
Life Sciences Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The biggest questions facing the life sciences today is how the brain works and, in particular, the origin of human consciousness."
"Viruses have never been against life; viruses are not even living life forms. They are the genetic memory of our potential."
"Living organisms only really make sense when often when they're described in terms of information and the management of information."
"Life at the deepest point on Earth challenges our assumptions about where life can thrive."
"DNA is code, DNA is the instruction manual for how to build life."
"The 21st century is a century of the life sciences... it will be a century of the life sciences."
"Viruses are not alive in any traditional sense of the word. They self-replicate but they can't do it without a living organism to use as part of their reproduction."
"Life on earth isn’t just resilient by need, but can be astonishingly resilient by accident."
"We're talking about engineering life here based on cells."
"Fermentation is awesome, fermentation is life."
"The absolute number of neurons in the cerebral cortex can predict 74 percent of the variation in life history variables."
"Life as we know it can exist only when based on organic compounds that would never have formed but for carbon."
"Let's just hope that everybody else out there is as decent as our family."
"The discovery that at the foundation of life in every living cell, there is a molecule that contains digital code, code for producing the really important protein molecules that keep cells alive."
"The entirety of sentient life on this planet using only one mistake can cure any disease."
"Life always surprises us, and if confirmed, we'll be absolutely surprised by the ingenious biochemical solutions."
"Parasitism is a pretty clever strategy. They just sort of sneak in, they set up camp inside of a body, and then they can devour it from the inside out."
"Because of the government's support for the life sciences sector, they announced plans to invest £650 million in the UK to expand their footprint on the Cambridge biomedical campus and fund the building of a vaccine manufacturing Hub in Speke in Liverpool."
"New kind of mathematics could emerge from the massive amount of data currently being gathered in the life sciences."
"We are very confident that all living things that we've ever seen share a common ancestor."
"Funding for life science startups, particularly minority-owned, at the seed level is necessary to build their prototype."
"The Crew Nyan Lecture is one of the oldest annual lectures of the Royal Society and it's our most prestigious lecture in the life sciences."
"The Croonian Lecture is one of the oldest annual lectures of the Royal Society and it's our most prestigious lecture in the life sciences."
"The animated world unfolds us and we have come from the inanimate world which has organized itself into us."
"Cellular respiration occurs in everything from a bacterial cell to you and everything in between."
"Life has what's called specified information where there's exact prescriptions for an outline of what happens."
"Microbiology literally means the study of small life."
"All plants and animals are embedded in a microbial world, and we have a microbial world embedded within us."
"I considered a degree in physics, I considered a degree in biology because I find life sciences really interesting."
"Proteins are crucial to our life functioning."
"The production of recombinant proteins from mammalian cells has become an increasingly important tool for use in life sciences."
"We will discuss the changing landscape of data-driven research in life sciences and the opportunities that come with the widely accessible high throughput technologies."
"Why should a living being not be able to obtain all the energy it needs for the performance of its life functions from the environment instead of through consumption of food?"
"Life is much more adapting than we previously thought."
"Enzymes are like the golden substance in life sciences; they run everything within any organism."
"I shall largely speak of mice, but my thoughts are on man, on healing, on life and its evolution."
"Life always uses sources of free energy and it always dissipates free energy."
"Life seems to back that trend, it seems to go from order to more order."
"The fact that a good deal of this was medical information measuring the physiological reactions and responses of the astronaut during the flight showed the important role that the life sciences were playing in this project."
"The X-15 project is also providing valuable information for the life sciences."
"You could not actually function biochemically as you do if you did not have things that had been cooked up in the explosions of giant stars."
"I really love and am attached to organic chemistry; it's so central to life and the whole of its functions."
"The observed net oscillatory vesicle population grows in a manner that reminds one of elementary modes of sustainable population growth seen among living systems."
"Allen Institute is all about fundamental discoveries in life sciences and accelerating scientific research around the world."
"Biology is the study of living things or the study of life."
"There's nothing special or unique about the molecules found in living organisms; they are simply molecules that are governed by physical laws."
"Biology, simply put, is the study of life."