
Emotional Protection Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"You're someone who already feels like you're healing something in this connection and you don't want the pain to be exacerbated by a false truth or a misunderstanding."
"I don't want them feeling like they at all had a part in this."
"Pessimism and catastrophizing... protect[s] them from being disappointed but also... from really experiencing happiness."
"Little Billy Burr just wants to be alone so no one can hurt him."
"The dread of man and the love of man shall be a wall of defense and a wreath of joy around all."
"Negativity can't penetrate my armor unless I allow it to."
"Do not ever let it Jade you because you don't want to be that person."
"I am surrounded by a protective bubble of love."
"Any negative energy thrown at me, I send it right back to you with loving the light. It is not welcome here."
"Shift your mindset from rejection to protection."
"Protect your heart because nobody can ever take that away from you if you have a beautiful heart."
"I hope Pisces that you don't block out this king of cups to protect your heart if you do find someone that's really genuine, really emotionally there."
"Better be single than have your heart broken all the time basically."
"Don't let someone string you along... Guard your heart."
"Protective over your heart, but attracting love effortlessly."
"Stop telling those people your good news if they're just gonna bring you down."
"Your heart is protected and spirit wants you to know that."
"Wear a smile on your face because it's hard for people to give you negative energy."
"They're afraid of endings, they're afraid of being stabbed in the back or totally heartbroken if things don't work out."
"They may better be able to fool you but they're not fooling me."
"You're choosing a new path for you, and it's like you stood your ground and said, 'Enough is enough.'"
"You're protecting your heart from this individual."
"Virgo, stand your ground. Break the toxic trauma bond and protect your heart."
"The longer he stays guarded, the longer he'll continue to stay burdened."
"Please do not allow any level of negativity into the fortress."
"It's okay, Sagittarius, if you want to bring your shield down because it's not necessary anymore."
"Feeling rejected, but wanting to protect you from their shadow aspects."
"Just remember that with everything that plays out this week, anybody's negative shadow energy, don't let it penetrate."
"Separation: Use this time away for reflection, appreciation, or protection."
"We're constantly protecting ourselves from potential disappointment by giving ourselves the same suffering."
"How can the empath prevent this from happening?"
"May God's peace that passes all understanding guard your hearts and your minds and your souls."
"Watch for red flags, know what they're doing to you, and do not get emotionally involved right away."
"Just know they are going to hold down because they care so much about the people that they care about that fire runs so deep so don't take advantage of them."
"Surround yourself with positive thoughts and the biggest one that will help to protect you are thoughts of love."
"Batman exists to make sure no little boy ever has to live with the pain he does. Batman has to be there for that child. Batman has to be there for his people all the time."
"The power of story manifests in such a way that it gets through the armor of both of us emotionally."
"Rejection is really your protection, your redirection."
"I think if you lower your expectations at the beginning, it's better because at least at that point you don't get hurt."
"I'm going to make absolutely no effort to protect your feelings."
"Literally nothing you say could ever hurt me."
"You don't give people a chance to break your heart."
"Establish emotional boundaries to insulate yourself from their assault."
"Anger is a protector for a vulnerable aspect of ourselves."
"Anger is a powerful protector that is trying its very best to defend your best interest in a world that it feels is void of caring consideration and loyalty."
"I think we're playing hard to get because we don't want to get our heart broken."
"So much you want to proceed with this connection but you're being careful to avoid heartbreak."
"Protect your beautiful heart today and always."
"Protect your heart, but don't stop doing what you're doing. Be powerful and strong, healing, not hiding."
"You just gotta do what you gotta do, you have to protect your space, your emotions, your feelings."
"You're very guarded with your heart because they broke it."
"You're both protecting yourself, not sharing your feelings and emotions."
"Don't let it steal your joy or steal your peace."
"I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to get hurt."
"Somebody wants to come towards you but they're protecting their own fire energy."
"As parents, one of our responsibilities is to help our child guard their hearts as much as possible."
"Conclusion: Guard your heart always."
"Don't let them steal your healing. They have to get their own."
"At least one of her kids wouldn't end up scarred by the moment."
"Boundaries are not there to hurt the other person. They're there to protect you and the connection."
"Above all else, guard your heart, for the Wellsprings of life."
"They see a huge love as too much potential for pain; they're guarding themselves from it."
"The only thing you really need to fear in regards to being hurt in love is hurting yourself, allowing this person to continue to lie to you or allowing this person entrance into your life when you can sense they don't belong there."
"In order to keep your heart open, you have to protect it with boundaries."
"You've just got your defenses up and you're very, very guarded right now."
"Some of you are looking at the barrier that we all erect around our heart to protect your heart and keep it safe. I definitely see that there is someone honest, open, loyal, and loving coming your way."
"Above all else, guard your heart, for from it flow the springs of life."
"I built this armor and this callus around my heart."
"Guarding our hearts has become more important than ever."
"We need to guard our hearts and protect our hearts above all things."
"Rebecca says we are bubble wrap for your glass feelings. Amen."
"There's something really quite protected about you. You're the kind of person who has, despite everything, managed to keep your heart center safe."
"You cannot be hurt by him. Don't let what he's done hurt your heart."
"guard your heart over everything else guard your heart"
"Guard your heart, keep it, protect it."
"Don't let another person ruin your day. Don't let a grouchy boss make you grouchy to where you come home and be sour with your family. You can't keep it from happening, but you can keep it from getting on the inside. You have to guard your heart."
"It's okay to continue to protect your heart but just don't go too cold because this person, if you're interested in this person, they find the best thing about you to be like your heart, like your kind heart and just how warm and generous and lovely you are."
"Protect yourself from other people's bad moods."
"Don't let anybody trial and error your heart."
"my christmas miracle is that my family is safe my daughter didn't have to really experience any of the intense feelings my husband and i did over those couple of days"
"I think it's also his way of not dealing with too much pain because if he lets her in, then yes, he'll feel the pain of potentially losing her."
"You need to change the space in your life that they populate so they cannot have as much access to your emotional body to be able to hurt you in the same way."
"Guard your heart, for from it are the issues of life."
"Guard the heartful out of it pours the issues of life."
"It's easier to run away from these emotions and to protect your heart."
"You're very cautious of your heart and I love it."
"That psychological and emotional protection... goes so far beyond money."
"You guys have a really big heart, but you guard it very, very strongly."
"Be the gatekeeper, don't allow it past the gate of your heart."
"Guard your heart for out of your heart flows the issues of life."
"Protect your heart around this time."
"If I think of my life as a bus ride, I don't want to get my heart swayed by someone who shouldn't have had a seat in the first place."
"You can't hurt someone who's not there."
"Your heart is not a highway, it's a haven."
"I want you to protect your heart."
"Protect your heart, set strong boundaries around your emotions."
"You've been emotionally hurt before and it's like you're shielding your heart."
"You have manifestation power and no one can take advantage of your emotions."
"Protect your heart, protect your creativity, protect your emotions."