
Existential Choice Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Life has no meaning a priori; it is up to you to give it a meaning, and value is nothing but the meaning that you choose."
"It's preferable to die for something good than it is to live a life without purpose."
"At the end of that road, you will see one of two faces: either you will see the beautiful face of Jesus Christ or you will see the horrific face of Satan."
"Would you destroy what you have so that you could live another day?"
"The future of humanity is fundamentally going to bifurcate... either we're going to become a multi-planet species and a space-faring civilization or we're going to be stuck on one planet until some eventual Extinction event." - Elon Musk
"We're in a valley of decision... we have to decide who we're going to serve."
"We need to wake up and we need to decide if we want life or not."
"You can live your life as though nothing is a miracle or you can live your life as though everything is a miracle."
"Life is a choice. What's the choice though? Life or death."
"An unwavering heart or absolute power? I choose death."
"It’s just a matter of which version of you survives."
"Do you want your humanity or do you want to be a slave? That's what it's about."
"Winter is coming, for a hurricane or burning building, I'd rather die terrified than live forever."
"Humanity is facing a big choice. Do we choose annihilation, or do we choose enlightenment, peace, universal peace on earth and in space?"
"If hell is just ceasing to exist, then I would choose hell over the heaven that Christians describe."
"The most fundamental decision you make is whether you live in a friendly or hostile universe."
"You don't have to create it, it already exists. Choose it from that perspective."
"You have chosen to incarnate into this physical dimension called Earth because of the myriad of opportunities. If you do not take advantage of them, what was the point?"
"The choice of fear is a choice. It's the choice to have life about you. But the choice of love is the choice to have life be about the one infinite creator."
"Even if something is happening like if you're starving, 'I have to eat,' no you don't. You can choose not to eat. You might die, and you could choose to die."
"You'd let me kill you if it meant you would live? Yes."
"I'd prefer to die standing than live on my knees."
"When a man ceases to believe in the one true God, it doesn't mean that he believes in nothing; it means that he will believe in anything."
"Act like what you do might make a difference... the same existential choice."
"None of us gonna make it out here live so you got a choice do you want to leave on a better truth or better falsehood."
"That's right. You want to disappear. You've one death, and we will give it to you."
"The choice to preserve life even in the face of the infinite abyss is a power that every human being possesses."
"It's either gonna be God or it's gonna be somebody or something else."
"Now you must choose: die here and be free of pain, or live and fight your sorrow."
"Let me live to make a difference in this world or let me not live at all."
"If anything besides that exists, it's because he chose it on purpose."
"Black Ops 3 presents a choice between accepting death and continuing to live."
"If we can't live in peace, then let's die in peace."
"We can make this earth into a heaven or we can make this earth into a Hell."
"If you stay, you will die without ever becoming who you can be."
"Eden is right here when we choose to move into the level of perception through which we feel and know our Oneness with all life."
"Save me from what, man? Titus, make no mistake, there is a heaven and there is a hell."
"Follow what makes you alive... if it's not making you feel alive then it's bringing you death."
"As we live, we find something called a mission, perhaps something chosen by a great flow that we simply can't turn away from."
"Do you want to be a battery in fear and live in a false reality?"
"As long as you're living in a duality reality which is what we've chosen twin carnate into is a duality reality."
"Either existing or living... for him, it was about either existing or living... there was no other options for him... live or die... he wanted to live."
"Our mission here is to utilize our free will and choose. But before we choose who we want to be and where we want to take that energy, we have to remember."
"If there is no God and there is no meaning to the world or to your life, how you should live is really up to you."
"Choosing nothingness is an act of surrender and acceptance."
"Which Universe do you choose to inhabit? The Mechanical Universe or the magical Universe?"
"It's up to you, follow the world or go free; you can be free right here on Earth, you have Paradise right here, right now."
"We must choose to live in this world and to project our own meaning and value onto it in order to make sense of it."
"God doesn't ask if we accept this life. There is no choice. The only choice is how you live it."
"Would you rather come back to life physical form or pass on to the next realm?"
"Do I wither up and disappear, or do I make the best of my time left?"
"I would rather die believing there is a God and find out that there's not one, than die not believing there's a God and find out there is one."
"You are either consciously creating your reality as Source or you're reacting to who you assume and believe yourself to be."
"All paths are the same, they lead nowhere. So choose one with a heart."
"We all chose to come here at this time to be part of this life party."
"There is no purpose predetermined; you are to carve out your own path."
"I would rather believe that there's a God and find out that there's not, than to not believe there's a God and find out that there is."
"It's always better to prefer what Nietzsche calls an uncertain something, something with substance that is tough to grasp, rather than a sure nothing which is nihilism."
"You have been brought here to make a choice: to live forever or to die."
"Our choice is the universe or nothing."
"It were better to glimpse the sky and perish, than to live without ever beholding day."