
Crime Reduction Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Funding education increases earnings but can also reduce crime and improve health problems."
"We know we can decrease crime while we protect the Second Amendment and expand access to guns."
"San Angelis has become so safe that there has not been a murder in over 15 years."
"Hey Joe, we're in despair. Hey Joe, how about some lower crime and some good jobs for all of us?"
"This could help to reduce crime. Because the less cash there is in the system, the less opportunities there are for criminals."
"The attempt to clean up crime was one of the major American success stories between 1994 and 2015."
"If you can give them skills, training, and a career profession...you'll see reoffending be reduced by ninety percent."
"A recent study found that smart technology such as AI could help cities reduce crime by 30 to 40%."
"Crime dropped everywhere throughout the country since lead gasoline was outlawed."
"So many people wanted to watch his games that the crime rate was lower on game days."
"The decline in homicides and other violent crimes between 1990 and 2000 constitutes one of the greatest achievements in the history of urban America."
"The more opportunity individuals inside of communities where poverty is high, the less crime actually happens."
"Criminologists have found that it works to reduce crimes in the area are identified as problematic."
"Lower crime by giving people jobs, positive distractions."
"I believe that if we were just outright be like you can have guns and we're going to make it super easy you can walk in you can buy one we would actually see a massive reduction in violent crimes."
"The results speak for themselves: as the wall goes up, illegal crossings and crime go down."
"I reduced crime in New York City from the crime capital of America to the safest large city in America."
"Surprise, surprise, crime goes down when you fund the police."
"Don't let a scammer enjoy your retirement. Check who you're dealing with."
"It'll decrease health risk, crime will be reduced, come on, that's a fact."
"Simply swapping out healthy food for an inflammatory diet cuts violent crime by 56 percent."
"Every single mile of new wall system that is put in, from every single mile, illegal entries in that particular area, drug smuggling in that particular area, border crime in that particular area, has decreased."
"We're removing these illegal criminals and gang members from our country."
"The declines in murders and shootings last year appeared to be in line with similar drops in other U.S cities... amid the worst of the pandemic."
"Less crime, less prison overcrowding. Let's pay for as much community policing as we can get away with."
"The more you pull people out of poverty, the more you reduce criminality."
"The crime and murder rates would go down substantially if people just had health care. Yes, if people weren't desperate all the time, crime would go down."
"In this Jake alternate universe, Hook's crew really only dwindled down because Peter really cracked down on crime."
"Any community that can have itself rid of gangs tomorrow will begin to see a brighter future."
"He has achieved the most successful reduction in murder rate of probably any nation, maybe in the history of mankind."
"Are you aware that even something that little, $300 a month in gift cards, is like having a massive effect on crime? That's an indication right there."
"We know how to decrease crime. We've done it recently and we've done it in multiple jurisdictions."
"Policy does matter like the way that you address crime in terms of the law and actual you know the way that cops behave it is going to affect the amount of crime in your city."
"Stop these wars, come home America, take care of things here at home."
"Remove the gangs and drugs, and the US is one of the SAFEST countries in the world."
"Allowing women to access abortion not just in terms of their individual autonomy but from a societal point of view it massively cuts crime."
"Crime dropped because they took lead out of gasoline."
"Healthy food reduces violent crime and oppositional behavior."
"Gun crime in the city fell by almost 60 percent over the next two years."
"Crime has waned down due to the end of the crack epidemic and more effective policing."
"I always try to resist anybody making the argument that public safety is a Republican issue or it's a Democratic issue. We should all be on the side of doing the things that reduce violent crime victimization."
"I think going cashless... would stop a lot of the nefarious stuff that goes on."
"Every state that has decriminalized marijuana and gone to regulating it instead has made a bunch of money and has actually dropped the crime rate."
"If everybody was prepared, there would be less crime, there would be less stealing, there would be less people killing. Everything would be better if everybody was prepared."
"If a serial killer only murdered one person this month instead of two I'm not gonna give him a handshake and a slap on the back."
"I genuinely feel like it would make a positive impact on reducing crime."
"Politicians said legalizing marijuana would cut crime. And it has cut crime."
"We can lower crime, mental issues, and suicide rates by bringing back the family nucleus."
"You can't have 100 million people living in poverty. The more you put people out of poverty, the more you reduce criminality."
"We can invest in different ways in our communities that can help reduce crime."
"Once there was a serious push against criminality... we saw a serious reduction in crime."
"Once you take it out to generations and these people are able to consistently keep the crime down... then they won't be in the pattern to commit it in the first place."
"We're near 50-year lows down 55% violent crimes in the state of California."
"All Might, the symbol of peace, remained undefeated for 40 years, influencing the drop in crime rate."
"We have reduced the crime of stolen vehicles by nearly 10% so far this year."
"If the government re-routed their focus and the resources of taxpayers on the reduction of crime, violence, and gun smuggling, that would be a perfect compromise."
"So much of the money that goes right now towards the police can go instead towards civic programs that actually reduce the amount of crime going on."
"The biggest thing was there was a 37 reduction in violent offenses."
"If we can deal with violence against children, the number of human evils that befall away are incalculable."
"I would love to make a great documentary that can actually help reduce crime and make our communities safer."
"With the gang off the streets burglaries in the borough fell by a staggering 48 percent."
"Making the investments that reduce crime and save money."
"Efforts to reduce crime and their successes rarely get the same amount of coverage."
"The risk of long and short-term reoffending drops by 50%, which in our game is a significant number."
"We're headed in the right direction, with gun homicides dropping by 22% in Philadelphia, and for the current year, they have dropped another 44% compared to the same time period in 2023."
"Light Yagami, the original Kira, reduced crime by 70% and ended wars."
"Psilocybin reduces crime in society. Psilocybin is non-addictive."
"Mushroom experiences reduce crime, reduce violence. This is potentially a game changer for our society."
"The preponderance of evidence is steering towards this narrative that psilocybin reduces crime."
"Those places where prostitution is legal, you see a decrease in sex-related crimes."
"The ring doorbell camera systems that have in recent years seen a rise in popularity have aided in the reduction of crime."
"Reducing crime not by punishment but by investing in our children's health."
"We have been instrumental in California in dropping the gang violence, the lowest it's been in history."
"Monogamy actually reduces things like rape, murder, assault, robbery, and fraud."
"I truly believe this technology and further technology as it relates to crime reduction is really the future."
"Over the past six years, we have seen that police forces can find sensible savings and reduce crime at the same time."
"We pretty much have reduced all crime away."
"The impact of these measures was profound since the Crackdown began El Salvador has witnessed a remarkable decline in the murder rate dropping by more than half."
"Despite all the scary shit we just went over today, the rate of sexual assault has actually fallen 63% since 1993. Let's hope that trend continues."
"Switch the incentive system and all of a sudden there's less crime."
"...you just add a little bit of this support and then you see a 30% decrease in crime."
"Patients who stay, you know who are on their meds, compared to the same individuals when they're not on their meds, are much less likely to be engaged in crime."
"You will get that money back in health outcomes, in general well-being, in reduced levels of crime in all of these things."
"It's a great way of reducing crime."
"Invest in the people, and the crime will go down."
"The murder number is the largest one-year decline ever recorded."
"The implementation of the EBT program led to about a 10% drop in street crime."
"Rehabilitation is more proactive because it exactly protects the society by reducing crimes."
"If people have jobs, you reduce crime, you reduce the need to be corrupt in other sectors, you give people a sense of pride."
"The country is likely to see one of the largest, if not the largest, yearly declines in homicides."
"Crimes of violence had been cut in half and cut again."
"Let's stop dividing society into good and bad people and let's look at what actually works to reduce crime."
"The justice system's principal objective should be to reduce the level of crime, in particular to reduce the amount of violent crime."
"In the past 18 months, violent crime is down 48 percent."
"Crime around Heathrow Airport was reduced by about 80%."
"Jobs are up, crime is down, and every day we're delivering for working people."
"In Portugal... they decriminalized end-use of all drugs and they've had a massive decrease in crime."
"We are humming 11% decrease in homicides, 25% decrease in shootings, 13,000 guns we removed off our street."
"Drugs and weapons have been removed from our streets; lives have been saved."
"We flooded the train system with as many of our personnel we could physically assign to it and they were able to reduce violent crime by 85 percent."
"Pre-crime has cut down felonies by 99.8%."
"If every man decided to take ownership for the children he birthed, and he chooses to take responsibility for his home and his own actions, crime would go down."
"Once the collective efficacy is high within these groups... that's probably going to decrease crime because people are actively involved in reducing that and not wanting that to occur."
"That small step can make the world better and the crime rate around us decreases."
"We brought crime down to what is the lowest level it has ever been in this country."
"It sounds like crime is exponentially reduced because everybody's basic needs are met."
"Low unemployment and falling crime."
"People going to college raise the population's education level, which has been shown statistically to reduce crime and improve government."
"Crime and employment rates were lowered, making the welfare of Underdog City restored."
"To go from a city that was arguably the murder capital of America to a city where you have a lower homicide rate than in 1947... that is one of the strongest cases we make for the ecosystem we've created."
"Getting married cuts a man's chances of committing a crime by half."
"Homicides have dropped 28% from last year in Houston and overall violent crime is down 12%."
"This is actually an improvement; it will make less things a crime."
"When opportunity and quality of living improves, crime plummets."
"He was Humanity's Last Hope and due to his actions the crime rate decreased globally."
"What we've seen over that period is a dramatic drop in crime and a dramatic drop in gun crime."
"We're making tremendous progress; violent crime rates are falling across the nation."