
Decriminalization Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"I'm in favor of the decriminalization of all drugs because I think that it leads to better outcomes."
"It's a personal issue and if anybody has problems with it, they should be getting treatment, they should be getting rehabilitation, they shouldn't be locked up."
"We really should just declassify opioids as a schedule one drug, and turn over that rock so that we could actually treat people with addictions."
"Decriminalization of drugs, for example, is profoundly successful in the nation of Portugal. But what do they do? They didn't just decriminalize drug usage; they also, on top of that, created systems that eliminated needle sharing and offered up rehabilitation opportunities for people who were regular substance abusers."
"Decriminalizing sex work would legitimize the industry, prevent a lot of sex trafficking, and make sure that people are safer."
"Decriminalization puts the power in the hands of the workers and in the hands of labour."
"Total decriminalization is incredible and it's so important that it happens everywhere."
"None of the parade of horrors that decriminalization opponents in Portugal predicted...has come to pass."
"Oregon voted to decriminalize personal possession of hard drugs like meth, cocaine, and heroin."
"Legalizing and decriminalizing drugs is a gimme."
"Decriminalizing drugs... The results from that have been spectacular."
"Decrim is kind of the worst of all worlds because it does nothing for the economic problems that people are facing."
"Decriminalization of drugs... treating drug addiction as a health issue."
"No one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana."
"What makes the client exceptional in the 21st century is that they're actually really, really cool about sex work."
"If sex work is totally decriminalized that puts them in a position to easily report suspected trafficking without having to worry about losing their livelihood or violence from the police."
"We need to decriminalize being poor in the state of Georgia."
"We will decriminalize marijuana and we will expunge the records of those who have been convicted." - Senator Harris
"Congratulations on becoming the largest city in America to decriminalize."
"Cannabis or ganja as it's traditionally known here has been decriminalized and that's led to a bonanza potentially worth billions of dollars."
"Decriminalization worked in other places because it was paired with support and rehabilitation services."
"I think we need to start by simply decriminalizing like Portugal does."
"Anyone who's at all interested in women's liberation should be pushing for the decriminalization of abortion."
"Decriminalization is not legalization... possession also remains illegal but you can no longer get a criminal record from possession."
"Completely descheduling marijuana should not be a scheduled drug at all."
"Every state that has decriminalized marijuana and gone to regulating it instead has made a bunch of money and has actually dropped the crime rate."
"The decriminalization policy was implemented with the very intention of lowering the prevalence of drug abuse."
"Sex work is work and working to not only destigmatize but decriminalize sex work."
"As much as this is a win, you know, like we're one step closer to decriminalizing it across the country."
"Decriminalizing it would at least take a ton of the risk out of if you are somebody who needs it."
"It would depend on if legalizing it or decriminalizing it would incentivize more people to participate in it."
"We need to be helping people rather than criminalizing them."
"Oregon decriminalized drugs... they're treating it as a medical issue versus a criminal issue for the users of drugs."
"I want to see an aggressive federal government forcefully advocating for the decriminalization of marijuana to the greatest possible extent or to make it federally legal. Just drop the federal problem."
"Sex workers should not be stigmatized, and that starts with decriminalization."
"If he was like, 'I need this presidential push, I'm going to decriminalize it,' I'd be like, 'You know what, screw you, yeah, I'm down.'"
"Decriminalization though, you could smoke weed now, go to jail, you grow weed, you know, go to jail, it's kind of lit."
"Virginia has heeded this call by becoming the first state to decriminalize jaywalking."
"It may seem like a strange thing for a pastor to say... we got to decriminalize cannabis... because I come from communities where the enforcement... has done as much if not more damage to those communities..."
"When you have something like decriminalization, you begin the erosion of the societal standard."
"Decriminalizing sex work stops the arrests. It means that engaging in consensual sexual services, engaging in erotic services in exchange for money or something of value, is not a crime."
"What sex workers need is decriminalization and specialized and well-funded Social Services."
"It can become very easy in the debate to completely decenter the experiences of sex workers themselves."
"My other hope is that there is an increase in emphasis on destigmatizing HIV and decriminalizing HIV."
"It wasn't until 2015 that it was decriminalized and now people can have up to two Zips five plants and Rastafarians are allowed to consume it for religious purposes."
"The association of germinal criminal officers... are asking for decriminalization of recreational cannabis."
"Decriminalization of marijuana seemed incomprehensible when we first started working on it."
"Decriminalizing marijuana could very well help the economy in absolutely daunting ways."
"The notion of decriminalization is one that we should have happened a long time ago."
"No one should be jailed just for using or possessing marijuana."
"I keep my promises when I said no one, no one should be imprisoned for merely possessing marijuana or using it, and their record should be expunged."
"The house passed the bill that federally decriminalized marijuana."
"This potential bill would actually decriminalize weed altogether and would even establish a federal tax on all weed sales."
"I love educating people about our wonderful model of decriminalization in New Zealand."
"Decriminalize, put all those resources to the use of police going after people who are hurting other people, not lower level drug users."
"Criminalization of cross-dressing has become a thing of the past in name only really, and society at large is still seeking out ways to control and criminalize people who do not stick to strict gender expression."
"Addiction is a health matter, not a criminal justice one."
"I'm announcing a pardon for all prior federal offenses of simple possession of marijuana."
"Decriminalizing sex work... because a lot of child sex trafficking victims know they can't go to police because they'll be arrested or deported."
"I am completely opposed to the war on drugs. I don't believe that drugs should be illegal; I think that they should be a health issue rather than a legal issue."
"The plausible answer is to decriminalize and robustly regulate."
"...to have our existence decriminalized and depathologized, and to have our legal rights honored."
"We need to scale up rapidly treatment on demand, prevention, recovery, education, and we need to stop criminalizing people for using substances."
"Anyone who's in prison for weed possession in America should be immediately released."
"The decriminalization of flower in Florida in 2019 has brought about changes to the stigma that athletes like Ricky Williams would have appreciated during his time in the NFL."
"In Portugal... they decriminalized end-use of all drugs and they've had a massive decrease in crime."
"Drug addiction should not be a crime."
"The recovery rates are much higher because when you remove the criminality element out of the picture, it helps."
"All of the major human rights organizations, when they looked at all this data, they also are pro decrim."
"We can move towards a world while keeping and decriminalizing consenting adults from prostitution and human trafficking."
"I'm more interested in a conversation about whether it makes sense to decriminalize or legalize sex work."
"It's interesting to me to talk about whether or not it makes sense to decriminalize sex work for the sex workers involved."
"Mexico has just decriminalized abortion in a landmark Supreme Court ruling; it's literally the mirror image of what happened in America under the overturning of Roe vs Wade a year ago."
"The sentiment around cannabis that is keeping people out of prison and allowing these State programs to move forward, especially on the adult use side."
"This week the country's Health Minister Carl Lauderback revealed a plan to decriminalize the possession of up to one ounce of cannabis and to allow the recreational sale of the substance to adults."
"Is legalization the way, is decriminalization the way? I don't think criminalization is the way for the world."
"We need to decriminalize same-sex consenting sexual relationships."
"We have to reinvigorate the labor force and we have to decriminalize blue collar."