
Societal Balance Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"You can't take away people's rights and freedoms in order to keep them safe."
"If the surveillance goes both ways, yes, there is more monitoring of me, but at the same time, there is also more monitoring of the government, then you keep the balance."
"Sometimes you have to take away freedom from one person in order to give more freedom to more people."
"The overwhelming majority of people in our countries are ready to hear a balanced and sensible, healthy message about our past, our present, and our future."
"Individual freedoms are so important they act as a check and a balance, a great wall against the ever-growing power of the state."
"The middle will prevail culturally, economically, and more because they've been shut out of the conversation and neglected for far, far too long."
"The energy transition is a way to move from a different lifestyle and to somehow re-equilibrate society."
"Human beings are gonna figure it out man I'm on the optimistic side with this I think we're gonna find a better balance."
"There is life and livelihood and that balance."
"There has to be a balance. There is also death involved in keeping it closed."
"The far left just like the far right will be a part of our society, what's the strength in our society is the middle."
"The politics has gotten just so out of whack but it's gonna come back and whack."
"I'm most optimistic that there is a sense... we're heading back towards the center."
"The world is an interesting place, but there's good people, there's bad people, there's extremes on both sides. But all in all, I think it'll work out, Andrew."
"There has to be flag-bearers, ones that sort of bridge the divide between the extremes, and just, it's not pulling over to the other side, it's just sort of pulling back to the middle a bit."
"I think a functioning society needs both those sides."
"The red line for the government is we as citizens have much, much more room because of the bill of rights."
"You can't get back to the center in the country or the church or the city or the government or even your spending if you're not back to the center with you."
"We are the thin black line Between Justice and complete chaos."
"I actually think that the future of the country does not rest with conservatives or people on the left I think it actually rests with the people in the middle and which way they're going to go."
"Maybe what we should do is simply balance the scales of justice in a way that reflects the reality of how it functions or doesn't today."
"People must be protected, but they must also be given the freedom to change."
"I think it caused a shitstorm because everybody's like yo this guy low check out is a [ __ ] hater this and that I want all black people to win if all black people won the balance would be reset."
"Perhaps the answer is actually to let people defend themselves and also respect police but reform them."
"The quality of being a gentleman is really something that we could look back to and I think it would balance out a lot of the anxiety that people feel today."
"It's not really a question of who's right or wrong, it's a question of what delicate complex balance needs to be struck."
"I'm all for personal liberty but I think that should come with a hefty dose of personal responsibility."
"Finding out what else is around the corner becomes paramount to affecting good survival."
"There's always a balance between freedom and security."
"What happens when the left gets too powerful? The Right comes in and starts shoving boots in people's ass."
"Until we regain the balance, I think we had, people will find life difficult."
"There's a weird balance in this country where if we do shut down the whole... we have to balance the negative effects."
"In order to make Society more Equitable in order to balance things out in order to give a better chance for those people who are not so fortunate a better chance for them to compete to give them a little bit more competitive advantage."
"We don't want an unlimited arbitrarily powerful government but corporate concentration of power is equally dangerous."
"You are definitely here to change things up, all right, to change the game, to change the system, to rewrite the coding from within the system itself, to tear down old paradigms, and restore the balance within the earth plane."
"These are human beings and these are livelihoods and we have to be as concerned about these livelihoods as we are concerned about protecting lives from the health perspective."
"We need to find a way to live in an advanced technological society while maintaining as much human freedom as possible."
"There is a natural pendulum to politics, and the country will come back to sanity."
"We have a vision of a balanced and just society, where we fight crime but demand justice for victims."
"Balance between collectivism and individualism is crucial."
"We're on a cultural precipice, let's try and keep our collective heads while supporting one another."
"Always play on full screen. Full screen will always get you the lowest input delay."
"We need left-wing and right-wing people to create a good society."
"I feel as though we have lost our sense of balance in this country."
"If you've got people on the fringes on both sides upset then you're doing something right."
"Independence is good and important, but leaning on community doesn't make you weak."
"Justice is here: Things are becoming fair and balanced for everyone involved."
"Saturn in Aquarius: restructuring, reorganization, and limitations."
"Level playing field: Who are we as a society if all that's left when this dust finally clears are giant corporations? That is not Pennsylvania."
"The purpose of this industry has always been the liberation of mankind from itself so that we can live in a more fair and balanced world."
"The fact that you've done the hard work to think through this is what virtually guarantees that neither end of the spectrum runs amuck."
"The minute you can see the world through your own lens and recognize the world through a lens that is not centered around whiteness, that's when you have a balance of your double consciousness."
"Balancing personal freedoms with a healthy respect for Collective rights. According to the Canadian government, a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian."
"We've moved so far into correcting the shortcomings of women that we've now left men behind."
"Truth frees the mind; when you lie to people, you create an imbalance in people's heads about themselves and about the world around them."
"The balance between ensuring safety and maintaining public trust is delicate."
"Listen, racism is bad, okay? Hating somebody on the color of their skin is bad, but this cancel culture [] that's left unchecked is [] just as bad."
"Land back is a moral imperative, restoring balance to a relationship that has been one-sided for far too long."
"The people here try harder than anyone else to find a balance between striving for a bright future while living within their means."
"Europe is kind of in the middle between extreme individualism and collectivism."
"It's all about just making sure that society is equal and balanced, you know."
"Fear of robot overlords keeps the balance of technology in check."
"Justice showing up... balancing out for the better."
"I think if we can find the sweet spot of logic and emotion and caring about each other in society while also being critical is what I think a point that we need to get to now."
"The ability to keep both feet firmly on the ground while aspiring for something beyond ourselves represents the best of us as a nation."
"Religion counterbalances the self for inward drawing impulses of capitalism." - Tocqueville
"Valid opinions: the balance between progress and resets."
"I think most people can get that balance right. And you know, we are very lucky actually in our countries because we are in a situation where people of different faiths are free to practice their faith as they like."
"We've lost all sense of balance between freedom and safety."
"People should be left alone in their personal lives to the extent that it's compatible with the rights of others."
"Equality is not about power over, it's about even out."
"It was that last moment in our culture, you know, before technology completely took over. It was like the perfect balance of wonder and advancing technology."
"World needs bad men. We keep the other bad men from the door."
"Denmark and Finland have not had to deal with it because they've remained more balanced. But what do you do when society has already lost its balance?"
"If a principle of balance exists in social life, it's something much wider than the balance of the market."
"There has to be a dynamic relationship between the vision of the individual and the integrity of the state."
"One of the most important tasks in setting up and running a stable and internally content civilization is finding an acceptable balance between the desire for freedom of choice in one's actions and the freedom from mortal fear in one's life."
"It's this balance of the freedom of individuals and their rights versus, you know, for the common good."
"I think that our main goal should be trying to find a point where we taper off at a healthy level."
"There is a fine line between infringing on people's liberties and keeping the city safe."
"A republic requires as much responsibility as it does liberty, and it's in the tension between those two ideas that a great society is built."
"Free western liberal democracy rests on a three-legged stool: political freedom, economic freedom, moral restraint."
"The goal of settled civilization when looking at itinerant traveling people like the Irish travelers should be seeking to strike a balance and restoring that complementary relationship between the settled and the nomadic."
"For generation after generation, the balance between the secular and the religious enabled the country to thrive and grow."
"Intervention by the state must never become so great that it effectively removes personal responsibility."
"We need to find a balance between the two, and I think this is our generational challenge."
"We always have to be balancing the difference in society between things that decrease people's harms and things that allow people to have freedom."
"We live in an era of hyper individualism... empathy is an antidote to that."
"For the world to return to balance, the feminine wing of humanity needs to be restored to its full divine potentiation."
"They have this such forward technology, right, like all this next-level technology, but then they still have extreme respect for their past."