
Deep Connection Quotes

There are 409 quotes

"This person's energy runs deep for you; they honestly hold a lot of hope and feel like you're a guiding star for them."
"They recognize the connection and they recognize that it's a deep connection."
"The two of you will connect on such a strong spiritual level but also on such a strong physical level."
"You recognize each other soul to soul, which I think is why it feels so deep for you."
"I need you to go under my surface, deep into my pitch-dark underwater ocean, and search for life."
"You will know them deeper than anyone ever has."
"They do want you to know that they really feel who you are on a deep level."
"They feel very, very connected to you in a wholesome way as well as the passion."
"There is really kind of a deep similarity here."
"Unconditional love, sacred union, and deep connection."
"There's certainly a very deep spiritual connection here."
"Seeing the surface of the ocean is not the same as diving deep to see the coral with this person. You two are diving deep together."
"This person really feels like they've never had a love like this, they've never had a connection like this with you, like it's different to every single connection they've ever had."
"You are ready for a transformative, deep love."
"You're very much a part of their soul, a part of their everyday thoughts, feelings, thinking about you a lot."
"They want to basically commit to you, engagement, partnership, commitment, eternity, completion, and a union."
"Their feelings run very deep for you, they recognize you as soulmates."
"It's the kind of connection where you just know."
"He looked at me said Joe, I not only understand you I overstand you."
"This connection is a true love, the romance of a lifetime."
"It's not just about the physical attraction, it's so much deeper than that."
"Intense empathy transcends mere understanding, connecting to the hearts and souls of others."
"You guys do have this deeply rooted connection between one another."
"They feel deeply connected to you, it's a significant relationship."
"The love of your life, healing soulmate connection, you have the key to their heart space, they have the key to your heart space."
"If you actually allow yourself to connect deeply to your life, you are promised grief on the other end, and then to also experience that deeply."
"Your relationship becoming impenetrable... the bond that you share is already so amazing."
"Building a solid relationship is about so much more than just if you get on if you support the same sport team if you watch the same TV shows those things can all be important by the end of the day you need compatible morals."
"They're having these strong desires for deeper levels of union."
"I felt that connection with her, it was like soulmates."
"Deep conversations enable individuals to truly get to know each other on a deeper level."
"There was such a deep sense of loyalty and friendship and almost a family-like love that those men shared."
"You're their soulmate, their other half. They feel emotionally bound to you from all the experiences they've shared."
"Lulu was the first thing, so the anteater really, really, like, unlocked a level of intensity and intimacy with the Amazon that I didn't know was possible."
"They feel deeply connected with you, like you're their person."
"They feel deeply connected with you, but they're scared to be vulnerable."
"They see you as a soul mate and feel incomplete without you."
"Let's cut the nonsense, I want it all with you."
"Our connection is deeper than physical, it's deeply rooted in both of us."
"This person is slowly making their way towards you, and they've been digging deep... they are giving you everything that they have to offer."
"This connection is eternal, deeply rooted, and not going anywhere."
"There's a deep recognition that you are like a soul mate, just someone very, very special to them."
"You recognize someone's your twin flame when you can have a lot of depth with that person."
"Only our twin flame will truly fully see us and understand us at all layers and levels."
"There's a spark of chemistry between you and this person that goes deeper."
"You have to be protective of your beautiful mind."
"Some of the deepest loves you can have with a video game are formed with the games that make you the most wanna not exist."
"They want this connection because they understand that this is a deep connection, this is a soulmate connection."
"So much of the game is the relationship between Ellie and Joel."
"This person has a strong connection with you, even a psychic connection."
"Connection, alright. Now here's the thing, you guys. I feel like you guys have a connection that other people just don't understand."
"They feel this deep connection, they feel that recognition of a soulmate."
"The person who is closest to your heart, you will just know."
"This is a love of a lifetime, you both are just crazy about each other."
"They want to make sure that they know and understand the real you to your depths."
"This person feels like you really get them on a deep level without them even having to express things to you."
"From the moment I landed, I fell madly in love with him."
"They know you're the one for them, like their heart is so set on that."
"What interactions would you add? Maybe sharing a secret or deep conversation."
"They want you more than anything and anyone they've ever known."
"You look into their eyes and you feel like you already know them."
"In order for you to truly fall in love with someone, you have to feel like your whole inner world is being seen completely by that person."
"I need you, feel it? You and me, then. This feeling like our souls are inseparable. In a sense, it's real fitting for how corny we are."
"Your connection is a deep romantic soul connection, a high-level soulmate or a twin flame."
"The connection is unique, once in a lifetime."
"Meet each other as deeply as we have met ourselves."
"They feel deeply connected with you on all levels, I love your heart, your mind, your body, your soul, I love all of you."
"It is a fully-realized vision, and it gives you the kind of feeling you get when you really get to know someone beyond the surface level."
"Someone is going to text you or call you a very loving message. Reconciliation, happy good times, marriage proposals."
"It's not just sex. It's making love. It's a very deep soulful connection."
"They feel this in their soul. This is like a Divine marriage."
"You make them feel like a million dollars, truly seen on their deepest levels. You see the best qualities they've always known but felt overlooked."
"They feel there's something destined about this connection."
"Men who want a deep connection with a woman are unafraid to be vulnerable."
"The lion recognized her immediately and jumped up the bars of his cage, pulling her close and hugging her."
"This is like a love of a lifetime, it's a love that's so deeply moving like it's completely changed their perspective, their worlds, how they see everything."
"One of these could last, one of these could really be a happy connection here, very serious happy connection."
"I've never been so close to anyone in my life; this feeling, there aren't words for it."
"The two hugged each other as if they'd known each other all of their lives."
"Love holds great beauty and promises that we will love more deeply, more fully."
"I can't wait to leave because you're real. That was the chat. That was the most powerful thing he could have said."
"True love... they feel this true love because you are twin flames."
"Facing their inner fears to be with you, longing for you deeply."
"The Holy Spirit prays for you with groanings, with deep yearning, desire that cannot be expressed in words."
"You feel like their true home, the sweetest home they've never known."
"INFJs like dates where they can not only get to know you but get to know the whys and hows of who you are and what you like."
"The kind of love you want now is the kind where someone can communicate with your hidden self."
"There's also this deep sense of familiarity and coming home-ness that's completely unmatched by any other person or connection."
"You're about to attract a deep, deep love or a deep, deep connection that extends beyond the normal superficial relationships."
"Press into knowing your partner in ways that you didn't know them before."
"You have deep spiritual roots, like we have known each other forever."
"You can only be your true selves with each other, such a familiarity where you can be vulnerable."
"There's an element of loyalty and respect that exists within the soul between the two of you."
"This connection is so deep and strong, it's like nothing can come in between."
"People tend to like the deep cultural stuff that appeals to their hearts."
"Your souls connect in a way that they never felt with anyone else."
"Communication is valuable, yes, but connection is where we go deep and we begin to build the bond of loyalty."
"Deep connection is about compatibility and vulnerability, not just surface romance."
"They're attracted to your deep soul, feeling lost in the ocean that is you."
"There's genuine love here, a lot of love in this connection."
"I want to wake up with our limbs still entwined, to shower with you, to eat with you, to make love with you, to sleep in each other's arms, and wake up and do it all over again."
"I feel like you recognize each other at the soul level."
"You're the love of my life and the life of my love."
"Instant recognition and profound connection."
"They know that money and status mean nothing if you don't have a genuine deep connection."
"It's gonna be a very sort of sexual connection but also very, very deep."
"People cohered around this rally are united by something that I think is so much deeper than a political ideology."
"Trust your intuition. You know this person deeply."
"You will always love the connection you had with your twin flame."
"Real connection loves you at the core, all right."
"A ring means nothing without communication, intimacy, and connection."
"The passion is gonna be so deep, the love is gonna be so deep that there is nothing that's going to even be able to touch even the sexual relationship that y'all have."
"Your future spouse is so caring, they want to see the inside of you."
"It just feels like we've been together forever."
"The moment my eyes connected with hers, it was as if I knew her my entire life."
"They've noticed some deep core similarities about the two of you... they see you as similar to them at this really deep level."
"Let your way be led by love, whose depth will be recognized by the one judge who cannot be fooled."
"Our connection goes far beyond human understanding."
"Passionately create a new beginning, soul mates returning to each other."
"Trusting in their heart, this is a true love connection."
"You make people feel like they've known you for a lot of lifetimes."
"She's still in there. I can reach her. You can't. I know my sister."
"Treasure your loved ones, it's important to love others deeply."
"I understand the depth of this connection, and I want to be able to express that to you."
"They feel as though your connection runs really deep, they want growth within your connection."
"The relationship is far deeper than we dare to imagine."
"They feel as though you're supposed to be together... you mean the world to them."
"They recognize you at the soul level of someone who is definitely their person."
"They recognize you at the soul level. Nothing is the same now since you've met one another."
"There's a connection, there's a deep trust. You're building life with this person and there is this exposure that you give to this person and they give to you. There is no secrets."
"They feel deeply connected to you, like soulmates."
"Your person feels a genuine soulmate connection with you."
"I feel like we could go on this long journey together. I feel like a kid again. I just feel like we can laugh and talk and connect on this very deep level."
"The essence of the mother gum resonates deeply within the Adventure Time Universe."
"You feel this very powerful multi-dimensional connection."
"I have held your hand in mind for so long that I have long ceased to distinguish where your sacred flesh once felt separate from mine."
"It's like something deep or a deeper connection actually with a friend or with a group of people will be kind of illuminated and revealed to you that you didn't realize you could harness."
"You're just going to know inside of your soul, inside of your heart, that this person is your soulmate."
"His gaze was penetrating deep within my soul, infusing my whole body with an amazing sense of peace and security."
"There's a different connection here than the average connection, you just get each other on a deeper level."
"This has to be like a really powerful soul connection where the both of you mirror each other."
"You guys may share a soul connection... like, 'I'm in love with them because of their soul.'"
"This is a very Divine and deep connection between two people."
"There's something really special about finding the love of your life and wanting to create life with that person."
"You are my star who outshines all others, and it's like we share the same mind and heart."
"There's definitely a powerful connection here that's intended to help you transform."
"Someone wants to take the relationship to the next level, seeing you as a soul mate."
"This conversation is going to be very healing; you are my soul mate connection."
"Whenever we are our authentic selves, we are loved that much more deeply."
"We're fated mates. It's deeper than dating somebody."
"I love you, I love every single fiber of you, your mind, your body, your soul."
"They definitely feel like you guys are soul mates."
"What might be coming in the next month for this connection? Wow, the lovers. Falling more deeply in love, just feeling more in tune with one another, just recognizing each other as your beloved."
"I love you... you're the only one who understands me at such a deep level."
"Reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected."
"They feel like there is a deep mutual understanding between you two."
"You're gonna mean the whole world to this person."
"The Virgo feels a soul tie with you. Thinks you're the one. Can't get you out of their head."
"They have love, they see that you are their destiny, they know that the connection is a deeper connection than they've ever experienced before."
"Desiring a deeper, more meaningful connection, moving towards a sacred union."
"You want a connection with someone who has acknowledged and integrated all of their shadows."
"This person wants to go deeper with you and have a deeper connection."
"Getting to know each other deeply is unfolding."
"There is a mutual understanding that feels like absolute knowing."
"You were my one true constant and in my darkest hours you were the slim tether of love and joy that kept me connected to this fragile life, to the world." - James Gunn
"This is truly about a deep healing and a reconnection, where we've had a falling out, major fight."
"They see you as someone with a lot of substance."
"Being able to have so many internet friends who I feel like connect and know me on such a deeper level is such a blessing."
"As soon as you meet them, you'll feel the type of connection that makes you feel like you've known this person forever."
"They feel this deep soul bond commitment with you."
"This connection becoming more authentic, deeper, going deeper, less surface level, more depth to it."
"Deep in your heart, you're gonna know that this person loves you just as much as you love them."
"This person knows that you are their soulmate, their twin flame."
"That longing to connect, that's something that has to do with the soul."
"I feel like I've known you for forever, I feel magnetically drawn to you and I do not know why."
"It's like anchored in something that's really, really deep."
"They feel like they've met like their match, they feel like they've met the person who really understands them on their true level."
"You're actually attracting a relationship that is reciprocal, it is balanced, there's a deep friendship with this love."
"There's definitely potential for friendship, but there could be an even closer friendship or love."
"They feel like you're straight out of their fantasies."
"You are going to be experiencing such a high level of bliss, satisfaction, and connection."
"This connection definitely goes deeper than chemical or survival, this is a soul bond."
"They are one with you on deeper internal levels."
"This is a soulmate connection, moving toward a sacred union."
"They know something beautiful is going on here, they feel they know you at a deep level and vice versa."
"The connection between the two of you is just beyond deep. I mean you could never fully plumb the depths of the connection between the two of you."
"You are this person's soul family, feeling more like home than their blood relatives."
"I can see eternity in your eyes... someone who's gonna be eternally there for you."
"This is true love, this is a deep soul connection."
"I don't care what people think anymore, you are the only one who truly gets me."
"Your connection is really deep; I feel it's a soul connection."
"This person is connected to you in a deeper bond that is not explainable by normal everyday kind of love situations."
"They will recognize the powerful connection between the two of you."
"Attraction is not just skin deep but of hearts and souls."
"We have a genuine connection where it goes past like the whole social media."
"This person wants to get to know you on a deep level."
"You feel like this person is your soul mate."
"Now that I have known you, I have mixed myself with the immutable."
"That person was actually a very near and dear soul mate, ladies and gentlemen. That's how you do it."
"Your person today is feeling incredible desires for you, I love your heart, your mind, your body, your soul."