
Attendance Quotes

There are 563 quotes

"No matter what, you continue to show up, and that's how you win."
"Show up because you never know what's gonna come from it."
"If you show up to a spot all the time, there's this famous quote, 'One thing you can do to succeed in life, the most important thing, is to just show up.'"
"You can do it, it's just a matter of am I gonna show up or not."
"This was the biggest paid attendance in the history of pro wrestling on the planet."
"I thought maybe 50 or 60 people would show up, there's already almost 300 in the room!"
"Ninety percent of life is showing up, being consistent, being there at the time you're supposed to be, whether you feel like it or not."
"It feels like an absolute privilege to be here."
"Bad Anime Bad at Anime Boston... packs over 2,000 fans into the cavernous Hall D in the Hynes."
"NPB is the second highest attended sports league in the world."
"We have over 13,000 people who regularly attend an e-group."
"83,830 are here. That must be the biggest crowd we've had."
"So I heard there's going to be something like 60,000 at Wembley for the final."
"Arsenal had a higher average attendance across the women's Super League season than two premier league teams."
"I'm just here for Natalie Portman and I wasn't asked to leave so it was a good experience."
"And after all the time I've been promoting, more and more people are coming to pay their respects."
"Just know that if you're everyone has to be there, it's not okay, stop it."
"It is also the largest festival in the country by per day attendance."
"The Jaguars don't even have limited capacity seating at their home games."
"I'm really glad you guys are here, especially for those of you in western time zones; this is pretty early."
"For those of you west of us, thank you so much for coming."
"I don't object to the concept of a deity, but I'm baffled by the notion of one that takes attendance."
"Good to see you, buddy. I knew there'd be a 50/50 chance whether or not you'd even show up."
"Thank you very much for coming; we really hope you enjoyed this session."
"It's nice to see so many of you here again."
"80 percent of life is showing up."
"The highest attendance for a professional wrestling show."
"It does matter that you show up, it does matter that you buy tickets."
"I mean, arrested would have to be losing every single limb not to attend Raw."
"People like, 'Man, you're so underrated.' Well, when you don't show up to my [expletive], I'm going to stay underrated."
"We hope to see all of you tonight."
"Thanks for coming, appreciate y'all."
"Bonnie's burial was attended only by close friends and relatives, which numbered about 150 people."
"Wow, lots of people here tonight and with good reason."
"Thank you all, of course, for coming."
"Gunner sold out his LA show, we're definitely going."
"The attendance is listed at 11,118, the largest indoor crowd in Memphis wrestling history."
"Reports vary as to what the real numbers were but for night one and Pyongyang there were supposedly around 150,000 there while for night two that number grew to somewhere close to 170,000 with some claiming as many as 190,000."
"...the introduction of the Diamondbacks and Devil Rays in 1998 had a similar boost to attendance."
"Nut up and go to the meetings. It's going to be you're going to be glad you did in the future. You're going to be glad you learned how to whittle."
"...and they had already had a big show with previous week from the Memphis group just to make sure and we did barely $25,000 which was probably about 2,000 people."
"...last time they were there January 6 for Rampage at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum 5,083 tickets."
"Thank you for coming out, thank you for supporting us so much."
"The Harvest Festival was a real Triumph we had over 880,000 people in attendance."
"It's impressive how many people have come."
"...TMZ then reported that Travis Kelsey Jersey saw a nearly 400% spike in sales after Taylor attended his game."
"Our event turned out great, lots of people came."
"Do you think he'll show up at the party?"
"...one of our least attended programs has been the one right after the holidays."
"...to call this some meaningless tournament is ridiculous just look at the numbers over 1 million fans attended a game in the first round doubling the record set in 2017..."
"It's one of those days where 15,758 were on hand but 10 years from now there'll be about 30,000 or maybe more that say they were at the ballpark to watch Kerry Wood tie the major league record."
"Word on the street was that Kevin Hart wasn't even going to show up tonight not only is he here but all of Hollywood's turned out to see how this will turn out."
"Surprisingly, or not surprisingly, 35% said they never attend live shows."
"Don't forget those of you who are attending."
"I think most people do want to go to church. I disagree. Okay, well it's that some people look we can argue over what you know you might be right it might be more people want to go to church but the more interesting people yes."
"Hell yeah man, I wouldn't miss it."
"King's Island enjoyed another record year with 2.6 million people visiting the park."
"Once a week church attendance leads to a 68 percent less likelihood of dying from a death of despair."
"I don't want to miss the party altogether"
"If they managed to get this thing open in time for the Summer Olympics There's gonna be increased attendance and an increased focus on Disneyland resort"
"A hundred thousand tickets were sold to the matches in Tulsa just in one year."
"The crowds are going down and the walk-ups are going down so whatever that means whatever the correlation there is there you know they're doing a lot of things differently apparently now with the live event stuff than they were."
"I decided I wanted to show that you could put effort in, and then people will show up."
"The hardest part is showing up so thank you so much for showing up here today."
"As soon as I started charging attendance, almost 100% showed up."
"I don't think I could go to school today."
"He had been there in the audience for every single performance."
"If anyone wants to come see me play, that would also be great. Tickets are $500."
"People have ridden into these events from far and wide."
"Thanks for coming to that if you were able to join this morning."
"A 67-year run was ending and only 6200 people showed up to see the final act."
"Tickets were free for the show with a reported six and a half thousand motorbike enthusiasts showing up."
"We decided like in October of that year to have it so we only had a month we didn't advertise much but we had 4500 people just show up by word of mouth."
"Thank you guys so much for coming, I appreciate you."
"Are you kidding me? You have to be here. You feel this unbelievable enthusiasm, energy, and excitement!"
"People came from miles away... sitting outside in the open air... soaking wet... just to hear the message."
"According to a new study 200% of the time if you just show up something will happen that's a fact."
"They've attended more Duke games than anyone."
"So many people showed up that I didn't expect to show up."
"I remember you and I angle were at the first double or nothing"
"I believe we're going to have hundreds of people here tonight in this building and hundreds more by people watching on live stream."
"If you want to be happy for a lifetime, make sure people admit you if you didn't show up."
"The place is filling up. It's a star-studded crowd."
"If you guys are so bored by all this, why'd you even come?"
"You cannot build with people who are not there."
"I could totally come here and watch a race."
"You're telling me you're not coming to school?"
"Their attendance that first year was a huge rousing success."
"The Armenian book exhibit: a great success, with more than a quarter million visitors."
"I love weddings, if you invite me, I'm gonna be there."
"Thanks for showing up, see you tomorrow."
"Believing and following the faith does not mean you need to physically go to the building."
"Sometimes it's just important to show up."
"She hardly ever missed a day at work."
"Thank you for showing up. It would be really weird if you weren't here."
"Thank you so much for all showing up on a Wednesday and you guys were like we're coming you know I appreciate it this is beautiful."
"Hope to see a lot of K Fabers there."
"Over 200,000 people attended opening day."
"I want to thank all of you for attending and thank you for your very insightful questions."
"More people left before the final fight than I've ever seen. And it's not like, oh they moved them up, no, it was empty. Like people were leaving and then the fight happens."
"I'm glad that you could attend Hinata responded smiling coily."
"I think we broke the attendance record in about six minutes. Yeah, I mean we knew a lot of people would show up but the fact that that many people showed up was wild."
"Proof of our Salvation is not so much our attendance in a building."
"Thank you for coming this evening, it speaks about your desire to connect with Jesus and to learn more about prayer and to be closer to God."
"He came to church for the first time in how many years? Voluntarily, my entire life voluntarily came to church."
"So bravocon is three days. It's Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We're going today on Saturday."
"Thank you all for coming on this beautiful evening. I'm sure some of you might rather be at a cafe than here in this sweltering heat, but I'm glad you're here."
"Thank you for showing up tonight on this beautiful evening."
"Day one, Nate, we are expecting 8,000 spectators at this event."
"As much as you may like or not like Biden, at least he shows up at things that he should show up at, but that's not enough to be the president."
"We've seen up to five hundred thousand people in a single service. It was rush hour to the meeting, rush hour from the meeting. It was awesome."
"I wouldn't miss one of these things for all the money in the world."
"It's definitely a full house, you guys."
"Don't forget to subscribe down below so that you can attend the next lecture. I will be taking attendance, everyone."
"Thank you so much for taking my invitation seriously and showing up. It means the world to me."
"Life is busy, but still almost 300 people showed up to her service to pay their respects."
"The Los Angeles school board is now making plans to track down those students not attending class just to avoid bussing."
"You could put a couple thousand fans in that vast stadium with seats around 100,000 and not even fill the front row."
"It pays to show up right instead of watching online."
"No. Visit the show. Come to the real show."
"We have 286 people in the room tonight. How terrific is that? That's wonderful turnout."
"South Carolina has led the nation in attendance the last seven seasons."
"Thank you for making time to be here, honestly it's just been fantastic."
"there was a good chance no one was gonna show up in my mind I thought because I got announced a little late and you guys were on it like that so whatever you didn't get into I'm glad so that you could be here with me and the rest of youse."
"I'll definitely be there, I'm going to be there this Sunday."
"Nearly 28,000 fans attended the boycott, triple that year's average attendance."
"I've been interested in the what the true attendance is."
"Ruby did have family members in attendance today. She had her brother Bo, her sister Julie, and her parents were also there. It appears they have returned home."
"We're delighted to see so many of you here tonight."
"Chances are if you're watching this video you're probably going to be going to a novus ordo mass."
"How many people we still got over 200 people on the call, wow!"
"The Dodgers have the highest attendance in baseball."
"This is going to have over a 100,000 people come through here in a 4-day period spending upwards of $20 million collectively."
"If you invite me to a party, I will probably show up. So be careful."
"Good afternoon, welcome to International Spy Museum. We have a very wonderful problem of needing to add more chairs because so many of you came out today. We appreciate that."
"You will not regret attending this."
"If I could make it, I'd love to go to that."
"It's actually surprising to see the room full of people."
"The induction ceremony was only in its second year and didn't have the clout it has now, so Franklin didn't even bother showing up for the ceremony."
"Nebraska led the nation once again this year in attendance."
"It was a packed house today, there was not an empty seat."
"I'll be there. I will not miss this Feast. I'll be there."
"President Biden attended a fundraiser tonight at Radio City Music Hall."
"We had a full house here tonight."
"Thank you for coming out, seriously."
"I left at halftime and you didn't watch? Well, I always perform right afterwards."
"I appreciate every last one of y'all for attending."
"He finally went to one game, right? He's been to one game."
"Twenty-five years from now, you're going to want to say, 'I was there when Ken Griffey Jr made his home debut.'"
"Shout out to everybody that pulled up to Sucker Punch man."
"That settles it, skipping school is out."
"Congratulations to everybody that was able to go to that premiere."
"It's quite the spectacle of seeing everyone turn up."
"I was glad when they said unto me if I could just make it to church."
"Whatever it is, I'm sure I'm going to be there day one."
"I'll be there. Party. Not an official Barstool event. It's a cultural event."
"80 percent of success is showing up."
"I wasn't gonna come today and this is why I'm here."
"Arrays are really helpful for keeping track of a lot of stuff. We could use them for attendance, we could use them to add in certain things as we come across them, which is a way of keeping track of a lot of elements at one time."
"...I didn't change my life one day, I went to every single event obviously if there was an issue that would be tagged fair enough..."
"...when programs send out open house invites, does that mean they have done the initial filtering, or is it just a general message? They may have, but definitely plan to attend."
"Tickets sold out at Pickard, rightfully so, to watch the world's best."
"I'd love it if this many people showed up for prayer."
"Eighty-five to ninety percent of life is just showing up."
"MLB attendance is up nine percent, the highest increase since the 90s and the first time it's increased since 2007."
"If a student shows up for class 85% of the time during the first two months and they achieve a grade of 80 percent during those first two months on their assignments and their tests they are the highest likely to succeed."
"They've announced it now it is the all-time crowd near 40 9700."
"At the end of the day, no one has to turn up, so you have to make an attraction for people to turn up."
"Just in case placement might be at issue, you would probably want to be there."
"Make sure you come Friday and Saturday."
"We're going to be at Armac, you can't miss it."
"I'll be there... even with a messed-up manicure."
"If you have confusions or you don't know if you want to join this ministry and you don't even know where the pastor is or where it's located, you've been watching online, your pastors are in front here praise the Lord."
"Ensure that you're here on time praise the Lord."
"I'm so glad you came to church today."
"Two reasons: declining attendance because they weren't bringing in any new rides and Rising insurance cost."
"35,000 people visit the exhibit upstairs which is virtually what we would get in a year in one month."
"Many people attended the ceremony. By using 'many,' it sounds a bit more formal."
"Tonight marks the third consecutive sellout of the marit center for gymnastics."
"The official attendance tonight: 13,283."
"The public hugely enjoys this concept of new spaces of dreams and pleasure, and within five years attendances have doubled from 200 thousand to four hundred thousand. It's a real success story for the staff of fifty at the chateau de Chamos."
"I don't think I'll ever go to class, that checks out."
"We're spending millions of dollars to educate kids that aren't there."
"Packed house every night every game."
"I appreciate you coming out, man."
"Going to a football game is voting for football and you don't have to do that if you don't want to."
"This fight is completely sold out."
"Never arrive exactly when something starts. You're not gonna get a seat."
"Thank y'all for coming through and showing out."
"We've got some yeses, so we won't be partying alone."
"The best thing about it was being able to say you were there."
"Are you going to the New York Pro? I might be going because I haven't been in a long time."
"Great to see a big crowd here today, over 80,000 here at the MCG."
"Me and some others are going to be at Phoenix Fan Fusion all three days May 24th through the 26th."
"Please join so we get an idea of how many people are coming in."
"Yo, man, did you see like coverage of our last show? Yeah, it was good, man, we had over like 2,000 people, yeah, 250 vendors, that's dope, yeah, man, you gotta come out to the next one, bro."
"If people don't show up it's a lousy party, so you don't want to show up."
"It's good to hear about schools who are taking this stuff seriously and being like, 'Look, if you're attending college, you have to attend your classes.'"
"Perfect attendance awards for kids? Sick days are important too."
"Just show up, and watch God move."