
Entrepreneurial Success Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"In almost all cases, the crazy outlandish ideas that nobody believes in are the ones that have the greatest returns."
"Your business will succeed when you get really comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"I watched a ton of Bar Rescue and I watched a ton of Gary's content, and you guys really helped me build this business."
"Sheila Johnson has built a reputation on making bold investments that tap into her personal beliefs and passions while building businesses."
"Well, I consider it a business now 'cause it's grown so much. And speaking of growing, I just wanna continue to grow my projects and I wanna be an all-inclusive art supply brand."
"Yo, shout out to Tyler Perry, he got a whole block in Atlanta with his studios and all that."
"Since starting his Fiverr account big man Tyrone has completed over 14,000 gigs for paying customers."
"Despite the success he's found with recent ventures, it's hard to imagine a future where we discuss Ian Connor and his accusations aren't brought up."
"I'm sitting here as a 36 year old at the top of a 100 billion dollar company."
"Liver King would have never been Liver King if Brian Johnson didn't make his first millions by understanding the Amazon algorithm."
"Right product, right place, right time, and some luck."
"People really truly watch my stuff create a business and then you know support their family."
"He's already raised like 20 billion dollars for Tesla. He could do anything."
"I think this could be a monster business for one person."
"No limit is a university and now he his own boss making millions and millions and soon to be billions of dollars."
"The audacious rise of Elon Musk's SpaceX has totally disrupted the industry."
"When I got that first million-dollar contract, the federal government started to recognize my company."
"I thought I could do the business and it actually worked."
"Ideas by itself have little value, you know everybody has different ideas but the real value of that is being able to execute."
"His spicy hot Cheetos were a hit with family and friends, and so Montenez pitched the idea to the CEO of Frito-Lay's parent company, PepsiCo."
"Look, just do what the hell you want in a way that provides massive value for others. If you can figure out how to monetize that and then scale it, you're going to be successful."
"We made our first $1 million... the best location in all of Minecraft!"
"Your boy made the first sale of the challenge!"
"Nobody can deny that Kim and her family have built an empire like no other."
"But with that said, he now has so much more Aura capital and so many more Market opportunities."
"I started with absolutely nothing from scratch seven years ago I've grown a digital communications agency kva which you can see on the car here um and that has allowed me to achieve everything that I dreamed of."
"The difference between entrepreneurs who are successful and the ones who struggle is being able to bet on yourself."
"This game definitely has a lot of potential."
"Your business is gonna be the most successful the most successful beauty supply launch that has ever happened in eternity in the name of Jesus it is done."
"This one shirt resulted in over a million dollars."
"There's a reason why 'never bet against Elon Musk' has been coined by many."
"Rihanna's wealth does not come from her music. It actually skyrocketed with the 2017 launch of Fenty Beauty, her cosmetics brand."
"A very important part of making a successful business is finding your angle."
"Being a voracious reader helped me build a billion-dollar brand."
"How did one man produce a brand that could rival the popularity of the biggest designer brands?"
"If you go out and build a real business, if you go out and prove that your business model works, if you go out there and do it in a way where you're attracting people to you, where investors want to have their money in there."
"Some of the most well-known companies today were created during recessions: Microsoft, Apple, Airbnb, Uber, Instagram, WhatsApp."
"When we started this, when I quit my job to do this, there were two of us who believed that it could work out like this, me and you. Two hundred million views and a million subscribers later and it isn't just us anymore."
"They succeed because of the entrepreneurial spirit and not being afraid to succeed."
"Guys, I can't believe our 7-Eleven is working!"
"Jamali will be the biggest name in coconuts in Australia."
"Flash Forward to today, and Howard Schultz is a multi-billionaire and is responsible not just for transforming the coffee industry but several other Industries."
"Funnels are genuinely where millionaires are made."
"Some of the biggest companies ever—Google, Facebook, Microsoft—first-time founder. So, you're in good company as a first-time founder."
"This implies that Peter Parker from Miles's universe made a profit off of his superhero life."
"It's incredible to be building a conversation around ice cream and converting people from dairy to non-dairy."
"Your first thousand dollars can be the most important money you ever earn."
"Earning these first thousand dollars strategically sets you up for success from the start."
"If you follow the steps and become one of the 30% of people who make their first dollar, then when you make your second, fifth, or tenth thousandth, you'll wish you started on a platform that knew how to scale."
"I made $290,000 selling books. Never forget this genius who streamed a pay-per-view UFC match by pretending to play it."
"He bet on himself and he made it work. Did great business, you know."
"From apprenticeship to empire: the remarkable story of Louis Vuitton."
"Imagine making a thousand dollars this week from your internet business."
"When you succeed, you get all of your money back."
"How good would it feel to retire your mom? How good will it feel to make sure that your wife, your husband never takes a paycheck from anybody else again but your own business?"
"Lessons from Gro's success: don't bet against Elon Musk."
"Turns out in this day and age you can make a hell of a company out of people that McMahon either threw out or chased out."
"Girl, you patented your [cleaning technology], that is awesome. Make that money honey."
"Cody started a mug company that sells around 70,000 every two weeks."
"This business is really about helping other people. If you're just in it for money, I'm here to tell you, probably not going to make it."
"Releasing the brand this weekend and the response being so amazing really just has made me feel really good this week."
"We get so used to seeing huge numbers in startups that I don't think we fully realize how absolutely ridiculous it is to build a billion dollar company from zero in a few years."
"We're gonna start a water ice business, you're gonna see it flourish."
"If it's anyone's [expletive] empire, it's Addison Rae's."
"This is the story of how three strangers-turned-allies made it easier for people to send and receive money online and built a billion-dollar company."
"We started off on a low ball, yeah we took a 20 and made a 50."
"If your business platform, your whole entire life's purpose is connected to a higher purpose, connected to a purpose that feels connected to your soul, that feels more connected to God in the universe, I guarantee you, you will not fail."
"To his credit, he is now the biggest businessman of our time and there is a positive to that."
"Trump is an entrepreneur, he's built his future and his empire by himself."
"Success is not about raising a lot of money, it's about building something sustainable."
"You really can scale Amazon so high, it's amazing."
"My expectations were high and they were dramatically exceeded." - Jeff Bezos
"Our dream is to raise up entrepreneurs around the world, millionaires, billionaires who can invest, who can network, who can help each other turn something small like a dime into something huge like world impact."
"Tyler Perry has made billions of dollars and built a studio."
"I'm very excited now... I'm a genius... this is the most profitable park I've ever made."
"You can literally just use your phone... I got to the point of making nine thousand dollars a month doing that."
"We finally done it, we built a five-star restaurant."
"Our goal was to sell that business for 50 million and now that we had that Clarity we were able to like Focus how we grew that business and ended up selling it for 190 million"
"It has been a privilege to work with one of the great entrepreneurs of our time." - Peter Thiel
"If you do it right, and certainly I show my students how to do it right, then you will be reaping the rewards by creating these little mini businesses."
"You can actually build wealth by giving people advice and being exactly who you are."
"You've been successful because now people want what you have."
"We have successfully done our very first load in our very first truck that we've bought."
"I had a 1.3 million dollar company, 10,000 clients, and this all started from me deciding that I was going to do one thing different that day."
"Any kid in a garage can become a billionaire almost overnight."
"Now that we have all five sharks on board, we can really make our dad's dream come true. Our dad would probably be so proud of us and like so happy that we're continuing on his legacy, his dream."
"Believe that you can't, you can't. I just talked about living on the floor of the airport for too long and now I've invested in more than 200 companies and raised tens of millions of dollars."
"Last year the winner of the competition won 25 Grand but his store is as of this morning actually just crossed $2 million in sales."
"Entrepreneurs who see themselves as content creators first are crushing it."
"I believe we've been successful because I've had the luxury of being able to stay 100% true to my vision."
"Huge respect for Rimac for making a car like this and getting to this point."
"This right here is the ultimate graduation for an entrepreneur. It's the black belt, the academy award, the Olympic medal."
"If it is a bad idea to bet against Elon Musk then it's a good idea to bet that Elon Musk will win."
"The best businesses are run by the best entrepreneurs."
"Success is building companies that create jobs that the government doesn't have to come and bail people out."
"We sold our first shop for 50 diamonds, that's pretty awesome."
"Our little zoo is making a profit. Thank you to everybody who liked my idea."
"Ryan actually did this process he took $200 and he's now turned it into over $20,000 a month income stream."
"Susan Alexandra's bags are truly one of the biggest reasons for her success."
"Behind this massive company is the incredible story of a teenage kid who just wanted to build something useful and wound up competing with the largest players in the transportation industry."
"Great companies like AirWorks, Air Tech Coatings, Clemens Insurance Agency."
"How did one man come to create such an astounding empire? How did he manage to stay determined even after suffering such a tragic loss?"
"You're becoming wealthy through your endeavors."
"Monk mode is a lifestyle protocol that has been popularized by young successful entrepreneurs."
"When you think about the greatest athletes or the greatest entrepreneurs in history, they have the fundamentals locked."
"She knows about business. She has a line called bedroom candy. Yes, it's so successful. Yes, the vibrators and other things. I've participated in the product. And I think she's so talented. I participated in the product. The product participated in me."
"I sold that to a public company in 2000."
"She was so successful with the crayon case that she went ahead and just told Lou he can take the other business."
"We've had people that were trying to do the same thing at the same time, and alhamdulillah, Allah's given us success and we are where we are today."
"I'm the owner of Internet Money, and we produce some of the biggest songs that's come out in the past five years."
"We've had many successful ones come to our program and become unicorns."
"At 23, you signed a deal that made you a millionaire."
"I'm on my way to double that last year's revenue. I'm growing, it's that simple."