
Religious Critique Quotes

There are 409 quotes

"Do away with religion, do away with a form of godliness, remove the mask, and surrender to Jesus Christ."
"The biggest problem I was facing was, well, if Jesus is love, Jesus is the prince of peace, they did not have to spread Jesus by the sword."
"If Jesus walked on earth, we will hate him because his idea of the kingdom, his perception and his pattern, will insult what we call religion or Christianity today."
"If she's a prisoner of her own mind due to the manipulation she's gone through, isn't a church or a religion or an organization that renders people so hopelessly dependent kind of bad?"
"Avoid JW has been a fantastic resource...providing Watchtower 'spiritual food' that is otherwise impossible to get hold of due to the organisation's lack of transparency."
"There's no reason to be scared because the whole reason Watchtower is doing this is because they're desperate because they are fighting a losing battle and all they have is hot air."
"It is a rather remarkable indictment of those who claim to be followers of Jesus that they would continue to show fidelity to a man whose cruel ethic has always been antithetical to Jesus's."
"Let those who are without sin cast the first stone...would shut so many [people] up."
"If your answer is 'I don't know,' then you believe in a God who starts false religions for no apparent reason."
"If the love of God is what God is all about, the diminishment of human life in the name of God has to be a violation of everything that we think God is."
"that should be known to all people that all people should understand this is not a people in islam or people in christianity who makes ham to the society it is the ideology which harm the human being"
"There is a massive world of difference between the cult of Mormonism and the truth of the gospel of Jesus."
"The claim here that the Cry of the human heart... is present to the creator of all things is... absurd perhaps, idiocy at least in US responds to that."
"Christians say accept Jesus and spend eternity praising a deity, never having sex, eating, or doing anything else enjoyable."
"Humans created god not the other way around."
"Everyone should be seen as equal, it feels good to let go of the belief that as a part of the Mormon church that I'm Elite."
"Michael Todd's preaching doesn't come close to what the Bible actually says on these topics."
"Stop listening to these characters, stop listening to these fake miracles, stop giving seed for miracles and see, that's devil worship garbage."
"Here is Mark Kelly, the editor of Christianity Today, saying that when Christians support an immoral cause it does damage to my cause."
"Any doctrine, any principle, any law, any teaching that is placed beside the gospel are given more infancies than the gospel, no matter how harmless it may be in itself, immediately turns into a doctrine of demons."
"Scientology is occult as long as it enforces familial disconnection and destroys families."
"Religion is relies at least you know Western and Abrahamic religions they rely on the subjugation of the woman in order to maintain the system."
"Could you imagine if people had healthcare in this country? I mean, I guess it would probably just undermine the entire religious system, wouldn't it?"
"The Gnostic cosmology led to a further bivalent moral failure of quietism and antinomianism."
"A religion that is prepared to question the omissions of the Creator is a wonderful faith for a modern or a postmodern sensibility."
"Praying to saints is demonic, yeah, I agree."
"Counterfeit believers are blind to their bondage and slavery that they're under."
"The reason that he really saw Satan as a hero is because he hated religion he saw the structures of religion and the rules and roles that are created by religion as inherently bad."
"Heaven, hell, nobody lived three days inside a fish."
"Jesus would not approve of a majority of what they're doing."
"You keep going back to the Bible, and we keep telling you the Bible is the claim, not the evidence."
"Moral relativism being preached from evangelicals, how the world is now upside down."
"Christianity is the most anthropocentric religion the world has seen."
"There are so many holes in the Bible that should, if you are honestly listening, seriously make you reconsider this strong conviction of an inerrant Bible."
"The hard truth is actually that most believers today are more fans of Yahshua than actually followers of him."
"Even from prominent outspoken atheists is to point out that yes the Bible contains a lot of bad things but that Jesus guy he's all right."
"Intellectual narcissism empowers religious people to dismiss opposing viewpoints."
"The God who is mollified by throwing the virgin in the volcano or The God Who is mollified by his son being nailed to a tree is not the Abba of Jesus."
"The Christianity of modern-day white evangelicals bears no resemblance to the radical teachings of Jesus."
"Teaching people that they're inherently sinful or that hell exists or that God will judge them, these are toxic doctrines that you're just instituting to control people by fear."
"Christianity Must Die For Excellence to be reborn."
"There's interesting and positive aspects, but I don't think it needs to come from religion."
"When God gets sick, and He's not talking about the world, He's talking about those who profess His name—the church He spews out of His mouth."
"Dune is about the danger of religion, how it can warp our thinking and control us."
"I had no idea that I was operating really as a witch of the church, a witch in my own house proclaiming to be a Christian."
"The Word of Faith Movement is just as much a theological cult as is Mormonism, or Jehovah's Witnesses."
"The American church has lost its edge because it violated the teachings of Christ about the role of the Holy Spirit."
"By exposing charlatans and exploring the dark origins of the modern Faith healing movement, hopefully, we can rob them of this ammunition."
"Why should you leave a woke church? Because it's not a church."
"Morality is not as hard as people make it out to be, and I don't think that the god thing really adds anything constructive."
"God says these so-called prophets survive because people like you defend them."
"You could improve the Quran and you could improve the Bible in five minutes to the benefit of everybody, and yet we can't rewrite these pages."
"The Pope has been doing a bunch of wicked stuff. Have you ever seen any of the documentaries about the Catholic Church and all the abuse that goes on with young children? Yeah, it's real bad. When you allow perversion in, that's what happens."
"We just cannot stop selling copies of Mace Swinger Reload!"
"You have to have eyes to see this, you have to have ears to hear this, and you have to have a heart that's willing to realize that maybe you were wrong about some of your Christian perceptions of our nation."
"Scientology will lose its tax-exempt status, it's hard to put a timeline on it, I do believe that 10 years from now, Scientology could have its tax exemption revoked."
"Jesus is the way, not a denomination, not a dress code, not these religious mindsets."
"This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the word of God."
"All religions cannot be true because of the contradictions."
"I believe church, black church a lot of times for a lot of these people that start churches it's a money gram it's a grab at money power and sex."
"They know too much, and they're like, Jesus Christ, I mean, I know that that Pharisee and Sadducee ain't got nothing."
"If you have a problem with non-believers being destroyed, you have a problem with Christianity."
"Prosperity preaching that is that is of the devil yes it's good to preach you know being living well and those types of things but you're not preaching the Full Gospel let me tell you you're not."
"You think you're the kings of Deliverance, you think you're the kings of Christianity, and nobody can check you, nobody can challenge you."
"It's a system that exalts Mary... with pseudo-christianity."
"The New Age movement is actually satanic and Luciferian at its roots."
"To reject that whole tapestry of life in favor of two chapters in the Bible is really sad."
"So, by default, he isn't God, and Christians fail time and time again."
"The way is straight and narrow, religion is man-made."
"The Bible was orchestrated by the same entity people are trying to escape from."
"What is the difference between religion and spirituality really? Religion keeps us from seeing ourselves as a manifestation of God."
"The Quran itself has put itself on such a high pedestal, it's easy for now to destroy that."
"Religion mandates slavery, rape, and genocide in holy books."
"It's not possible he got some I'm gonna say this everybody out there who say you're a Christian understand this you have been lied to for a long time by people who told you you don't need to have a spine."
"This actually goes to the very core, the very foundation of them. If the Mecca of Islam is actually wrong, then the whole thing is wrong."
"So is Jesus lying about this or do his followers not really have faith? Because to me, it seems like a waste of time to pray about a mountain throwing itself into the sea when there's so many other important things going on."
"Only a slimy serpent mixed with the depravity of the human heart can convince mankind that we can be our own god."
"You have to get to a point in God where nobody can compete."
"God is coming for the world or till I go to the grave."
"That's what it means to be alive and... the church... will destroy those things."
"It feels like a complete mockery of God and how Jesus tells us we need to be born again."
"The doctrine of a second coming is an admission realization that Jesus did not fulfill the biblical prophecies."
"Christians who have overstated things, you need to back off a bit, faithfully to the evidence."
"One such independent thinker was Carl Olof Jonsson, a Witness who decided to look into biblical chronology."
"If the foundation of the church isn't true, then neither is the church."
"The occult is the deception from the garden about becoming like God, same thing different wrapping paper."
"It shatters our religious systems literally in one second."
"The Jesus we never knew is the Jesus who came to fulfill this ancient hope but to do so in a way nobody had seen coming."
"Everything secular and doesn't really have God's true power lets you down in the end."
"We should go back to the original message of our creator, not what some church father decided to put in because it helped his political goals."
"Your atheism is infinitely more ridiculous than believing that a soda can made itself from nothing."
"You don't need these things to live a happy life, to have happiness, joy, to live a moral life, you don't need these rules, these constructs that we call religions in order to do so."
"Islam brings in through the back door what it pretends to have exiled through the front door."
"People who are in the heresy hunting community accused those in the charismatic community especially those who misuse the charismatic gifts or the supernatural of building theology from experience."
"Why are the Christians so scared of the devil when it's God killing everyone in the Bible?"
"Now hopefully you all have a better understanding of that time that South Park took down an entire religion."
"The Gen Z Bible is good. I make fun of Christian antics on this channel a lot, and I do that to, I guess, kind of spitefully avenge the years that I spent in a shitty homophobic environment growing up."
"Not to sound like an edgelord, but Christianity is fundamentally a doomsday cult."
"They're literally promoting Christianity from the perspective of humility, and Matt is so mad."
"In unraveling that whole thing and deconstructing what I had been involved in I became kind of an expert in the field of fundamentalist Christianity."
"Woe to those who write the book with their own hands and then say this is from God in order to sell it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn."
"Every prophet who teaches the truth but then fails to practice what he preaches, that's a false prophet."
"Clay Jones, your God is literally a Canaanite god."
"We're having to skew what we already know based on modern evidence into these old traditions of God that don't really drive well." - Caller
"Mecca was not even thought of in the 7th century, not even by any stretch of imagination was it thought of."
"The teaching of hell has made many atheists over the years."
"An eternity of worshiping God actually does sound like hell to me."
"That's false. Prosperity Gospel has no interest in the biblical gospel. It only offers financial prosperity."
"I do not care for the religion which cannot give the hungry man a loaf of bread here or wipe the widow's tears and promises heaven afterwards."
"We believe that God tried to rescue the world but he failed. He sent his son... and we killed him and he stayed dead."
"Comparison is a sign of a religious mindset."
"Jesus came not to embrace the status quo but to challenge theology, exposing religiosity."
"You're not praying the original stuff, you're not locked into the original spirituality."
"Jesus referred to corrupt leadership as Vipers and snakes."
"There's a Remnant inside the body of Christ walking out of church, saying this isn't it."
"Those who reject the Lord can't make any biblical sense, but we can make biblical sense."
"God is not interested in your religious catchphrases or your religious mumbo jumbo. God is interested in the heart."
"This Pope who I like to say I can't call him a Marxist or even pro-communist but he's soft on communism he's not good on communism he's bad on the subject."
"God ain't never said bow your head and raise your hands. God ain't never said accept Christ as your personal savior. Never, never. He never said join the church, prayer send us prayer. Never that's right, that's right."
"Scientology's rules are not even internally coherent internally consistent what is a lot an internally coherent logic anyway sorry guys I grew up in a cult."
"The Works-based gospel is heresy and anyone who preaches it is a heretic period."
"It is my belief that Prosperity Gospel thrives because it blends so perfectly with modern American conservative politics."
"Total life exposed the hypocrisy of modern religion."
"Christmas is a lie. You bunch of heathens, you know you are. You celebrities, amen, you're gonna have your big party today."
"The Christian church is notorious for preaching more what we are against rather than what we are for."
"I figure if the actual Pope is such a [ __ ] at his job, maybe it's my turn. What do you say? My turn sounds pretty good."
"My friend says there's no hate like Christian love. Absolutely. And Jehovah's Witnesses are masters at that."
"The RPF is the single most abusive thing in Scientology."
"This is a beautiful song, all because we like to touch, we don't need no damn religion telling us."
"You're following a God who supports evil, that makes you evil."
"Take a look at these cases, read some of this legal language... it's far from Christian."
"All the evil in the world is due to lukewarm Catholics."
"This theology is very corrosive. I hate picking on people who even vaguely profess a faith in God, but this particular theology, prosperity theology, is really poisonous."
"Any gospel that does not speak to liberation is not truly gospel."
"This is not Christianity; this is a new form of religion."
"I would protect legally protect the right of people to mock religion any religion not just islam."
"Satan is not against religion; he uses it. It wasn't a temptation to fall down, but a temptation to climb up."
"Most of what is called the church today is a fraud."
"Religions are often promoted divisive 'us and them' mentality."
"As Christians, we believe that critical race theory is unbiblical and that it preaches a different gospel."
"Christianity teaches us kind of a self of this eration a self-hatred."
"We have become the most arrogant faith community in the world and that is so disturbing it disgusts me."
"But what would Jesus have done? Told the president to go [__] himself, of course."
"I would never worship a God that would send someone to an eternal lake of fire... That is not a God worthy of worship."
"What did I say in the video? Christians ignore explicit teachings of Jesus."
"When it comes to Christianity for me, there are a few things: the Trinitarian concept that for me does not make sense to me, I'm honest with you."
"Androgyny makes people go the complete 180 opposite of what God has designed the genders to be."
"Woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you tithe mint and dill and cumin and have neglected the weightier matters of justice and mercy and faithfulness."
"The number one cause of atheism is these professing Christians. They proclaim God with their mouths but deny him with their lifestyles."
"Dragon Ball Z teaches an inverted gospel which makes Satan the hero while demonizing the Trinity."
"Is Christianity the white man's religion? It's evident."
"There is a false gospel, there is a false hope." - Dr. Chaps
"We have to come out of this idolatry because idolatry is dangerous."
"They call to the book of Allah but they have nothing to do with the Book of Allah." - Prophet Muhammad
"Just like to ask a question: What does God need with a starship?"
"The anger is towards the Christianity you were exposed to that didn't point you to love extravagantly your gay parent."
"We are good at selling savior, we are not good at selling Lord."
"It was nice to see him call out other bishops who have largely been silent on this catastrophe in Rome."
"I will make sure this is not the last time there's me plenty more opportunities in the future."
"If that's not the God you're praying to, you've got a homemade god and it doesn't work."
"Evangelicals are never amazed by grace, because they don't understand grace, because they don't understand sovereignty, because they don't understand God."
"If I actually believed that everything that scripture states aside from the obviously allegorical stuff is true, then I would have to come to the conclusion that that being is not a being worthy of worship or repentance." - Scott
"Congratulations, you're better than your god, you're better than your bible." - Scott
"It doesn't make any [ __ ] difference if it's a new testament if you believe that god is responsible for the old testament as well." - Matt
"The trouble with Richard's teachings is that he dumbs down God and he soups up nothing. He continually talks as though God is some sort of upmarket figure within space and time." - Cardinal George Pell
"Religion is all about pretending to know what no one even can know, trying to make believe things that are not evidently true."
"It's not just that the Quran is wrong about practically everything it says about science, it's so wrong that it would still be morally wrong even if it was factually accurate."
"There's nothing true about it, and no religion can show the truth of it if you can't show it, you don't know it."
"God is on the bottom of the list, it's the least likely explanation of almost anything you run into."
"It feels so good to shake the religion off and let God be God."
"You will know them by their fruits. This is the fruit of John MacArthur and his empire."
"The figure of Mohammed as portrayed in the Islamic sources is an amalgamation of various existing Arabic folktales which explains many of the embarrassing or contradictory stories."
"What if you were to say, 'No, I'm going to retell this story where Abraham refuses God's command?'"
"We are delivered, therefore, a gospel which is in fact an impossible religion."
"Every fifth verse or so of the Quran is completely incomprehensible."
"The Quran is in error even though it claims not to be."
"I'm sure lil nos doesn't actually believe in Satan or care about hell or worship Satan. I don't think he thinks any of that stuff. I think it's a commentary on how religious people have shoved hell in our faces for so long."
"We see a lot of evil corruption, but woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites."
"Every mainstream religion is on the shopping blocks... It's never worked. It's a terrible formula, but we continue to do it."
"Once you realize... biblical contradictions exist at all..."
"Exploiting religious privilege to get away with nefarious activities."
"It's not the church anymore. It's basically light Gnosticism, I mean, it's narcissism for the uninitiated."
"This end goal is always apostasy but yeah there's many different... deceivers."
"The evidence for the Judeo-Christian God does not hold water."
"You don't need Prophet Passion to heal you... all you need is to upgrade your level."
"Spirituality should come from the self, not an organized religion."
"Religion was written by Bronze Age goat herders, emperors trying to answer questions, things they didn't understand, and sell wars." - Mike
"Sorry, you may think Mary appeared to you but what you're hearing from Mary is not authentic."
"The entire theology of the Christian faith has been hijacked."
"But 100% is a hell of a lot better than 0%, which is what you can prove by religious reasoning."
"The problem with the church isn't about scopes of influence, it's about yielding to the conviction of the Holy Spirit."
"The day will come when they will turn their ears away from sound doctrine and heap up to themselves teachers having itching ears."
"We're not worshiping the image of the beast, which is some kind of fake human body possibly as well which is what we're doing right now."
"The church is asleep, the church has gone new-age, we got more Christian witchcraft in the church did in the world."
"The history of most of the wars of the world is quarrels over whose invisible friend was more powerful."
"My grandmother put greedy preachers in their places - twice."
"He's got thread on the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and they've changed some of the ethics in it that aren't quite biblical."
"You can hate the cult, you can hate the religion, but recognize that the people... shouldn't be blamed for it."
"I personally think Jesus was an enlightened thinker; I don't think he was about this version of Christianity at all."
"If there is a God, it's definitely not what any of the religions describe."