
Spiritual Surrender Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"Do away with religion, do away with a form of godliness, remove the mask, and surrender to Jesus Christ."
"True deliverance is when one is brought to a place of true repentance and where one surrenders to the Holy Spirit his or her life."
"I finally just laid it all at the feet of Christ, wept at his feet... and his presence just overwhelmed me."
"Whatever you require from me, God, I give it to you."
"Just surrender to God. Surrender your dreams, your plans, everything."
"Let God handle it if you can't handle it, let the universe handle it."
"Surrender to the divine, there will be things that happen outside of your control."
"You'll never understand or be able to enjoy life at its best until you surrender your life to Christ."
"Live in this world for a week, surrender your heart and your mind to the word of Allah."
"The key to experiencing the baptism with the Holy Spirit is surrender."
"We surrender all to you. Make the old things new and fill us with your love."
"We pray for God's will, we don't control things, He does."
"Surrender is the way that letting go that releasing control is the way that trusting specifically trusting in the inner wisdom of your higher self of your soul is the way."
"Surrender is not about just letting go of all of our options and just giving up our dreams, but instead it's giving over our agenda, our timeline, our control to the presence of the universe."
"Surrender to my goodness and love and mercy and grace, and you will see a light shining forth out of your life that not even the darkness of hell can quench."
"Christianity isn't about trying harder it's about surrender."
"We don't save ourselves. We yield to Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, and master."
"Now you're in Christ. Somebody says, 'What does that mean?' It means I've been saved, I've been born again, I've surrendered my life to Christ."
"Trust your intuition, surrender to your higher self."
"Being a Christian means to surrender to God's standard."
"Baptism is responding in a surrendered way just like Jesus did to save the world."
"I yield myself, I surrender myself to the headship of Christ."
"It all starts by surrendering to the Messiah of Israel, Jesus."
"Allegations dismissed on technicality? Cleared name or legal loophole?" - Peter Tragos
"Surrendering and turning to the divine, they realized they needed help beyond themselves."
"I think it's a good message for women actually cuz women don't understand that about us."
"It's letting go, letting God in or letting your soul in."
"When we give our hearts over to the miracle, everything turns out with a huge blessing."
"Surrender... it's choosing... obedience to the one who loves you more than you can imagine."
"There is such a great need to surrender our hearts wholeheartedly, surrender our souls, our minds, our worries, in Christ, our Lord."
"It's a whole bunch of us, and at the end of the day, it's the mother that we can surrender into."
"Your mind doesn't need to be healed, just surrender over to something greater."
"We completely leave this to Allah and this gives you the best peace of life."
"True faith requires genuine surrender to God."
"It requires us to just really surrender it all to Him, fast and pray."
"Those of you who say, 'Yes, I'm ready. I want his forgiveness. I'm ready to give my life to Jesus today. I surrender my life to him,' that's your prayer, would you lift your hands high right now?"
"Surrender to Jesus; life gets a lot lighter."
"She's opening the door to her own heart, surrendering to spirit."
"Dear Jesus, I give you my life, I give you my heart and tonight I surrender all."
"God is our authority, and all we need to do is simply surrender everything to him."
"Surrender to the divine and also bring love to the situation."
"It's all about the heart, surrender, and desperation."
"Trusting God's plan requires us to acknowledge his sovereignty over our lives."
"Take yourself out of being emotionally committed and surrender to the divine."
"This is where you're going to find more peace, more clarity, and understanding by leaning back and surrendering to the energy of love."
"Turn back to your Master, surrender before Him."
"Intention, focus, and surrender work together in manifestation."
"Eternal peace and joy will only come by surrendering to the Lord and knowing Him one-on-one."
"God uses the people who are weak but that surrender their lives to him."
"If you surrender to the Lord, you will find mercy."
"Surrender to the divine... what is meant for you will never pass you by."
"I surrender all to You Lord Jesus, I'm yours."
"God, I need you. God, I hear you. God, I surrender."
"Once you've done everything you can to achieve a goal, turn the situation over to the divine."
"Our liberty indeed is found in surrender to Christ."
"Prosperity lies ahead once you surrender to the Divine."
"I came to the end of myself, broken, crying, and in prayer, submitted my full life to Jesus."
"Give him everything, give him your best right now, give him what you think you know. Surrender all."
"Give God your surrender, even if you can't trace Him, trust Him."
"It's because he finally said, 'Lord, I surrender, I'll obey you, I'll live it your way and I'll depend upon your help.'"
"Let go and let God. It's the only time we can really experience him taking full responsibility."
"When we surrender everything, even the idea of how our day should go, to God and say, 'Show me, teach me,' I believe we begin to get clues about our purpose."
"This is not a season of you fighting to make it work; this is a season of you believing and letting the Holy Spirit do the work."
"I got down on my knees and I surrendered to God, and everything changed."
"Everything you hope for, dream, want, or anticipate, give it to God. Surrender 2021 to Him."
"We need to let God be God and let him have us. Let him have us completely because he wants all of us."
"God seeks to woo us into covenant relationship with Him, and we surrender to Him our fears, our sin, our twisted notion of right and wrong; we give Him our hearts in faith and in obedience."
"Jesus wants all of you, everything you are belongs to him."
"I want your will. See, some of you don't think you can trust Him like that, but you can trust Him like that."
"Lord, let your will be done. Whatever you have for me, give me the strength, the endurance, the patience to endure this."
"Surrender it to the divine. Divine justice is the best justice."
"Embrace power, surrender to the divine, and see yourself shining brightly."
"Surrender to the process, the universe is lining things up for you."
"The cross represents that you don't have to stop doing bad things, you just surrender your heart to Him."
"When we decide to fully surrender and we say Lord I'm not going to hold on to any of these things I've been holding on to, that's when we get to see God at work the most."
"Surrender leads to the highest vibrational possible outcome."
"Surrender simply means allowing oneself to be a part of something rather than fighting it."
"When you surrender to Allah, you get a calmness and peace inside your heart."
"Surrendering to the divine, surrendering to the situation, and just moving forward as conduits or as magical beings here."
"Surrender is giving God access, not quitting."
"Let your will be done in my life. For I know that your will is best for me. Let my faith find Rest In You, Lord."
"Surrender is surrender. You don't get to put parameters around surrender. It's truly a prayer of faith."
"In this surrender, we find freedom, the freedom to grow, to dream, and to step into the purpose that God has for our lives."
"He died the way he'd lived a life of honor and a life of total surrender to God."
"Complete and full surrender towards the universe. That is going to guide you home, I promise you that."
"Priests and religious cannot be truly fruitful and effective channels through which God's mercy flows out upon mankind unless they have hearts, minds, and souls surrendering to God."
"Help us to stay as surrendered as you've called us to be."
"What's so hard about turning your life completely over to him?"
"I surrender to it to spirit... whatever it is you're trying to manifest, it will turn out in your favor."
"If you want to surrender to the Holy Spirit, become more simple and childlike."
"We need to trust Him as our Father and surrender to Him."
"I want to surrender all. I want to give Him everything I am."
"Surrender to the divine whatever it is that you were walking away from or getting yourself out of it's time for you to really see let it go something it needs to die in order for something new to be born."
"Far better than that, my friend, is for you to bow your knee to him today in your heart."
"Surrender, let go, and let the answers come to you."
"I surrender my desires and I know the universe has my back."
"The thing you're praying for, can you give it back to God?"
"In the face of a life that I did not want, like Jesus, we can say, 'yet father not my will be done but your will be done.'"
"Into your hands, I command my soul. I offer it to you with all the love of my heart."
"Surrender to the frequency and allow for the shifts to take place beyond you."
"Last Monday was the most completely successful day of my life to date so far as giving my day in complete and continuous surrender to God is concerned."
"Give up to grace, you need a lot more help than you know."
"Thank you for forgiving all of my sin. I turn from all my ways and surrender to you."
"I found it so easy to surrender to a higher power."
"God doesn't have anything other than normal people. There are no superstars in the Kingdom, just people who learn how to surrender to King Jesus."
"Savior, I come, quiet my soul, remember redemption's hill where your blood was spilled."
"Forgive me of my sin. Thank you for waiting for me. I surrender my life to you today."
"Surrender to Jesus if you want the enemy to let you go."
"The baptism with the Holy Spirit is not a matter of me getting more of the Holy Spirit but of him getting more of me."
"Holy Spirit, whatever you need to do with me, Lord, just cut it off. I don't want it. Show me, Lord, all to me and I'll hear your word, Lord."
"The gift of tongues is a manifestation of surrender to the Holy Spirit."
"You love God and do what you will, and He'll take care of the rest. The rest is not our business."
"...if we renounce our self, we'll ask for his will, he gives it to us."
"We yield to your presence, we yield to your heart, your love, your goodness."
"Worship is super important because... when we step into that process of surrender in worship... it's like the heavens are opened over us."
"Yield yourselves unto God as alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God."
"God's will is for us to know Him, to surrender daily, to give thanks always, and to reach others."
"Our safety is found in fidelity to Jesus, our connection to Jesus, our yielding to Jesus."
"Help me, God, to trust where you are guiding me. I am yours."
"Take the brokenness of our lives and put them in your hands."
"The surrender of the will to God is the single most important thing that you can do to begin the journey."
"Now blessed Lord, I would no longer live if it might please thee."
"All it needs is to surrender to him and tell him that please free us from this miserable condition and take me back to your abode."
"Oh sovereign grace, my heart subdue; I would be led in triumph to a willing captive to my Lord, to sing the honors of His word."
"Lord, you are King of Kings; I'm here to give you everything."
"The good news of the gospel is not that if you give your life to Jesus everything goes the way you want it; the good news of the gospel is that if you surrender your life to Jesus, you get Jesus regardless of life circumstances and he's gonna be enough."
"May grace now be given to you to bring you to yield to this glorious command."
"The love that is formless, nameless, and indestructible; keep it in mind, would you know it, all are sure to surrender to you."
"What makes a person a Christian is that they have given up their dependence on themselves to be good with God."
"Let God do all that He desires to do in and through my life."
"I am willing to be stripped to the Bone, bring me into your Wilderness."
"I cast this burden on the Christ within, and go free."
"When you surrender your plans to God and it's like, 'Not my will, but let it be Your will,' that's when things fall into place."
"Turning one's will and life over to the care of Something greater than self."
"Remaining firmly in Self-abidance without giving even the least room to the rising of any thought other than the thought of Self, that is without giving even the least attention to any second or third person but only to Self, is surrendering oneself to God."
"Surrender to the Divine... there's no greater balance than the most high mother and father."
"Help me to lay up treasures in heaven as I surrender myself to you."
"Lord, take my life and make it wholly thine; fill my poor heart with thy great love divine."
"We pray from a posture of surrender, we pray our way to surrender, we pray until we're surrendered."
"Leave your burdens to the Lord, take it there, leave it there."
"Your life is His life, whatever He wants to do."
"It's a beautiful surrender of how higher consciousness works through us."
"If you'll just say yes, don't know what you're getting yourself into, God will provide the rest."
"We just trust in you, we put our entire lives into your hands today."
"It's your heart before the Lord; you give yourself to Him."
"Your miracle is absolutely on its way; your prayers have been heard. Just surrender how it's going to come and when and who or what."