
Racial Harmony Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"We believe in unity; now we may differ in opinions, but we don't believe in all that racial stuff."
"We want unity; we don't want racial animosity or segregation."
"We are all children of God and are therefore family in the truest sense, no matter our race or ethnicity."
"If God can kill the hostility between the Jews and the Gentiles he certainly could kill the hostility between the blacks and the whites."
"One day right now in Alabama a little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers."
"Black people and white people getting along despite political differences."
"If you love yah, love him genuinely regardless of race or color or these other divisions Satan has created. He loves you and desires that you come to him."
"Black or White was really a plea for racial harmony... it's clearly about racial unity."
"Barack Obama campaigned as a unity candidate, declaring an end to racial conflict."
"I have a dream that one day little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers."
"Mandela won the hearts of millions of white rugby fans."
"I think we can connect black and white and brown people in a way that can be transformational."
"I appreciate all y'all, I definitely appreciate the respect that we've shown each other because black man we don't have to get on here hollering and yelling."
"Black men, black women are not your enemy. Each one of us gonna have to fix it on our own."
"We're just human beings on the side of the right. There's no black churches, white churches. We're all together."
"We need to rise up working people need to unite we need to go beyond this black white black and white nonsense."
"In order to gain a better understanding, find common ground, and ease racial tension, it takes open discussions like this one."
"Stax was always a place where the color of your music was far more important than the color of your skin."
"The truth will set us free and free speech heals racial tension more than political correctness."
"If more people could do this [], we wouldn't have all this racial [] divide because you look different and your skin color is different than mine [__]."
"People need to unite, stop caring about race, look at the true enemy."
"Islam is the only religion that I've found that fixes the race problem since going to the mosque."
"Our problem isn't the color of our skin, it's the color of our hearts."
"America is the least racist multi-ethnic multiracial country in history."
"We're going to make Tennessee The Shining Star as it relates to Harmony racial Harmony and moving past racial idolatry."
"Imagine if the black community and the Jewish Community actually had a flourishing relationship built on shared values."
"We can't walk alone and we need the good people from every race to help us fight our fight."
"Unions played a massive role in understanding one another and reducing racial antagonism."
"JLP would tell Hassan to hold love in his heart for all people, even white people."
"All races are equal and all races are brothers."
"Their long-lasting partnership served as a testament to the world that racial differences should not deter individuals from following their hearts."
"We need white we need black we need brown we need to respect each other but most importantly you do not determine how good a person is right by the color of the skin."
"God's image in us breaks down the prejudices which divides the races."
"I think for the most part black men love black women and black women love black men."
"Mike Bloomberg superb and the one thing that he has done, that nobody else was able to do including me, was to bring racial Harmony to this town."
"'Black or White' was really a plea for racial harmony."
"We know how to support our people and be proud and black without demeaning the next race."
"We don't have to create unity at the level of race or at the level of any of these things, it exists as a result of what God has done within his people."
"...we may be able handful that we are, to end the racial nightmare and achieve our country..."
"It's an amazing thing to see two black men come to the table and just lay it down."
"Blacks and whites together must work to make this a more just world."
"Fred Hampton was a patriot, tried to bring all people together of all colors in America."
"It was one of those moments of communion when the difference between black and white is absorbed into nothing."
"Both Black and Whites, as they become more educated and more engaged with each other, there's less racism."
"Blacks and whites can live together fully reconciled in harmony."
"When I went to Africa, there was none of that tension between blacks and whites."
"Africans have never been racist because we have never fought over race; we fought over cattle, we fought over land, we fought over everything else, but we have never fought over the color of our skins."
"Abdul-Baha encouraged him to become the means whereby the white and colored people close their eyes to racial differences and behold the reality of humanity."
"Being pro-black does not mean anti-white."
"The basic question of whether we as black and white citizens in the United States are going to be able to live together."
"But thanks to you, racism could be done forever because you proved black and white can actually coexist as one together."
"You're white, I'm black, there's no need to fight, and that's why two-tone hence black and white."
"Michael Jackson believed in bringing races together."
"She was praised for the way she responded to critical tensions, racial tensions in her state."
"Perhaps through art, we can break walls of race and walls of prejudice."
"We're in a place still where black men and black women still need to come together."
"If he was black and your baby was sick, you took him to see Doc Underwood and Miss Marigold, and chances were they'd be all right."
"It was very moving to see that it was working in that high school, you know, racial harmony."
"We need each other; we need white people, need black people, need Latino; we are better together."
"In freeing the negro, we will also free the white man of his misconceptions and his subconscious feeling of guilt."
"The racial angels, when properly evolved, earn a seat at the sidereal round table."
"No white man is superior to a black man, no black man is superior to a white man, no Arab is superior to a non-Arab, no non-Arab is superior to an Arab except in piety and good deeds."
"Blacks and whites live together, not perfectly in harmony, there's still conflict, there's still tensions, but it's getting better and better."
"I think black and white people need to work together more often."
"This man went on to break racial barriers and actually bring those sides together."
"Isn't the point of all this is to get past racial divisions?"