
Spiritual Encounter Quotes

There are 174 quotes

"You cannot have an encounter with Jesus and remain the same; something changes, something has to change."
"In your yes to God, that you would have such a powerful experience and encounter with Him that it would keep you rooted in your faith."
"He wants you to have an encounter with Him that explodes in your life."
"The dark voice said the usual things but this time something was different...as he drove down the road, the reality became distorted, the air around the vehicle began to flicker and spirits began to appear around the car."
"I felt the presence of God as they were worshiping and I looked over at Richard and he just pointed at me and said That's you you're the one and I was just I fell down I'm crying the pastors actually came over they laid hands on me and they prayed for me and that was like my first encounter that led me to start really seeking Jesus."
"This is your moment to have a life-changing encounter with the Fire of God and be launched into your destiny, unlike anyone else."
"When you meet Jesus, he turns your life right side up."
"He appeared and stood in front of me, said, 'You are My son. I love you.'"
"As soon as I sat down, the Holy Spirit flooded my body, mind, and soul."
"A lost boy was blessed and kissed by Hashem!"
"Why would such superior allegedly superior entities in the transcribed accounts of one of the most famous abductees in history as soon as she said Jesus why would they now have to plead with her and say please follow us please stick around?"
"I felt the touch of my shoulder saying, I forgive you."
"You're going to meet God, whether it's in judgment or peace."
"You shall see your guardian angel appear unto you in unequaled beauty who also will converse with you and speak in words so full of affection and of goodness and with such sweetness that no human tongue could express the same."
"It is rare indeed when a person has the good fortune to meet a saint."
"You're going to have an encounter with God where you're going to be marked by God forever. You will never be the same again as you encounter God and as you encounter His presence."
"One night with the King can change everything."
"May we repeat what Jesus says every chance he does or every chance he has: come and see."
"God is touching you, waves of glory awakening."
"When the word of God is rightly preached, the voice of God is truly heard because in his word he meets with his people."
"It may be that the filmmaker's attempt to bring the dead to light attracted their spirits' attention."
"Someday the silver cord will break and I shall see Him face to face."
"When you pray, we've all had this... every time I encounter God in prayer, the first thought is, 'Why don't I do this more?'"
"There are some moments in our life where Jesus literally shows up as friend."
"This is your moment. Jesus walks in this room and touches you. You are healed, and the fire of God is upon you."
"The word of God is the Prophet Daniel once encountered the angel of God while he was so weak to stand."
"Regardless if it was a demon from hell, it was a very lovely message."
"Do you all agree that she was there to warn us? If I ever see her like that again, I will be really walking on eggshells for a few days."
"Father, do something in this place today that changes us."
"When you see the Christ entity... you don't need anything else."
"You cannot have a king encounter and not change. Everything changes."
"I met the greatest love on Earth, the greatest power, the greatest force that has forever changed me."
"Reading the Bible isn't just about reading words on a page, it's also encountering the word in the word of God."
"On that day, it will be so wonderful to finally see his face."
"The confessional must not be a torture chamber but rather an encounter with the Lord's mercy."
"Jesus said unto her Mary, she turned herself and said unto him, 'Rabboni,' which is to say master."
"All I can wonder is why, then I feel a new emotion that is being emitted by God, this emotion is absolute patience."
"I was escorted by the angels and they were singing worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive honor and glory wisdom and power and Dominion."
"God meets you right now in the name of Jesus."
"You're going to be visited by the angel of love in the next seven days."
"I felt the presence of someone come up and put their hands on my shoulders. It was my grandma."
"I just remember him looking over at me and he grabbed my shirt like this and goes, 'Dude, I feel the spirit of the Undertaker, God is great!'"
"On that day, faces will be bright looking at their Lord."
"Your name was on the calendar of heaven and God has set you up for divine encounter."
"You cannot just have an encounter or live your life just through Me by what I tell and the testimonies I tell you need to encounter God."
"The community life at Ave Maria University is where young people find belonging and encounter Christ."
"Maybe I'm seeing God... Maybe I'm talking to aliens... [expletive] DMT."
"Pope Francis had an encounter with the Holy Spirit in which he began to speak in tongues."
"I can trace everything back to that encounter with Jesus in confession."
"God brought you to heaven so that Jesus would speak to you directly."
"I experienced an overwhelming peace like I'd never had before."
"The leper didn't come to Jesus, Jesus came to the leper."
"I want to meet someone who's enlightened so I can say things to them."
"We don't have to get to tragedy in order to have an encounter with majesty."
"One encounter with the Holy Spirit changes everything."
"I remember dying and leaving my children behind, and I knew it was in Ireland."
"Sit with him for a minute, he might show you something that nobody else noticed."
"I saw my Savior up close and personal, and I don't regret anything that I went through."
"Having an encounter with the spirit isn't always a bad thing. It can also be a good learning experience and a moment which might be memorized forever."
"I remember when Jesus laid his hand on me when I was eight years old."
"What happened to her, Jesus? She's here, Daniel, and she wants to talk to you."
"I looked at the Spirit, he looked at me and smiled."
"You can come to church and have an encounter with the city of refuge and the church, and never really change. But you can't have an encounter with Jesus and stay the same."
"He took one step and it was so cool, it was like my spirit went just like this pop, smacked into him and we took off together."
"Father, let your word come with fire, let it come with Grace. In this final service, give me an encounter tonight."
"The only way I was able to forgive and move on was through having an encounter with Christ."
"Catch all these tears that are falling at this altar we feel your spirit now transferring people from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light."
"Everything changes when you have an encounter like Jacob had."
"When you learn to honor the person and the office of a prophet, you provoke something tonight."
"The spirit of God is coming upon you."
"I fully believe that this experience was a spiritual encounter."
"I pray prayed my first real prayer and encountered Jesus."
"There is nothing closer to encountering Jesus than in the Eucharist."
"When you have a personal Encounter With Jesus, you can never question him again."
"We four friends, bound by an extraordinary journey, sat amidst the flickering candles processing the realization that we had altered the course of a spirit's fate."
"My first sense in meeting Jesus was this: 'So this is love.'"
"He touched me and made me whole. He touched me and made me new. He touched me and things fell off me."
"This isn't just a regular live, but this is an encounter with God. The Holy Spirit is here with you."
"When you have these power portal encounters, there's a life shift that takes place."
"May God shine through you so mightily this week that many would encounter Jesus."
"When I saw him I fell at his feet as though dead."
"The simple answer is we must have a radical encounter with Christ."
"Having been a coward since childhood, I would not even walk to the verandah of my house at night, but after having obtained the darshan of Bhagavan in my dream, the fear that has gripped me left me."
"Do you know Jesus Christ?" he asked me a question I'll never forget.
"As soon as I saw Maharaji, that was it; there was no question, there was no having to surrender, it just was what it was."
"I know what I had, I know I was with God."
"It is here, in the profound stillness of your darkest moment, that you encounter the Divine—an experience that transcends words, reshaping your understanding of existence and revealing the luminous truth of your true essence beyond the confines of the ego."
"It became the best day of my life because I met the King of Glory."
"It's that initial look at Allah, this is my Lord, the one that describes Himself, this is Him."
"Our goal is not just to have a great church service, but we want you to encounter the presence of God every single day."
"God became more real than my skin in that moment."
"I met God. I did not believe in God, but He touched me. I have felt Him. I have met God."
"One of the strengths of this book by the Holy Father is that he specifically says he's writing it so we can have a personal Encounter With Jesus."
"In the year King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of His robe filled the temple."
"I believe the Lord met us there, and the Lord poured out His spirit."
"You will meet God in silence; you will not meet God in public."
"He met me while I was drinking... that is what completely transformed me."
"We will be looking closely at Jacob's well and the encounter Jesus had with a Samaritan woman."
"I saw horrible looking people who were trying to harm me, then I became aware of someone kindly powerful exhaling a delightful fragrance who defended me against them and succeeded in defeating them."
"The spirit within me... he came in at a particular event at a particular point in time, and I had this spiritual encounter."
"Holy Spirit, we ask that you just encounter us today in a new way, God."
"The most powerful ego death experience came as a confrontation with Kali."
"When you meet something holy and it opens up something in you that changes you or helps you to change to become better for yourself and others, that is a blessing."
"We find no evil in this man; but if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him, let us not fight against God."
"Every time we endeavor to get people to have an encounter with the Holy Ghost, because the moment you have an encounter of the Holy Ghost, everything changes."
"Afterwards come to that place and I will reveal myself to you and speak true things with you."
"When you meet someone, they answer you God."
"This guided me more surely than the light of noon to where He waited for me - Him I knew so well - in a place where no one else appeared."
"The greatest call on him and on us is really the possibility of the encounter with the divine."
"An angel enters your life now or soon."
"She crossed over maybe, or maybe she's an angel. I don't know what to tell you, but whatever she is, she chose the good."
"The great one without defect has just touched a lowly dwelling so that it might see a miracle."
"You're going to be encountering the power of God in your life."
"You can have an encounter with God that in one single encounter, absolutely everything can change for you."
"Your joy is married to your King encounter."
"You don't need to meet the Buddha; you need to meet the Dharma."
"I'm getting ready to encounter Jesus, I'm getting ready to tell other people of his power."
"I saw Jesus walk up to me... He said to me, 'I love you.' And I said, 'I love you too.'"
"We're going to encounter His presence in a new way today."
"Revival is power encounters, the real power of God."
"You're about to meet Jesus; He's completely different. He loves you."
"God will meet you wherever you want to meet Him."
"And if you meet Him, that stuff and other things that are idols will never be an idol again."
"Give me an encounter over anything else."
"One encounter in the presence of the Holy Spirit and everything changes."
"When the Holy Spirit shows up... and you're like, really am I your project for today?"
"If there's only going to be a few that actually encounter the Living God, I want to be one of them."
"Holy Spirit, your freedom, let them encounter you today."
"I looked up involuntarily and standing there smiling down at me with a white glow was the same lady."
"I started to realize that Jesus was there, and this sort of came as a surprise to me."
"It's as close to God as you can get."
"It wasn't like meeting Jesus, but it was close."
"We must realize that we can have an encounter with Jesus and God and angels in visions which take place in our minds."
"I will meet you at the place of mercy."
"Your divine appointment's right here, right now."
"Do not fear, it is I, Hanuman, you do not know me yet, but soon you will, and I am the dedicated servant of Lord Rama."
"Not until you have an encounter with Christ, your life will never be the same."
"I received the fire of the Holy Spirit."
"I had a tremendous encounter with Jesus that's the good news."
"Come see a man who told me all things that I ever did; could this be the Christ?"
"Those who looked at him that day said there was a searchlight within him, over every part of his body."
"One day, you and I are actually going to see Jesus Christ."
"I just want to encounter God here. I've been Christian for my life, but my life is stuck somewhere, and I believe that Jesus didn't die for this life, He died for abundant life."
"I spoke to some beautiful spirit who said that they would send me back."
"I was shaking at the end of that day because I knew that heaven had opened."
"Your new encounter with the spirit of God is worth much more than a lifetime of efforts."
"...I was struck so deeply struck in my heart by the beauty of the Savior on the altar."
"When I become love, whoever meets me has an encounter with love."
"The altar encounter produces transformation."
"It is the day He has come to meet you, to touch you tangibly, to release His power upon your life."
"One look in the face of Jesus, your life changed."
"When I walked into the room where he was, without a word being spoken, I knew that whatever it was I was looking for was real."
"I encountered Jesus in a way that was so joyful, so loving, so merciful."
"When people visit a group of believers, they touch the kingdom of God and encounter God himself because God dwells in the church."
"Every encounter with the truth is an asset."
"He was a very great soul, I was very touched by that conversation."
The doors opened and all I saw was an extremely bright light and heard a voice saying "I'll take it from here".
"We're praying for this generation, not just for meetings, not just for gatherings, but face-to-face encounters with Jesus."
"I woke up at one o'clock in the morning and rolled over and I saw my guardian angel above my bed."
"You've been in the presence of an Earth Angel."
"You are not coming before a politician; you're not coming before a Consul of an embassy to give you a Visa. You are coming before not only your savior but the monarch of the universe."
"And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel."