
Government Funding Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Social problems do not go away when you withdraw funding for them society and often the government itself ends up picking up the bill."
"Not a single charger has been built with government money allocated for electrical chargers in the last 2 and a half years."
"Rich people and wealthy corporations spent a generation waging a war on government, defunding government, allowing social problems to fester and allowing their own profits to soar."
"Unless governments actually fund the services that are providing all these essential services, we go back to the same point."
"I don't think that preschool and college are universal rights or should be paid for by the government."
"The equalization formula is unfair; we need to be less generous."
"We have to have the power of the purse to get back the levity of equal justice under the law."
"There should not be a single dime, not a single cent, taxpayer dollars funding Vladimir Putin's murder machine."
"The USDA will receive another $14 billion in funding to continue to help our farmers and our ranchers and it's money well deserved."
"A company that doesn't recognize when something is in its own best interest doesn't deserve to exist."
"The original purpose of the state and local funding was to keep essential employees at work and employed."
"What world would we want the tax dollars, the government tax dollars to be going towards trying to aerosolize a virus that is deadly?"
"The Biden-Harris Administration through the U.S department of energy recently announced approximately six billion dollars in funding to accelerate decarbonization projects in the energy intensive Industries."
"Taxation: charge on real estate to pay for government services."
"We have received grants from the UK government's foreign Commonwealth and development office the U.S state department usaid and Australia's department for foreign affairs and trade."
"Secretary Raimondo presses Congress to approve $52 billion for semiconductor manufacturing."
"We want to do a clean government funding bill and we'll deal with stimulus separately." - Mitch McConnell
"Congress only allocated $400 million for elections in the middle of a global pandemic, which was not nearly enough."
"It's amazing how much money you make when you don't have to pay for schools or police."
"U.S. chip CEOs want Biden to fund domestic production."
"Government funding crucial for fusion research, contact representatives for support."
"This is more of the same... stepping in to get that government funding or when the government won't come in, stepping in to get this GoFundMe funding."
"The only way the government gets money is if it takes it from the public."
"Taxes essentially the government's GoFundMe page."
"Millions of dollars from the federal government's paycheck protection program are flowing to companies and organizations tied to the Chinese Communist Party."
"Full-year funding definitely beats drifting endlessly from CR to CR."
"Small business technology transfer program is your golden ticket... powered by the US small business administration."
"The state trade expansion program offers funds... to expand their horizons beyond the borders of the United States."
"What do you have to lose? Your healthcare, your funding."
"This long past time to get the post office the 25 billion dollars in emergency funds it needs to keep running."
"It is absolutely evil what is happening here... funded by your tax dollars."
"Federal funding for food stamps alone could face a nearly ten billion dollar reduction over the next decade."
"We will not take it from Social Security in any way shape or form."
"That's part of why we did need to boost funding for the IRS."
"Many have accused the United States of funding the Dalai Lama as a form of proxy opposition… And they’re right."
"The reality is and probably wouldn't the Irish Department of Defense has been critically underfunded for many many years."
"Government seems to like to throw its money behind innovation."
"You were serious about that whole laboratory for peace thing? I thought that was just a way to scam the government, Vega Punk."
"You cannot tell me that the federal government does not have money for toothpaste and soap."
"I'm happy to hear that the federal government wants to spend billions on EV charging."
"Joe Biden will use that money to invest in education. For example, for folks who want to go to a two-year community college, it will be free."
"Congress allocated $1.6 billion for Border projects in March 2018."
"I'm calling on Congressional Republicans to ban Joe Biden from using a single tax dollar no taxpayer money to release or resettle illegal aliens into the United States starting on the government funding deadline of September 30th."
"The time for talk is over now is the time for action and they should immediately defund Time for Action people are tired of talk people are tired of talk."
"It really was just a mess and and and if we find ourselves in this scenario again hopefully congress can you know put in some guard rails to make sure that money goes where it needs to go."
"Nancy Pelosi says the fourth stimulus check package could be unveiled as early as this week."
"If you have a cool idea you just go to the Treasury."
"Defund Public Schools, defund the FBI, defund gun control, defund the IRS, then defund the police."
"Remember that $350 billion dollars went out to states here from the last stimulus package and um they're now deciding to use... some states are deciding to use it."
"We should be putting together right now and providing $25 billion to do it, to make sure we have a detailed plan once a vaccine is in fact found."
"Census data also plays a crucial role in directing government funding. Hundreds of federal programs use census data to distribute well over eight hundred and eighty billion dollars to states and localities."
"Congress working on two-day funding extension hours before government shutdown."
"The Royals make money from Sovereign grants and Duchies."
"You'll own nothing and be happy. Is he's trying to make it sound like we're doing this for you when in fact the governments can no longer fund themselves."
"The bill is said to include funding for roads, bridges, and public transit as well as electric vehicles, clean energy, and high-speed broadband."
"Congress should step up and add funding for amphibious ships in this year's ndaa."
"Remember across the land there's 3.5 trillion dollars of checks for you in there."
"The Biden Administration officially announced this week that it closed a 2.5 billion dollar loan for ultium cells."
"NASA's budget is as high as it's been in nominal terms since Apollo."
"How about free community college provided by the federal government?"
"You don't get government for nothing. If you cut taxes but you don't cut government, how do you pay for that government?"
"The Fed is going to have to fund this, you know, the market won't, so you're looking at a US Treasury problem."
"Deal done, signed sealed, a 3.5 trillion recon is a done deal."
"The motivation here is obviously to make money especially since DMV budgets are typically underfunded"
"It's incredible great news finally the money that you've been asking for could be coming to you under the Biden plan."
"The Department of Justice has redirected $75 million in existing resources to fully fund the First Step Act in fiscal year 19."
"As the Biden Administration is requesting a total of 24 billion of expected funding, absolutely critical to the success of Ukraine as they fight the hardest part of the war to date."
"The Trump administration has announced it has awarded over 100 million dollars in grants to fund services and programs tackling human trafficking and assisting victims across the U.S." - NTD News
"The point: the framework for the government funding bill has been agreed to by top negotiators. It's expected to be done by December 23rd."
"We now have a system that funds you better than Americans... better than veterans, cancer research, and Community Services."
"Metro is notorious for being unsafe, corrupt, wasteful, and of course, they want billions of your dollars."
"The vaccines themselves should be owned by the public since it was our money that was given into it."
"Government investment into alternative proteins is still in its infancy."
"The B Administration went to Congress and said we need more money to increase resources."
"The reality is this, the Senate appropriations bill has the wall in it. Yes, let's get the government open and we can have a bigger fight for the rest of the funding anyway."
"The commission determined that the only feasible way a railroad could be built to Fairbanks was to build it with government money."
"We're going to start right away for funding for our frontline public services to deliver better healthcare, better education, and more police on the streets."
"And two, that the Labor Department really didn't care about that because the minimum wage law was supplying about a third of their appropriations."
"Most of the fundamental technological advances of the past half-century were funded by government agencies."
"It's like a lot of countries have put government funding into the arts industries."
"Progress must be won with the promise of substantial government funds."
"We're putting our money where our mouth is."
"We are providing extra funding for police forces."
"The government should fund the arts and should fund space travel."
"We have done the work from this Administration by securing record funding."
"We need money for the people and these other 400 things that you want to include in the stimulus package are really not what's important."
"I wish the government would put more money into research and updated technology for these types of weather outbreaks."
"If appropriations bills are not passed and signed by the President by October 1st, Congress may pass a continuing resolution that allows the government to continue to spend money."
"The lottery is not some altruistic gift to give people the chances of winning the life they've always dreamed of; instead, the true motive in the very beginning was to help fund the state and local government instead of raising taxes."
"The IRS is now at its lowest level of funding since 2008."
"Members of Congress are gravely concerned about the reports that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases commissioned taxpayers funded experiments on dogs that were expensive, cruel, and unnecessary."
"Public schools are usually well funded by the government, allowing teachers to receive proper training."
"The Finland Ministry of Education and Culture has allocated €255 million EUR for this pilot program."
"Spitzer convinced the US government to fund the construction of a prototype stellarator, which he completed in 1953."
"I'm telling you right now, 100%, the government funding they got, public funding for this because they said space, it's great exploration, but really, we had to develop the technology to be able to launch rockets from here to wherever we want."
"Every single technology which makes you do cool things... was all government-funded."
"The US also made its biggest ever investment in railways, pledging 8.2 billion dollars to develop 10 new public transport projects across the country."
"We have committed $25 billion in new housing funding since we came to office over the next decade."
"Governments that fund the arts pay for the pastimes of the elite."
"Governments can do this; when governments need the money, they find the money."
"Let's come together to fund our government, support our allies abroad, and deliver for Working Families."
"The first rule of taking government money is you never ever give it back."
"It's time that the United States puts its money where its mouth is."
"Give the Environmental Protection Agency a 60% raise."