
Spiritual Change Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"When Jesus Christ is Lord over your life, there is a change that should happen; there is a change that does happen."
"Major spiritual changes are unfolding. This is your chance to soar."
"Encountering God's normal changes us forever."
"God is love, quit resisting his love, just accept him and your life will be changed."
"The breath of gospel change goes to everyone. Jesus Christ's life-giving change goes to everyone."
"The Book of Mormon will change your life, it will fortify you against the evils of our day."
"The power of Jesus Christ and the sacramentals... it changed my spiritual life permanently."
"When Jesus Christ enters your heart, you will find that the old rooms you used to enter so freely will become challenging to step into because your heart has changed."
"The Lord can turn even the hardest of hearts."
"The word 'repentance' means more than just changing your mind intellectually. It includes a change in affections, desires, and results in tangible fruit."
"How are you going to change the spiritual part of you?"
"Just as it's not the anesthetics that heal a person who undergoes surgery, the surgery is what causes real change. While the anesthetics come with the surgery, God's presence causes change, while being slain in the spirit is simply a side effect."
"God's word literally changed my life. I'm in love with him and I'm in love with his word."
"If you want to change your thoughts, it often requires asking God to give us his power."
"People are really getting tired... it's causing people to change spiritually."
"A spiritual rebirth in our social fabric and diets."
"We're talking about a divine transformation."
"The 'yes' unto the Lord changes and confronts atmospheres."
"Making peace with yourself is the spiritual change, the spiritual narrative change which happens next week during the square."
"The gospel of Jesus Christ is the only power for true change because it's the only power that actually changes people."
"Our conceptions of mental health, spiritual reality, and political institutions have all transformed almost beyond recognition."
"Be filled with the Holy Spirit because it changes the way you walk, talk, and act."
"I think that we should pray that someone like Tucker Carlson... can have a changed Heart by reading the word of God."
"The same power that can powerfully transform Kanye's life could change Kim Kardashian's life."
"The change that God had made in me emanated from me."
"Your response is 'here we go' because where you hear God, everything changes."
"God wants us to change so that we can thrive."
"From the moment Christ was incarnated... the vibrations of the earth started raising."
"Salvation changes your desires, it changes your life."
"Spiritual revolution is underway, embrace the awakening."
"The only thing that's ever going to change anything is hearts being changed by the gospel."
"There's a karmic cycle that's come to its come to fruition and that's coming to an end."
"How do you get eternal life in Jesus Christ? You believe in him... His love comes in, it begins to change you, begins to change me, begins to change everything."
"Radical repentance is the thing. Pray that radical repentance would enter their life and that the light bulb would go on."
"I used to be spiritual and I can tell you why I'm not."
"Ancient word ever true, changing me and changing you."
"Preaching the word of God is the only thing that can change people."
"He can't change the past, but He can change the way it affected you."
"There's a shift taking place right now spiritually."
"You can't encounter Jesus and leave the same way you came."
"When you get saved you like you look at the world differently."
"There's a new spiritual fate moving forward with lifestyle changes."
"Once you come into the light, you are now honest about your mistakes."
"We know that what we fear is a ruined earth, political and economic and social strife, and a fundamental change in our spiritual systems of belief."
"The turning back to God and the turning back, it starts with just an about face, just turning a one doing a 180, that one step."
"The life after Jesus looks so different than the life before Jesus."
"Those who chanted Hare Krishna in the 1960s, look at how their lifestyle changed after they started chanting Hare Krishna."
"Change is afoot, change... change, it's connected to this karmic feminine energy and a gift that's meant for you."
"Near-death experiencers are almost always profoundly changed by their journey to the beyond."
"I pray that the Holy Spirit just changes their lives."
"Regeneration precedes faith. It's God the Holy Spirit who first changes the disposition of the soul."
"The Holy Spirit changes everything."
"Forgiveness, healing, miracles are all a kindness of God that ought to move a person to want to change, to be repentant."
"Praying the rosary has absolutely changed my life."
"The decision to follow Jesus is a decision to do away with all of our silly games and man-made traditions."
"We preach repentance from sin but it is the conviction of the Holy Ghost that changes the hearts of individuals."
"Praises to God changes everything."
"Being born again is not a process... it's an event."
"God changes your life around so that you can have meaning, purpose, vision."
"I will take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you the heart of flesh."
"Religion says if we change, God will love us, but the gospel says God's love changes us."
"Real gospel is going to see tangible change in the church; that's when there's revival."
"One person can change everything because Jesus did, and you have Him inside of you."
"If you want changes to be made in your physical life, then those changes must be initiated from the spiritual part of your life."
"It took out of us the religious spirit and placed within us the love for the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
"The single most profound change for me has been this transition from a hope or faith that God's promises are true to an absolute trust."
"Our job is not to judge and condemn them but to pray for them that they might know God and be changed by Him."
"From glory to glory we are changed, as the glory of God transforms us."
"True conversion, a born-again experience, breaks the power of the sin nature."
"The Lord changes your heart, makes you clean, makes you whole."
"The spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you shall prophesy with them, and shall be turned into another man."
"The maturation and the grasp of the scriptures and understanding God has been the thing that's changed the most about me."
"If you've been changed, if you've been renewed, if you've been born again, if your desires have changed, if your life has changed, if you feel the power of God, there's a bunch of ways to tell."
"It's by God's grace and power that we are able to be changed, not by sheer strength or might."
"We are seeing a change in the spiritual realm, there's a change in the atmosphere in our churches."
"The greatest change is when Jesus comes in you."
"If a change happens in the spiritual world, then the physical world does its best to catch up and change too."
"The basis of all the apparitions that our dear Mother is going and telling is repentance, a metanoia, a change of life."
"That kind of unfailing love is what changed everything."
"The love and joy and the peace and the wisdom that you exhibit as you're speaking have to be such that you're actually showing people a gospel changed soul."
"God can change your desire to do what pleases God."
"Jesus came to change you from the inside out."
"If God can change the way I see and the way I think, He'll change my whole life."
"The Cross of Christ is fulfilled when his nature's changed back to love."
"The greatest miracle you could ever have is the changing of your heart."
"Sin doesn't change God, it changes me. I need confession because sin has changed me."
"The justifying death of Jesus opens his sanctifying life that I really can change."
"It's the truth of God's word that's going to change your life and set you free."
"Voluntarily submit to every change God wants to make in my life and humbly ask Him to remove my character defects."
"Christ is the ultimate atonement, meaning that now you could change; that's called Grace."
"It's inevitable that you not only come up victorious, but it's literally going to change the spiritual trajectory of your life."
"The heart of a man can only be changed by Jesus."
"When you have a true conversion, it changes your whole life."
"This is the season God is shifting things in your life."
"It's your spirit that got changed, and your identity in Christ."
"I remember that day, He changed my life, I remember that day."
"The revelation of Jesus changes everything."
"Jesus is talking about a kind of change, an inward change where you wouldn't do what he's saying don't do."
"We are forcing an altar to be erected, an altar that will change the climate."
"Prayer changes people, Prayer Changes Things."
"He became the new high priest, not a priest of separation and sacrifice like the Old Testament, but a priest of mercy."
"When there is a shift in the spiritual realm, it's a matter of time before things change in the natural."
"Jesus and friends change everything."
"Just one word from God can totally change your life."
"I asked God to come into my heart and change me, and He did."
"The heart-centric solar meditation can be especially life-changing."
"The laws of God is given to you to be changed, to make you a new man."
"Once you change spiritually, your whole vibration will affect everything outside."