
Household Chores Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"Men are actually more likely to persist in helping with the household chores throughout the rest of the marriage if they get in the habit of doing it during paternity leave."
"Just do the freaking dishes and say, 'Hey, my wife is tired; she's watching the kid right now. I want her to sleep a little longer. It's no big deal.'"
"Laundry is something that you are going to do each week, so developing a routine that works for you and your family is very important."
"What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think dirty laundry? Is it the piles of clothes you have yet to throw in the washing machine that you've been putting off for forever?"
"Every time we clean the house, you find a half-eaten polio string cheese and Nutella everywhere."
"Pick up your clothes, and clean your room as well!"
"Bins, I would say, 'I need to take the bins out.' Did you take the bin out?"
"There's a Temptation in any relationship to make sure your partner knows what you gave up knows what you did sure I could clean the kitchen but if they don't know I did it and hated every second of it but did it for them does it even count"
"If there's a lot of washing up to do, you'll need 6,000 meters."
"Putting the dishes away is a big thing. It's task completion."
"Being consistent overall with picking up something when you're walking by it."
"Cleaning stuff is actually kind of enjoyable."
"Doing the laundry is honestly one of my favorite chores."
"Apologies if you can hear the washing machine as well but um I do have to have clean clothes."
"She realized I'm not gonna pick his dirty draws up off the floor make his food for him get his Fork out of his bed."
"I am washing my own dishes and my own dishes only."
"Fishes don't do dishes and neither should you."
"Stop whatever you're doing sometimes and take a few minutes out of your time and wash up some of the dishes."
"Cleaning out the fridge is actually super therapeutic."
"If you make yourself do the dishes after dinner, then once you get in that gear, wiping down the counters, cleaning out the stove, like no big deal."
"I will do the wash I'll put in the wash and then I'll put in the dryer and then sometimes you know days go by and her stuff still dryer I won't get it out"
"Do both, because either way, you only fold clean laundry."
"The house smells amazing and things clean he got out on those stairs did you see him cleaning the stairs."
"I got all the stains out of their uniforms for the week. I washed out their clothes, their uniforms. I washed my clothes. I washed the kids' clothes like we're up on it on the uniforms."
"If you don't feel like cleaning a space just turn on some music, turn on some good old jams that'll help you get through and help motivate you to tackle a space."
"One of the things we learned is if you want your dishes to go faster, soak them."
"Oh sweet baby Jesus, my dude, have you heard of dusting?"
"Cleaning when you have small children is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos."
"Yes I do the dishes yes I do the cooking yes I do boy."
"Everyone was so down to pitching for chores, to cook, to clean up."
"Everybody's pooping and we're cleaning the room... it's just gonna be a thing for the next week or so."
"And he will take a stack of laundry and sit in front of some soccer match and sit there ironing everything."
"Nobody can convince me that there is a worse chore than washing bedding."
"Every ounce really matters when you're washing those dishes."
"My favorite thing ever I've never felt more satisfied while vacuuming."
"Paper plates because who wants to do dishes all the time."
"Research has shown this is my favorite statistic and misconceptions that the most erotic thing a man can do for a woman is the dishes."
"I don't mind doing laundry at all."
"I really hate it when men are like, 'If I'm paying all the bills then you should at least be cooking and cleaning the house. I should come home to a meal. If I wasn't here, you would still be paying the bills.'"
"She's going to clean around the house."
"Cleaning the bathroom was like her dissing my sister, which was extra funny."
"If your husband makes an effort to do the dishes, thank him, ladies."
"So I got rid of two big bags of apples and then this wider container of eggs."
"A healthy relationship is all about division of labor. I will do the dishes and you will clean the bathroom."
"Vacuuming and dusting are very much related."
"But I definitely say washing now I'm putting the washing on I'm doing the washing do you have anything for the washing like those types of things and yes my washing machine does live in the kitchen."
"Washing toothbrush holders and heads in the dishwasher."
"But I just need to wash the sheets now when y'all see my mattress just know I have three little children."
"Now it's time to get this all cleaned up with some Dawn dish soap and some hot water."
"Try emptying out your dishwasher if you have one obviously at the beginning of the day or even the end of the day once the cycle has finished."
"We knew that my mom was struggling so we were like okay, but we have to at least clean the house for my mom."
"Did you guys know that using your dishwasher actually uses half the amount of water that washing dishes by hand does?"
"All right, I'm gonna try the Clara Personnel method and see how many things I can unload for my dishwasher while doing microwaved."
"Step the up, learn to cook, and start helping the women in your lives with the chores. And not just taking out the trash or doing the dishes once a week. Start putting in as much work as she does."
"If I wash the clothes and I bring them folded and pretty without it being wrinkled, why can't you do the same thing?"
"I went to the corner cupboard and found a cup and saucer, then I poured out the coffee."
"I don't know about y'all but I do not know how to fold um fitted sheets."
"Never let me go a month without cleaning my fridge again, this is atrocious."
"It feels so freaking good to have such a clean fridge."
"Anyway, I've got a new video series lined up for anyone who really loved when I went to go and clean my auntie's house."
"Get you some kids 'cause baby what they going to do is clean."
"It's so easy when it does come time to clean, pulling sweeping motion, no bending over."
"...if you feel like you do everything in your house, it's worth sitting down with your family and talking about how you can share the tasks out more evenly."
"When it comes to cleaning things in your home it's kind of like trying to find the best diet, right? Every diet is the right fix and you try all of them and you're like 'that none of that works so we're gonna become stain experts today.'"
"I'm not purposely coming home and saying screw you. I cook, I clean."
"When you have a lot of activities outside the home seven days a week it's nearly impossible to stay up on the laundry the dishes keeping fresh bread going or meal planning all of that requires home it requires you to make a priority of being home more often than not."
"Now I'm gonna move into the hall here and I am going to vacuum the rug, the front and the back of it, and then you will see me sweeping and mopping in here as well."
"Should we put in the dishwasher first or yeah we just like see how it looks in the hutch."
"I think what I like best about boat life is like I love like doing laundry."
"It requires just so much patience to load somebody else's dishes into the dishwasher because they can't be arsed to do it themselves."
"I feel like a man should cook and clean and help his wife if she needs it but she he shouldn't have to but it is up to that specific husband and wife."
"It's so satisfying watching these floors get clean they already look 100 better just taking a minute to mop them and get all that dirt and grime and dust off of them."
"You gotta reach the back because the ones in the front be falling this [ __ ]."
"I'm gonna tidy up, do a bit like just clear out all of the stuff that doesn't need to be in here and do my bed sheets."
"Why don't you sweep, Corbin? I'm gonna work on clearing off the tops of these last two things and then I think we can start painting. Okay."
"Now, after we rinse, don't forget to dry."
"Look at you cleaning the house. Well, it is part of my job description."
"Yay, finally got to the vacuuming! This Dyson v15 detect is amazing!"
"The kitchen is my go-to starter chore; it's like a domino effect for getting things done."
"Can we talk about how I did like four loads of laundry today and it's all done by 6:00 p.m.?"
"Cleaning the floors and making breakfast at the same time this is the ultimate multitask."
"So I'm just going to dust in this area right here I'm not gonna leave that because I wanna obviously do my shadow."
"I do the laundry, I do the dishes, I take out the garbage, I pay the bills."
"Aha, that is what they're missing. For some reason, cleaning kitchens gives me joy. So when I moved out, my dad was pissed that he'd have to clean the kitchen. LOL."
"This is your somewhat yearly if not generational reminder to clean your Hoover. The Hoover does the cleaning but it also needs cleaning so it can clean your floor."
"You can't go white and colored go colored or white and you can go One Tone light if you want right but you can't do like my wife one year she did the front bushes but not the left Bush no you can't."
"Dawn is something that I use all the time as well, ladies and laundry."
"So as you can see we installed on the dishwasher today here's the good thing my wife's gonna be happy and when Mama's happy everybody's happy."
"I don't know when most of the washing up happens. I sort of look out of a window. So, the sink's in front of the window, and that's why I quite like washing up."
"A woman spends all day slaving over a hot stove for a man, at least he can do is the dishes."
"Unfortunately, a lot of us still cling to old-fashioned ideas where a lot of the household chores are on the shoulders of women."
"Masculinity isn't about not doing household chores. The Prophet did his share without it affecting his masculinity."
"I literally spent the whole morning cleaning my apartment because my sister comes today."
"That's literally just like keeping the house ticking over and then the cleaning is like a whole extra thing"
"I'm not going to do those dishes and I'm not going to cook dinner. I'm just gonna do whatever he does every single day AKA do whatever I feel like doing and then ask what's for dinner or just show up to dinner when it's time."
"More women are earning as much or more as their male partners, but they're still doing most of the work at home."
"I even scheduled my windows to be cleaned and then I also had the chandeliers over my kitchen counter cleaned as well."
"I'm not gonna use them. I don't do [__] anything around my house."
"Laundry content is pretty satisfying."
"So, if you hear that, that is my laundry."
"If I can't do anything else, I'm gonna do the dishes."
"Laundry and I think a lot of guys out there whose wives do the laundry and even the guys who you guys who do the laundry you suck at doing laundry"
"I'm going to finish cleaning up in here. I need to unload the dishwasher and then reload it with the dirty dishes."
"I had this expectation that the basket needed to be completely full, but what if I just did small loads each day?"
"I don't know if I just have huge blankets, I can't fold them alone."
"I love cooking, she, I don't know if she loves cleaning, but she's good at it."
"Out front of the house, Jim is going to water the shrubs."
"I love doing laundry. This is not a joke, this is for real. This is so cool."
"What's more important, having a clean house and a perfectly cooked tea or this?"
"...so for me, it's a green flag, 'cause I don't really use a dishwasher, does an empty dishwasher, does, so if you don't empty the dishwash, oh, it doesn't, okay, sure."
"Just get your vacuum and get those crumbs out of there."
"After the metaverse, give me a robot. I want somebody to make dinner, clean the house, do the laundry, make my real life easier. I'll easily spend 300."
"I want somebody to make dinner, clean the house, do the laundry, make my real life easier. I'll easily spend 300."
"I find vacuuming to be probably the most satisfying chore."
"It's that you know what all that being said I'm gonna finish up the rest of his work I'm literally putting everything on the website as we speak and get all that done go inside meanwhile in the house we got Cora doing laundry."
"It looks like that thing's doing the washing."
"Now I know I'm gonna be folding laundry every single day because this makes it so much easier."
"Look at the trash and then look at him, be like... and they might get up and go take it out for you or ask, 'Hey, you want me to take out your trash?' 'Sure, thank you so much, I hate doing that.'"
"I know I've talked about this before here on my channel but I've started doing one load of laundry a day."
"Cleaning a whole family's clothes, under clothes, and pots and pans would probably take just a few minutes of dedicated work with prestidigitation."
"So I've got my coffee, I'm gonna just do a few things in the kitchen now. I'm gonna just do the dishwasher, clean the sides, put some stuff away, reload the dishwasher."
"When your mom comes back and you've just realized you haven't done any of the things she's asked you to do, that is so relatable."
"The turnaround time for clothes drying in the summer is insane."
"If you can only do one thing, do the dishes, do the dishes, do the dishes."
"Let's face it, vacuuming can be a pain."
"I need to clean up the living room because we're having the dog sitter come here."
"It's really satisfying to clean things that just don't get cleaned very often."
"Always take the trash out without your mom having to ask you to take the trash out."
"Do that thing you know I like, and he went downstairs and restacked the dishwasher properly."
"One day your grown-up child will walk into the kitchen, give you a big kiss and say, 'You've been on your feet all day, let me get those dishes for you.'"
"Your situation of weaponized incompetence could just be a difference of opinion of how clothes should be folded."
"If you just spend 10 minutes or even just every commercial when you're laying on the couch... you would be shocked how much you get done."
"The first rule of laundry: always split your whites and colors."
"I love hugs, I love kisses, but what I really love is help with the dishes."
"This video showed you exactly how to do your laundry."
"I actually need to clean my oven, hate it, but we're gonna see if these work."
"Now that dinner is over, I'm doing a very quick tidy up, this definitely goes by very quickly because my kids and I have cleaned up and tidied up certain spaces in the house already."
"It's crazy how much of a difference it makes to just get the dishes out of the sink."
"Having a nice long cord means less plugging in and unplugging when you're vacuuming, which saves a bit of time and hassle."
"I'm going to clean the kitchen out, I mean clean the refrigerator out; I want to actually help my grandma."
"You can't make eggs and put the dishes in the sink and leave them for someone else; sometimes you got to do the dishes."
"Mom, don't you think you're making her work a little too hard? It's not fair to make her do all the housework."
"Men do a greater share of household chores, women's perception of the relationship fairness and satisfaction are greater."
"I'm caught up on laundry, and the stress levels are like way less. It's amazing."
"The laser is designed to emit light at just the right angle on your hard floor to highlight hidden dust and debris."
"I think folding a fitted sheet is irrelevant for several reasons."
"Brooklyn, even when we used to have to clean the house on the weekends before we have to go outside."
"I love mopping because it just cleans the floors, it smells so good."
"For me, doing all laundry in one day is the best way to do it."
"It's not that we're too dumb to fold socks, John, it's just that we value our time."
"Why is vacuuming so satisfying? Between vacuum lines and then just knowing how clean the floor is now, it's such a satisfying feeling."
"I'm so excited about this because it's like I can do laundry and I actually get it done fast."
"Remember our family, if you are a boy, you still have to help in the kitchen, scrub the bathrooms; if you are a girl and the car needs to be fixed, you have to help Dad and Mom."