
Mutual Effort Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"You both have to want it, you both have to...open up, essentially."
"I see this being a long-term relationship, one of meaning, and something that is going to take a lot of time and effort and mutual time and effort."
"Relationships are a two-way street." - Speaker
"Healing requires action and accountability from both partners."
"Relationships are built by two people; the magic is in the middle."
"I tell them both people need work, it's not just one."
"It's important to recognize that your ex invested as much time into you as you did. You put in your heart, put in your soul, you put in your emotions, you put in all you had into this relationship, and your ex did too."
"The best relationships are often those where both people actively work to make them better."
"A two-way street, it has to be a two-way street."
"I think there's a very clear point when you know the relationship is over, and that is when both people involved stop putting work into their relationship."
"Let's see if we can both agree to work on this together. Let's see if we can both agree to do what we want each other to do."
"Both parties have to put in the work for a faithful, monogamous relationship."
"Recognize that we were both reaching out to each other."
"They're willing to make some kind of sacrifices to make this work between you two."
"There's still work to do for both of you, not just you."
"You'll only invest your time and energy into people who show they care through their actions by reciprocating interest."
"I can't keep you complaining. Well, let's both do our best today."
"In all of our relationships, the best ones are where we get mutual effort from those we love and care about."
"In healthy relationships, it's always a hundred percent."
"It requires a commitment on both members that is of equal intensity."
"A sister bond is a beautiful bond but it's a bond that y'all two have to work at at the same pace."
"You're kicking butt, they do too in their own way."
"I believe relationships can work as long as both people involved are willing to do the work."
"Hearts can heal and love can restore when both parties want to put in the effort."
"If two people want it bad enough, they'll make it happen."
"I just need you to feel like you're giving 100, and when men show up and give 100, it's gonna feel like a hundred percent."
"It has to be both of you trying because it doesn't work if it's just you sitting in your own room ruminating over what that other person isn't or is doing right for you."
"I just see both of you taking action towards each other... it's like meeting in the middle, clearing the air with that ace of swords, clearing away all those cobwebs."
"You give a hundred percent of you, I give a hundred percent of me."
"You're about to meet a relationship where someone meets you halfway, it's harmonious."
"You deserve the right love, someone to meet you halfway."
"At some point in your life you have to say, hey listen, I have a decent person. We have something to work on, let's start with that."
"Both of you have to be willing to bring a new energy back to the connection."
"A good relationship is not 50/50. A good relationship is 100/100."
"Effort is required on both ends here."
"It's not your job to fix them or to save them. It takes two people who want to make things work."
"We need to do that on both sides though."
"Women like men who are a challenge, men who they have to make a mutual effort to keep around."
"When you try to keep somebody who doesn't want to keep you, it's demeaning to yourself. They're not making a mutual effort."
"Friendship is a two-way street, both parties must be willing to build."
"Relationships are a two-way street."
"My Philosophy when it comes to dating is not 50 50. It's 100 100."
"It was not her sole responsibility to rebuild this relationship; she loved the man, she wanted to be with him, but she also understood her value."
"In any relationship, there will be challenges, but it should be something you work towards together."
"I think relationships are something that if it's a mutual feeling, both people will want to work towards it."
"Make sure that there is a reciprocated energy in your relationships."
"Relationships have to be two ways."
"It's easier when the two of you are walking towards it."
"You two are in love, so why not work together and give it your all?"
"We did it, J fan. You and me, the two of us."
"You are both in the relationship, you are committed to making it work."
"The definition of a wonderful marriage is two people trying to out serve each other."
"You've got to have a lot of patience, and it works both ways."
"Keep the right people around you that's going to do all of the above."