
Societal Acceptance Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"A lot of people don't like it when people be their authentic selves... but... there are double if not triple the amount of people that are willing to show you support."
"A trans woman's dream is not existing in a society where gender is whatever, but in a society where the gender binary exists but people just call her female or woman. Like, 'Oh hey, what's up? Oh yeah, she's my friend. Oh yeah, I like her.' And there's like, 'Oh, thank God, I'm being identified by other people in the way that I express myself and that blends with my gender identity. Holy shit, this is fucking awesome.'"
"Embrace your individualism and don't put how you feel life should be for you to the side in order to be accepted by the masses."
"What we really need to do is take it seriously and as a society accept that these observations are real, and the only way we're going to get answers is if we take it seriously and study it."
"Drug use is normal. It's normal for politicians, it's normal for all levels of society."
"The reason you want society to accept you is because you don't accept yourself."
"There has always been a stigma surrounding mental therapy."
"Audiences would accept queer characters in mainstream movies."
"You shouldn't have to cover what you look like, that shows that you are a survivor."
"It really is bringing it full circle and letting us be together and not be worried about going to jail."
"Sometimes things just don't work the way they are supposed to. That's not something to be ashamed about, just like other health problems aren't anything to be ashamed about."
"Let the weirdness flourish, let the all the different ways members of the human family can be different, let's see them all."
"White America to me is white people who have their own culture and the only way you'd be accepted by white America is if you adapt to their culture."
"The truth will get out there regardless of whether folk want to hear it or not."
"When everyone can live as their true selves... a day we'll know we've reached when there are no more closets."
"Acknowledging that families take many shapes and sizes and forms, which they do, it's a factual statement."
"Part of our work is to respect these medicines and then to change the culture enough that people doing them can be respected and held... not everybody needs to do them, not everybody should or wants to."
"People need to look past more the fact that she's trans she's someone that accomplished the biggest goals of becoming the person she wanted to become."
"Autism is more prevalent than people think, and just if we can make the world more aware and acceptable towards it, it'll just be a lot easier for everybody."
"Gay people have more acceptance now because they're seen as normal people."
"We have a world where our government is corrupt, we know it's corrupt, just visibly corrupt to all of us and yet we have to live with it and pretend like it's, you know, it's just the way life is."
"It's quite hopeful that the fact that so many people were able to rally around this history is awareness. History is acceptance."
"I think a lot of people my age are to the point where we just kind of accepted that this is what life in America is."
"Embracing clown world is the natural course."
"They are compromised and they have made pledges against the god of the Bible in order for them to be better accepted by this world."
"Until people show the good side, not just the dressing up and drag, people won't be ready to welcome."
"And hopefully, we can just get to a place where society, us, everyone – we all see all trans and all non-cis identities as valid."
"Acknowledging addiction as something that exists in this world isn't an offensive label to wear."
"Everything has to start with respect and acceptance. If you have accepted yourself as what you are, there is absolutely no problem for other people around you to accept you."
"If women are more inclined to jobs like teaching or social working, that's okay."
"We're finally at a point where we can talk about when the family you're given just doesn't work out, and I think that's amazing."
"People are reconnecting with their faith and getting less flack for it."
"Finally, love is going to win and you will be able to mirror your longtime love interest. No longer fear benefits loss or being penalized."
"People don't know what dark-skinned people go through to try to find love and acceptance."
"We are living for His glory, not the world's acceptance. If others hate or cancel us, so be it. This is what we're here for, to share God's truth with a lost world."
"We have data that shows that literally less than 5% of people in our countries would have a problem living with someone from a different race."
"The people of the USA are becoming increasingly tolerant, welcoming, and accepting of our non-cis het identity and love."
"When I'm sitting there having a conversation the other day with Buck Angel Blair White and the version of like being a trans person that they Embrace is basically one that I feel like almost every American could agree on."
"Stop doing things for the acceptance of others. Be who it is you know the Most High put you here to be."
"Whatever it is that somebody says that they are, that will not only be good for them but it should be celebrated."
"People shouldn't feel bad about vocalizing their mental health issues in fear of getting judged."
"We either live in this country and accept that's what it does, or we go somewhere else."
"First creative ideas are dismissed as lunacy then they're mocked then they're ridiculed then they're accepted as trivial and known all along."
"See how technology has changed people's lives, and people are more accepting of others who are different and working together and making things happen."
"Truth passes through three stages: first it's ridiculed, then it is violently opposed, and third it's accepted as self-evident."
"People are generally pretty accepting during this time."
"How these atrocities slowly became accepted in society."
"The whole world knows it, and the thing is, all those people that you've been telling for all these years about cryptocurrency and everything, they're finally gonna say you were right."
"Visibility is kind of said to be the reason why the majority is in favor of same-sex marriage."
"If she loves her and she loves her, that's love. I don't give a [ __ ] y'all respect that, period."
"Naturism is a practice and I think that that sort of different message seems to resonate with a lot more people."
"In her ending of getting her desired human form with her beautiful voice, the story sends the message that if you keep fearlessly being yourself, the world will eventually catch up and listen."
"It's nice man, I'm just like a lot of people ain't gonna like me man but I just gotta be an effing wolf."
"We exist. There's a place in this world for us too."
"The kids man, the kids would be like Mommy Daddy look at the tattoo man... so that's when I knew that uh at least there's a future in tattooing because if the kids love it when they're adults they're gonna of it you know."
"The AR-15 is America's rifle, and we've become accustomed to those controls."
"Homosexuality isn't an issue and there's even several hypotheses about why it's actually a benefit."
"In 20 years you're gonna laugh at the things that were being said about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies."
"If you have kids when they go to school, no one will even care about like what your sexual preference or whatever."
"If everybody loved you, you would be of this world."
"A record 60% of Americans say they would be fine voting for an atheist."
"There's a difference between toleration and acceptance."
"Truth passes through three stages: first it is ridiculed, then it is violently suppressed, and finally it is accepted as simply being self-evident."
"You can openly question stuff and it's like, it's okay, it's back in the Overton window now."
"To shine the light of attention and acceptance on our darkest moments brings us closer to wholeness."
"I feel the day that we as a society accept NDEs is the day that we make leaps forward in our understanding."
"It's okay to be completely different, and it's totally fine that some people might think you're nuts."
"Jesus' table fellowship with prostitutes and tax collectors... was a way of saying the kingdom of God is open to you."
"To suggest that there is nothing inherently unpleasant about feeling like you don't fit your fucking body is unbelievable."
"In the Orwellian world that we're headed towards, stake.com has enough money to buy influence, and we're just forced to accept it as the status quo."
"They gave me the chance to show this whole world, this world that wasn't accustomed to someone who looked like me and acted like me, that things didn't always have to look a certain way or be done a certain way."
"They didn't have to blend in and hide anymore. They could be loud, colorful. They could kiss each other and like not have to feel bad about it."
"We Embrace, accept, and celebrate all kinds of diversity."
"The trans movement is not indoctrinating our youth. Our youth are understanding who they are at a younger age."
"Trans people historically have been extremely, extremely rare."
"You are a free human being and society and your family should accept your right to make decisions that align with your own desires."
"Forcing diversity is not forcing, it's finally accepting and acknowledging."
"Our biggest hope is just to normalize inter-abled relationships."
"The Barbie movie had a great message. It's different strokes for different folks."
"We know we've won we have we have one look at it around the world and it's not a matter of winning it's a matter of coming to terms with the fact that people just want to live their lives."
"Until we really have a discussion about not just tolerating and not just accepting but like actually celebrating."
"If we as a society cannot accept this, and we push the blame back on the people suffering from the problem, we are never ever gonna fix this problem."
"I think everyone wants to feel good, exactly, everyone should be accepted."
"It's not that the people that don't see it don't see it, it's that they're okay with it."
"It doesn't matter whether something's true or not. It's just the fact is we have to accept everyone and all opinions are equal."
"Just be authentically yourself and don't worry so much about how people are going to accept this new you."
"I wouldn't call that a mental illness, it's just people are different."
"The hope is that eventually the technology will continue to advance, the acceptance in society and culture will advance in such a way that it'll be as ubiquitous as using a credit card."
"Why are we fighting for acceptance instead of creating our own opportunities ourselves?"
"Money really only has value if you're able to spend it in the society that accepts that."
"Your natural hair, they adore it, they're natural skin, they love it."
"CBD and or even cannabis is in itself becoming widely more accepted as being medicinal what it actually is it's an ancient plant at the end of the day."
"Sex work is not a disgusting, despicable lifestyle. It is what somebody chooses to do."
"The shared Humanity came through, and you realized, 'Oh, that's just somebody making a different choice for their life. That's okay.'"
"First is ridiculed, then it's violently opposed, and then it is accepted as self-evident."
"Homosexuality has always existed. It's in the Bible, it's sexual immorality, it's homosexuality. And the fact that you guys can't accept that is... you keep... so are you saying the Bible's inaccurate?"
"Seeking help for your mental health should be acceptable."
"America has accepted this as a dastardly deal, a deal with the devil, a deal with shooters and killers and the mentally ill and the evil and the hate."
"It's great to see nowadays... it's been accepted as a norm."
"I think it's far time that we allow the fullness of black expression."
"It's cool to be weird or it's cool to like spiritual things."
"I feel like now the new generation is kind of like hey like it's okay to be sad it's okay to be depressed it's okay to do all this stuff."
"Trans women are just like any other woman... we just want to be treated with respect."
"Society chose to embrace Sybil. To her, society is a contract."
"The meteoric rise of generative AI and its widespread acceptance speak to society's desire for a modern tool."
"I just want to be able to go in the store and not have to put my bag outside because I'm deemed homeless."
"I do believe that the man actually thinks there's a chance. I think he thinks that there's a chance that society will accept him, that they'll forget, and I think that that's what he's waiting for."
"...how do we want psychedelics to be integrated into the mainstream?"
"...everyone else in society hadn't really gotten there yet and so it's just it's like I couldn't hold him accountable for not being super accepting..."
"Cannabis use is becoming increasingly mainstream."
"It was a hard thing for society and the world to accept someone very capable like Falcon to become Captain America."
"I really think it's nice that people are more understanding and accepting of different ways of living."
"Being trans is becoming more and more of a normalized thing in our day-to-day modern lives."
"I think progress is necessary and important because I love the reality that we live in now where you can opt to be a parent and not be married and not be shunned."
"No prophet is accepted in his hometown."
"The world is much more okay with some silliness."
"Institutionally, there were other options for students and attending a vocational or technical school was not taboo."
"Being gay in the '90s must not have been easy, and it makes me sad to think about what kind of person he might have been if society had just accepted him."
"If you accept yourself as you are, then everybody will accept you as you are."
"It's been more socially acceptable for women to be emotional... whereas men have as a result become more muted emotionally."
"It's hard not to believe that more and more societies will accept and legalize monogamous relationships among people of the same gender."
"The rise of virtuous professional women writers led to an increased acceptance, respectability, and readership."