
Hell Quotes

There are 282 quotes

"A loving God would not send someone to hell."
"Jesus believed in judgment, Jesus believed in hell, talked about it more than anybody else in the Bible."
"The idea of just wanting to make hell an easier place to live in, rather than... still trying to get the Sinners into heaven."
"Jesus talked more about hell than He did about heaven, and He frequently warned His hearers that on that last day, every idle word would come into judgment."
"The traditional view of hell is that the wicked will be kept alive eternally in a state of torment, but that is not the biblical view."
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter in. This is, of course, the entrance to the gates of hell."
"Virgil explains that they have to go down to get to the eighth layer of hell."
"There are no angels in hell, but there are certainly victims and perpetrators."
"As memory may be a paradise from which we cannot be driven, it may also be a hell from which we cannot escape."
"Our Lady explained to them, 'You have seen Hell where the souls of poor sinners go.'"
"The devil wants to lead you into despair, get you to die in mortal sin, to get you down into hell."
"Hell is real, doesn't matter if you don't believe it, hell is real, God is real."
"I have my rights. Do you have rights in hell? Does the devil adhere to a constitution?"
"That's hell. It was bad dude. No, that's what the Catholic Church teaches hell is. Well, that's what God's up to bro. He's up there by himself. It's pretty [__] sad."
"Hell is permanent. And one second after you die, it's too late. You'll never get another chance."
"So the next time somebody tells you that you’re going to hell, you’ll know exactly which circle and what to expect, because now, you know better."
"Hell will be the last place you ever want to be, and it will be the ultimate description of your helplessness that you will ever know."
"God does not want anyone to go to hell, and that's why he created it."
"Prepare to embrace your creators in the Stygian haunts of hell." - A dramatic declaration of defiance.
"I don't care how tough you are brother I guarantee you can't fight the flames of hell off no no no."
"Hell is real, friend. Heaven is real, and you get to choose."
"Paradise and Hell: Everything we experience in this world is a preview of that."
"Seeing is believing on behalf of the infertile armies of Hell allow me to say you have my full attention."
"Hell is not a torture chamber. Torture is imposed from without. Hell is more about torment where it comes from within."
"How could hell have been created by the church if we know that Jesus' brother and disciple believed in hell before churches were even established?"
"If God loves me and doesn't want me to go to hell, is there anything that I could do that could trump God's desire to not send me to hell?"
"The darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole so don't keep the devil waiting for a friend."
"One of the lessons I took away from that... if you don't want Hell to manifest itself in the world then you better understand your role in producing it."
"Hell is in the eternal state... it is a place that is real, eternal, and conscious."
"No one's going to hell because of something they haven't heard."
"Doom is smart enough to leave room in hell for everyone."
"At the end of the day, it is two classes at the bottom of Hell who probably have no real distinction of one having power over the other."
"The teaching of hell has made many atheists over the years."
"There's only two possible destinations: with God in heaven or without God in hell."
"Hell isn't an infinite punishment for a finite crime."
"If hell exists, atheists are almost certainly not going to be atheists anymore."
"Hell is a real place of torment, as evidenced by the rich man's anguish."
"I'm not choosing hell to be edgy or anything, it's just a compelling concept to me."
"Taking his power back and going to hell in style."
"All those who would wear the brown scapula that must be imposed the first time by your Carmelite priest [...] at the moment of death would never suffer the fires of hell."
"Hell was a place prepared for Satan and his angels."
"This stuff is scary bro like and so many people with burning like that's crazy."
"The Buer is one of the strongest predators in hell and looks like a lion with 5 legs."
"Hell is real because Jesus spoke about it twice as much as he did heaven."
"Our Lord calls Hell a blazing furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, frustration, anger, hatred."
"Hell is a literal place located in the center of the earth."
"This idea of redemption in hell is a fascinating one to me."
"Yes, God creates people he knows are going to go to hell but they're freely going to hell on their own."
"Once you enter into hell, the only way out is via a door at the ninth circle and bottom of hell."
"Our lady showed us a great sea of fire which seemed to be under the earth plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form..."
"Hell is the condition of being without freedom."
"Hell is a fiery pit filled with black tar."
"Hell was not made for man, it was made for the devil and his angels."
"The road to hell is paved with the best intentions."
"The bajrang gun is gnarly as hell."
"And do not fear Those Who Kill the body but cannot kill the soul rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and Body in hell."
"The idea that hell is overpopulated not because there are so many people who are bad but because the people who made the rules never updated them, that is interesting."
"I don't really believe in hell. You know, or like the mystics would say, 'Okay, there's a hell, but it's empty.'"
"Better to be a good person on the off chance that heaven doesn't exist than be a bad person with the chance that hell exists."
"What do you think happens when the devil leaves hell? All those demons, those tormented souls. Where do you think they go?"
"The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, where one realizes what they've lost."
"God does not send anybody to hell, but a person's choice of sin puts them there."
"Hell was not made for people. Hell was prepared for the devil and his angels."
"Who wants to be in heaven when you can be sending men to fuckin’ hell?"
"Hell is the manifestation of rebellion against God. It's the rejection of God."
"Hell is repetition, people trapped in a loop for eternity."
"Jin Hook quickly promoted him to a loving bust to Hell."
"There is no sin worth going to hell over, no relationship worth going to hell over, there is no man or woman worth going to hell over."
"The fear and the torment in hell, it's alive, it's like a person."
"Hell is just a consequence of not giving up to God the things that he says are evil."
"To stand there and listen was to be stunned by realization," he described. "It was as if someone showed you the mouth of a vast pit suddenly and said that's hell and you knew that they had spoken the truth."
"Many souls go to hell because there are none to sacrifice themselves and pray for them."
"I don't believe in Hell, Marcus. Well, it believes in you."
"You don't need to resist the mark of the beast if you accept it, then you go to hell."
"Everyone in heaven is there because of God's will. Everyone in hell is there because of their own will."
"The location of hell is far less important than the decision that ensures you'll never go there."
"Heaven is for forgiven people in fact hell was not created for bad people hell was created for the devil and his angels or demons According To Jesus."
"Hell is the feeling of a mind that is believing something it knows at a different level to be untrue."
"He is in hell right now, and he's exactly where he deserves to be."
"A palace can become a hell, and the worst hell is that where one suffocates behind gilded windows. Titles count for nothing; a bad household is a bad household."
"for the one whom we all know is the most perfect most loving most compassionate and kindest man in the world ever Jesus Christ the Son of God is the one who talked more about Hell than everybody else in the Bible put together"
"Hell: one way in, no way out. Welcome to Hell."
"We're not just going to hell, we're going to Gotham. Wanna be ride?"
"There's absolutely no denying hell, and there's no denying the fires of hell."
"The soul in hell loses its well-being but does not lose its being."
"You never get out of prison, in other words."
"It's 100 miles of heaven and hell."
"This is a story that takes place in hell, and they are not afraid to take their gloves off and show the absolute darkest, most depraved look at humanity."
"The concept of an animated series set in hell, all about this parody of a Disney princess trying to redeem Sinners was quite compelling."
"Jealousy builds a Highway to Hell."
"Hell is alive. It breathes. It thinks."
"What is hell? It is the suffering of being unable to love."
"That’s what salvation is. It’s the only way of escape from a lost eternity, from something so terrible that the human mind cannot even comprehend it."
"If hell isn’t a horror to you, if you don’t lose sleep over that, then you’re way too comfortable with the perishing of the unconverted."
"I think it's hard to go to hell. I believe these words that Spurgeon spoke to the church he said heaven and hell are not far away places. You may be in heaven before the clock ticks noon or you may be in hell now."
"Satan does not rule in Hell, it was created for him as his place of incarceration."
"If hell can submit to a fallen angel, should Heaven not Embrace a rising demon?" inquired Hagar.
"Hell is not a place many priests are preaching that nonsense."
"Nobody has a key to send you to hell."
"Nightmare is right alongside of Hell. I'm not sure which one is worse in my mind."
"Hell is beyond the worst thing your mind can imagine."
"Fear Him that can destroy body and soul and afterward can cast both into hell."
"Always remember that hell is just not cool."
"I'm in hell. Like, I have to be in hell at this point."
"There's a prayer language in Hell. There's a thirst in Hell."
"The smell actually comes from the smoke and the smoke from the burning brimstone, which causes their torment. Rises forever and ever."
"Hell is separation from God for eternity."
"Welcome to hell. Yeah, it looks like there are so many criminals out there. We should strike [ __ ] them."
"You're not getting to heaven without a little hell in your life."
"Hell, while also a specific dimension, is primarily a state of mind."
"If you go to hell for each strain of hair on your head if you're lose if you go bald are you good are you clean loophole maybe maybe loophole yeah I don't know how to answer that."
"'You should all be taken to hell,' the demon shrieked."
"War isn't hell. War is war and hell is hell and of the two, war is a lot worse. There are no innocent bystanders in hell. But war is chock-full of them."
"Otherwise, I'm afraid that all I can do is welcome you to your own private hell, which will be as unspeakable as any on earth."
"Even the lightest version of hell is still the worst thing imaginable."
"Heaven and hell is right here right now."
"The Old Testament does not have a concept of hell as a place of eternal torment. Jesus did not have a concept of hell as a place of eternal torment."
"To hell, there is not only an entrance but also an exit."
"Hell is a reality that is present now."
"If you die and go to hell, there will be no stay of execution, there'll be no pardon, there'll be no second chance, there'll be no reprieve."
"All hell will literally break loose."
"Hell is a place of pain and suffering, importantly it is a place without God."
"He told me, 'I'm taking you to hell... to observe and write a book about it.'"
"Don't hold back that gospel, don't be afraid to tell people that hell is a reality and people are headed there if they're among those who are perishing."
"Hell has no place in God's good world."
"Hell is something that religious prideful people create and unleash in God's good world."
"When Jesus died, his soul descended into hell in order to pay for our sin."
"There's something worse than going to hell; and that is, taking others with you."
"Hell is real but temporary, a reality we need to handle with sensitivity and care."
"I want to see hell empty and heaven full."
"Eternity is forever. Hell is not."
"Hell was made for the devil and his demons. Some people decide they would rather reign in hell than serve in heaven."
"If all men were unbelievers and went straight to hell it would not diminish the glory of God."
"Every prison we've ever been to is literally a portal to Hell."
"Hell is forever then Heaven must be alive."
"If Emily goes to Hell I am going to set this channel on fire."
"The streets of hell were more dangerous than any street on Earth ever was or could be."
"Welcome to Hell where the demons are just piñatas ready to burst open with bullets."
"You know what you know C.S. Lewis said if there was one doctrine he could get rid of it would be hell but it has the full backing of scripture and tradition."
"I like to think of hell as being empty. I hope it is."
"That's right. I'm not supposed to tell people. But hell is just another heaven."
"The source of that jingle rounds the corner and barrels straight at him. Roger sees that it's an ice cream truck. It looks like something you'd see in hell."
"...Jesus spoke more about Hell than he did about heaven and I think there's a reason for that I don't think we would take it from anybody else but when our Lord talks about it we have to listen."
"Hell trembles At The Mention Of His Name."
"If there really is a hell that burns with fire forever and forever and forever, where the fire is not quenched and people are going to be cast there, I'm not making a fool out of myself trying to keep you from going there."
"A torment of fire that is Everlasting that is forever."
"Church fathers began to emphasize very much that there's a conscious torment in hell forever and they use this as an evangelistic tool."
"There's no tolerable comfortable level in hell."
"For a moment, John Brown hung between heaven and earth. When a Southern poet saw that, he wrote 'John Brown hung Between Heaven and Hell.'"
"It waited for a visitor, one with reason to leave the interdimensional labyrinth of the webway beyond and step through a gateway to hell."
"This movie's hell's gate as it opens."
"The ritual is pretty simple: all you have to do is to endure a visit to the deepest pits of hell without being rude and you might be cured."
"If I could give back every vision of heaven to get rid of the reality of hell, I would do that."
"He warned people not to go to hell more than he invited them to go."
"In the orth of theology, hell is seen as this eternal separation from God where the soul experiences the absence of his divine presence, of his love, of his will, because the person makes his free choice not to be with God."
"It would be foolish for any to assert full knowledge of the secrets of hell."
"Imagine going to hell, bro, and then [ __ ] singing your favorite songs, bro."
"I think I'll join you. If that's hell, I don't want to talk to him."
"You don't want to wish anyone to go to hell because Jesus died so that we don't have to go there."
"We don't want to wish anyone to go to hell because Jesus died so that we don't have to go there."
"Prison is chaos confusion prison is Hell bro."
"Hell is only other people to those such as Garson."
"You don't want to get sent back to hell. Nope, that sucks. It's worse than dying."
"Any preacher who says there can be no hell, I'm in hell now, the only hell you get is what you have here on Earth, now folks I believe there's a hell."
"When a baby cries, it means a New Soul has just arrived in Hell."
"I realized that Hell in itself is a very torturous idea and it basically coerces people."
"Faster than hell, faster than a speeding bullet."
"If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. For it's better to enter heaven without an eye than go to hell with both your eyes, where the fire is never quenched and the worm never dies."
"That's a real argument that I created to prove that hell exists."
"As long as we believe in hell as eternal conscious torment, there will be a part of us that says some people just can't make it."
"Even if I make my bed in hell, there you are."
"If you make it to heaven and I'm not there, you are in hell."
"There's heaven but is there hell? There is a hell."
"We find out as we open up on the movie that there's a gateway between hell and earth."
"There is a hell. I didn't want any of you to go there."
"...the punishment is everlasting it's not temporary... ...the punishment is still going on... ...the punishment is everlasting..."
"He speaks about those who are thrown into hell, where their worm does not die and their fire is not quenched."
"The greatest tragedy of hell is the simple fact you don't have to go."
"Is hell real? Like a place of punishment in the afterlife? And is it reversible? Is it a real place? Is it not? Necessarily that there's literal fire, literal flames, but is there a place of punishment called hell? Is that what Gehenna means?"
"To be in hell is to be outside of heaven."
"There is only one hell, princess, the one we live in now."
"God doesn't send anyone to hell. All God is doing is trying to keep us from it."
"Can you imagine if you could look into the spirit world, you could actually go down and look in the hell and just see the people dropping down into hell just dropping like a like a drop of water."
"Hell involves conscious Eternal punishment, but not the way we would think in terms of traditional view number one."
"Evil is the myth of hell, they are the same thing. It's imagining that evil is endless, imagining hell is at the very core of evil itself."
"I hope, if you have any lame ideas about heaven and hell, that you banish them after today's message."
"Hell is the complete absence of being in touch with your fellow humanity, that is complete isolation and beyond that, a darkness and a coldness."
"The burning in hell is the embarrassment that a soul feels when it doesn't know how to be a soul anymore."
"Hell is a place where you will drink from the cup of God's wrath."
"It's like the entrance of Hell, an ocean of fire."
"War is hell, it is. The devil loves war, by the way. The devil loves war."
"All roads the prosperity gospel paves lead to hell."
"Wow, she could just make freaking food out of nowhere. Well, you officially have the coolest hell power ever, then."
"If you experience hell, I say people saying go to hell, rot in hell, they don't know what hell is like."
"You don't want to experience the hell, no matter who you are. You don't want it."
"I think I'm gonna conclude that I have died for real and I'm in some kind of purgatory. I'm in some kind of hell and this amplifier literally is the devil."
"Welcome to the Hasbin Hotel. Breaking news in Hell today."
"If smell alone was the only thing in hell, you wouldn't want to be there."
"You do not want to experience hell, no matter who you are, you don't want it."
"Hell is misery forever, and heaven is joy forever."