
Societal Wellbeing Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Where there is no vision, the people perish."
"We should do everything we can in society in order to help people achieve the greatest amount of happiness."
"To really take good care of your compatriots, you have to cooperate with foreigners."
"More people with more say over their lives, as long as they're not infringing on other people's say over their lives, is better."
"The idea that a society is better to the extent that people are concerned with each other's well-being and the greater the level of solidarity, the better the outcomes."
"The one thing we need in the world is fulfilled, happy, content people, and that's what makes for the best society."
"We need to make this economy work for us, because if the economy doesn't work for us, what's the point?"
"The best way of getting people to not fight wars is by making people happier with a more positive middle class and hope for growth in the future."
"Children fare best and people fare best in lifelong committed marriages."
"This is the kind of information that is not only going to help the health of the entire world but it's going to help heal some of the damage that's been done over the last two or three years to our society as a whole."
"We do best when the middle class is doing well."
"When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan."
"The way to grant the marvelous liberated life to the maximum number of people is to get sustainable at the level that humans can live indefinitely on the planet."
"If you want like a truly good society that serves you the best possible way you probably want most people to be doing pretty well inside of it."
"Society will never be okay unless the least of us is okay."
"Stability is important for the well-being of our world."
"It is really quite devastating to see people have a conversation about what it looks like to prioritize anything other than preserving the lives and the livelihoods of the people."
"And I think we could all do with a bit more happiness during a global pandemic."
"People become more tolerant and more open and nicer when their material well-being is taken care of."
"Fostering a world where collective success and well-being are in harmony with our aspirations."
"The less people talked about politics and the more they talked about dogs and kids and baseball and everything else the better off we'd be."
"Imagine a world where the vast majority of people wake up every single morning inspired, feel safe wherever they are, and end the day fulfilled by the work that they do."
"Building a society that promotes well-being is in our best interest."
"Nothing's more important than keeping our community safe."
"It's about putting the well-being of our people ahead of partisan politics."
"I care more about the policy substance issues and improving this country and improving people's lives."
"I think it's more important to just keep people stable and happy."
"We're going to create a country that centers the well-being of everyone."
"Research suggests that as alien civilizations evolve, they will face a choice: collapse from burnout or redirect towards prioritizing societal well-being."
"Fix the world, create a global planetary civilization, increase the well-being and quality of life of everyone."
"Government's job is to create conditions so that people can flourish."
"Every Community deserves to be safe and feel safe."
"Public health: promoting well-being through societal efforts."
"Together we must strive for security, prosperity, and well-being."
"If we do not have healthy people, we will never have a healthy economy."
"We must choose facts over fear, science over hysteria, hope over despair, and the common good over partisan politics."
"I think morality is what the way that we behave that helps the most people experience the most joy and happiness in life."
"You can't have health without an economy. You can't have healthcare without an economy."
"Real democracy society is being designed in a way that people are living with well-being, living with satisfaction, living in community, living in healthy ways with less."
"We want everyone to feel secure to walk home, we want everyone to feel safe in their streets and neighborhoods."
"If you base your morality around human well-being, then science confirms your morality."
"We're content because we have good education, healthcare, and it's a safe place to live."
"Our health is going low, well, of course, my people are being fed very well so that shouldn't be a complete surprise."
"It's better for all of us when everybody does well."
"If our goal is to have a society where the maximum number of people are flourishing and happiness is high, then we can make objective assessments."
"Every person in our nation should be able to access and afford the healthcare they need to thrive, not as a privilege, but as a right."
"We're living in the most depressed, the most anxious, the most unhappy generation that has been documented."
"People need truth and good information in order to make money decisions and family decisions."
"What's making people happier is being employed."
"I can't believe that a wealthy country with free healthcare and education, high wages, a strong middle class, and nearly a month paid vacation time by law is happy."
"UBI of course is here. It's not emerging, it is the solution for everybody else."
"I think it's better for society to be happier."
"Having strong encryption is as important for a society's digital health as not having all of your potable water go through lead pipes is for uh physical health."
"We should submit to the government, love our neighbors, and do what is best for them."
"These findings support the feminist notion that patriarchal arrangements have negative implications for the well-being of men as well as women."
"Focus on group well-being rather than integration or equality."
"There's a difference between personal piety and public order. We need to balance individual freedoms with societal well-being."
"How do you expect people to feel good about themselves or feel good about the country?"
"Public health is a science and art of organized societal efforts to ensure and create the conditions for the highest possible level of health and well-being of the populations consistent with the values of social justice and human rights."
"Rule number one: if you're going to have a thriving society, civilization, you have to take care of your people."
"Inequality is a hugely important issue... we can have much, much lower material standards but much more equal societies and live in much greater sense of personal health, well-being, population health, and so on."
"Being an intuitive adult is... one of the absolute essential medicines for our society."
"Knowledge is just a means to achieve societal well-being."
"I believe, in that. I think we just would have a happier society, less tension, less stress, less desperation, fairer, and, by the way, we would still be super prosperous."
"We're very lucky to have such good governance."
"Prosperity is an important ingredient in achieving peace."
"It's better not to be governed by sociopaths."
"Public luxury for all of us, so all of our public transport system works, we all live in reasonable, comfortable homes."
"For society to thrive... you've got to keep the non-stupid people acting ethically."
"Humanity's ultimate well-being is dependent upon its differences being transcended and its unity firmly established."
"It's best when people are healthy, happy, and able to raise families."
"We have to make people happy, productive, vibrant; we have to make our city safe for children."
"In the last hundred years, especially since the dawning of the information age, government statistics have become an important part of how we read our well-being."
"Self-ownership is not absolute; when my autonomy comes into conflict with somebody else's, we have to maximize the well-being of society."
"Secular morality would be, 'Okay, we need to improve the societal and individualistic well-being of humanity'."
"We want a healthy, thriving society."
"It's hard to think of anything that is more fundamental to our thriving as a society than being able to meet the energy needs of every American and every part of our country."
"The rule of law, civil liberties, civil rights are not our burdens; these are what make all of us safer and stronger."
"We have to try and take the best of both worlds and build an economy that centers around how people are doing."
"Leadership that comes from a feminine standpoint... are the companies that are the happiest, the countries that are the happiest."
"The health of the population tells us something fundamentally important about how well the needs of the members of society are being met."
"We need to be thinking about consent in a way that stops harm for the most people possible."
"How are we measuring our success as a society? Is it GDP or is it our well-being?"
"I want to live in a society where everybody is happy, healthy, and well educated."
"Japan is redefining what success looks like, showing that a rich cultural life and societal well-being are as important as economic indicators."
"A society is better overall when people are allowed the freedoms to live lives that are conducive to their own happiness."
"My preference is that people do what's better for the mother, for the child, for the father, and for society."
"There are countries in the world where you have majorities of atheists, and life tends to be a lot better there."
"Long-lasting committed relationships such as marriage are very important for human happiness and the overall well-being of society."
"The availability of health, education, and recreational facilities will determine a country's quality of life."
"Countries work better when all of their classes are doing well."
"If that happens for everybody, then we all succeed."
"Invest in your people, give them a chance, everything's better off when people have a job they want to go to."
"Economics as a moral science that could and should address questions of societal well-being."