
Character Building Quotes

There are 469 quotes

"Your word, Lord, is like a hammer that destroys evil and builds and strengthens a godly character in my life."
"It built so much character, perspective, and self-reliance."
"Building character is one of the most important things you guys can do."
"A thought reaped an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny."
"We all go through adversity; adversity just builds character."
"If you love getting into the ins and outs of building your character, if you want to have a big choice to make every level, if you want to see the impact of making choices from one level to the next, the warlock is a great choice."
"Work on yourself, work on forging yourself, work on having substance to yourself."
"It's almost holy; it's vocational for sure. Your number one objective is to build the character in the mind of the students within by disciplined instruction in understood courses, and nothing to do with pre-planted and, in this particular case, divisive and pernicious ideologies."
"When you have overcome obstacles, it builds character, builds muscle, builds confidence, builds dignity."
"Learn your character and focus on having fun, and you'll be in the swing of things in no time."
"We're people of character and you don't build character in good times."
"Natural growth is important as a creator; it builds character and loyalty among fans."
"Your life is meant to be rich and beautiful. The hard times serve you, building your character and adding texture to your life."
"Hard times create strong men...without exercising courage constantly, that courage becomes a muscle and it can become soft."
"We are New York tough. We are tough...but it makes you tough in a good way."
"It's about more than just being a good athlete. It's about building character."
"Thoughts become actions, actions become habits, habits become our character, and our character becomes our destiny."
"Development isn't always about winning trophies. It's about character building."
"That's seven years guys between 18 to 25, that's where you [__] build character"
"So now you should have a pretty good idea of what kind of fighter you might want to build."
"Being broke is the best thing that can happen to you if you have the character." - Daymond John
"Responsibility is a good thing because it makes you strong to bear up under it, makes you strong."
"Team sports teach character, discipline, and teamwork."
"Once you start mixing all of this together you could have an absolutely wonderful time building your vats character."
"Discipline is one of the most important things. You need to be a disciplined person."
"The most important question a society can ask is how do you make good people."
"My process is, you know, my first thing that I attack is backstory. Who is this person? I have to build out an entire universe."
"Weight loss isn't just weight loss; it's character building."
"If we run away, our kids will grow up to be the kind of people who run away from things like this."
"Understanding that shaped us as characters, gave us a certain drive."
"Teasing helps build character, and it's what friends do."
"Hardship is part of building your character."
"Suffering molds you and builds your character."
"A big goal of the Crucible expansion is to provide a lot of new ways to build characters and to breathe new life into older builds."
"Character requires restraint, application, dedication."
"Focus on developing the qualities inside of your heart that are similar to that which you want to be."
"Trauma is what builds you, trauma is what makes you build character."
"Those are the days that build your character."
"With the fighter and ranger multi-class, there's no wrong choice here."
"Every little detail of work I think builds your character."
"Confidence, hard work, and humility were instilled in us."
"Ordinator specifically overhauls the perk trees of Skyrim, replacing them with over 400 new perks to improve the depth and fun of building your character in Skyrim."
"We're not only building bodies, we're building character."
"Work is essential to building up our character and our self-esteem and a big part of recovery from addiction."
"Constitution is vital for Rangers, providing extra hit points and aiding concentration on spells."
"You build character when [bleep] is [bleep] up."
"It's awesome because it's your own home and it builds character in you."
"Elden Ring amongst everything else is a fantastic RPG where builds well and truly matter."
"Childhood's meant to be a little hard, it builds character."
"Identifying and transforming undesirable characteristics into desirable ones."
"They have to be kind. Kindness is the most important."
"You went out there and you tried, and while you fell flat on your face, you put in that wholehearted effort. That's what defines you as a man."
"My parents never spoiled me with possessions. They taught me values and morals early on."
"Perseverance and struggle build up your character."
"Basically, you get as many stats as early as you can to make them useful."
"You can choose to go for a min/max stat build for hyper-specialization but you could also do a generalist playthrough."
"Venom the Duck... once you're there, man, it's kind of like pick and choose how you want to build this character."
"Struggle builds character. If you've never struggled, you're not going to have much of a character."
"Your character should be an extension of yourself turned up to like a thousand."
"Plan your build... where you allocate your attribute points is really important for... builds."
"You're going to go through it, but it's going to strengthen the muscle memory and the muscle mass of your character."
"Your gift makes room, but your character makes residence."
"There is no right or wrong way to build your character, only a vast range of playstyles to choose from."
"For the strongest character for damage, make sure you build your characters around highest star weapon, highest artifacts, and higher constellation level."
"He'll build characters in you so that when it's time to go to the front lines, He would know you'll be ready."
"The choices we make along the way, be them good or evil, will define who our characters become."
"We're definitely finding as we build more and more characters for D&D 5e we're often reaching for these underrated and interesting Feats."
"The one thing that I always talk about with kids is like not raising them to be spoiled brats."
"Hard times produce strong people... easy times don't produce much of anything."
"Sometimes the things that seem the worst for us are the very means that God uses to further His kingdom and to build our characters."
"It's better to raise strong children than to repair broken men."
"What you say no to shapes you, your character."
"Karma can only determine starting places, not destiny. Attitude determines character, character determines destiny."
"Suffering builds character, and it doesn't get worse than this."
"Character traits are essential for achieving high value status."
"So as you can now begin to see with a backstory, your core abilities, your underlying perks, your cybernetic implants, and now your loot, you've got a lot of potential to really build out your character."
"We want to continue to share the culture of care, to share the message of character to as big an audience as possible."
"Everybody in life is going be mildly bad person unless they work on being a good person."
"Embrace these [obstacles] as Priceless Treasures that shape your character and guide your steps."
"We're here to build something that's much more enduring than wealth and that's character."
"Survivorman taught me to have a better character."
"It's a lot easier to stack defenses with evasion versus armor for a character like this."
"We want to raise good men, good people, with big hearts."
"Teach determination, work skill, happiness, gratitude."
"I will build my character on what I know is right, ridding myself of what's no longer me."
"Building our background, your character gains the features in the background feature section below as you make choices for your features."
"I love this game, it's so cool the way you build your character and the way your build's constantly changing throughout the game."
"What I went through when I was growing up built me to be who I am today."
"The Eldritch Knight comes together to create an all-around good sword and sorcery character."
"What you think or what you meditate on becomes what you do, and what you do actually develops your character, and your character is going to determine your destiny."
"Seriously, the way this show builds characters, relationships, motives, and dynamics is otherworldly."
"It's not five years wasted; it's gaining experience and character."
"We glory in tribulation also, knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope."
"I want to build a character that looks for ways to make that awesome moment of getting a critical hit more frequent and celebration worthy."
"Fear, especially in your character, is the heart of empathy."
"Not necessarily to tell you the right way or the best way to build this particular character, but to explore one possible way to build them."
"Damn the masses, let them eat cake; I want to build a character around a very specific limitation in the name of being true to a character concept."
"Emerson's self-reliance offers a road map to build an indomitable character. It suggests that to build an indomitable character, one must cultivate an unwavering trust in oneself."
"I think it gets overlooked these days, people think hard work is a bad thing. I think it builds character, right? And it's not supposed to always be fun."
"Character building, that classic. It's part of the journey."
"A lot of times things that we are waiting on are set up purposely to build our character."
"The answer continues to be Bard like almost regardless of what you're trying to do with the build."
"...a character built in this way might do more to trivialize combat encounters than any other build I've done."
"How you hold yourself in the small things of life builds the character."
"Couldn't we try to do both? Would it be possible to create a character that could have really high sustained DPR and some nice potential burst options? Of course, we could."
"Building character is like making bread. You have to mix it, little by little, step by step, and moderate temperature is needed."
"...the purpose is to make good men better by building inner character and virtue using the unique rituals we find in Freemasonry."
"We're happy with the resistance as we have and our ranged soft taunt. At level 15, we would be a fighter 11 and that means we get a third attack per turn when we take the attack action."
"Rejection builds character. Character. So, if you could play anything in this life, any role, what would it be?"
"Making these qualities a part of your own personality is what acquiring self-discipline is all about."
"Continuing to do hard, challenging things every single day, I feel like really builds your character and your resilience."
"Character building is just as important as that if not more in a lot of cases, and what a lot of people without writing experience will often call filler is usually a pretty important part of fleshing out a world and its characters."
"It builds character, in my opinion."
"Telekinetic is absolutely the perfect feat for what I'm hoping to do with this character."
"Respect and kindness are something that will change the way people see you."
"People fall in love with you a lot more as a creator if you start to tell that story. It builds character, builds personality."
"Each time you choose to do these little things, you're casting a vote for the type of person you want to be."
"Overall, Gurren Lagann was a massively expansive journey driven by some of the best character building I've seen to date."
"Being physically fit is character forming. It's not about being athletically exceptional but generally being healthy and fit."
"Traveling is an amazing character-building experience, especially going out of your comfort zone and getting lost in a place where you don't know how to find your way back."
"Jetpack practice. Now that's character building."
"You start where you are, you use what you have, you do all you can, and that builds character in you."
"Building the kind of strength that will carry you through a lifetime."
"For me, homeschooling has been and always been about character building and my children being able to mature at a speed that I feel is appropriate for them."
"She bullies me. I bully her sometimes. Builds character."
"This mold is great...it's just character building, right? It's an all new mold not based on anything and we love to see that happening occasionally."
"With these changes, you can be The Beastmaster you always wanted to be."
"Your character is built through suffering if you can withstand it and treat it the right way and learn from it, learn from it right, and that's when your character is going to be built."
"Suffering builds your character, teaches you about compassion, and if you can survive it, you can come out on the other side a much better person."
"Rooting for losers actually builds a ton of character."
"Seems very character-building to me."
"It builds character if you have to do it again."
"There is nothing wrong with a little manual pasta making, you know, builds character."
"Adversity helps build character, amen."
"God doesn't have to make you sick to build character in you."
"Elrond, see? That's how you make a character very likable right away, yeah?"
"We going make it work, I glued his foot back on and builds character."
"Welcome to DnD Optimized, the show where we take a deep dive into character builds."
"As long time viewers of my channel know I love building tank characters characters who are super hard to kill they're one of my favorite kinds of character to both build and play in any role-playing game actually second only I think to like an agile Striker."
"So any attempt to try to purify himself will all be in vain and yeah, God will sometimes plunge us into a pit in order to build our character though and to build our faith."
"You gotta go through the [expletive] to build character, facts."
"Good is gonna come to you. You gotta go through this [expletive] to build character, facts."
"I think it's a character builder."
"When you come out the trenches, when you come out the other side, you just add it to your character."
"Character building is the most important work ever entrusted to human beings."
"Whenever anything goes wrong in life, it adds character."
"Am I the [ __ ] for not making my daughter apologize for traumatizing her cousin? Traumatization builds character."
"Growing up builds character. It makes you appreciate what's important: love and character."
"Pressure has a way of molding something on the inside of you."
"It's a matter of training our children and it's hard it's exhausting but it really pays off and after a while it becomes part of their character these good manners."
"It builds a lot of character and makes the rest of life seem easy."
"Tough times build strong character, and tough times do build strong faith."
"You never know what this can do, it builds character."
"The greatest means to fix the heart is he, foreign, his attributes and his actions."
"I think it teaches you perseverance."
"You want to build a funny world, you want to build quirky, you want to build weirdness into characters and setting, and that can carry a lot of the comedy."
"Building a unique character, brand, and mindset causes luck to find you."
"It's super important to have characters that have like strong motivations."
"Sometimes suffering is God's will because God is more interested in your character than in your comfort."
"God made me a commander, yes. God made me a drill sergeant, that's right. God taught me how to make men out of men."
"Here you got a fighter a gladiator that can do magic so I would always try to get those type characters boom and uh I had a I had a magic fighter user man and he was up in the ranks he was good you know he do his thing."
"You got to go through some stuff in order to build character, to build mental stability, to build a person."
"These things build your character, you get tough skin."
"Knowing that tribulation worketh patience."
"Faithfulness must be developed; it must be discipled."
"The trials and the tribulations are what sharpen and create the person that you are."
"It's great exercise, builds character, and you'll be glad you did it."
"The role you play in the story of your life will determine your character."
"It'll build your character; it'll maybe open your eyes to what's going on and maybe the important things in life."
"If God wants to drill a man, and thrill a man, and skill a man; when God wants to mold a man to play the noblest parts, watch His methods, watch His ways!"
"The bedrock of character is self-discipline; the virtuous life, as philosophers since Aristotle have observed, is based on self-control."
"The character that I've been able to build and the maturity I'm able to have as a man is priceless."
"Storms have to happen to develop the character in you."
"Every act of self-sacrifice for the good of others strengthens the spirit of beneficence in the giver's heart."
"It's completely possible to make a character admirable and relatable without making it depressing and edgy."
"These [__] taught me about family, they taught me about being a good person."
"Choose a path that builds character and brings fulfillment."
"Prayer makes a godly man and puts within him the mind of Christ, the mind of humility, the mind of self-surrender, the mind of service."
"We also rejoice in our sufferings because we know that suffering produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope."
"The outdoors will teach you patience and perseverance."
"Fishing does teach you so many things that are character building."
"Suffering refines faith; it doesn't destroy it, it does the exact opposite. It makes you a stronger character."
"A noble or Godlike character is not a thing of favor or chance, but is the natural result of continued effort in right thinking."
"I love, I sit down with my character. And then I literally start coming up with why, the how the why, the why they act the way they are."
"Parents have the responsibility to shape the character of their children."
"You gotta crack your head open once in a while to get some character."
"I want to build character in them too. I don't want a bunch of wild Mohicans running around here."
"Milking a cow is tough but it is cool and builds character."
"Having some of those struggles at a younger age helps build the character."
"You push people to the limits, you find out what they're really made of."
"Our program is hard, it doesn't mean it's bad; it's hard because it's going to teach you academically, athletically, socially, spiritually how to be a better man, husband, father, football player, philanthropist."
"It's all about having that narrative and creating a character, feeling like we're entering a new era of an artist."
"Our trials make us stronger, they make us wiser, they build our character, they give us perseverance."
"Character is not created in isolation or repose; it is forged through interaction with others and the world."
"Stop trying to skip the struggle, that's where character is built."
"I'm so grateful that I grew up the way I did; it shaped who I am and built character."
"Layer after layer, I will continue to build character through working towards my dream and making my parents proud."
"The objective of [meditation] is to purge one's base characters and develop lofty characters in its place."
"You got to work on that heart, you got to work on that character."
"You can only build motivation by reverse engineering it, by building it into your subconscious mind and your character."