
Child Labor Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Child labour is down by a third since 2000, and 61% of fashion companies have committed to using sustainable fabrics."
"Unions are the reason we don't still have child wage slaves working themselves to death on street corners."
"The effective abolition of child labor and a prohibition on the worst forms of child labor and other labor protections for children and minors."
"These children destroy their health and risk their lives for less than a dollar a day."
"These kids are dying for less than a dollar a day while you pocket billions in profit every year."
"Child actors actually go in, they clock in, and they clock out. These kids do not get to clock out ever."
"Russians are employing children between the ages of 14 and 17 to come in and work."
"But what do you guys think? What does the return of child labor say about our country and our priorities?"
"Do you know why we outlawed child labor anyway? Because it provided a toxic incentive for people to do things that were very unethical."
"In the world's poorest countries around one in four children are engaged in child labor."
"Making money is right, but that kids are simply been like this going all the way back well over a thousand years ago."
"So when we do things like boycott a factory that was using child labor it might result in those children not having that job anymore."
"A little bit of child labor never hurt any village before."
"Battle the brands. Child labor should not be used to mass produce sneakers. F**k you, Phil Knight."
"Child labor is the best. That's the only labor you ever really use."
"Conditions were brutal, even more so when you learn that nearly half these mill workers were children."
"We're currently accelerating at high speeds, we're going way too quickly."
"America really was about freedom but like that freedom was built on child slavery."
"Every solution creates another problem... Justice is creating laws to protect future kids who work in the industry."
"You don't see a lot of kids working the coal mines anymore."
"I'm willing to pay a higher price for goods that are made abroad to avoid child labor."
"As more people have access to education and get further away from life on the farm, children are not necessarily an asset for work."
"I don't understand how the federal or state governments allow this with child labor and abuse laws in existence."
"You can buy stuff that small children are making across the globe that is more reasonable."
"No 15 year old child should be the primary breadwinner in a house with two adults."
"Folks, every time you don one of his suits, give a thought to the child who sowed it."
"Put kids to work. Put them to work."
"...most of the world's biggest chocolate companies like Hershey's, Mars, Nestle, and more have signed an agreement to reduce their reliance on child labor."
"I would welcome the conversation to have a real honest discussion about what child labor looks like in this country."
"I'm not saying it's bad, it's a good thing you know, it's child labor and whatnot."
"If child labor means putting children to work in oppressive conditions as a labor force to secure our income, the answer is explicitly no."
"The rights of women, child labor laws, and the love and the care for children."
"If a child had a factory job, if a child could leave school and go to a factory and put the time in, they would be better off."
"How do we enforce it? How do we actually check and make sure that our suppliers say yes, we have no child labor?"
"Work is perhaps the overwhelming fact of childhood for the child star."
"No company sourcing cocoa from the Ivory Coast can guarantee that it doesn't happen, but we can say that tackling child labor is a top priority for the company."
"I don't think it's a great idea to have children working as social media influencers."
"We hope these citations send a message to other fast food chains and restaurants that they cannot violate our child labor laws and put young people at risk."
"Child labor was a cruel reality of the 1800s."
"Between 20 and 35 million people live in slavery today, five million of them are children."
"Compulsory education laws and minimum wage laws were designed to stop child labor."
"Child labor policy should be a part of policy efforts to promote sustainable development."
"Child labor perpetuates poverty across generations."
"The problem is poverty, poverty is what causes child labor."
"Child labor was linked to poor public health and children faced higher rates of accidents than adults in industrial jobs."
"We want to stop child labor, what we need to do is attack the actual problem."
"What sort of society do we live in when a child is forced to go out to work at the age of 14?"
"It provides a solution to child labor by giving them higher education."
"This will lead to both increasing levels of education and a decreasing rate of child labor in these third-world countries."
"It is morally reprehensible to force a child to work for a human right that should and can be given freely and without reservation."
"Forcing vulnerable children in developing countries to work in damaging, exploitive environments for their basic human rights is evil."
"...the number of children in labor in the workforce has declined over the last 200 years... the trend is fewer children having to work and more children becoming literate and being educated."
"Child labor fell when they liberalized trade."
"Governments and organizations in the world are trying to stop child labor."
"These children have no lives as children; most of them are working every day and living in very tough conditions."
"No child should ever be the sole breadwinner or the breadwinner to any degree for any family ever."
"These children are working 40 to 60 hour weeks, they're receiving consistent amounts of mental trauma."
"When you're buying it you can feel good because you can know that no little kids who don't want to be working made the clothes."
"The US actually has a huge issue with exploiting child labor."
"Over the past five years there's been a nearly 70% increase in children being employed illegally by companies."
"This nationwide increase in child labor has especially impacted migrant children."