
Infrastructure Investment Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Investing in roads, railways, and airports can yield long-term dividends. The same applies to people and especially children."
"A reminder that investments in infrastructure are investments in public safety. Allegheny County has more structurally deficient bridges than any other county in the nation."
"Investments in infrastructure would be great for the economy."
"If you just want to look at economic efficiency, man, you've got to invest in infrastructure."
"The debt limit should never be breached and that we need to invest in infrastructure. Two simple propositions."
"People are hearing about a road or Bridge being built in their Community they're seeing the cost of insulin cap to 35."
"It's time that we start spending on our roads and our bridges and our schools."
"Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you got a business that you didn't build that somebody else made that happen."
"It's the largest investment in passenger rails since the creation of Amtrak itself and transformative impacts in traffic safety will be achieved."
"Infrastructure costs are front-loaded, so you have to pay for it now."
"It's not just about injection of liquidity into the economy, it's about investing in infrastructure."
"Investment in facilities is dragging us back."
"We invested in ourselves, we invested in our people, not only in our roads and our highways."
"Transportation policy and investment must recognize the importance of rural areas."
"If you're serious about positioning yourself for the longer term, then infrastructure plays are much more interesting."
"I think we should have infrastructure and I think we should have a payroll tax moratorium."
"The Ford EV certification program requires dealers to invest around $1.2 million to install fast chargers."
"I believe that with the money coming in from infrastructure, it's going to actually help us rebuild American transit."
"The White House has announced that EV charging infrastructure will receive a total of seven and a half billion dollars of funding."
"And that's where these investments in the future are really important, not being reactionary and responding to damages and emergencies..."
"When we invest in our infrastructure, we invest in our economy."
"We need legitimate actual bills that have a proven track record of being efficient and being effective investing in core infrastructure."
"India's historic investment in railways will fundamentally change the economy's productivity."
"When you build the public good sector, you improve public schools, create public transportation, build a public health system, and provide universally free higher education."
"The Biden administration in its first year managed to pass a bipartisan infrastructure investment and Jobs Act. That's expected to add an estimated 1.5 million jobs per year for the next 10 years."
"We're going to put a hundred million dollars into connecting individual buildings and homes to high-speed internet."
"We're going to make a big investment in charging and service infrastructure throughout the country."
"This wall will pay for itself many, many, many times over."
"It's up to us right now to build the infrastructure."
"In essence, there's nothing wrong with increasing debt if you're doing productive things with it, like building highways, dams, and railway systems."
"Tesla's first move spent millions of dollars to set up this charging infrastructure is now turning out to be a mega advantage if you're actually buying an electric vehicle."
"When we talk about money for transit, we talk about funding. But when we talk about the same public money for roads, we often hear the word investment."
"President Biden's bipartisan infrastructure law makes the largest investment in passenger rail since the creation of Amtrak."
"The President's plan proposes a bold $213 billion investment in America's housing infrastructure."
"There has to be money put back in that grid."
"You're investing in an infrastructure that is going to improve the lives of people."
"This is the largest investment in roads, bridges, and highways since the creation of the interstate highway system."
"It's essential that we continue to make the Investments and work with Partners to keep our trade corridors open."
"We do need to invest in infrastructure, but it has to be true infrastructure."
"It's historic investment in roads and rail and transit and bridges in clean energy and clean water."
"Essentially, if you trust what the political, social economics are behind Joe Biden, then essentially you're saying that he's going to make more of an investment into infrastructure."
"I love investing in infrastructure like Cardano and like Ethereum and like Bitcoin these are all things that other things are built on top of so I like investing in something that other things are built on."
"We're investing 25 billion dollars to modify our airports from airports serving small towns to major cities like Boston. It matters."
"Late last night the house of representatives finally approved and passed the physical infrastructure package, 1.2 trillion dollars."
"The Belt and Road Initiative: the largest and most expensive mega project ever undertaken."
"All he had to do was... put an infrastructure project in every district... actual measurable results for the working class."
"At the end of the day both candidates have said we need to write that balance we need to get more fiscal policy we need tough infrastructure spending."
"Technology is always advancing, and the longer the United States waits to invest in high-speed trains, the further behind it will be in developing sustainable forms of transportation."
"We are committed to reversing decades of underinvestment in northern transport."
"It's incredible really, isn't it? They spent how many millions I don't know on the building this bridge."
"Through strategic infrastructure investment, Barbados is laying the groundwork for sustainable economic development that will reverberate for generations to come."
"Anthony Albanese believes strongly in the need for the government to invest in infrastructure and transport."
"The better bet is to invest a bit in the approach and infrastructure to enable others to self-serve."
"We are making huge investment into rail services in and around Greater Manchester."
"The US also made its biggest ever investment in railways, pledging 8.2 billion dollars to develop 10 new public transport projects across the country."
"We've announced more than 1.5 billion dollars in investments in Maine infrastructure, including 570 million dollars for funding for high-speed internet."