
Fault Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"The very idea that you are at fault is a fundamental premise in the law of attraction."
"Good news entitled mom... you are not only at fault but going to be charged with theft and destruction of property right."
"It's a fine balance to strike between responsibility and fault."
"It all comes down to you. Fault is when you mess up, and responsibility is when you fix it."
"It wasn't everybody else's fault, it's my fault. I'm the idiot signed up for the trip and got to take it."
"It's not your fault this happens; you tried to help them, but they turn their backs."
"Door handles are probably one of the most common faults on the Model S."
"Whatever has happened to you as a child, good or bad, is not your fault."
"Could it all be my fault? I decided it can't be all my fault. It's got to be there's something more basic at work and that's why I'm going to tell you about the leverage cycle."
"O felix culpa, oh happy fault, that purchased for us so great a redeemer."
"Responsibility is always ours, but what we're responsible for is not always our fault."
"Even if everything goes wrong, it's not our fault."
"There is so much misunderstanding among American non-Muslims about Islam. And maybe it is not their fault. It could be our fault."
"Truly bad people never admit their faults."
"We didn't really see how we were at fault. We were trying to go with everything we made plans ahead of time, we knew what we were trying to find and we knew what we would run into and we made sure we were prepared."
"None of this is your fault. None of it."
"Her death wasn't his fault but merely an accident."
"Wow, so there we go, so these are definitely the faulty components."
"I want to be clear again if you had tough [__] happened to you it sucks and it's not your fault but now what where do we go."
"It may not have been your fault, but it is now your responsibility."
"I said, 'I think my biggest fault is my honesty.'"
"The only fault this guy has is that he didn't manage his drugs properly."
"A fault is not a good thing, it's not a good place for healing, blaming."
"That wasn't your fault. You know that's not true."
"This car, this truck, basically crossed over completely into our lane we weren't able to stop in time 100 their fault."
"There was serious neglect, and investigators wanted to find out who was at fault."
"I do feel like this isn't my fault."
"Do not feel responsible for your thoughts. They are not your fault."
"It wasn't my fault that someone I cared about died."
"I don't know how to not do it and I in many ways I think that in many people in my life and in close people it really is more of a fault than it is a plus a positive."
"It is not your fault that you're in pain, but it is your responsibility."
"If you just own and accept your fault or your issues in the relationship, you can take a lot of the power out of that."
"We ought to remember the difference between fault and responsibility."
"One of those problems where there's no one's fault. It's not the machine's fault."
"There's nothing one doesn't get over. I swear it's not all my fault."
"I asked the question at the beginning of this message: is it always the fault of the parent when a child Rebels? And the answer is no."
"First rule of leadership: everything is your fault."
"Was it my fault? Did I mess up our career?"
"It's not his fault he's not gonna that's like why do they pick him."
"Sometimes you are at fault. It's okay to admit fault. You know it's not always someone else's fault."
"I guess he's focused on his own game you can't fault him for that."
"Basically, the first fault is that there isn't a fault."
"Can I reveal something that was said during the break somebody said it's not their fault Walgreens it is Walgreens fault."
"I would hate for that to happen, and I would just feel like it's my fault."
"The fault is in the one who blames. Spirit sees nothing to criticize."
"I finally understood. It was all my fault."
"I thought I could get away. I'm sorry, this is all my fault."
"Everything that happened, man, it's all my fault."
"Every fault has a virtue, every problem has a solution, and every struggle carries within it the seeds of opportunity."
"It's over Mike. It's gone. You're just an ordinary human being after all. And it wasn't your fault. It was me. I did it. I made you into something I needed."
"It's his own fault bloody idiot if he gets run over by a car then I'm getting a turtle next time."
"Although I do wrong, I do not the wrongs I'm charged with doing. The wrongs that I do is through the frailty of human nature, like other men. No man lives without fault."
"None of this has ever been at all his fault. Parents should be loving and caring and they were none of that."
"There's enough blame to go around."
"The quicker you realize to blame yourself and look at your faults, the quicker you'll get it."
"It's not about fault, it's responsibility."
"None of this was your fault. This was trauma's fault."
"It's hard to give that compensation when you know it wasn't your fault."
"You are not obligated to do anything. It's not your fault."
"If something happens, it is not your fault at all. You are not liable."
"At the end of the day this [__] happens all the time she just made a video about it now she's getting clowned on so and now I'm now on [__] bandwagoning dude so who's really at fault here her or or me you know"
"The cleaner the console is on the outside, the worse the fault is on the inside."
"This would be entirely her fault for being crazy."
"Some will say if you're born poor it's not your fault, if you stay poor it's your fault."
"It is not my fault, but it is my responsibility."
"If you want to make a new choice, you've got to give up the story that it's not your fault."
"That was her fault then, it was, yeah, absolutely."
"It's not always your fault if a plant dies."
"I know that this was 100 my fault."
"The fault lies with Anello, and him alone."
"Nominal damages are like, 'Okay, you're at fault, pay me like a dollar.'"
"It's not your fault and it's unlikely that you can do anything about it."
"Once you realize the fault is not in our stars but in ourselves, you're halfway to doing something about it."
"It actually is your fault. How do you take ownership of it? You fix the problem."
"We are standing on the San Andreas Fault."
"Where they come together is the San Andreas Fault in California."
"I am a perfectionist, to a fault at times."
"It wasn't your fault," Percy said.
"When you're taking ownership of something, whose fault is it? Yeah, mine."
"Taking extreme ownership does not absolve you of the blame, it's the opposite of that, you are at fault, that's the whole point."
"Every fault is covered by benevolence."
"I'm sorry, no, it's completely my fault."
"He loved them boys and he loved them to a fault."
"It wasn't your fault, and even if it were, you're not getting left behind."
"There's a difference between fault and accountability."
"It was only for a moment that we were at fault."
"The fault was not in our stars, but in ourselves."
"Sorry, it's my fault this time..."
"It's my fault they're gone, Pepper. It's my fault you no longer have your parents."
"Felix Culpa means 'a fortunate fall' or 'oh happy fault', where you look at your shortcomings, and you just see God's grace, that's how much he loves me."
"Sorry about that, maybe it is my fault."
"The spectrum tells us about the nature of the fault and the severity of the fault."
"There's only one person at fault for all that's gone wrong."
"Nothing is your fault; it's entirely my question."
"The thing we've got to grapple with is where the fault lies in ourselves."
"I was in the pit and it was my fault I was there. I came short of the glory of God."
"The Alpine Fault is not the only important fault in New Zealand."
"I'm just very loyal person down to a fault."
"Sometimes you got to realize too, like you know, you're sometimes at fault, right?"
"Death and suffering are our fault."
"It will only be your fault if it is your fault."
"It is absolutely 150,000% my fault. I took accountability for it."
"You can't blame yourself for all this, it's not your fault."
"I'm nurturing, I'm loyal, even if it's to a fault."
"I'm sorry," Taran said, "I admit we are here through my fault."
"I'm sorry," I blurted. "It's all my fault."
"As tragic as the matter is, the incident was a horrible accident that had no clear fault."
"It's not your fault. It is nobody's fault."
"This was definitely 100% my fault."