
Python Quotes

There are 1327 quotes

"Python is the world's fastest-growing and most popular programming language not just amongst software developers, but also amongst mathematicians, data analysts, scientists, accountants, network engineers, and even kids."
"That's why huge companies like Google, Spotify, Dropbox, and Facebook have embraced this beautiful and powerful language."
"It's cross-platform, which means we can build and run Python apps on Windows, Mac, and Linux."
"Python is certainly easier to use than Basic was for me when I was that age."
"For anyone asking the question if I want to learn programming before university, where is the best place to start... the most common answer you'll see, which I would recommend, is to learn Python."
"If there's anyone who wants to try to use like a real language, like, for example, Python, I will be very happy to support you in that."
"Python... is pretty much the number one language of choice when it comes to machine learning applications and AI."
"A list comprehension is an easier and more readable way to create a list."
"Somebody who's completely new to Python can see this and say n x in for in and nums and that just is readable; it just kind of flows together."
"Comprehensions really make it easy to add those loops and those conditionals onto the existing comprehension."
"You'll be surprised at how often you'll use these and how much code that you can go through your codebase and replace these long nested for-loops with these list comprehensions."
"Python is not necessarily even web-centric. It's more of a multi-purpose language."
"Python is much more trim when it comes to syntax, only introducing it when it really solves a problem."
"Python, it's actually a little more succinct. You can just use a single hash."
"All right. This is CS50 and this is lecture 7 wherein we pick up where we left off last time in talking more about Python, but this time using Python for even more powerful purposes, an alliteration I didn't intend until I just said it there."
"But it turns out that, in Python, you can solve those same problems, but perhaps a little more readily."
"Python will just use more and more and more and more bits and bytes to store really big numbers so integer overflow is not a thing."
"People just like that it's a little closer to English."
"It turns out that Python supports what's called object-oriented programming."
"Python comes with a lot of super handy functions."
"In Python, it's so common to open files and close them. Humans make mistakes, and they often forget to close files, which might, then, end up using more memory than you intend."
"Python is a language that's meant to be a little more human readable and a little more elegant, if a little more non-obvious."
"But once you get more comfortable with Python, yes, it's better because it's less code."
"Python is at the perfect intersection of the most paid, one of the most growing, and one of the most easiest programming languages."
"Believe it or not, YouTube is built off of Python. Instagram is built off of Python. Spotify is built off of Python."
"Django is a web programming framework written in the Python programming language that we're going to use to make it easy to design and develop our web applications."
"Toad riding python: an unbelievable sight in Australia."
"Functions are so important in Python; they're kind of programmers' bread-and-butter."
"It's disgusting, Python, dude. It's so fast, it's so easy."
"Python was developed by Guido as a middle system language between shell scripting and system programming."
"Iterators in Python are not rewindable, they're not reversible, they're not copyable, none of that, they're the lowest common denominator in iterators."
"Generators are a convenient way to write iterators, they are lazy functions that get executed as you iterate over the result basically."
"You can do the very same thing with a Metaclass and it'll define how the class behaves."
"Using Unicode in Python is very simple. Never mix Unicode objects and byte strings."
"Functions in Python are some way for us to write our own functions that take an input and produce some output."
"Python is a nicely designed language... you can learn a lot of Python pretty quickly."
"The slice syntax, I find it--it's just useful in a lot of situations."
"The knee-jerk reaction, and what I know a lot of people will echo, is that Python is a fantastic and wonderful language."
"Python is meant to be very easy to read and easy to write."
"It's not just either or decisions; you can use Python and SQL together."
"Flags can make our lives a bit easier when working with regular expressions in Python and you may see some of these at some point when you start using them more often."
"Python is a general purpose programming language; it is very easy to learn, versatile, and really easy to write in."
"Python is mostly used on the web and in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data science-related tasks."
"Comprehensions. Now, as far as I know, Python is one of the only programming languages that actually has this. A lot of people absolutely hate it, but I personally love it."
"F strings are new in python 3.6; if you have any version lower than that you are not going to be able to use f strings."
"I hope you feel like you've got a good idea of how to use the threading module and how we can use this to speed up our scripts."
"Python has a much cleaner and clearer way of doing things. There is a right way and a wrong way and if you do the wrong way it's not gonna work."
"So far we've modeled in our data with Python classes."
"Python makes a lot of sense. It's a really good language, high adoption, high movement in that space."
"I teach people Python and Django and occasionally bits and pieces of JavaScript mostly as penance for my sins."
"Python makes me happy happier than C, C++, Java, Perl, most other stuff that I've written code in anger."
"Decorators are kind of cool. Let's write a decorator 'cause it does something cool for us."
"The day that I started using Python, I just immediately fell in love with the language."
"It's so much nicer to use F strings to be honest."
"Learning Python is important, whether you're going to be learning MicroPython or CircuitPython."
"Circuit Python is a beginner friendly, open source version of Python."
"A Circuit Python board will appear as a disk drive on the connected computer."
"I found myself cleaning and then extracting data in order to then build machine learning models in things like Python."
"Django is very scalable, versatile, and runs on Python."
"The main coding language that I would recommend starting out with would be Python. Python is a very basic, easy-to-learn coding language."
"Don't be single in this Valentine's Day, rather find your perfect girlfriend using Python."
"I'm gonna teach you Python by working through a project."
"The point of this is not only am I going to teach you basic Python syntax and some different language features, I'm also going to explain to you how you structure a program."
"Python is a great language, a very, very good general services programming language."
"Python, within a couple of days, you can be doing something."
"Vanilla Python does not work well for game development, but there are modules like pi game, piglet, and Python Parque."
"Pi game is quite a straightforward library for game development."
"If you combine Python with other knowledge that you've got, you can do many, many things."
"There's a demonstration of the Python scripts that allow me to extract Exif data into a text file or to the terminal."
"Python's strength lies in efficiency during development rather than in raw performance."
"Python is designed to be fast to develop in and excels in that regard."
"Python installed? Let's dive into this fun project."
"Let's program our way out of this problem, and it will be quite easy with Python."
"The syntax to print something out in python is really simple."
"Print 'Hello, world!' - the classic first program."
"it's probably python I can I can get on that for you if you want"
"Scripting in general, python specifically, I think is a really good one to pick up."
"I think if anybody's had any background... learning Python is not that big of a ramp."
"The best way to learn Python is to actually just do it."
"Python, one of my favorite programming languages. I use it all the time and I have literally hundreds of hours of content teaching it on this channel."
"Python... this is just what all everybody else should be looking at and be like okay we start from here and we take this route of making everything so simple."
"Python: Platform independent, can run on Windows, Linux, Unix."
"Python: Implement complex logic with only very few lines of code."
"I fell in love with Python during my AI and machine learning journey."
"Python is a programming language that can be done for various purposes."
"Pandas is probably the best tool to do real-world data analysis in Python."
"We can create a data frame using this dictionary."
"We usually have to create pivot tables using Excel, but now we're going to create a pivot table using Python."
"Over the last few videos, we got a little distracted with some scripting, but I hope that helps to introduce you to Python and show you how useful even some basic knowledge is."
"...this is a pretty cool way to visualize your data using uh you know Python and jupyter notebook."
"Python is the go-to language that we have to learn if you want to get started in AI or in data science."
"It really reduces the headache of python environment management package management dependencies Etc."
"Python is the most used program language in machine learning due to its independence across platform, flexibility, and simplicity."
"Learning more about Powershell, learning more about Python can be very, very valuable."
"Wow, you learned a lot about Python in this course! So great job!"
"Solving the problem in Python will involve a for loop, a counter variable, and an if statement."
"Stable Baselines 3 is for reinforcement learning in python like scikit-learn is for general machine learning."
"Congratulations, you just programmed your first neural net in Python."
"If that sounds interesting to you, then stick around and I'm going to share something that's really cool in Python which is data classes."
"Exploring more robust tools like SQL, Python, or R opens up a world of possibilities for Advanced Data manipulation, analysis, and visualization."
"Python's machine learning capabilities enable you to build predictive models that can forecast future sales trends or customer behavior based on historical data."
"I literally learned python just for coding interviews and it's definitely been worth it."
"Python is a widely admired programming language because of its readability."
"Python is sometimes easier to understand. There's a million examples."
"Python is easier on syntax for new people right? I think Python is sometimes easier to understand."
"But get Python because about 80 to 90% of what we do in cybersecurity is Python."
"Using the latest Python, next important feature is it is totally based upon the Open API and JSON Schema."
"Python requires this indentation, it forces us to be neat and tidy with our code."
"Python is a powerful, object-oriented, open-source, easily extendable programming language."
"Python is a booming language, lots of in-demand skills, lots of people asking for it."
"I have actually been using Python now for five years."
"Everything that you can do with ArcGIS, you can do it in Python."
"So in Python, in a lot of programming languages, when you start counting things, you start with zero, not one."
"Plotly Express is a high-level Python visualization library that provides a simple syntax for complex charts."
"The type of an object is actually really important. Python uses it to know the kinds of operations you're allowed to do with it."
"Python is by far the most popular."
"When you want to perform some complex tasks, interact with APIs, or perform more data manipulation, Python wins over shell scripting."
"Simple tasks? Go with shell scripting. Advanced or complex tasks? Go with Python scripting."
"Python has rich modules and is designed to handle complex activities in a simple way."
"Advanced topics? Go with Python scripting."
"When you have cross-platform compatibility or when you want to interact with APIs, choose Python scripting."
"Python is much preferred over shell scripting for advanced data processing tasks."
"When you want to write any complex logic, interact with APIs, handle errors, or perform advanced data processing, Python scripting is preferred."
"Pandas is the most popular and widely used Python library for data science along with NumPy and Matplotlib."
"The fundamentals of numpy are so important to latch onto for Python."
"Numpy's main object is a multi-dimensional array."
"Python makes this process super efficient."
"Welcome to amigos code and in this video, I'm going to teach you about Python in this full course. I'm going to make sure that at the end, you are so comfortable with this popular programming language."
"PyCharm is by far the best IDE for Python developers."
"Python gives you a lot of support for just looking into [dictionaries] easily."
"Python is meant to be higher-level. It's meant to be a little more intuitive. It's meant to be more accessible."
"But what's nice in Python, frankly, is that it's a lot easier to loop in Python than it is in C because you can loop over anything that is iterable."
"Pythonic isn't necessarily the only way to do something. But it's the way to do something based on consensus in the Python community."
"Python allows for more efficient coding."
"Python's print() function works without including libraries."
"No need for main() or semicolons in Python."
"Python allows for using single quotes instead of double."
"Compiling and running code in Python is simplified."
"what if you had Python and you started chopping things away?"
"As developers, we start with our excellent Python extension."
"We wrote very detailed web scraping guide in Python for example."
"What's the most interesting part that came out of Python? As far as I'm concerned, it's this conference, absolutely."
"The framework is currently offered in Python and JavaScript, well TypeScript to be specific."
"We'll be using Python and creating a virtual environment."
"Now you're probably wondering what's the first thing I should do to kick this data science journey off? Well, the first and probably one of the best steps that you can take is to begin to learn Python."
"Pandas is by far the most popular data wrangling package out there for python."
"A virtual environment is just a folder that sits on top of Python where you can add all these third-party libraries and modules, and they'll only be specific to the project you're currently running."
"Python should always be in your tuck on how to get Chad GPT to write you python."
"Utilizing SQLAlchemy means that we don't need to learn anything about SQL code. We can just use our normal Python code classes to build tables."
"Creating heat maps in Matplotlib is just a few lines of code, making visualization easier."
"Python is incredibly powerful. There's a reasons why companies like Google, Drobox, Spotify, and Netflix use it."
"Working with image data in Python can be extremely powerful."
"Just a simple web search for 'Python web scraping' has tons of different how-to's of the way different people have done that for their various projects."
"Python improves marketing campaigns by addressing mistakes that are inadvertently made by marketers."
"Pick something that you want to learn how to do with Python and figure out what you need to do to make that happen."
"Another great feature of Python is that you can immediately plot your results in a graphical way."
"The first thing that you need to do to start working with python is to go to the official website python.org."
"Python uses a dictionary backend, which means all the member variables, all the functions, all the class attributes are stored on a dictionary which you can look up and access."
"With Streamlit, you can weave interaction into your app using input/output widgets like dropdown menus, sliders, and more. It's a fast and easy way to build interactive web apps from your Python scripts."
"If you can do it in Python, you can make it happen in Streamlit. Streamlit supports and is compatible with all major libraries in the Python data ecosystem, making it versatile and powerful for a wide range of applications."
"You can create visualizations in Python and Excel that are just not possible to do without of the Box Excel charts."
"Python is unique in the sense there's no other languages that actually force you to indent things."
"It's actually really useful in Python. It just helps you see things that are going on immediately."
"Python will be your friend. Knowing the theory is one thing then implementing it in the actual job is another and that's exactly where python comes in handy."
"Decorators, generators, context managers, medic classes."
"Python has libraries for this basically things you can install into python writing python in order to visualize graphs super simple my favorite is Seaborn."
"Recursion: a function in Python can call itself."
"Decorators in Python are a way to change, enhance, or alter in any way how a function works."
"A decorator is a function that takes a function as a parameter, wraps the function in an inner function that performs the job it has to do, and returns that inner function."
"If you're working with type check Python, there's lots of resources available."
"Our goal is to aim for fast, clean, idiomatic Python."
"Remember: beautiful, readable, and Pythonic code is faster."
"Looping backwards? Reverse is faster and more beautiful."
"Gravitating back to old habits from other languages? Break the cycle and use Python's idioms."
"Looping over collections? Use enumerate instead of indices."
"...that's why Python's so amazing you can get so much done because you don't really have to write the code someone else probably did it for you anyways..."
"Python being a powerful coding language, one of the reasons it's become popular is because of its ease of use."
"...so abstract base classes predate typing by a very long time we also have signature objects available in Python now they didn't exist at the time as well..."
"It reads very naturally as a sentence. It's going to be heavy if the load's over 70, otherwise we consider it light. If you can express it in a single sentence, it probably belongs in a single line in Python."
"Metaclasses let you break barriers and assumptions that you had about Python."
"It's something I'm really proud of that Python is still shown and people still like them."
"To give a simple answer, I would say that Python is the best programming language. Even if you need or not, you should know Python because, way forward, everything is getting automated."
"This video is a self-contained video Simply about how you can use Python to write to Excel files."
"You deploy it as a Python application serving a REST API."
"The SDK for me, for my choice, is Boto3 because I like to use Python."
"Congratulations! Your database is up and running, and you can interact with it using Python."
"FastAPI is really gaining in popularity."
"Python is more user-friendly to read and to write."
"There's so much you can do with Python, and there's always something new to learn, but I feel like this course has provided you with all of the fundamentals you'll need to keep moving forward in your programming journey."
"Virtual environments are a solution to having multiple Python applications."
"the execution time in Python took about 6 seconds in my machine and about 50 milliseconds in go that's about 120 times faster."
"F strings: embed expressions or variables inside strings."
"Unpacking: assign variables from collections."
"Multiple assignment or variable swap: assign multiple variables in one line."
"Comprehensions: initialize collections in one line."
"Zip function: combine lists or collections."
"For else/while else statement: determine if loop was broken."
"Sort by key: sort by custom criteria."
"Learning to build a Tetris game using Python and Pygame is a great way to improve your coding skills and expand your knowledge of game development."
"So with that being said I'm going to wrap up the video here I hope I gave you guys some ideas and inspiration for some Python projects."