
Special Quotes

There are 3686 quotes

"When I found this my heart just went...I don't know how to describe it, just like it's a...I don't know, some things just you feel that energy, it's different, this one's special."
"It's just such a special feeling, it's hard to describe."
"The emergence of intelligent life seems much more contingent and special."
"AMC was more than the sum of its parts, and when you hold the sum of those parts up to the light, you get something really special."
"These moments that are here right now, they're very special."
"They see you as someone very special to them."
"The right to vote is unique, special, and constitutionally protected."
"You're special, you guys are special, you guys will always see great success."
"Wawa ice cream is very special... every kid will like it."
"You came closer than anyone, like you had a special thing about you."
"If your next special isn't called 'I don't want to be in trouble,' that's a good one."
"This was a really special group of contestants."
"GoldenEye is a very special film for me and I know for a lot of other Bond fans too."
"That means you've got a very, very, very special connection here with someone."
"They see you as a very virtuous and special person."
"She's special, she's very special, and she's different."
"The revelation was made all the more special."
"This match is really special because John is special."
"I know I always say it's exciting but today it's incredibly special."
"You're a very special person and we all love you very dearly."
"Each relatable human face we do get to spend time with feels that much more special and significant."
"Rouge 540, so elegant, so beautiful, and stays on for hours. Truly special."
"There's something very special about who you are."
"On one hand, you are going to have a very special reward."
"Karen, you own Berkley, and she's special, she's very special."
"The yes chants were born, and it was just something special."
"It's just kind of a neat little reminder that you're in something special."
"Sharing a piece of me in this form with you guys is real special, and I hope you love it."
"To mark this occasion I've been working on something, a bit different, pretty special."
"That's when you know you have something that's special and that is magic and is gonna grow to be something much bigger than that."
"You're being singled out by God, what does that mean? You're getting special treatment."
"There's something special between you and this person."
"I should give you something special. Maybe this will do."
"2023 was remarkable 2024 has been quite special."
"It's just a really special gift, it feels luxurious."
"I really underestimated how special this place has become to all of you."
"Your energy is so positive and you're so special."
"Making the bed... it's like a special occasion sort of thing."
"Your life is very special and you need to make your best time out of it."
"You shall be my lotus. Yours is a bit special to me. A lotus flower I once gave it to somebody I truly cared about."
"The wishology will always hold a special place in my heart."
"It's the memory associated with the specialty."
"You guys are very special, very, very special."
"This is it, ready for it, a very grim Halloween special 2021."
"Folks, you're about to witness something special."
"I realized you were a special human being at that moment."
"Dr. Pepper holds a special place in the hearts of soda lovers."
"This most recent chapter has been so special because it's not just me and the cars, it is the community."
"There's just something magical about it, something special about it."
"Just special stuff from a special player."
"It's just special, it's unique, I love this color so much."
"That age is just something really, really special."
"The first series very special to me and I know it's really special to a lot of people as well."
"This dude is special and the whole team's special and the whole game was special."
"There are many I could send but you are the one I have chosen."
"Due to her birthday, she wants to treat everyone as special."
"...it felt like we were witnessing the beginning of something truly special."
"You discover something truly special about it which is its dual personality."
"...it just really does look like something special."
"This car is something truly special."
"I kind of love that because I feel like the personal vows are so...I don't know, in a way, special."
"We are truly delighted to have such a special guest with us today."
"It's just the start, the beginning of something really special."
"This is what makes Super GT so special."
"Saturday was one of those moments where I was like, man, that is special stuff."
"He is beyond special and I love him and I'm grateful to be with him."
"It's always been a special one for us."
"It was a really, really special moment for me."
"There's something really special about the thought of raising a child with you."
"It's just such a special place to play football."
"This was a once in a lifetime occurrence."
"You are something special to me, that's all I need."
"I do believe we have a special connection."
"Sedona is one of those special places for me."
"I can't stop crying, today is special and unforgettable."
"When they look at you, it's like there's nobody else in the room."
"This is what makes his character special."
"You're the only girl that makes my heartbeat faster and slower at the same time."
"You deserve something very beautiful and very special."
"You're the good bottle of wine that they're saving for a special occasion."
"I definitely knew he was special when I met him."
"You only get this one life, and these moments are special."
"I always say he's special because he never lost in the NBA finals."
"This series has been nothing short of special."
"This is a special moment because we get to witness the beginnings of something."
"You have a very special mission in this world."
"This is such a special place, and I will do everything I can to preserve it."
"Neil is back with another special called 'Crazy Good'."
"You always hold a special place in my heart."
"This one's even more special being that it's a pace car, it is a limited edition car."
"This spot is very special to me, this is what got me into Mexican street food."
"Thank you again all for being here; this is such a special thing."
"There's something about this one that feels way more special than any other Lexus that I've ever had the chance to see, smell, let alone drive."
"A real notable special capture to me."
"It was very special, very emotional, very heart-driven."
"That's what makes fragrances so special."
"True love is so special that we all dream about it."
"So happy to have such a special Community here on YouTube."
"You really know how to make a woman feel special."
"It takes a special person, a special child of God, to be placed on this Earth and really change the world like that."
"Welcome to Unicorn versus the World, a special of This versus That."
"Aroma looks far more special, it feels more special inside."
"Look at this view. Look at that green light I was talking about. This makes this house so special."
"I'm always looking for thrifty and secondhand gifts that you can give that can be a little bit more special."
"That's garden paradise and that's what Margo and Larry's place is, and why it feels so special."
"What's special is having found you."
"Everybody likes a compliment, everybody likes to be made feel like they're special."
"She was a true angel, which made her special in his eyes."
"Turns out we both liked each other but didn't know how to approach them, and that makes things even more special to me."
"It feels so magical and really special that we get to do this."
"Special, he's a special human, great individual, and even better ball player."
"It's very personal, very one-to-one and that's what makes it special."
"Someone feels like you are very, very chosen."
"It's really special and going to be a great addition to any collection."
"There's zero fear at all, and that is what makes him special."
"They really want a fresh start with you because you are so very special."
"The moment we met, I knew that she was something special."
"They view you as a special person."
"The fact that all wheel drive is standard is really special in this segment."
"It's the first time we watch special now, special at 14 too."
"They'd literally rolled out a red carpet"
"You're something special, something different."
"I knew that there was something very special about him."
"You got a special gift, it was given to you by the universe."
"This is a really pretty MZ PL I also like this presentation I think it's just a really special presentation."
"I want a tour when I want a tour. Touring is supposed to be something special. Tour is supposed to be like everything you love me for, come see me in person."
"This connection is a once-in-a-lifetime type of thing."
"They feel like you guys have a very special connection."
"I remember thinking to myself in that conversation, this is something special."
"This room really is quite special. It's unbelievable. The view out there is insane."
"It's got a bit of history with it £8,000 it's worth this and more surely"
"You two have something special, you know."
"Jackie was the most special person. I know I'll never meet someone like her again."
"What makes these people special? Because many times when you go to the doctor you hear that eczema cannot be cured."
"I have reserved some things for you, that are very special and that are treasures from me, says the Lord."
"You just feel special and amazing; I can't believe they're around you."
"They see the potential of this connection and recognize you as special."
"It was really special, it was unbelievable, it was just amazing in so many ways."
"There's something special about this connection. I should really pursue this."
"Even if we don't work out a deal for anything else because that's special."
"What you guys have here is really special."
"I just say Lily I think is a very special footballer."
"I've been to the Philippines more than 50 times in my life but today I'm going back for a very special reason to get married."
"One of the best 24 hours of my life was when we directed my special in Minneapolis and then watched those dudes."
"You have something really special to bring into the world. You have something to bring forth."
"This location is so special to me."
"Always special to see something like that happen."
"Thank you very much, this is a very special show for me tonight."
"When you make anything less special, it's not going to get over."
"God has their life planned from the beginning, and he has something special for you."
"The match was truly special and it showcased just how well the two beloved tag teams work together."
"He didn't have to come up every weekend and do everything... it was more special when Bob Armstrong was around."
"It's very special, very special, right?"
"It's so easy to forget how magical this is, how special this is."
"...she's so special and she deserved every bit of that."
"The bond between them was extraordinarily special."
"The prequel trilogy is a very special set of movies that have a lot of joy in them."
"Handle yourself appropriately in moments of vulnerability to make her feel special."
"Honestly, this dog is so special."
"...I really struggle to think of anything this special that you could get."
"He's really truly a gym, a special artist indeed."
"I think this has to be one of my most special finds."
"It's the most special time of day."
"It's one of the most enjoyable fun cars on the planet."
"It makes you feel like you're driving something special."
"Real special capture, that is real special."
"Dream about that car that is insanely special to you either because of a TV show or a poster on your wall or you know some hero of you had it."
"So, we're doing it again this year and then we got somewhere else to do it even special, even more special than the AR Bailey's."
"It feels very luxurious, very special."
"What makes Padron so special though? It's a lot of things, but the attention to detail at every stage of the process."
"Start your morning every day with something special."
"We're gonna be filming something really special."
"The secret ingredient is nothing. To make something special, you just have to believe it's special."
"You're not trying to be 20. You're just saying, you know what, I want a little something, I want something that makes me feel special or extra."
"Detroit is in the building the cast is arriving for their first reunion special and they better be ready to land all on the line Detroit style."
"It's the most special love story."
"I feel like I want to do something a little special for him today."
"He's, like, so special. His energy is reserved for the people in his life that are close to him."
"George was born and it was special... he's absolutely beautiful."
"Everyone has something special about them."
"You make me feel good like no one else."
"There's something special about a family dinner."
"The 1985 D Lincoln penny doubled, a very special currency so special that when it was discovered in 1970, the federal government of the United States thought it was a counterfeit coinage."
"You are special and you are chosen."
"To say this car is special is a bit of an understatement."
"Every time someone comes in your house, that's so special."
"You are straight up magic. For this person, you're going to be magic, like a dream come true."
"You are the best of the best of the best. This person is going to invest so much energy in you because they're going to see how special you are."
"Look at the weather tonight, I've got the most special thing planned."
"I wanted every package I send out or every little sticker order I send out to feel really special, so I do it all."
"You just make this impression there's just something about you that's special like lightning in a bottle."
"It is going to be so freaking special."
"It's really special for him, and I'm sure he's looking down and laughing."
"Looks amazing! Thank you for doing something special."
"Even before you meet this person, you have the gut feeling that you're going to meet someone really special."
"There's something really special about you that people pick up on."
"Look at this, we customized it. We want it to be special for you guys."
"Dream man, this is one of those movies where I feel privileged to watch it you know like like I can feel how special it is already."
"...there's something special about this palette... something very special about it."
"The audio for my special Lefty Son is out. I've released it as an album available on audio everywhere."