Ruth, a pagan Gentile woman from Moab... and redeemed her life and placed her in the messianic line as the great grandmother of King David. And 27 generations after King David, Jesus Christ would be born from this very line."
"But in Isaac your seed shall be called."
"...all the remaining species as of now are descendants of the two we previously had on the southern island."
"God has no grandchildren, only his sons and daughters."
"At the heart of this dynasty, steering this majestic ship through the modern era, is none other than Ralph George Alan Ian Percy, the 12th Duke of Northumberland."
"The introduction of what could be when you thought of Desmond and going through his family tree."
"He played the penguin. Like I said, you could be from the bloodline of a human egg, that's all."
"...it's going to be no question that these are the children of Len Arian and rir Targaryen there will be no rumors of bastardy they are unquestionable they are truly legitimate by Blood and that's where we're going to go um."
"Jacob's name becomes Israel and then he has 12 children and then we now have Israelites."
"Muu doesn't have a last name so we don't know what clan he belonged to."
"There is no other church that traces its foundation and its continuous lineage back to Jesus Christ."
"My ancestors fought the salarian Warriors, now is my turn."
"The family line of Jesus was ethnically diverse."
"Mike kupuna would share with me about the characteristics of those predominantly of the Hokulea lineage is they are so brilliant."
"Hokulea is this lineage that has this kind of Brilliance this sharp Brilliance Diamond Consciousness."
"Act honorable. Act respectful. Because you come from a long line of great warriors."
"It's kind of an important piece to consider who this person is in line of David and the temple. All these mysterious people have had very pivotal roles in them."
"Ambrosius, who is a fellow Knight and a direct descendant of Glory."
"Anything that the universe is giving you that's for you and that's for your bloodline, that's for your ancestors. Don't lose your [___] to another lineage. Don't lose your [___] to another bloodline 'cause it'll happen. It'll happen to you just like that. Just like that."
"You are the star of your lineage."
"Your lineage is the ogs of this universe, Untouchable."
"There's a reason why God has made sure you are hearing what you are hearing now because He's starting a new lineage."
"The downfall of Numenor thus occurred and Amandil's line through his son Elendil and grandchildren became the line of the Numenorean kings in Middle-earth."
"What you learn here is that if any of the seed from the line of David violates this covenantal Bond or blows it in some way then God's going to correct them but his loyal love won't depart from the lineage."
"The Velaryons are actually an older house than the Targaryens, even though they weren't dragon riders."
"And they called his name Obed: he is the father of Jesse, the father of David."
"Yoda's lineage of Jedi are the most influential, the most powerful, and some of the best Jedi that have ever existed, period. Full stop."
"The DNA is all there, isn't it, you know."
"...continuing the shared lineage."
"In you, all the families of the Earth will be blessed. So this is a king for the Nations that would come from the tribe of Judah."
"If you bring Beauty and intimacy, it is something, yes, continuing his lineage for him by having kids."
"A bastard with the blood of the kings."
"And after some days my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, And she became pregnant by him and bore a son."
"Welcome to Mikasa, I'm Videl, daughter of Mr. Satan."
"God is going to erase any bad reputation not just from your name, but from your entire family line."
"you see amphitreon was the son of astonamea and alkaeus and Grandson of the one and only Perseus"
"Maybe my sister will have to cross you out could you handle not having grandkids like great-grandkids."
"It's very likely that there is a blood connection between the stark line and the blackwoods."
"Moto Guzzi V7 series, boasting decades of Italian motorcycling lineage."
"There was a time in your ancestrial line where this gift was practiced and practiced and practiced until absolute Mastery."
"You're more powerful than your ancestors."
"The idea that Aegon had a prophecy of the long night and passed it down to his descendants really should not surprise anyone or throw anyone off."
"Having Ned Stark's bastard is a big deal in the North."
"I do not believe you could tell Elvis's story without showing the DNA lineage of where his influences came from."
"You have the blood of both the Uchiha and Senju. You are destined for greatness."
"Isaac's entire life was marked by his father's sin and this other kid who didn't get to be the promise, who despised him because he was the promised seed."
"Primarchs are like the direct ascendants from the emperor."
"There are world champions in their Bloodline that have not yet even been born."
"'It does not matter if he is the son of one of your Hokages, he is an Uzumaki and the rightful heir to the throne.'"
"The little girl has inherited her mother's powers."
"... some people like to follow a certain mare line."
"Meaning it's not beyond the realms of possibility for me to beget an heir to the Wilton estate."
"This type of culture was matrilineal."